Title: | Advanced and Fast Data Transformation |
Description: | A C/C++ based package for advanced data transformation and statistical computing in R that is extremely fast, class-agnostic, robust and programmer friendly. Core functionality includes a rich set of S3 generic grouped and weighted statistical functions for vectors, matrices and data frames, which provide efficient low-level vectorizations, OpenMP multithreading, and skip missing values by default. These are integrated with fast grouping and ordering algorithms (also callable from C), and efficient data manipulation functions. The package also provides a flexible and rigorous approach to time series and panel data in R. It further includes fast functions for common statistical procedures, detailed (grouped, weighted) summary statistics, powerful tools to work with nested data, fast data object conversions, functions for memory efficient R programming, and helpers to effectively deal with variable labels, attributes, and missing data. It is well integrated with base R classes, 'dplyr'/'tibble', 'data.table', 'sf', 'units', 'plm' (panel-series and data frames), and 'xts'/'zoo'. |
Authors: | Sebastian Krantz [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Krantz <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-02-20 15:24:31 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/SebKrantz/collapse |
collapse is a C/C++ based package for data transformation and statistical computing in R. Its aims are:
To facilitate complex data transformation, exploration and computing tasks in R.
To help make R code fast, flexible, parsimonious and programmer friendly.
It is made compatible with the tidyverse, data.table, sf, units, xts/zoo, and the plm approach to panel data.
Read the short vignette on documentation resources, and check out the built in documentation.
collapse provides an integrated suite of statistical and data manipulation functions that greatly extend and enhance the capabilities of base R. In a nutshell, collapse provides:
Fast C/C++ based (grouped, weighted) computations embedded in highly optimized R code.
More complex statistical, time series / panel data and recursive (list-processing) operations.
A flexible and generic approach supporting and preserving many R objects.
Optimized programming in standard and non-standard evaluation.
The statistical functions in collapse are S3 generic with core methods for vectors, matrices and data frames, and internally support grouped and weighted computations carried out in C/C++.
Additional methods and C-level features enable broad based compatibility with dplyr (grouped tibble), data.table, sf and plm panel data classes. Functions and core methods seek to preserve object attributes (including column attributes such as variable labels), ensuring flexibility and effective workflows with a very broad range of R objects (including most time-series classes). See also the vignette on collapse's handling of R objects.
Missing values are efficiently skipped at C/C++ level. The package default is na.rm = TRUE
. This can be changed using set_collapse(na.rm = FALSE)
. Missing weights are generally supported.
collapse installs with a built-in hierarchical documentation facilitating the use of the package.
The package is coded both in C and C++ and built with Rcpp, but also uses C/C++ functions from data.table, kit, fixest, weights, stats and RcppArmadillo / RcppEigen.
Maintainer: Sebastian Krantz [email protected]
Other contributors from packages collapse utilizes:
Matt Dowle, Arun Srinivasan and contributors worldwide (data.table)
Dirk Eddelbuettel and contributors worldwide (Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen)
Morgan Jacob (kit)
Laurent Berge (fixest)
Josh Pasek (weights)
R Core Team and contributors worldwide (stats)
I thank many people from diverse fields for helpful answers on Stackoverflow, Joris Meys for encouraging me and helping to set up the GitHub repository for collapse, and many other people for feature requests and helpful suggestions.
Please report issues at https://github.com/SebKrantz/collapse/issues.
Please send pull-requests to the 'development' branch of the repository.
## Note: this set of examples is is certainly non-exhaustive and does not ## showcase many recent features, but remains a very good starting point ## Let's start with some statistical programming v <- iris$Sepal.Length d <- num_vars(iris) # Saving numeric variables f <- iris$Species # Factor # Simple statistics fmean(v) # vector fmean(qM(d)) # matrix (qM is a faster as.matrix) fmean(d) # data.frame # Preserving data structure fmean(qM(d), drop = FALSE) # Still a matrix fmean(d, drop = FALSE) # Still a data.frame # Weighted statistics, supported by most functions... w <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(iris))) fmean(d, w = w) # Grouped statistics... fmean(d, f) # Groupwise-weighted statistics... fmean(d, f, w) # Simple Transformations... head(fmode(d, TRA = "replace")) # Replacing values with the mode head(fmedian(d, TRA = "-")) # Subtracting the median head(fsum(d, TRA = "%")) # Computing percentages head(fsd(d, TRA = "/")) # Dividing by the standard-deviation (scaling), etc... # Weighted Transformations... head(fnth(d, 0.75, w = w, TRA = "replace")) # Replacing by the weighted 3rd quartile # Grouped Transformations... head(fvar(d, f, TRA = "replace")) # Replacing values with the group variance head(fsd(d, f, TRA = "/")) # Grouped scaling head(fmin(d, f, TRA = "-")) # Setting the minimum value in each species to 0 head(fsum(d, f, TRA = "/")) # Dividing by the sum (proportions) head(fmedian(d, f, TRA = "-")) # Groupwise de-median head(ffirst(d, f, TRA = "%%")) # Taking modulus of first group-value, etc. ... # Grouped and weighted transformations... head(fsd(d, f, w, "/"), 3) # weighted scaling head(fmedian(d, f, w, "-"), 3) # subtracting the weighted group-median head(fmode(d, f, w, "replace"), 3) # replace with weighted statistical mode ## Some more advanced transformations... head(fbetween(d)) # Averaging (faster t.: fmean(d, TRA = "replace")) head(fwithin(d)) # Centering (faster than: fmean(d, TRA = "-")) head(fwithin(d, f, w)) # Grouped and weighted (same as fmean(d, f, w, "-")) head(fwithin(d, f, w, mean = 5)) # Setting a custom mean head(fwithin(d, f, w, theta = 0.76)) # Quasi-centering i.e. d - theta*fbetween(d, f, w) head(fwithin(d, f, w, mean = "overall.mean")) # Preserving the overall mean of the data head(fscale(d)) # Scaling and centering head(fscale(d, mean = 5, sd = 3)) # Custom scaling and centering head(fscale(d, mean = FALSE, sd = 3)) # Mean preserving scaling head(fscale(d, f, w)) # Grouped and weighted scaling and centering head(fscale(d, f, w, mean = 5, sd = 3)) # Custom grouped and weighted scaling and centering head(fscale(d, f, w, mean = FALSE, # Preserving group means sd = "within.sd")) # and setting group-sd to fsd(fwithin(d, f, w), w = w) head(fscale(d, f, w, mean = "overall.mean", # Full harmonization of group means and variances, sd = "within.sd")) # while preserving the level and scale of the data. head(get_vars(iris, 1:2)) # Use get_vars for fast selecting, gv is shortcut head(fhdbetween(gv(iris, 1:2), gv(iris, 3:5))) # Linear prediction with factors and covariates head(fhdwithin(gv(iris, 1:2), gv(iris, 3:5))) # Linear partialling out factors and covariates ss(iris, 1:10, 1:2) # Similarly fsubset/ss for fast subsetting rows # Simple Time-Computations.. head(flag(AirPassengers, -1:3)) # One lead and three lags head(fdiff(EuStockMarkets, # Suitably lagged first and second differences c(1, frequency(EuStockMarkets)), diff = 1:2)) head(fdiff(EuStockMarkets, rho = 0.87)) # Quasi-differences (x_t - rho*x_t-1) head(fdiff(EuStockMarkets, log = TRUE)) # Log-differences head(fgrowth(EuStockMarkets)) # Exact growth rates (percentage change) head(fgrowth(EuStockMarkets, logdiff = TRUE)) # Log-difference growth rates (percentage change) # Note that it is not necessary to use factors for grouping. fmean(gv(mtcars, -c(2,8:9)), mtcars$cyl) # Can also use vector (internally converted using qF()) fmean(gv(mtcars, -c(2,8:9)), gv(mtcars, c(2,8:9))) # or a list of vector (internally grouped using GRP()) g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # It is also possible to create grouping objects print(g) # These are instructive to learn about the grouping, plot(g) # and are directly handed down to C++ code fmean(gv(mtcars, -c(2,8:9)), g) # This can speed up multiple computations over same groups fsd(gv(mtcars, -c(2,8:9)), g) # Factors can efficiently be created using qF() f1 <- qF(mtcars$cyl) # Unlike GRP objects, factors are checked for NA's f2 <- qF(mtcars$cyl, na.exclude = FALSE) # This can however be avoided through this option class(f2) # Note the added class library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(fmean(mtcars, f1), fmean(mtcars, f2)) # A minor difference, larger on larger data with(mtcars, finteraction(cyl, vs, am)) # Efficient interactions of vectors and/or factors finteraction(gv(mtcars, c(2,8:9))) # .. or lists of vectors/factors # Simple row- or column-wise computations on matrices or data frames with dapply() dapply(mtcars, quantile) # column quantiles dapply(mtcars, quantile, MARGIN = 1) # Row-quantiles # dapply preserves the data structure of any matrices / data frames passed # Some fast matrix row/column functions are also provided by the matrixStats package # Similarly, BY performs grouped comptations BY(mtcars, f2, quantile) BY(mtcars, f2, quantile, expand.wide = TRUE) # For efficient (grouped) replacing and sweeping out computed statistics, use TRA() sds <- fsd(mtcars) head(TRA(mtcars, sds, "/")) # Simple scaling (if sd's not needed, use fsd(mtcars, TRA = "/")) microbenchmark(TRA(mtcars, sds, "/"), sweep(mtcars, 2, sds, "/")) # A remarkable performance gain.. sds <- fsd(mtcars, f2) head(TRA(mtcars, sds, "/", f2)) # Groupd scaling (if sd's not needed: fsd(mtcars, f2, TRA = "/")) # All functions above perserve the structure of matrices / data frames # If conversions are required, use these efficient functions: mtcarsM <- qM(mtcars) # Matrix from data.frame head(qDF(mtcarsM)) # data.frame from matrix columns head(mrtl(mtcarsM, TRUE, "data.frame")) # data.frame from matrix rows, etc.. head(qDT(mtcarsM, "cars")) # Saving row.names when converting matrix to data.table head(qDT(mtcars, "cars")) # Same use a data.frame ## Now let's get some real data and see how we can use this power for data manipulation head(wlddev) # World Bank World Development Data: 216 countries, 61 years, 5 series (columns 9-13) # Starting with some discriptive tools... namlab(wlddev, class = TRUE) # Show variable names, labels and classes fnobs(wlddev) # Observation count pwnobs(wlddev) # Pairwise observation count head(fnobs(wlddev, wlddev$country)) # Grouped observation count fndistinct(wlddev) # Distinct values descr(wlddev) # Describe data varying(wlddev, ~ country) # Show which variables vary within countries qsu(wlddev, pid = ~ country, # Panel-summarize columns 9 though 12 of this data cols = 9:12, vlabels = TRUE) # (between and within countries) qsu(wlddev, ~ region, ~ country, # Do all of that by region and also compute higher moments cols = 9:12, higher = TRUE) # -> returns a 4D array qsu(wlddev, ~ region, ~ country, cols = 9:12, higher = TRUE, array = FALSE) |> # Return as a list of matrices.. unlist2d(c("Variable","Trans"), row.names = "Region") |> head()# and turn into a tidy data.frame pwcor(num_vars(wlddev), P = TRUE) # Pairwise correlations with p-value pwcor(fmean(num_vars(wlddev), wlddev$country), P = TRUE) # Correlating country means pwcor(fwithin(num_vars(wlddev), wlddev$country), P = TRUE) # Within-country correlations psacf(wlddev, ~country, ~year, cols = 9:12) # Panel-data Autocorrelation function pspacf(wlddev, ~country, ~year, cols = 9:12) # Partial panel-autocorrelations psmat(wlddev, ~iso3c, ~year, cols = 9:12) |> plot() # Convert panel to 3D array and plot ## collapse offers a few very efficent functions for data manipulation: # Fast selecting and replacing columns series <- get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) # Same as wlddev[9:12] but 2x faster series <- fselect(wlddev, PCGDP:ODA) # Same thing: > 100x faster than dplyr::select get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) <- series # Replace, 8x faster wlddev[9:12] <- series + replaces names fselect(wlddev, PCGDP:ODA) <- series # Same thing # Fast subsetting head(fsubset(wlddev, country == "Ireland", -country, -iso3c)) head(fsubset(wlddev, country == "Ireland" & year > 1990, year, PCGDP:ODA)) ss(wlddev, 1:10, 1:10) # This is an order of magnitude faster than wlddev[1:10, 1:10] # Fast transforming head(ftransform(wlddev, ODA_GDP = ODA / PCGDP, ODA_LIFEEX = sqrt(ODA) / LIFEEX)) settransform(wlddev, ODA_GDP = ODA / PCGDP, ODA_LIFEEX = sqrt(ODA) / LIFEEX) # by reference head(ftransform(wlddev, PCGDP = NULL, ODA = NULL, GINI_sum = fsum(GINI))) head(ftransformv(wlddev, 9:12, log)) # Can also transform with lists of columns head(ftransformv(wlddev, 9:12, fscale, apply = FALSE)) # apply = FALSE invokes fscale.data.frame settransformv(wlddev, 9:12, fscale, apply = FALSE) # Changing the data by reference ftransform(wlddev) <- fscale(gv(wlddev, 9:12)) # Same thing (using replacement method) library(magrittr) # Same thing, using magrittr wlddev %<>% ftransformv(9:12, fscale, apply = FALSE) wlddev %>% ftransform(gv(., 9:12) |> # With compound pipes: Scaling and lagging fscale() |> flag(0:2, iso3c, year)) |> head() # Fast reordering head(roworder(wlddev, -country, year)) head(colorder(wlddev, country, year)) # Fast renaming head(frename(wlddev, country = Ctry, year = Yr)) setrename(wlddev, country = Ctry, year = Yr) # By reference head(frename(wlddev, tolower, cols = 9:12)) # Fast grouping fgroup_by(wlddev, Ctry, decade) |> fgroup_vars() |> head() rm(wlddev) # .. but only works with collapse functions ## Now lets start putting things together wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, region, income, PCGDP:ODA) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fmean() # Fast aggregation using the mean # Same thing using dplyr manipulation verbs library(dplyr) wlddev |> filter(year > 1990) |> select(region, income, PCGDP:ODA) |> group_by(region,income) |> fmean() # This is already a lot faster than summarize_all(mean) wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, region, income, PCGDP:POP) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fmean(POP) # Weighted group means wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, region, income, PCGDP:POP) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsd(POP) # Weighted group standard deviations wlddev |> na_omit(cols = "POP") |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fselect(PCGDP:POP) |> fnth(0.75, POP) # Weighted group third quartile wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP:ODA) |> fwithin() |> head() # Within transformation wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP:ODA) |> fmedian(TRA = "-") |> head() # Grouped centering using the median # Replacing data points by the weighted first quartile: wlddev |> na_omit(cols = "POP") |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(country, year, PCGDP:POP) %>% ftransform(fselect(., -country, -year) |> fnth(0.25, POP, "fill")) |> head() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP:ODA) |> fscale() |> head() # Standardizing wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP:POP) |> fscale(POP) |> head() # Weighted.. wlddev |> fselect(country, year, PCGDP:ODA) |> # Adding 1 lead and 2 lags of each variable fgroup_by(country) |> flag(-1:2, year) |> head() wlddev |> fselect(country, year, PCGDP:ODA) |> # Adding 1 lead and 10-year growth rates fgroup_by(country) |> fgrowth(c(0:1,10), 1, year) |> head() # etc... # Aggregation with multiple functions wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, region, income, PCGDP:ODA) |> fgroup_by(region, income) %>% { add_vars(fgroup_vars(., "unique"), fmedian(., keep.group_vars = FALSE) |> add_stub("median_"), fmean(., keep.group_vars = FALSE) |> add_stub("mean_"), fsd(., keep.group_vars = FALSE) |> add_stub("sd_")) } |> head() # Transformation with multiple functions wlddev |> fselect(country, year, PCGDP:ODA) |> fgroup_by(country) %>% { add_vars(fdiff(., c(1,10), 1, year) |> flag(0:2, year), # Sequence of lagged differences ftransform(., fselect(., PCGDP:ODA) |> fwithin() |> add_stub("W.")) |> flag(0:2, year, keep.ids = FALSE)) # Sequence of lagged demeaned vars } |> head() # With ftransform, can also easily do one or more grouped mutations on the fly.. settransform(wlddev, median_ODA = fmedian(ODA, list(region, income), TRA = "fill")) settransform(wlddev, sd_ODA = fsd(ODA, list(region, income), TRA = "fill"), mean_GDP = fmean(PCGDP, country, TRA = "fill")) wlddev %<>% ftransform(fmedian(list(median_ODA = ODA, median_GDP = PCGDP), list(region, income), TRA = "fill")) # On a groped data frame it is also possible to grouped transform certain columns # but perform aggregate operatins on others: wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) %>% ftransform(gmedian_GDP = fmedian(PCGDP, GRP(.), TRA = "replace"), omedian_GDP = fmedian(PCGDP, TRA = "replace"), # "replace" preserves NA's omedian_GDP_fill = fmedian(PCGDP)) |> tail() rm(wlddev) ## For multi-type data aggregation, the function collap() offers ease and flexibility # Aggregate this data by country and decade: Numeric columns with mean, categorical with mode head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, fmean, fmode)) # taking weighted mean and weighted mode: head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, fmean, fmode, w = ~ POP, wFUN = fsum)) # Multi-function aggregation of certain columns head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, list(fmean, fmedian, fsd), list(ffirst, flast), cols = c(3,9:12))) # Customized Aggregation: Assign columns to functions head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, custom = list(fmean = 9:10, fsd = 9:12, flast = 3, ffirst = 6:8))) # For grouped data frames use collapg wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, country, region, income, PCGDP:ODA) |> fgroup_by(country) |> collapg(fmean, ffirst) |> ftransform(AMGDP = PCGDP > fmedian(PCGDP, list(region, income), TRA = "fill"), AMODA = ODA > fmedian(ODA, income, TRA = "replace_fill")) |> head() ## Additional flexibility for data transformation tasks is offerend by tidy transformation operators # Within-transformation (centering on overall mean) head(W(wlddev, ~ country, cols = 9:12, mean = "overall.mean")) # Partialling out country and year fixed effects head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ qF(country) + qF(year))) # Same, adding ODA as continuous regressor head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ qF(country) + qF(year) + ODA)) # Standardizing (scaling and centering) by country head(STD(wlddev, ~ country, cols = 9:12)) # Computing 1 lead and 3 lags of the 4 series head(L(wlddev, -1:3, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12)) # Computing the 1- and 10-year first differences head(D(wlddev, c(1,10), 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12)) head(D(wlddev, c(1,10), 1:2, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12)) # ..first and second differences # Computing the 1- and 10-year growth rates head(G(wlddev, c(1,10), 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12)) # Adding growth rate variables to dataset add_vars(wlddev) <- G(wlddev, c(1, 10), 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12, keep.ids = FALSE) get_vars(wlddev, "G1.", regex = TRUE) <- NULL # Deleting again # These operators can conveniently be used in regression formulas: # Using a Mundlak (1978) procedure to estimate the effect of OECD on LIFEEX, controlling for PCGDP lm(LIFEEX ~ log(PCGDP) + OECD + B(log(PCGDP), country), wlddev |> fselect(country, OECD, PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> na_omit()) # Adding 10-year lagged life-expectancy to allow for some convergence effects (dynamic panel model) lm(LIFEEX ~ L(LIFEEX, 10, country) + log(PCGDP) + OECD + B(log(PCGDP), country), wlddev |> fselect(country, OECD, PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> na_omit()) # Tranformation functions and operators also support indexed data classes: wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, country, year) head(W(wldi$PCGDP)) # Country-demeaning head(W(wldi, cols = 9:12)) head(W(wldi$PCGDP, effect = 2)) # Time-demeaning head(W(wldi, effect = 2, cols = 9:12)) head(HDW(wldi$PCGDP)) # Country- and time-demeaning head(HDW(wldi, cols = 9:12)) head(STD(wldi$PCGDP)) # Standardizing by country head(STD(wldi, cols = 9:12)) head(L(wldi$PCGDP, -1:3)) # Panel-lags head(L(wldi, -1:3, 9:12)) head(G(wldi$PCGDP)) # Panel-Growth rates head(G(wldi, 1, 1, 9:12)) lm(Dlog(PCGDP) ~ L(Dlog(LIFEEX), 0:3), wldi) # Panel data regression rm(wldi) # Remove all objects used in this example section rm(v, d, w, f, f1, f2, g, mtcarsM, sds, series, wlddev)
## Note: this set of examples is is certainly non-exhaustive and does not ## showcase many recent features, but remains a very good starting point ## Let's start with some statistical programming v <- iris$Sepal.Length d <- num_vars(iris) # Saving numeric variables f <- iris$Species # Factor # Simple statistics fmean(v) # vector fmean(qM(d)) # matrix (qM is a faster as.matrix) fmean(d) # data.frame # Preserving data structure fmean(qM(d), drop = FALSE) # Still a matrix fmean(d, drop = FALSE) # Still a data.frame # Weighted statistics, supported by most functions... w <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(iris))) fmean(d, w = w) # Grouped statistics... fmean(d, f) # Groupwise-weighted statistics... fmean(d, f, w) # Simple Transformations... head(fmode(d, TRA = "replace")) # Replacing values with the mode head(fmedian(d, TRA = "-")) # Subtracting the median head(fsum(d, TRA = "%")) # Computing percentages head(fsd(d, TRA = "/")) # Dividing by the standard-deviation (scaling), etc... # Weighted Transformations... head(fnth(d, 0.75, w = w, TRA = "replace")) # Replacing by the weighted 3rd quartile # Grouped Transformations... head(fvar(d, f, TRA = "replace")) # Replacing values with the group variance head(fsd(d, f, TRA = "/")) # Grouped scaling head(fmin(d, f, TRA = "-")) # Setting the minimum value in each species to 0 head(fsum(d, f, TRA = "/")) # Dividing by the sum (proportions) head(fmedian(d, f, TRA = "-")) # Groupwise de-median head(ffirst(d, f, TRA = "%%")) # Taking modulus of first group-value, etc. ... # Grouped and weighted transformations... head(fsd(d, f, w, "/"), 3) # weighted scaling head(fmedian(d, f, w, "-"), 3) # subtracting the weighted group-median head(fmode(d, f, w, "replace"), 3) # replace with weighted statistical mode ## Some more advanced transformations... head(fbetween(d)) # Averaging (faster t.: fmean(d, TRA = "replace")) head(fwithin(d)) # Centering (faster than: fmean(d, TRA = "-")) head(fwithin(d, f, w)) # Grouped and weighted (same as fmean(d, f, w, "-")) head(fwithin(d, f, w, mean = 5)) # Setting a custom mean head(fwithin(d, f, w, theta = 0.76)) # Quasi-centering i.e. d - theta*fbetween(d, f, w) head(fwithin(d, f, w, mean = "overall.mean")) # Preserving the overall mean of the data head(fscale(d)) # Scaling and centering head(fscale(d, mean = 5, sd = 3)) # Custom scaling and centering head(fscale(d, mean = FALSE, sd = 3)) # Mean preserving scaling head(fscale(d, f, w)) # Grouped and weighted scaling and centering head(fscale(d, f, w, mean = 5, sd = 3)) # Custom grouped and weighted scaling and centering head(fscale(d, f, w, mean = FALSE, # Preserving group means sd = "within.sd")) # and setting group-sd to fsd(fwithin(d, f, w), w = w) head(fscale(d, f, w, mean = "overall.mean", # Full harmonization of group means and variances, sd = "within.sd")) # while preserving the level and scale of the data. head(get_vars(iris, 1:2)) # Use get_vars for fast selecting, gv is shortcut head(fhdbetween(gv(iris, 1:2), gv(iris, 3:5))) # Linear prediction with factors and covariates head(fhdwithin(gv(iris, 1:2), gv(iris, 3:5))) # Linear partialling out factors and covariates ss(iris, 1:10, 1:2) # Similarly fsubset/ss for fast subsetting rows # Simple Time-Computations.. head(flag(AirPassengers, -1:3)) # One lead and three lags head(fdiff(EuStockMarkets, # Suitably lagged first and second differences c(1, frequency(EuStockMarkets)), diff = 1:2)) head(fdiff(EuStockMarkets, rho = 0.87)) # Quasi-differences (x_t - rho*x_t-1) head(fdiff(EuStockMarkets, log = TRUE)) # Log-differences head(fgrowth(EuStockMarkets)) # Exact growth rates (percentage change) head(fgrowth(EuStockMarkets, logdiff = TRUE)) # Log-difference growth rates (percentage change) # Note that it is not necessary to use factors for grouping. fmean(gv(mtcars, -c(2,8:9)), mtcars$cyl) # Can also use vector (internally converted using qF()) fmean(gv(mtcars, -c(2,8:9)), gv(mtcars, c(2,8:9))) # or a list of vector (internally grouped using GRP()) g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # It is also possible to create grouping objects print(g) # These are instructive to learn about the grouping, plot(g) # and are directly handed down to C++ code fmean(gv(mtcars, -c(2,8:9)), g) # This can speed up multiple computations over same groups fsd(gv(mtcars, -c(2,8:9)), g) # Factors can efficiently be created using qF() f1 <- qF(mtcars$cyl) # Unlike GRP objects, factors are checked for NA's f2 <- qF(mtcars$cyl, na.exclude = FALSE) # This can however be avoided through this option class(f2) # Note the added class library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(fmean(mtcars, f1), fmean(mtcars, f2)) # A minor difference, larger on larger data with(mtcars, finteraction(cyl, vs, am)) # Efficient interactions of vectors and/or factors finteraction(gv(mtcars, c(2,8:9))) # .. or lists of vectors/factors # Simple row- or column-wise computations on matrices or data frames with dapply() dapply(mtcars, quantile) # column quantiles dapply(mtcars, quantile, MARGIN = 1) # Row-quantiles # dapply preserves the data structure of any matrices / data frames passed # Some fast matrix row/column functions are also provided by the matrixStats package # Similarly, BY performs grouped comptations BY(mtcars, f2, quantile) BY(mtcars, f2, quantile, expand.wide = TRUE) # For efficient (grouped) replacing and sweeping out computed statistics, use TRA() sds <- fsd(mtcars) head(TRA(mtcars, sds, "/")) # Simple scaling (if sd's not needed, use fsd(mtcars, TRA = "/")) microbenchmark(TRA(mtcars, sds, "/"), sweep(mtcars, 2, sds, "/")) # A remarkable performance gain.. sds <- fsd(mtcars, f2) head(TRA(mtcars, sds, "/", f2)) # Groupd scaling (if sd's not needed: fsd(mtcars, f2, TRA = "/")) # All functions above perserve the structure of matrices / data frames # If conversions are required, use these efficient functions: mtcarsM <- qM(mtcars) # Matrix from data.frame head(qDF(mtcarsM)) # data.frame from matrix columns head(mrtl(mtcarsM, TRUE, "data.frame")) # data.frame from matrix rows, etc.. head(qDT(mtcarsM, "cars")) # Saving row.names when converting matrix to data.table head(qDT(mtcars, "cars")) # Same use a data.frame ## Now let's get some real data and see how we can use this power for data manipulation head(wlddev) # World Bank World Development Data: 216 countries, 61 years, 5 series (columns 9-13) # Starting with some discriptive tools... namlab(wlddev, class = TRUE) # Show variable names, labels and classes fnobs(wlddev) # Observation count pwnobs(wlddev) # Pairwise observation count head(fnobs(wlddev, wlddev$country)) # Grouped observation count fndistinct(wlddev) # Distinct values descr(wlddev) # Describe data varying(wlddev, ~ country) # Show which variables vary within countries qsu(wlddev, pid = ~ country, # Panel-summarize columns 9 though 12 of this data cols = 9:12, vlabels = TRUE) # (between and within countries) qsu(wlddev, ~ region, ~ country, # Do all of that by region and also compute higher moments cols = 9:12, higher = TRUE) # -> returns a 4D array qsu(wlddev, ~ region, ~ country, cols = 9:12, higher = TRUE, array = FALSE) |> # Return as a list of matrices.. unlist2d(c("Variable","Trans"), row.names = "Region") |> head()# and turn into a tidy data.frame pwcor(num_vars(wlddev), P = TRUE) # Pairwise correlations with p-value pwcor(fmean(num_vars(wlddev), wlddev$country), P = TRUE) # Correlating country means pwcor(fwithin(num_vars(wlddev), wlddev$country), P = TRUE) # Within-country correlations psacf(wlddev, ~country, ~year, cols = 9:12) # Panel-data Autocorrelation function pspacf(wlddev, ~country, ~year, cols = 9:12) # Partial panel-autocorrelations psmat(wlddev, ~iso3c, ~year, cols = 9:12) |> plot() # Convert panel to 3D array and plot ## collapse offers a few very efficent functions for data manipulation: # Fast selecting and replacing columns series <- get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) # Same as wlddev[9:12] but 2x faster series <- fselect(wlddev, PCGDP:ODA) # Same thing: > 100x faster than dplyr::select get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) <- series # Replace, 8x faster wlddev[9:12] <- series + replaces names fselect(wlddev, PCGDP:ODA) <- series # Same thing # Fast subsetting head(fsubset(wlddev, country == "Ireland", -country, -iso3c)) head(fsubset(wlddev, country == "Ireland" & year > 1990, year, PCGDP:ODA)) ss(wlddev, 1:10, 1:10) # This is an order of magnitude faster than wlddev[1:10, 1:10] # Fast transforming head(ftransform(wlddev, ODA_GDP = ODA / PCGDP, ODA_LIFEEX = sqrt(ODA) / LIFEEX)) settransform(wlddev, ODA_GDP = ODA / PCGDP, ODA_LIFEEX = sqrt(ODA) / LIFEEX) # by reference head(ftransform(wlddev, PCGDP = NULL, ODA = NULL, GINI_sum = fsum(GINI))) head(ftransformv(wlddev, 9:12, log)) # Can also transform with lists of columns head(ftransformv(wlddev, 9:12, fscale, apply = FALSE)) # apply = FALSE invokes fscale.data.frame settransformv(wlddev, 9:12, fscale, apply = FALSE) # Changing the data by reference ftransform(wlddev) <- fscale(gv(wlddev, 9:12)) # Same thing (using replacement method) library(magrittr) # Same thing, using magrittr wlddev %<>% ftransformv(9:12, fscale, apply = FALSE) wlddev %>% ftransform(gv(., 9:12) |> # With compound pipes: Scaling and lagging fscale() |> flag(0:2, iso3c, year)) |> head() # Fast reordering head(roworder(wlddev, -country, year)) head(colorder(wlddev, country, year)) # Fast renaming head(frename(wlddev, country = Ctry, year = Yr)) setrename(wlddev, country = Ctry, year = Yr) # By reference head(frename(wlddev, tolower, cols = 9:12)) # Fast grouping fgroup_by(wlddev, Ctry, decade) |> fgroup_vars() |> head() rm(wlddev) # .. but only works with collapse functions ## Now lets start putting things together wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, region, income, PCGDP:ODA) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fmean() # Fast aggregation using the mean # Same thing using dplyr manipulation verbs library(dplyr) wlddev |> filter(year > 1990) |> select(region, income, PCGDP:ODA) |> group_by(region,income) |> fmean() # This is already a lot faster than summarize_all(mean) wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, region, income, PCGDP:POP) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fmean(POP) # Weighted group means wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, region, income, PCGDP:POP) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsd(POP) # Weighted group standard deviations wlddev |> na_omit(cols = "POP") |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fselect(PCGDP:POP) |> fnth(0.75, POP) # Weighted group third quartile wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP:ODA) |> fwithin() |> head() # Within transformation wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP:ODA) |> fmedian(TRA = "-") |> head() # Grouped centering using the median # Replacing data points by the weighted first quartile: wlddev |> na_omit(cols = "POP") |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(country, year, PCGDP:POP) %>% ftransform(fselect(., -country, -year) |> fnth(0.25, POP, "fill")) |> head() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP:ODA) |> fscale() |> head() # Standardizing wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP:POP) |> fscale(POP) |> head() # Weighted.. wlddev |> fselect(country, year, PCGDP:ODA) |> # Adding 1 lead and 2 lags of each variable fgroup_by(country) |> flag(-1:2, year) |> head() wlddev |> fselect(country, year, PCGDP:ODA) |> # Adding 1 lead and 10-year growth rates fgroup_by(country) |> fgrowth(c(0:1,10), 1, year) |> head() # etc... # Aggregation with multiple functions wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, region, income, PCGDP:ODA) |> fgroup_by(region, income) %>% { add_vars(fgroup_vars(., "unique"), fmedian(., keep.group_vars = FALSE) |> add_stub("median_"), fmean(., keep.group_vars = FALSE) |> add_stub("mean_"), fsd(., keep.group_vars = FALSE) |> add_stub("sd_")) } |> head() # Transformation with multiple functions wlddev |> fselect(country, year, PCGDP:ODA) |> fgroup_by(country) %>% { add_vars(fdiff(., c(1,10), 1, year) |> flag(0:2, year), # Sequence of lagged differences ftransform(., fselect(., PCGDP:ODA) |> fwithin() |> add_stub("W.")) |> flag(0:2, year, keep.ids = FALSE)) # Sequence of lagged demeaned vars } |> head() # With ftransform, can also easily do one or more grouped mutations on the fly.. settransform(wlddev, median_ODA = fmedian(ODA, list(region, income), TRA = "fill")) settransform(wlddev, sd_ODA = fsd(ODA, list(region, income), TRA = "fill"), mean_GDP = fmean(PCGDP, country, TRA = "fill")) wlddev %<>% ftransform(fmedian(list(median_ODA = ODA, median_GDP = PCGDP), list(region, income), TRA = "fill")) # On a groped data frame it is also possible to grouped transform certain columns # but perform aggregate operatins on others: wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) %>% ftransform(gmedian_GDP = fmedian(PCGDP, GRP(.), TRA = "replace"), omedian_GDP = fmedian(PCGDP, TRA = "replace"), # "replace" preserves NA's omedian_GDP_fill = fmedian(PCGDP)) |> tail() rm(wlddev) ## For multi-type data aggregation, the function collap() offers ease and flexibility # Aggregate this data by country and decade: Numeric columns with mean, categorical with mode head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, fmean, fmode)) # taking weighted mean and weighted mode: head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, fmean, fmode, w = ~ POP, wFUN = fsum)) # Multi-function aggregation of certain columns head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, list(fmean, fmedian, fsd), list(ffirst, flast), cols = c(3,9:12))) # Customized Aggregation: Assign columns to functions head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, custom = list(fmean = 9:10, fsd = 9:12, flast = 3, ffirst = 6:8))) # For grouped data frames use collapg wlddev |> fsubset(year > 1990, country, region, income, PCGDP:ODA) |> fgroup_by(country) |> collapg(fmean, ffirst) |> ftransform(AMGDP = PCGDP > fmedian(PCGDP, list(region, income), TRA = "fill"), AMODA = ODA > fmedian(ODA, income, TRA = "replace_fill")) |> head() ## Additional flexibility for data transformation tasks is offerend by tidy transformation operators # Within-transformation (centering on overall mean) head(W(wlddev, ~ country, cols = 9:12, mean = "overall.mean")) # Partialling out country and year fixed effects head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ qF(country) + qF(year))) # Same, adding ODA as continuous regressor head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ qF(country) + qF(year) + ODA)) # Standardizing (scaling and centering) by country head(STD(wlddev, ~ country, cols = 9:12)) # Computing 1 lead and 3 lags of the 4 series head(L(wlddev, -1:3, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12)) # Computing the 1- and 10-year first differences head(D(wlddev, c(1,10), 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12)) head(D(wlddev, c(1,10), 1:2, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12)) # ..first and second differences # Computing the 1- and 10-year growth rates head(G(wlddev, c(1,10), 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12)) # Adding growth rate variables to dataset add_vars(wlddev) <- G(wlddev, c(1, 10), 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:12, keep.ids = FALSE) get_vars(wlddev, "G1.", regex = TRUE) <- NULL # Deleting again # These operators can conveniently be used in regression formulas: # Using a Mundlak (1978) procedure to estimate the effect of OECD on LIFEEX, controlling for PCGDP lm(LIFEEX ~ log(PCGDP) + OECD + B(log(PCGDP), country), wlddev |> fselect(country, OECD, PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> na_omit()) # Adding 10-year lagged life-expectancy to allow for some convergence effects (dynamic panel model) lm(LIFEEX ~ L(LIFEEX, 10, country) + log(PCGDP) + OECD + B(log(PCGDP), country), wlddev |> fselect(country, OECD, PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> na_omit()) # Tranformation functions and operators also support indexed data classes: wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, country, year) head(W(wldi$PCGDP)) # Country-demeaning head(W(wldi, cols = 9:12)) head(W(wldi$PCGDP, effect = 2)) # Time-demeaning head(W(wldi, effect = 2, cols = 9:12)) head(HDW(wldi$PCGDP)) # Country- and time-demeaning head(HDW(wldi, cols = 9:12)) head(STD(wldi$PCGDP)) # Standardizing by country head(STD(wldi, cols = 9:12)) head(L(wldi$PCGDP, -1:3)) # Panel-lags head(L(wldi, -1:3, 9:12)) head(G(wldi$PCGDP)) # Panel-Growth rates head(G(wldi, 1, 1, 9:12)) lm(Dlog(PCGDP) ~ L(Dlog(LIFEEX), 0:3), wldi) # Panel data regression rm(wldi) # Remove all objects used in this example section rm(v, d, w, f, f1, f2, g, mtcarsM, sds, series, wlddev)
can be used inside fmutate
and fsummarise
to apply one or more functions to a selection of columns. It is overall very similar to dplyr::across
, but does not support some rlang
features, has some additional features (arguments), and is optimized to work with collapse's, .FAST_FUN
, yielding much faster computations.
across(.cols = NULL, .fns, ..., .names = NULL, .apply = "auto", .transpose = "auto") # acr(...) can be used to abbreviate across(...)
across(.cols = NULL, .fns, ..., .names = NULL, .apply = "auto", .transpose = "auto") # acr(...) can be used to abbreviate across(...)
.cols |
select columns using column names and expressions (e.g. |
.fns |
A function, character vector of functions or list of functions. Vectors / lists can be named to yield alternative names in the result (see |
... |
further arguments to |
.names |
controls the naming of computed columns. |
.apply |
controls whether functions are applied column-by-column ( |
.transpose |
with multiple |
does not support purr-style lambdas, and does not support dplyr
-style predicate functions e.g. across(where(is.numeric), sum)
, simply use across(is.numeric, sum)
. In contrast to dplyr
, you can also compute on grouping columns.
Also note that across()
is NOT a function in collapse but a known expression that is internally transformed by fsummarise()/fmutate()
into something else. Thus, it cannot be called using qualified names, i.e., collapse::across()
does not work and is not necessary if collapse is not attached.
, fmutate
, Fast Data Manipulation, Collapse Overview
# Basic (Weighted) Summaries fsummarise(wlddev, across(PCGDP:GINI, fmean, w = POP)) wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(PCGDP:GINI, fmean, w = POP)) # Note that for these we don't actually need across... fselect(wlddev, PCGDP:GINI) |> fmean(w = wlddev$POP, drop = FALSE) wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fselect(PCGDP:GINI, POP) |> fmean(POP, keep.w = FALSE) collap(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX + GINI ~ region + income, w = ~ POP, keep.w = FALSE) # But if we want to use some base R function that reguires argument splitting... wlddev |> na_omit(cols = "POP") |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(PCGDP:GINI, weighted.mean, w = POP, na.rm = TRUE)) # Or if we want to apply different functions... wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(PCGDP:GINI, list(mu = fmean, sd = fsd), w = POP), POP_sum = fsum(POP), OECD = fmean(OECD)) # Note that the above still detects fmean as a fast function, the names of the list # are irrelevant, but the function name must be typed or passed as a character vector, # Otherwise functions will be executed by groups e.g. function(x) fmean(x) won't vectorize # Same, naming in a different way wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(PCGDP:GINI, list(mu = fmean, sd = fsd), w = POP, .names = "flip"), sum_POP = fsum(POP), OECD = fmean(OECD)) # Or we want to do more advanced things.. # Such as nesting data frames.. qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), function(x) list(Nest = list(x)), .apply = FALSE)) # Or linear models.. qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), function(x) list(Mods = list(lm(PCGDP ~., x))), .apply = FALSE)) # Or cumputing grouped correlation matrices qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), function(x) qDF(pwcor(x), "Variable"), .apply = FALSE)) # Here calculating 1- and 10-year lags and growth rates of these variables qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(country) |> fmutate(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), list(L, G), n = c(1, 10), t = year, .names = FALSE)) # Same but variables in different order qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(country) |> fmutate(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), list(L, G), n = c(1, 10), t = year, .names = FALSE, .transpose = FALSE))
# Basic (Weighted) Summaries fsummarise(wlddev, across(PCGDP:GINI, fmean, w = POP)) wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(PCGDP:GINI, fmean, w = POP)) # Note that for these we don't actually need across... fselect(wlddev, PCGDP:GINI) |> fmean(w = wlddev$POP, drop = FALSE) wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fselect(PCGDP:GINI, POP) |> fmean(POP, keep.w = FALSE) collap(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX + GINI ~ region + income, w = ~ POP, keep.w = FALSE) # But if we want to use some base R function that reguires argument splitting... wlddev |> na_omit(cols = "POP") |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(PCGDP:GINI, weighted.mean, w = POP, na.rm = TRUE)) # Or if we want to apply different functions... wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(PCGDP:GINI, list(mu = fmean, sd = fsd), w = POP), POP_sum = fsum(POP), OECD = fmean(OECD)) # Note that the above still detects fmean as a fast function, the names of the list # are irrelevant, but the function name must be typed or passed as a character vector, # Otherwise functions will be executed by groups e.g. function(x) fmean(x) won't vectorize # Same, naming in a different way wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(PCGDP:GINI, list(mu = fmean, sd = fsd), w = POP, .names = "flip"), sum_POP = fsum(POP), OECD = fmean(OECD)) # Or we want to do more advanced things.. # Such as nesting data frames.. qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), function(x) list(Nest = list(x)), .apply = FALSE)) # Or linear models.. qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), function(x) list(Mods = list(lm(PCGDP ~., x))), .apply = FALSE)) # Or cumputing grouped correlation matrices qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(region, income) |> fsummarise(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), function(x) qDF(pwcor(x), "Variable"), .apply = FALSE)) # Here calculating 1- and 10-year lags and growth rates of these variables qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(country) |> fmutate(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), list(L, G), n = c(1, 10), t = year, .names = FALSE)) # Same but variables in different order qTBL(wlddev) |> fgroup_by(country) |> fmutate(across(c(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA), list(L, G), n = c(1, 10), t = year, .names = FALSE, .transpose = FALSE))
Fast operators to perform row- or column-wise replacing and sweeping operations of vectors on matrices, data frames, lists. See also setop
for math by reference and setTRA
for sweeping by reference.
## Perform the operation with v and each row of X X %rr% v # Replace rows of X with v X %r+% v # Add v to each row of X X %r-% v # Subtract v from each row of X X %r*% v # Multiply each row of X with v X %r/% v # Divide each row of X by v ## Perform a column-wise operation between V and X X %cr% V # Replace columns of X with V X %c+% V # Add V to columns of X X %c-% V # Subtract V from columns of X X %c*% V # Multiply columns of X with V X %c/% V # Divide columns of X by V
## Perform the operation with v and each row of X X %rr% v # Replace rows of X with v X %r+% v # Add v to each row of X X %r-% v # Subtract v from each row of X X %r*% v # Multiply each row of X with v X %r/% v # Divide each row of X by v ## Perform a column-wise operation between V and X X %cr% V # Replace columns of X with V X %c+% V # Add V to columns of X X %c-% V # Subtract V from columns of X X %c*% V # Multiply columns of X with V X %c/% V # Divide columns of X by V
X |
a vector, matrix, data frame or list like object (with rows (r) columns (c) matching |
v |
for row operations: an atomic vector of matching |
V |
for column operations: a suitable scalar, vector, or matrix / data frame matching |
With a matrix or data frame X
, the default behavior of R when calling X op v
(such as multiplication X * v
) is to perform the operation of v
with each column of X
. The equivalent operation is performed by X %cop% V
, with the difference that it computes significantly faster if X
is a data frame / list. A more complex but frequently required task is to perform an operation with v
on each row of X
. This is provided based on efficient C++ code by the %rop%
set of functions, e.g. X %r*% v
efficiently multiplies v
to each row of X
where the operation with v
/ V
was performed on each row or column. All attributes of X
are preserved.
Computations and Output: These functions are all quite simple, they only work with X
on the LHS i.e. v %op% X
will likely fail. The row operations are simple wrappers around TRA
which provides more operations including grouped replacing and sweeping (where v
would be a matrix or data frame with less rows than X
being mapped to the rows of X
by grouping vectors). One consequence is that just like TRA
, row-wise mathematical operations (+, -, *, /) always yield numeric output, even if both X
and v
may be integer. This is different for column- operations which depend on base R and may also preserve integer data.
Rules of Arithmetic: Since these operators are defined as simple infix functions, the normal rules of arithmetic are not respected. So a %c+% b %c*% c
evaluates as (a %c+% b) %c*% c
. As with all chained infix operations, they are just evaluated sequentially from left to right.
Performance Notes: The function setop
and a related set of %op=%
operators as well as the setTRA
function can be used to perform these operations by reference, and are faster if copies of the output are not required!! Furthermore, for Fast Statistical Functions, using fmedian(X, TRA = "-")
will be a tiny bit faster than X %r-% fmedian(X)
. Also use fwithin(X)
for fast centering using the mean, and fscale(X)
for fast scaling and centering or mean-preserving scaling.
, dapply
, Efficient Programming, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
## Using data frame's / lists v <- mtcars$cyl mtcars %cr% v mtcars %c-% v mtcars %r-% seq_col(mtcars) mtcars %r-% lapply(mtcars, quantile, 0.28) mtcars %c*% 5 # Significantly faster than mtcars * 5 mtcars %c*% mtcars # Significantly faster than mtcars * mtcars ## Using matrices X <- qM(mtcars) X %cr% v X %c-% v X %r-% dapply(X, quantile, 0.28) ## Chained Operations library(magrittr) # Needed here to evaluate infix operators in sequence mtcars %>% fwithin() %r-% rnorm(11) %c*% 5 %>% tfm(mpg = fsum(mpg)) %>% qsu()
## Using data frame's / lists v <- mtcars$cyl mtcars %cr% v mtcars %c-% v mtcars %r-% seq_col(mtcars) mtcars %r-% lapply(mtcars, quantile, 0.28) mtcars %c*% 5 # Significantly faster than mtcars * 5 mtcars %c*% mtcars # Significantly faster than mtcars * mtcars ## Using matrices X <- qM(mtcars) X %cr% v X %c-% v X %r-% dapply(X, quantile, 0.28) ## Chained Operations library(magrittr) # Needed here to evaluate infix operators in sequence mtcars %>% fwithin() %r-% rnorm(11) %c*% 5 %>% tfm(mpg = fsum(mpg)) %>% qsu()
is an S3 generic that efficiently applies functions over vectors or matrix- and data frame columns by groups. Similar to dapply
it seeks to retain the structure and attributes of the data, but can also output to various standard formats. A simple parallelism is also available.
BY(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: BY(x, g, FUN, ..., use.g.names = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], reorder = TRUE, expand.wide = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "vector", "list")) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' BY(x, g, FUN, ..., use.g.names = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], reorder = TRUE, expand.wide = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "matrix", "data.frame", "list")) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' BY(x, g, FUN, ..., use.g.names = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], reorder = TRUE, expand.wide = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "matrix", "data.frame", "list")) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' BY(x, FUN, ..., reorder = TRUE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, use.g.names = FALSE)
BY(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: BY(x, g, FUN, ..., use.g.names = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], reorder = TRUE, expand.wide = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "vector", "list")) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' BY(x, g, FUN, ..., use.g.names = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], reorder = TRUE, expand.wide = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "matrix", "data.frame", "list")) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' BY(x, g, FUN, ..., use.g.names = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], reorder = TRUE, expand.wide = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "matrix", "data.frame", "list")) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' BY(x, FUN, ..., reorder = TRUE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, use.g.names = FALSE)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame or alike object. |
g |
a |
a function, can be scalar- or vector-valued. For vector valued functions see also |
... |
further arguments to |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). For vector-valued functions (row-)names are only generated if the function itself creates names for the statistics e.g. |
sort |
logical. Sort the groups? Internally passed to |
reorder |
logical. If a vector-valued function is passed that preserves the data length, |
expand.wide |
logical. If |
parallel |
logical. |
mc.cores |
integer. Argument to |
return |
an integer or string indicating the type of object to return. The default |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
is a re-implementation of the Split-Apply-Combine computing paradigm. It is faster than tapply
, by
, aggregate
and (d)plyr, and preserves data attributes just like dapply
It is principally a wrapper around lapply(gsplit(x, g), FUN, ...)
, that uses gsplit
for optimized splitting and also strongly optimizes on the internal code compared to base R functions. For more details look at the documentation for dapply
which works very similar (apart from the splitting performed in BY
). The function is intended for simple cases involving flexible computation of statistics across groups using a single function e.g. iris |> gby(Species) |> BY(IQR)
is simpler than iris |> gby(Species) |> smr(acr(.fns = IQR))
where FUN
was applied to every column split by g
, collap
, Fast Statistical Functions, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
v <- iris$Sepal.Length # A numeric vector g <- GRP(iris$Species) # A grouping ## default vector method BY(v, g, sum) # Sum by species head(BY(v, g, scale)) # Scale by species (please use fscale instead) BY(v, g, fquantile) # Species quantiles: by default stacked BY(v, g, fquantile, expand.wide = TRUE) # Wide format ## matrix method m <- qM(num_vars(iris)) BY(m, g, sum) # Also return as matrix BY(m, g, sum, return = "data.frame") # Return as data.frame.. also works for computations below head(BY(m, g, scale)) BY(m, g, fquantile) BY(m, g, fquantile, expand.wide = TRUE) ml <- BY(m, g, fquantile, expand.wide = TRUE, # Return as list of matrices return = "list") ml # Unlisting to Data Frame unlist2d(ml, idcols = "Variable", row.names = "Species") ## data.frame method BY(num_vars(iris), g, sum) # Also returns a data.fram BY(num_vars(iris), g, sum, return = 2) # Return as matrix.. also works for computations below head(BY(num_vars(iris), g, scale)) BY(num_vars(iris), g, fquantile) BY(num_vars(iris), g, fquantile, expand.wide = TRUE) BY(num_vars(iris), g, fquantile, # Return as list of matrices expand.wide = TRUE, return = "list") ## grouped data frame method giris <- fgroup_by(iris, Species) giris |> BY(sum) # Compute sum giris |> BY(sum, use.g.names = TRUE, # Use row.names and keep.group_vars = FALSE) # remove 'Species' and groups attribute giris |> BY(sum, return = "matrix") # Return matrix giris |> BY(sum, return = "matrix", # Matrix with row.names use.g.names = TRUE) giris |> BY(.quantile) # Compute quantiles (output is stacked) giris |> BY(.quantile, names = TRUE, # Wide output expand.wide = TRUE)
v <- iris$Sepal.Length # A numeric vector g <- GRP(iris$Species) # A grouping ## default vector method BY(v, g, sum) # Sum by species head(BY(v, g, scale)) # Scale by species (please use fscale instead) BY(v, g, fquantile) # Species quantiles: by default stacked BY(v, g, fquantile, expand.wide = TRUE) # Wide format ## matrix method m <- qM(num_vars(iris)) BY(m, g, sum) # Also return as matrix BY(m, g, sum, return = "data.frame") # Return as data.frame.. also works for computations below head(BY(m, g, scale)) BY(m, g, fquantile) BY(m, g, fquantile, expand.wide = TRUE) ml <- BY(m, g, fquantile, expand.wide = TRUE, # Return as list of matrices return = "list") ml # Unlisting to Data Frame unlist2d(ml, idcols = "Variable", row.names = "Species") ## data.frame method BY(num_vars(iris), g, sum) # Also returns a data.fram BY(num_vars(iris), g, sum, return = 2) # Return as matrix.. also works for computations below head(BY(num_vars(iris), g, scale)) BY(num_vars(iris), g, fquantile) BY(num_vars(iris), g, fquantile, expand.wide = TRUE) BY(num_vars(iris), g, fquantile, # Return as list of matrices expand.wide = TRUE, return = "list") ## grouped data frame method giris <- fgroup_by(iris, Species) giris |> BY(sum) # Compute sum giris |> BY(sum, use.g.names = TRUE, # Use row.names and keep.group_vars = FALSE) # remove 'Species' and groups attribute giris |> BY(sum, return = "matrix") # Return matrix giris |> BY(sum, return = "matrix", # Matrix with row.names use.g.names = TRUE) giris |> BY(.quantile) # Compute quantiles (output is stacked) giris |> BY(.quantile, names = TRUE, # Wide output expand.wide = TRUE)
is a fast and versatile multi-purpose data aggregation command.
It performs simple and weighted aggregations, multi-type aggregations automatically applying different functions to numeric and categorical columns, multi-function aggregations applying multiple functions to each column, and fully custom aggregations where the user passes a list mapping functions to columns.
# Main function: allows formula and data input to `by` and `w` arguments collap(X, by, FUN = fmean, catFUN = fmode, cols = NULL, w = NULL, wFUN = fsum, custom = NULL, ..., keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, keep.col.order = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto", parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 2L, return = c("wide","list","long","long_dupl"), give.names = "auto") # Programmer function: allows column names and indices input to `by` and `w` arguments collapv(X, by, FUN = fmean, catFUN = fmode, cols = NULL, w = NULL, wFUN = fsum, custom = NULL, ..., keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, keep.col.order = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto", parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 2L, return = c("wide","list","long","long_dupl"), give.names = "auto") # Auxiliary function: for grouped data ('grouped_df') input + non-standard evaluation collapg(X, FUN = fmean, catFUN = fmode, cols = NULL, w = NULL, wFUN = fsum, custom = NULL, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...)
# Main function: allows formula and data input to `by` and `w` arguments collap(X, by, FUN = fmean, catFUN = fmode, cols = NULL, w = NULL, wFUN = fsum, custom = NULL, ..., keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, keep.col.order = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto", parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 2L, return = c("wide","list","long","long_dupl"), give.names = "auto") # Programmer function: allows column names and indices input to `by` and `w` arguments collapv(X, by, FUN = fmean, catFUN = fmode, cols = NULL, w = NULL, wFUN = fsum, custom = NULL, ..., keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, keep.col.order = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto", parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 2L, return = c("wide","list","long","long_dupl"), give.names = "auto") # Auxiliary function: for grouped data ('grouped_df') input + non-standard evaluation collapg(X, FUN = fmean, catFUN = fmode, cols = NULL, w = NULL, wFUN = fsum, custom = NULL, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...)
X |
a data frame, or an object coercible to data frame using |
by |
for |
a function, list of functions (i.e. |
catFUN |
same as |
cols |
select columns to aggregate using a function, column names, indices or logical vector. Note: |
w |
weights. Can be passed as numeric vector or alternatively as formula i.e. |
wFUN |
same as |
custom |
a named list specifying a fully customized aggregation task. The names of the list are function names and the content columns to aggregate using this function (same input as |
keep.by , keep.group_vars
logical. |
keep.w |
logical. |
keep.col.order |
logical. Retain original column order post-aggregation. |
sort , decreasing , na.last , return.order , method
logical / character. Arguments passed to |
parallel |
logical. Use |
mc.cores |
integer. Argument to |
return |
character. Control the output format when aggregating with multiple functions or performing custom aggregation. "wide" (default) returns a wider data frame with added columns for each additional function. "list" returns a list of data frames - one for each function. "long" adds a column "Function" and row-binds the results from different functions using |
give.names |
logical. Create unique names of aggregated columns by adding a prefix 'FUN.var'. |
... |
additional arguments passed to all functions supplied to |
automatically checks each function passed to it whether it is a Fast Statistical Function (i.e. whether the function name is contained in .FAST_STAT_FUN
). If the function is a fast statistical function, collap
only does the grouping and then calls the function to carry out the grouped computations (vectorized in C/C++), resulting in high aggregation speeds, even with weights. If the function is not one of .FAST_STAT_FUN
, BY
is called internally to perform the computation. The resulting computations from each function are put into a list and recombined to produce the desired output format as controlled by the return
argument. This is substantially slower, particularly with many groups.
When setting parallel = TRUE
on a non-windows computer, aggregations will efficiently be parallelized at the column level using mclapply
utilizing mc.cores
cores. Some Fast Statistical Function support multithreading i.e. have an nthreads
argument that can be passed to collap
. Using C-level multithreading is much more effective than R-level parallelism, and also works on Windows, but the two should never be combined.
When the w
argument is used, the weights are passed to all functions except for wFUN
. This may be undesirable in settings like collap(data, ~ id, custom = list(fsum = ..., fmean = ...), w = ~ weights)
where we wish to aggregate some columns using the weighted mean, and others using a simple sum or another unweighted statistic.
Therefore it is possible to append Fast Statistical Functions by _uw
to yield an unweighted computation. So for the above example one can specify: collap(data, ~ id, custom = list(fsum_uw = ..., fmean = ...), w = ~ weights)
to get the weighted mean and the simple sum. Note that the _uw
functions are not available for use outside collap. Thus one also needs to quote them when passing to the FUN
or catFUN
arguments, e.g. use collap(data, ~ id, fmean, "fmode_uw", w = ~ weights)
aggregated. If X
is not a data frame it is coerced to one using qDF
and then aggregated.
, BY
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## A Simple Introduction -------------------------------------- head(iris) collap(iris, ~ Species) # Default: FUN = fmean for numeric collapv(iris, 5) # Same using collapv collap(iris, ~ Species, fmedian) # Using the median collap(iris, ~ Species, fmedian, keep.col.order = FALSE) # Groups in-front collap(iris, Sepal.Width + Petal.Width ~ Species, fmedian) # Only '.Width' columns collapv(iris, 5, cols = c(2, 4)) # Same using collapv collap(iris, ~ Species, list(fmean, fmedian)) # Two functions collap(iris, ~ Species, list(fmean, fmedian), return = "long") # Long format collapv(iris, 5, custom = list(fmean = 1:2, fmedian = 3:4)) # Custom aggregation collapv(iris, 5, custom = list(fmean = 1:2, fmedian = 3:4), # Raw output, no column reordering return = "list") collapv(iris, 5, custom = list(fmean = 1:2, fmedian = 3:4), # A strange choice.. return = "long") collap(iris, ~ Species, w = ~ Sepal.Length) # Using Sepal.Length as weights, .. weights <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(iris))) collap(iris, ~ Species, w = weights) # Some random weights.. collap(iris, iris$Species, w = weights) # Note this behavior.. collap(iris, iris$Species, w = weights, keep.by = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE) ## Multi-Type Aggregation -------------------------------------- head(wlddev) # World Development Panel Data head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade)) # Aggregate by country and decade head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, fmedian, ffirst)) # Different functions head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, cols = is.numeric)) # Aggregate only numeric columns head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, cols = 9:13)) # Only the 5 series head(collap(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country + decade)) # Only GDP and life-expactancy head(collap(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country + decade, fsum)) # Using the sum instead head(collap(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country + decade, sum, # Same using base::sum -> slower! na.rm = TRUE)) head(collap(wlddev, wlddev[c("country","decade")], fsum, # Same, exploring different inputs cols = 9:10)) head(collap(wlddev[9:10], wlddev[c("country","decade")], fsum)) head(collapv(wlddev, c("country","decade"), fsum)) # ..names/indices with collapv head(collapv(wlddev, c(1,5), fsum)) g <- GRP(wlddev, ~ country + decade) # Precomputing the grouping head(collap(wlddev, g, keep.by = FALSE)) # This is slightly faster now # Aggregate categorical data using not the mode but the last element head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, fmean, flast)) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, catFUN = flast, # Aggregate only categorical data cols = is_categorical)) ## Weighted Aggregation ---------------------------------------- # We aggregate to region level using population weights head(collap(wlddev, ~ region + year, w = ~ POP)) # Takes weighted mean for numeric.. # ..and weighted mode for categorical data. The weight vector is aggregated using fsum head(collap(wlddev, ~ region + year, w = ~ POP, # Aggregating weights using sum wFUN = list(sum = fsum, max = fmax))) # and max (corresponding to mode) ## Multi-Function Aggregation ---------------------------------- head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), # Saving mean and Nobs cols = 9:13)) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Same using base R -> slower list(mean = mean, N = function(x, ...) sum(!is.na(x))), cols = 9:13, na.rm = TRUE)) lapply(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # List output format list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), cols = 9:13, return = "list"), head) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Long output format list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), cols = 9:13, return = "long")) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Also aggregating categorical data, list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), return = "long_dupl")) # and duplicating it 2 times head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Now also using 2 functions on list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), list(mode = fmode, last = flast), # categorical data keep.col.order = FALSE)) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # More functions, string input, c("fmean","fsum","fnobs","fsd","fvar"), # parallelized execution c("fmode","ffirst","flast","fndistinct"), # (choose more than 1 cores, parallel = TRUE, mc.cores = 1L, # depending on your machine) keep.col.order = FALSE)) ## Custom Aggregation ------------------------------------------ head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Custom aggregation custom = list(fmean = 11:13, fsd = 9:10, fmode = 7:8))) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Using column names custom = list(fmean = "PCGDP", fsd = c("LIFEEX","GINI"), flast = "date"))) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Weighted parallelized custom custom = list(fmean = 9:12, fsd = 9:10, # aggregation fmode = 7:8), w = ~ POP, wFUN = list(fsum, fmax), parallel = TRUE, mc.cores = 1L)) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # No column reordering custom = list(fmean = 9:12, fsd = 9:10, fmode = 7:8), w = ~ POP, wFUN = list(fsum, fmax), parallel = TRUE, mc.cores = 1L, keep.col.order = FALSE)) ## Piped Use -------------------------------------------------- iris |> fgroup_by(Species) |> collapg() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country, decade) |> collapg() |> head() wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, year) |> collapg(w = POP) |> head() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country, decade) |> collapg(fmedian, flast) |> head() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country, decade) |> collapg(custom = list(fmean = 9:12, fmode = 5:7, flast = 3)) |> head()
## A Simple Introduction -------------------------------------- head(iris) collap(iris, ~ Species) # Default: FUN = fmean for numeric collapv(iris, 5) # Same using collapv collap(iris, ~ Species, fmedian) # Using the median collap(iris, ~ Species, fmedian, keep.col.order = FALSE) # Groups in-front collap(iris, Sepal.Width + Petal.Width ~ Species, fmedian) # Only '.Width' columns collapv(iris, 5, cols = c(2, 4)) # Same using collapv collap(iris, ~ Species, list(fmean, fmedian)) # Two functions collap(iris, ~ Species, list(fmean, fmedian), return = "long") # Long format collapv(iris, 5, custom = list(fmean = 1:2, fmedian = 3:4)) # Custom aggregation collapv(iris, 5, custom = list(fmean = 1:2, fmedian = 3:4), # Raw output, no column reordering return = "list") collapv(iris, 5, custom = list(fmean = 1:2, fmedian = 3:4), # A strange choice.. return = "long") collap(iris, ~ Species, w = ~ Sepal.Length) # Using Sepal.Length as weights, .. weights <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(iris))) collap(iris, ~ Species, w = weights) # Some random weights.. collap(iris, iris$Species, w = weights) # Note this behavior.. collap(iris, iris$Species, w = weights, keep.by = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE) ## Multi-Type Aggregation -------------------------------------- head(wlddev) # World Development Panel Data head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade)) # Aggregate by country and decade head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, fmedian, ffirst)) # Different functions head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, cols = is.numeric)) # Aggregate only numeric columns head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, cols = 9:13)) # Only the 5 series head(collap(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country + decade)) # Only GDP and life-expactancy head(collap(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country + decade, fsum)) # Using the sum instead head(collap(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country + decade, sum, # Same using base::sum -> slower! na.rm = TRUE)) head(collap(wlddev, wlddev[c("country","decade")], fsum, # Same, exploring different inputs cols = 9:10)) head(collap(wlddev[9:10], wlddev[c("country","decade")], fsum)) head(collapv(wlddev, c("country","decade"), fsum)) # ..names/indices with collapv head(collapv(wlddev, c(1,5), fsum)) g <- GRP(wlddev, ~ country + decade) # Precomputing the grouping head(collap(wlddev, g, keep.by = FALSE)) # This is slightly faster now # Aggregate categorical data using not the mode but the last element head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, fmean, flast)) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, catFUN = flast, # Aggregate only categorical data cols = is_categorical)) ## Weighted Aggregation ---------------------------------------- # We aggregate to region level using population weights head(collap(wlddev, ~ region + year, w = ~ POP)) # Takes weighted mean for numeric.. # ..and weighted mode for categorical data. The weight vector is aggregated using fsum head(collap(wlddev, ~ region + year, w = ~ POP, # Aggregating weights using sum wFUN = list(sum = fsum, max = fmax))) # and max (corresponding to mode) ## Multi-Function Aggregation ---------------------------------- head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), # Saving mean and Nobs cols = 9:13)) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Same using base R -> slower list(mean = mean, N = function(x, ...) sum(!is.na(x))), cols = 9:13, na.rm = TRUE)) lapply(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # List output format list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), cols = 9:13, return = "list"), head) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Long output format list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), cols = 9:13, return = "long")) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Also aggregating categorical data, list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), return = "long_dupl")) # and duplicating it 2 times head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Now also using 2 functions on list(mean = fmean, N = fnobs), list(mode = fmode, last = flast), # categorical data keep.col.order = FALSE)) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # More functions, string input, c("fmean","fsum","fnobs","fsd","fvar"), # parallelized execution c("fmode","ffirst","flast","fndistinct"), # (choose more than 1 cores, parallel = TRUE, mc.cores = 1L, # depending on your machine) keep.col.order = FALSE)) ## Custom Aggregation ------------------------------------------ head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Custom aggregation custom = list(fmean = 11:13, fsd = 9:10, fmode = 7:8))) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Using column names custom = list(fmean = "PCGDP", fsd = c("LIFEEX","GINI"), flast = "date"))) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # Weighted parallelized custom custom = list(fmean = 9:12, fsd = 9:10, # aggregation fmode = 7:8), w = ~ POP, wFUN = list(fsum, fmax), parallel = TRUE, mc.cores = 1L)) head(collap(wlddev, ~ country + decade, # No column reordering custom = list(fmean = 9:12, fsd = 9:10, fmode = 7:8), w = ~ POP, wFUN = list(fsum, fmax), parallel = TRUE, mc.cores = 1L, keep.col.order = FALSE)) ## Piped Use -------------------------------------------------- iris |> fgroup_by(Species) |> collapg() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country, decade) |> collapg() |> head() wlddev |> fgroup_by(region, year) |> collapg(w = POP) |> head() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country, decade) |> collapg(fmedian, flast) |> head() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country, decade) |> collapg(custom = list(fmean = 9:12, fmode = 5:7, flast = 3)) |> head()
The following table fully summarizes the contents of collapse. The documentation is structured hierarchically: This is the main overview page, linking to topical overview pages and associated function pages (unless functions are documented on the topic page).
Topic | Main Features / Keywords | Functions | ||
Fast Statistical Functions | Fast (grouped and weighted) statistical functions for vector, matrix, data frame and grouped data frames (class 'grouped_df', dplyr compatible). | fsum , fprod , fmean , fmedian , fmode , fvar , fsd , fmin , fmax , fnth , ffirst , flast , fnobs , fndistinct |
Fast Grouping and Ordering | Fast (ordered) groupings from vectors, data frames, lists. 'GRP' objects are efficient inputs for programming with collapse's fast functions. fgroup_by can attach them to a data frame, for fast dplyr-style grouped computations. Fast splitting of vectors based on 'GRP' objects. Fast radix-based ordering and hash-based grouping (the workhorses behind GRP ). Fast matching (rows) and unique values/rows, group counts, factor generation, vector grouping, interactions, dropping unused factor levels, generalized run-length type grouping and grouping of integer sequences and time vectors.
GRP , as_factor_GRP , GRPN , GRPid , GRPnames , is_GRP , fgroup_by , group_by_vars , fgroup_vars , fungroup , gsplit , greorder , radixorder(v) , group , fmatch , ckmatch , %!in% , %[!]iin% , funique , fnunique , fduplicated , any_duplicated , fcount(v) , qF , qG , is_qG , finteraction , fdroplevels , groupid , seqid , timeid |
Fast Data Manipulation | Fast and flexible select, subset, summarise, mutate/transform, sort/reorder, combine, join, reshape, rename and relabel data. Some functions modify by reference and/or allow assignment. In addition a set of (standard evaluation) functions for fast selecting, replacing or adding data frame columns, including shortcuts to select and replace variables by data type. | fselect(<-) , fsubset/ss , fsummarise , fmutate , across , (f/set)transform(v)(<-) , fcompute(v) , roworder(v) , colorder(v) , rowbind , join , pivot , (f/set)rename , (set)relabel , get_vars(<-) , add_vars(<-) , num_vars(<-) , cat_vars(<-) , char_vars(<-) , fact_vars(<-) , logi_vars(<-) , date_vars(<-) |
Quick Data Conversion | Quick conversions: data.frame <> data.table <> tibble <> matrix (row- or column-wise) <> list | array > matrix, data.frame, data.table, tibble | vector > factor, matrix, data.frame, data.table, tibble; and converting factors / all factor columns. | qDF , qDT , qTBL , qM , qF , mrtl , mctl , as_numeric_factor , as_integer_factor , as_character_factor |
Advanced Data Aggregation | Fast and easy (weighted and parallelized) aggregation of multi-type data, with different functions applied to numeric and categorical variables. Custom specifications allow mappings of functions to variables + renaming. | collap(v/g) |
Data Transformations | Fast row- and column- arithmetic and (object preserving) apply functionality for vectors, matrices and data frames. Fast (grouped) replacing and sweeping of statistics (by reference) and (grouped and weighted) scaling / standardizing, (higher-dimensional) between- and within-transformations (i.e. averaging and centering), linear prediction and partialling out. | %(r/c)r% , %(r/c)(+/-/*//)% , dapply , BY , (set)TRA , fscale/STD , fbetween/B , fwithin/W , fhdbetween/HDB , fhdwithin/HDW |
Linear Models | Fast (weighted) linear model fitting with 6 different solvers and a fast F-test to test exclusion restrictions on linear models with (large) factors. | flm , fFtest |
Time Series and Panel Series | Fast and class-agnostic indexed time series and panel data objects, check for irregularity in time series and panels, and efficient time-sequence to integer/factor conversion. Fast (sequences of) lags / leads and (lagged / leaded and iterated, quasi-, log-) differences, and (compounded) growth rates on (irregular) time series and panel data. Flexible cumulative sums. Panel data to array conversions. Multivariate panel- auto-, partial- and cross-correlation functions. |
findex_by , findex , unindex , reindex , is_irregular , to_plm , timeid ,
flag/L/F , fdiff/D/Dlog , fgrowth/G , fcumsum , psmat , psacf , pspacf , psccf |
Summary Statistics | Fast (grouped and weighted) summary statistics for cross-sectional and panel data. Fast (weighted) cross tabulation. Efficient detailed description of data frame. Fast check of variation in data (within groups / dimensions). (Weighted) pairwise correlations and covariances (with obs. and p-value), pairwise observation count. | qsu , qtab , descr , varying , pwcor , pwcov , pwnobs |
Other Statistical | Fast euclidean distance computations, (weighted) sample quantiles, and range of vector. | fdist , fquantile , frange |
List Processing | (Recursive) list search and checks, extraction of list-elements / list-subsetting, fast (recursive) splitting, list-transpose, apply functions to lists of data frames / data objects, and generalized recursive row-binding / unlisting in 2-dimensions / to data frame. | is_unlistable , ldepth , has_elem , get_elem , atomic_elem(<-) , list_elem(<-) , reg_elem , irreg_elem , rsplit , t_list , rapply2d , unlist2d , rowbind |
Recode and Replace Values | Recode multiple values (exact or regex matching) and replace NaN/Inf/-Inf and outliers (according to 1- or 2-sided threshold or standard-deviations) in vectors, matrices or data frames. Insert a value at arbitrary positions into vectors, matrices or data frames. |
recode_num , recode_char , replace_na , replace_inf , replace_outliers , pad |
(Memory) Efficient Programming | Efficient comparisons of a vector/matrix with a value, and replacing values/rows in vector/matrix/DF (avoiding logical vectors or subsets), faster generation of initialized vectors, and fast mathematical operations on vectors/matrices/DF's with no copies at all. Fast missing value detection, (random) insertion and removal/replacement, lengths and C storage types, greatest common divisor of vector, nlevels for factors, nrow , ncol , dim (for data frames) and seq_along rows or columns. Fast vectorization of matrices and lists, and choleski inverse of symmetric PD matrix. |
anyv , allv , allNA , whichv , whichNA , %==% ,
%!=% , copyv , setv , alloc , setop , %+=% , %-=% , %*=% , %/=% , missing_cases , na_insert , na_rm , na_locf , na_focb , na_omit , vlengths , vtypes , vgcd , fnlevels , fnrow , fncol , fdim , seq_row , seq_col , vec , cinv |
Small (Helper) Functions | Multiple-assignment, non-standard concatenation, set and extract variable labels and classes, display variable names and labels together, add / remove prefix or postfix to / from column names, check exact or near / numeric equality of multiple objects or of all elements in a list, get names of functions called in an expression, return object with dimnames, row- or colnames efficiently set, or with all attributes removed, C-level functions to set and shallow-copy attributes, identify categorical (non-numeric) and date(-time) objects. | massign , %=% , .c , vlabels(<-) , setLabels , vclasses , namlab , add_stub , rm_stub , all_identical , all_obj_equal , all_funs , setDimnames , setRownames , setColnames , unattrib , setAttrib , setattrib , copyAttrib , copyMostAttrib , is_categorical , is_date |
Data and Global Macros | Groningen Growth and Development Centre 10-Sector Database, World Bank World Development dataset, and some global macros containing links to the topical documentation pages (including this page), all exported objects (excluding exported S3 methods and depreciated functions), all generic functions (excluding depreciated), the 2 datasets, depreciated functions, all fast functions, all fast statistical (scalar-valued) functions, and all transformation operators (these are not infix functions but function shortcuts resembling operators in a statistical sense, such as the lag/lead operators L /F , both wrapping flag , see .OPERATOR_FUN ). |
Package Options | set_collapse /get_collapse can be used to globally set/get the defaults for na.rm , nthreads and sort , etc., arguments found in many functions, and to globally control the namespace with options 'mask' and 'remove': 'mask' can be used to mask base R/dplyr functions by export copies of equivalent collapse functions starting with "f" , removing the leading "f" (e.g. exporting subset <- fsubset ). 'remove' allows removing arbitrary functions from the exported namespace. options("collapse_unused_arg_action") sets the action taken by generic statistical functions when unknown arguments are passed to a method. The default is "warning" . |
set_collapse , get_collapse |
The added top-level documentation infrastructure in collapse allows you to effectively navigate the package.
Calling ?FUN
brings up the documentation page documenting the function, which contains links to associated topic pages and closely related functions. You can also call topical documentation pages directly from the console. The links to these pages are contained in the global macro .COLLAPSE_TOPICS
(e.g. calling help(.COLLAPSE_TOPICS[1])
brings up this page).
Maintainer: Sebastian Krantz [email protected]
collapse is globally configurable to an extent few packages are: the default value of key function arguments governing the behavior of its algorithms, and the exported namespace, can be adjusted interactively through the set_collapse()
These options are saved in an internal environment called .op
(for safety and performance reasons) visible in the documentation of some functions such as fmean
. The contents of this environment can be accessed using get_collapse()
There are also a few options that can be set using options
(retrievable using getOption
). These options mainly affect package startup behavior.
set_collapse(...) get_collapse(opts = NULL)
set_collapse(...) get_collapse(opts = NULL)
... |
either comma separated options, or a single list of options. The available options are:
opts |
character. A vector of options to receive from |
returns the old content of .op
invisibly as a list. get_collapse()
, if called with only one option, returns the value of the option, and otherwise a list.
regulates how generic functions (such as the Fast Statistical Functions) in the package react when an unknown argument is passed to a method. The default action is "warning"
which issues a warning. Other options are "error"
, "message"
or "none"
, whereby the latter enables silent swallowing of such arguments.
, if set to TRUE
, exports the lead operator F
in the package namespace when loading the package. The operator was exported by default until v1.9.0, but is now hidden inside the package due to too many problems with base::F
. Alternatively, the operator can be accessed using collapse:::F
, "collapse_na_rm"
, "collapse_sort"
, "collapse_stable_algo"
, "collapse_verbose"
, "collapse_digits"
, "collapse_mask"
and "collapse_remove"
can be set before loading the package to initialize .op
with different defaults (e.g. using an .Rprofile
file). Once loaded, these options have no effect, and users need to use set_collapse()
to change them. See also the Note.
Setting keywords "fast-fun", "fast-stat-fun", "fast-trfm-fun" or "all" with set_collapse(mask = ...)
will also adjust internal optimization flags, e.g. in (f)summarise
and (f)mutate
, so that these functions - and all expressions containing them - receive vectorized execution (see examples of (f)summarise
and (f)mutate
). Users should be aware of expressions like fmutate(mu = sum(var) / lenth(var))
: this usually gets executed by groups, but with these keywords set,this will be vectorized (like fmutate(mu = fsum(var) / lenth(var))
) implying grouped sum divided by overall length. In this case fmutate(mu = base::sum(var) / lenth(var))
needs to be specified to retain the original result.
Note that passing individual functions like set_collapse(mask = "(f)sum")
will not change internal optimization flags for these functions. This is to ensure consistency i.e. you can be either all in (by setting appropriate keywords) or all out when it comes to vectorized stats with basic R names.
Note also that masking does not change documentation links, so you need to look up the f- version of a function to get the right documentation.
A safe way to set options affecting startup behavior is by using a .Rprofile
file in your user or project directory (see also here, the user-level file is located at file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Rprofile")
and can be edited using file.edit(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Rprofile")
), or by using a .fastverse
configuration file in the project directory.
does in fact remove functions from the namespace and cannot be reversed by set_collapse(remove = NULL)
once the package is loaded. It is only reversed by re-loading collapse.
Collapse Overview, collapse-package
# Setting new values oldopts <- set_collapse(nthreads = 2, na.rm = FALSE) # Getting the values get_collapse() get_collapse("nthreads") # Resetting set_collapse(oldopts) rm(oldopts) ## Not run: ## This is a typical working setup I use: library(fastverse) # Loading other stats packages with fastverse_extend(): # displays versions, checks conflicts, and installs if unavailable fastverse_extend(qs, fixest, grf, glmnet, install = TRUE) # Now setting collapse options with some namespace modification set_collapse( nthreads = 4, sort = FALSE, mask = c("manip", "helper", "special", "mean", "scale"), remove = "old" ) # Final conflicts check (optional) fastverse_conflicts() # For some simpler scripts I also use set_collapse( nthreads = 4, sort = FALSE, mask = "all", remove = c("old", "between") # I use data.table::between > fbetween ) # This is now collapse code mtcars |> subset(mpg > 12) |> group_by(cyl) |> sum() ## End(Not run) ## Changing what happens with unused arguments oldopts <- options(collapse_unused_arg_action = "message") # default: "warning" fmean(mtcars$mpg, bla = 1) # Now nothing happens, same as base R options(collapse_unused_arg_action = "none") fmean(mtcars$mpg, bla = 1) mean(mtcars$mpg, bla = 1) options(oldopts) rm(oldopts)
# Setting new values oldopts <- set_collapse(nthreads = 2, na.rm = FALSE) # Getting the values get_collapse() get_collapse("nthreads") # Resetting set_collapse(oldopts) rm(oldopts) ## Not run: ## This is a typical working setup I use: library(fastverse) # Loading other stats packages with fastverse_extend(): # displays versions, checks conflicts, and installs if unavailable fastverse_extend(qs, fixest, grf, glmnet, install = TRUE) # Now setting collapse options with some namespace modification set_collapse( nthreads = 4, sort = FALSE, mask = c("manip", "helper", "special", "mean", "scale"), remove = "old" ) # Final conflicts check (optional) fastverse_conflicts() # For some simpler scripts I also use set_collapse( nthreads = 4, sort = FALSE, mask = "all", remove = c("old", "between") # I use data.table::between > fbetween ) # This is now collapse code mtcars |> subset(mpg > 12) |> group_by(cyl) |> sum() ## End(Not run) ## Changing what happens with unused arguments oldopts <- options(collapse_unused_arg_action = "message") # default: "warning" fmean(mtcars$mpg, bla = 1) # Now nothing happens, same as base R options(collapse_unused_arg_action = "none") fmean(mtcars$mpg, bla = 1) mean(mtcars$mpg, bla = 1) options(oldopts) rm(oldopts)
These functions were renamed (mostly during v1.6.0 update) to make the namespace more consistent. Except for the S3 generics of fNobs
, fNdistinct
, fHDbetween
and fHDwithin
, and functions replace_NA
and replace_Inf
, I intend to remove all of these functions by end of 2023.
fNobs -> fnobs fNdistinct -> fndistinct pwNobs -> pwnobs fHDwithin -> fhdwithin fHDbetween -> fhdbetween as.factor_GRP -> as_factor_GRP as.factor_qG -> as_factor_qG is.GRP -> is_GRP is.qG -> is_qG is.unlistable -> is_unlistable is.categorical -> is_categorical is.Date -> is_date as.numeric_factor -> as_numeric_factor as.character_factor -> as_character_factor Date_vars -> date_vars `Date_vars<-` -> `date_vars<-` replace_NA -> replace_na replace_Inf -> replace_inf
Efficiently reorder columns in a data frame. To do this fully by reference see also data.table::setcolorder
colorder(.X, ..., pos = "front") colorderv(X, neworder = radixorder(names(X)), pos = "front", regex = FALSE, ...)
colorder(.X, ..., pos = "front") colorderv(X, neworder = radixorder(names(X)), pos = "front", regex = FALSE, ...)
.X , X
a data frame or list. |
... |
for |
neworder |
a vector of column names, positive indices, a suitable logical vector, a function such as |
pos |
integer or character. Different options regarding column arrangement if
regex |
logical. |
with columns reordered (no deep copies).
, Data Frame Manipulation, Collapse Overview
head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl:hp, am)) head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl:hp, am, pos = "end")) head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl:hp, am, pos = "after")) head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl, pos = "exchange")) head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl:hp, new = am)) # renaming ## Same in standard evaluation head(colorderv(mtcars, c(8, 2:4, 9))) head(colorderv(mtcars, c(8, 2:4, 9), pos = "end")) head(colorderv(mtcars, c(8, 2:4, 9), pos = "after")) head(colorderv(mtcars, c(8, 2), pos = "exchange"))
head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl:hp, am)) head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl:hp, am, pos = "end")) head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl:hp, am, pos = "after")) head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl, pos = "exchange")) head(colorder(mtcars, vs, cyl:hp, new = am)) # renaming ## Same in standard evaluation head(colorderv(mtcars, c(8, 2:4, 9))) head(colorderv(mtcars, c(8, 2:4, 9), pos = "end")) head(colorderv(mtcars, c(8, 2:4, 9), pos = "after")) head(colorderv(mtcars, c(8, 2), pos = "exchange"))
efficiently applies functions to columns or rows of matrix-like objects and by default returns an object of the same type and with the same attributes (unless the result is scalar and drop = TRUE
). Alternatively it is possible to return the result in a plain matrix or data.frame. A simple parallelism is also available.
dapply(X, FUN, ..., MARGIN = 2, parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "matrix", "data.frame"), drop = TRUE)
dapply(X, FUN, ..., MARGIN = 2, parallel = FALSE, mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "matrix", "data.frame"), drop = TRUE)
X |
a matrix, data frame or alike object. |
a function, can be scalar- or vector-valued. |
... |
further arguments to |
integer. The margin which |
parallel |
logical. |
mc.cores |
integer. Argument to |
return |
an integer or string indicating the type of object to return. The default |
drop |
logical. If the result has only one row or one column, |
is an efficient command to apply functions to rows or columns of data without loosing information (attributes) about the data or changing the classes or format of the data. It is principally an efficient wrapper around lapply
and works as follows:
Save the attributes of X
(columns), convert matrices to plain lists of columns using mctl
and remove all attributes from data frames.
(rows), convert matrices to plain lists of rows using mrtl
. For data frames remove all attributes, efficiently convert to matrix using do.call(cbind, X)
and also convert to list of rows using mrtl
Call lapply
or mclapply
on these plain lists (which is faster than calling lapply
on an object with attributes).
depending on the requested output type, use matrix
, unlist
or do.call(cbind, ...)
to convert the result back to a matrix or list of columns.
modify the relevant attributes accordingly and efficiently attach to the object again (no further checks).
The performance gain from working with plain lists makes dapply
not much slower than calling lapply
itself on a data frame. Because of the conversions involved, row-operations require some memory, but are still faster than apply
where FUN
was applied to every row or column.
, collap
, Fast Statistical Functions, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
head(dapply(mtcars, log)) # Take natural log of each variable head(dapply(mtcars, log, return = "matrix")) # Return as matrix m <- as.matrix(mtcars) head(dapply(m, log)) # Same thing head(dapply(m, log, return = "data.frame")) # Return data frame from matrix dapply(mtcars, sum); dapply(m, sum) # Computing sum of each column, return as vector dapply(mtcars, sum, drop = FALSE) # This returns a data frame of 1 row dapply(mtcars, sum, MARGIN = 1) # Compute row-sum of each column, return as vector dapply(m, sum, MARGIN = 1) # Same thing for matrices, faster t. apply(m, 1, sum) head(dapply(m, sum, MARGIN = 1, drop = FALSE)) # Gives matrix with one column head(dapply(m, quantile, MARGIN = 1)) # Compute row-quantiles dapply(m, quantile) # Column-quantiles head(dapply(mtcars, quantile, MARGIN = 1)) # Same for data frames, output is also a data.frame dapply(mtcars, quantile) # With classed objects, we have to be a bit careful ## Not run: dapply(EuStockMarkets, quantile) # This gives an error because the tsp attribute is misspecified ## End(Not run) dapply(EuStockMarkets, quantile, return = "matrix") # These both work fine.. dapply(EuStockMarkets, quantile, return = "data.frame") # Similarly for grouped tibbles and other data frame based classes library(dplyr) gmtcars <- group_by(mtcars,cyl,vs,am) head(dapply(gmtcars, log)) # Still gives a grouped tibble back dapply(gmtcars, quantile, MARGIN = 1) # Here it makes sense to keep the groups attribute dapply(gmtcars, quantile) # This does not make much sense, ... dapply(gmtcars, quantile, # better convert to plain data.frame: return = "data.frame")
head(dapply(mtcars, log)) # Take natural log of each variable head(dapply(mtcars, log, return = "matrix")) # Return as matrix m <- as.matrix(mtcars) head(dapply(m, log)) # Same thing head(dapply(m, log, return = "data.frame")) # Return data frame from matrix dapply(mtcars, sum); dapply(m, sum) # Computing sum of each column, return as vector dapply(mtcars, sum, drop = FALSE) # This returns a data frame of 1 row dapply(mtcars, sum, MARGIN = 1) # Compute row-sum of each column, return as vector dapply(m, sum, MARGIN = 1) # Same thing for matrices, faster t. apply(m, 1, sum) head(dapply(m, sum, MARGIN = 1, drop = FALSE)) # Gives matrix with one column head(dapply(m, quantile, MARGIN = 1)) # Compute row-quantiles dapply(m, quantile) # Column-quantiles head(dapply(mtcars, quantile, MARGIN = 1)) # Same for data frames, output is also a data.frame dapply(mtcars, quantile) # With classed objects, we have to be a bit careful ## Not run: dapply(EuStockMarkets, quantile) # This gives an error because the tsp attribute is misspecified ## End(Not run) dapply(EuStockMarkets, quantile, return = "matrix") # These both work fine.. dapply(EuStockMarkets, quantile, return = "data.frame") # Similarly for grouped tibbles and other data frame based classes library(dplyr) gmtcars <- group_by(mtcars,cyl,vs,am) head(dapply(gmtcars, log)) # Still gives a grouped tibble back dapply(gmtcars, quantile, MARGIN = 1) # Here it makes sense to keep the groups attribute dapply(gmtcars, quantile) # This does not make much sense, ... dapply(gmtcars, quantile, # better convert to plain data.frame: return = "data.frame")
collapse provides an ensemble of functions to perform common data transformations efficiently and user friendly:
applies functions to rows or columns of matrices and data frames, preserving the data format.
is an S3 generic for efficient Split-Apply-Combine computing, similar to dapply
A set of arithmetic operators facilitates row-wise %rr%
, %r+%
, %r-%
, %r*%
, %r/%
column-wise %cr%
, %c+%
, %c-%
, %c*%
, %c/%
replacing and sweeping operations involving a vector and a matrix or data frame / list. Since v1.7, the operators %+=%
, %-=%
, %*=%
and %/=%
do column- and element- wise math by reference, and the function setop
can also perform sweeping out rows by reference.
is a more advanced S3 generic to efficiently perform (groupwise) replacing and sweeping out of statistics, either by creating a copy of the data or by reference.
Supported operations are:
Integer-id | String-id | Description | ||
0 | "na" or "replace_na" | replace only missing values | ||
1 | "fill" or "replace_fill" | replace everything | ||
2 | "replace" | replace data but preserve missing values | ||
3 | "-" | subtract | ||
4 | "-+" | subtract group-statistics but add group-frequency weighted average of group statistics | ||
5 | "/" | divide | ||
6 | "%" | compute percentages | ||
7 | "+" | add | ||
8 | "*" | multiply | ||
9 | "%%" | modulus | ||
10 | "-%%" | subtract modulus |
All of collapse's Fast Statistical Functions have a built-in TRA
argument for faster access (i.e. you can compute (groupwise) statistics and use them to transform your data with a single function call).
is an S3 generic to perform (groupwise and / or weighted) scaling / standardizing of data and is orders of magnitude faster than scale
is an S3 generic to efficiently perform (groupwise and / or weighted) within-transformations / demeaning / centering of data. Similarly fbetween/B
computes (groupwise and / or weighted) between-transformations / averages (also a lot faster than ave
, shorthand for 'higher-dimensional within transform', is an S3 generic to efficiently center data on multiple groups and partial-out linear models (possibly involving many levels of fixed effects and interactions). In other words, fhdwithin/HDW
efficiently computes residuals from linear models. Similarly fhdbetween/HDB
, shorthand for 'higher-dimensional between transformation', computes the corresponding means or fitted values.
, fdiff/D/Dlog
and fgrowth/G
are S3 generics to compute sequences of lags / leads and suitably lagged and iterated (quasi-, log-) differences and growth rates on time series and panel data. fcumsum
flexibly computes (grouped, ordered) cumulative sums. More in Time Series and Panel Series.
STD, W, B, HDW, HDB, L, D, Dlog
and G
are parsimonious wrappers around the f-
functions above representing the corresponding transformation 'operators'. They have additional capabilities when applied to data-frames (i.e. variable selection, formula input, auto-renaming and id-variable preservation), and are easier to employ in regression formulas, but are otherwise identical in functionality.
Function / S3 Generic | Methods | Description | ||
dapply |
No methods, works with matrices and data frames | Apply functions to rows or columns | ||
BY |
default, matrix, data.frame, grouped_df |
Split-Apply-Combine computing | ||
%(r/c)(r/+/-/*//)% |
No methods, works with matrices and data frames / lists | Row- and column-arithmetic | ||
(set)TRA |
default, matrix, data.frame, grouped_df |
Replace and sweep out statistics (by reference) | ||
fscale/STD |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
Scale / standardize data | ||
fwithin/W |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
Demean / center data | ||
fbetween/B |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
Compute means / average data | ||
fhdwithin/HDW |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame |
High-dimensional centering and lm residuals | ||
fhdbetween/HDB |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame |
High-dimensional averages and lm fitted values | ||
flag/L/F , fdiff/D/Dlog , fgrowth/G , fcumsum |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
(Sequences of) lags / leads, differences, growth rates and cumulative sums |
Collapse Overview, Fast Statistical Functions, Time Series and Panel Series
offers a fast and detailed description of each variable in a data frame. Since v1.9.0 it fully supports grouped and weighted computations.
descr(X, ...) ## Default S3 method: descr(X, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq", Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L, label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' descr(X, w = NULL, Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq", Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L, label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'descr' as.data.frame(x, ..., gid = "Group") ## S3 method for class 'descr' print(x, n = 14, perc = TRUE, digits = .op[["digits"]], t.table = TRUE, total = TRUE, compact = FALSE, summary = !compact, reverse = FALSE, stepwise = FALSE, ...)
descr(X, ...) ## Default S3 method: descr(X, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq", Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L, label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' descr(X, w = NULL, Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq", Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L, label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'descr' as.data.frame(x, ..., gid = "Group") ## S3 method for class 'descr' print(x, n = 14, perc = TRUE, digits = .op[["digits"]], t.table = TRUE, total = TRUE, compact = FALSE, summary = !compact, reverse = FALSE, stepwise = FALSE, ...)
X |
a (grouped) data frame or list of atomic vectors. Atomic vectors, matrices or arrays can be passed but will first be coerced to data frame using |
by |
a factor, |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights. the default method also supports a one-sided formulas i.e. |
cols |
select columns to describe using column names, indices a logical vector or selector function (e.g. |
Ndistinct |
logical. |
higher |
logical. Argument is passed down to |
table |
logical. |
sort.table |
an integer or character string specifying how the frequency table should be presented:
Qprobs |
double. Probabilities for quantiles to compute on numeric variables, passed down to |
Qtype |
integer. Quantile types 5-9 following Hyndman and Fan (1996) who recommended type 8, default 7 as in |
label.attr |
character. The name of a label attribute to display for each variable (if variables are labeled). |
... |
for |
x |
an object of class 'descr'. |
n |
integer. The maximum number of table elements to print for categorical variables. If the number of distinct elements is |
perc |
logical. |
digits |
integer. The number of decimals to print in statistics, quantiles and percentage tables. |
t.table |
logical. |
total |
logical. |
compact |
logical. |
summary |
logical. |
reverse |
logical. |
stepwise |
logical. |
gid |
character. Name assigned to the group-id column, when describing data by groups. |
was heavily inspired by Hmisc::describe
, but is much faster and has more advanced statistical capabilities. It is principally a wrapper around qsu
, fquantile
), and fndistinct
for numeric variables, and computes frequency tables for categorical variables using qtab
. Date variables are summarized with fnobs
, fndistinct
and frange
Since v1.9.0 grouped and weighted computations are fully supported. The use of sampling weights will produce a weighted mean, sd, skewness and kurtosis, and weighted quantiles for numeric data. For categorical data, tables will display the sum of weights instead of the frequencies, and percentage tables as well as the percentage of missing values indicated next to 'Statistics' in print, be relative to the total sum of weights. All this can be done by groups. Grouped (weighted) quantiles are computed using BY
For larger datasets, calling the stepwise
option directly from descr()
is recommended, as precomputing the statistics for all variables before digesting the results can be time consuming.
The list-object returned from descr
can efficiently be converted to a tidy data frame using the as.data.frame
method. This representation will not include frequency tables computed for categorical variables.
A 2-level nested list-based object of class 'descr'. The list has the same size as the dataset, and contains the statistics computed for each variable, which are themselves stored in a list containing the class, the label, the basic statistics and quantiles / tables computed for the variable (in matrix form).
The object has attributes attached providing the 'name' of the dataset, the number of rows in the dataset ('N'), an attribute 'arstat' indicating whether arrays of statistics where generated by passing arguments (e.g. pid
) down to qsu.default
, an attribute 'table' indicating whether table = TRUE
(i.e. the object could contain tables for categorical variables), and attributes 'groups' and/or 'weights' providing a GRP
object and/or weight vector for grouped and/or weighted data descriptions.
, qtab
, fquantile
, pwcor
, Summary Statistics, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## Simple Use descr(iris) descr(wlddev) descr(GGDC10S) # Some useful print options (also try stepwise argument) print(descr(GGDC10S), reverse = TRUE, t.table = FALSE) # For bigger data consider: descr(big_data, stepwise = TRUE) # Generating a data frame as.data.frame(descr(wlddev, table = FALSE)) ## Weighted Desciptions descr(wlddev, w = ~ replace_na(POP)) # replacing NA's with 0's for fquantile() ## Grouped Desciptions descr(GGDC10S, ~ Variable) descr(wlddev, ~ income) print(descr(wlddev, ~ income), compact = TRUE) ## Grouped & Weighted Desciptions descr(wlddev, ~ income, w = ~ replace_na(POP)) ## Passing Arguments down to qsu.default: for Panel Data Statistics descr(iris, pid = iris$Species) descr(wlddev, pid = wlddev$iso3c)
## Simple Use descr(iris) descr(wlddev) descr(GGDC10S) # Some useful print options (also try stepwise argument) print(descr(GGDC10S), reverse = TRUE, t.table = FALSE) # For bigger data consider: descr(big_data, stepwise = TRUE) # Generating a data frame as.data.frame(descr(wlddev, table = FALSE)) ## Weighted Desciptions descr(wlddev, w = ~ replace_na(POP)) # replacing NA's with 0's for fquantile() ## Grouped Desciptions descr(GGDC10S, ~ Variable) descr(wlddev, ~ income) print(descr(wlddev, ~ income), compact = TRUE) ## Grouped & Weighted Desciptions descr(wlddev, ~ income, w = ~ replace_na(POP)) ## Passing Arguments down to qsu.default: for Panel Data Statistics descr(iris, pid = iris$Species) descr(wlddev, pid = wlddev$iso3c)
A small set of functions to address some common inefficiencies in R, such as the creation of logical vectors to compare quantities, unnecessary copies of objects in elementary mathematical or subsetting operations, obtaining information about objects (esp. data frames), or dealing with missing values.
anyv(x, value) # Faster than any(x == value). See also kit::panyv() allv(x, value) # Faster than all(x == value). See also kit::pallv() allNA(x) # Faster than all(is.na(x)). See also kit::pallNA() whichv(x, value, # Faster than which(x == value) invert = FALSE) # or which(x != value). See also Note (3) whichNA(x, invert = FALSE) # Faster than which((!)is.na(x)) x %==% value # Infix for whichv(v, value, FALSE), use e.g. in fsubset() x %!=% value # Infix for whichv(v, value, TRUE). See also Note (3) alloc(value, n, # Fast rep_len(value, n) or replicate(n, value). simplify = TRUE) # simplify only works if length(value) == 1. See Details. copyv(X, v, R, ..., invert # Fast replace(X, v, R), replace(X, X (!/=)= v, R) or = FALSE, vind1 = FALSE, # replace(X, (!)v, R[(!)v]). See Details and Note (4). xlist = FALSE) # For multi-replacement see also kit::vswitch() setv(X, v, R, ..., invert # Same for X[v] <- r, X[x (!/=)= v] <- r or = FALSE, vind1 = FALSE, # x[(!)v] <- r[(!)v]. Modifies X by reference, fastest. xlist = FALSE) # X/R/V can also be lists/DFs. See Details and Examples. setop(X, op, V, ..., # Faster than X <- X +\-\*\/ V (modifies by reference) rowwise = FALSE) # optionally can also add v to rows of a matrix or list X %+=% V # Infix for setop(X, "+", V). See also Note (2) X %-=% V # Infix for setop(X, "-", V). See also Note (2) X %*=% V # Infix for setop(X, "*", V). See also Note (2) X %/=% V # Infix for setop(X, "/", V). See also Note (2) na_rm(x) # Fast: if(anyNA(x)) x[!is.na(x)] else x, last na_locf(x, set = FALSE) # obs. carried forward and first obs. carried back. na_focb(x, set = FALSE) # (by reference). These also support lists (NULL/empty) na_omit(X, cols = NULL, # Faster na.omit for matrices and data frames, na.attr = FALSE, # can use selected columns to check, attach indices, prop = 0, ...) # and remove cases with a proportion of values missing na_insert(X, prop = 0.1, # Insert missing values at random value = NA) missing_cases(X, cols=NULL, # The opposite of complete.cases(), faster for DF's. prop = 0, count = FALSE) # See also kit::panyNA(), kit::pallNA(), kit::pcountNA() vlengths(X, use.names=TRUE) # Faster lengths() and nchar() (in C, no method dispatch) vtypes(X, use.names = TRUE) # Get data storage types (faster vapply(X, typeof, ...)) vgcd(x) # Greatest common divisor of positive integers or doubles fnlevels(x) # Faster version of nlevels(x) (for factors) fnrow(X) # Faster nrow for data frames (not faster for matrices) fncol(X) # Faster ncol for data frames (not faster for matrices) fdim(X) # Faster dim for data frames (not faster for matrices) seq_row(X) # Fast integer sequences along rows of X seq_col(X) # Fast integer sequences along columns of X vec(X) # Vectorization (stacking) of matrix or data frame/list cinv(x) # Choleski (fast) inverse of symmetric PD matrix, e.g. X'X
anyv(x, value) # Faster than any(x == value). See also kit::panyv() allv(x, value) # Faster than all(x == value). See also kit::pallv() allNA(x) # Faster than all(is.na(x)). See also kit::pallNA() whichv(x, value, # Faster than which(x == value) invert = FALSE) # or which(x != value). See also Note (3) whichNA(x, invert = FALSE) # Faster than which((!)is.na(x)) x %==% value # Infix for whichv(v, value, FALSE), use e.g. in fsubset() x %!=% value # Infix for whichv(v, value, TRUE). See also Note (3) alloc(value, n, # Fast rep_len(value, n) or replicate(n, value). simplify = TRUE) # simplify only works if length(value) == 1. See Details. copyv(X, v, R, ..., invert # Fast replace(X, v, R), replace(X, X (!/=)= v, R) or = FALSE, vind1 = FALSE, # replace(X, (!)v, R[(!)v]). See Details and Note (4). xlist = FALSE) # For multi-replacement see also kit::vswitch() setv(X, v, R, ..., invert # Same for X[v] <- r, X[x (!/=)= v] <- r or = FALSE, vind1 = FALSE, # x[(!)v] <- r[(!)v]. Modifies X by reference, fastest. xlist = FALSE) # X/R/V can also be lists/DFs. See Details and Examples. setop(X, op, V, ..., # Faster than X <- X +\-\*\/ V (modifies by reference) rowwise = FALSE) # optionally can also add v to rows of a matrix or list X %+=% V # Infix for setop(X, "+", V). See also Note (2) X %-=% V # Infix for setop(X, "-", V). See also Note (2) X %*=% V # Infix for setop(X, "*", V). See also Note (2) X %/=% V # Infix for setop(X, "/", V). See also Note (2) na_rm(x) # Fast: if(anyNA(x)) x[!is.na(x)] else x, last na_locf(x, set = FALSE) # obs. carried forward and first obs. carried back. na_focb(x, set = FALSE) # (by reference). These also support lists (NULL/empty) na_omit(X, cols = NULL, # Faster na.omit for matrices and data frames, na.attr = FALSE, # can use selected columns to check, attach indices, prop = 0, ...) # and remove cases with a proportion of values missing na_insert(X, prop = 0.1, # Insert missing values at random value = NA) missing_cases(X, cols=NULL, # The opposite of complete.cases(), faster for DF's. prop = 0, count = FALSE) # See also kit::panyNA(), kit::pallNA(), kit::pcountNA() vlengths(X, use.names=TRUE) # Faster lengths() and nchar() (in C, no method dispatch) vtypes(X, use.names = TRUE) # Get data storage types (faster vapply(X, typeof, ...)) vgcd(x) # Greatest common divisor of positive integers or doubles fnlevels(x) # Faster version of nlevels(x) (for factors) fnrow(X) # Faster nrow for data frames (not faster for matrices) fncol(X) # Faster ncol for data frames (not faster for matrices) fdim(X) # Faster dim for data frames (not faster for matrices) seq_row(X) # Fast integer sequences along rows of X seq_col(X) # Fast integer sequences along columns of X vec(X) # Vectorization (stacking) of matrix or data frame/list cinv(x) # Choleski (fast) inverse of symmetric PD matrix, e.g. X'X
X , V , R
a vector, matrix or data frame. |
x , v
a (atomic) vector or matrix ( |
value |
a single value of any (atomic) vector type. For |
invert |
logical. |
set |
logical. |
simplify |
logical. If |
vind1 |
logical. If |
xlist |
logical. If |
op |
an integer or character string indicating the operation to perform.
rowwise |
logical. |
cols |
select columns to check for missing values using column names, indices, a logical vector or a function (e.g. |
n |
integer. The length of the vector to allocate with |
na.attr |
logical. |
prop |
double. For |
count |
logical. |
use.names |
logical. Preserve names if |
... |
for |
is a fusion of rep_len
and replicate
that is faster in both cases. If value
is a length one atomic vector (logical, integer, double, string, complex or raw) and simplify = TRUE
, the functionality is as rep_len(value, n)
i.e. the output is a length n
atomic vector with the same attributes as value
(apart from "names"
, "dim"
and "dimnames"
). For all other cases the functionality is as replicate(n, value, simplify = FALSE)
i.e. the output is a length-n
list of the objects. For efficiency reasons the object is not copied i.e. only the pointer to the object is replicated.
and setv
are designed to optimize operations that require replacing data in objects in the broadest sense. The only difference between them is that copyv
first deep-copies X
before doing replacements whereas setv
modifies X
in place and returns the result invisibly. There are 3 ways these functions can be used:
To replace a single value, setv(X, v, R)
is an efficient alternative to X[X == v] <- R
, and copyv(X, v, R)
is more efficient than replace(X, X == v, R)
. This can be inverted using setv(X, v, R, invert = TRUE)
, equivalent to X[X != v] <- R
To do standard replacement with integer or logical indices i.e. X[v] <- R
is more efficient using setv(X, v, R)
, and, if v
is logical, setv(X, v, R, invert = TRUE)
is efficient for X[!v] <- R
. To distinguish this from use case (1) when length(v) == 1
, the argument vind1 = TRUE
can be set to ensure that v
is always interpreted as an index.
To copy values from objects of equal size i.e. setv(X, v, R)
is faster than X[v] <- R[v]
, and setv(X, v, R, invert = TRUE)
is faster than X[!v] <- R[!v]
Both X
and R
can be atomic or data frames / lists. If X
is a list, the default behavior is to interpret it like a data frame, and apply setv/copyv
to each element/column of X
. If R
is also a list, this is done using mapply
. Thus setv/copyv
can also be used to replace elements or rows in data frames, or copy rows from equally sized frames. Note that for replacing subsets in data frames set
from data.table
provides a more convenient interface (and there is also copy
if you just want to deep-copy an object without any modifications to it).
If X
should not be interpreted like a data frame, setting xlist = TRUE
will interpret it like a 1D list-vector analogous to atomic vectors, except that use case (1) is not permitted i.e. no value comparisons on list elements.
None of these functions (apart from alloc
) currently support complex vectors.
and the operators %+=%
, %-=%
, %*=%
and %/=%
also work with integer data, but do not perform any integer related checks. R's integers are bounded between +-2,147,483,647 and NA_integer_
is stored as the value -2,147,483,648. Thus computations resulting in values exceeding +-2,147,483,647 will result in integer overflows, and NA_integer_
should not occur on either side of a setop
call. These are programmers functions and meant to provide the most efficient math possible to responsible users.
It is possible to compare factors by the levels (e.g. iris$Species %==% "setosa")
) or using integers (iris$Species %==% 1L
). The latter is slightly more efficient. Nothing special is implemented for other objects apart from basic types, e.g. for dates (which are stored as doubles) you need to generate a date object i.e. wlddev$date %==% as.Date("2019-01-01")
. Using wlddev$date %==% "2019-01-01"
will give integer(0)
only allow positive integer indices being passed to v
, and, for efficiency reasons, they only check the first and the last index. Thus if there are indices in the middle that fall outside of the data range it will terminate R.
Data Transformations, Small (Helper) Functions, Collapse Overview
oldopts <- options(max.print = 70) ## Which value whichNA(wlddev$PCGDP) # Same as which(is.na(wlddev$PCGDP)) whichNA(wlddev$PCGDP, invert = TRUE) # Same as which(!is.na(wlddev$PCGDP)) whichv(wlddev$country, "Chad") # Same as which(wlddev$county == "Chad") wlddev$country %==% "Chad" # Same thing whichv(wlddev$country, "Chad", TRUE) # Same as which(wlddev$county != "Chad") wlddev$country %!=% "Chad" # Same thing lvec <- wlddev$country == "Chad" # If we already have a logical vector... whichv(lvec, FALSE) # is fastver than which(!lvec) rm(lvec) # Using the %==% operator can yield tangible performance gains fsubset(wlddev, iso3c %==% "DEU") # 3x faster than: fsubset(wlddev, iso3c == "DEU") # With multiple categories we can use %iin% fsubset(wlddev, iso3c %iin% c("DEU", "ITA", "FRA")) ## Math by reference: permissible types of operations x <- alloc(1.0, 1e5) # Vector x %+=% 1 x %+=% 1:1e5 xm <- matrix(alloc(1.0, 1e5), ncol = 100) # Matrix xm %+=% 1 xm %+=% 1:1e3 setop(xm, "+", 1:100, rowwise = TRUE) xm %+=% xm xm %+=% 1:1e5 xd <- qDF(replicate(100, alloc(1.0, 1e3), simplify = FALSE)) # Data Frame xd %+=% 1 xd %+=% 1:1e3 setop(xd, "+", 1:100, rowwise = TRUE) xd %+=% xd rm(x, xm, xd) ## setv() and copyv() x <- rnorm(100) y <- sample.int(10, 100, replace = TRUE) setv(y, 5, 0) # Faster than y[y == 5] <- 0 setv(y, 4, x) # Faster than y[y == 4] <- x[y == 4] setv(y, 20:30, y[40:50]) # Faster than y[20:30] <- y[40:50] setv(y, 20:30, x) # Faster than y[20:30] <- x[20:30] rm(x, y) # Working with data frames, here returning copies of the frame copyv(mtcars, 20:30, ss(mtcars, 10:20)) copyv(mtcars, 20:30, fscale(mtcars)) ftransform(mtcars, new = copyv(cyl, 4, vs)) # Column-wise: copyv(mtcars, 2:3, fscale(mtcars), xlist = TRUE) copyv(mtcars, 2:3, mtcars[4:5], xlist = TRUE) ## Missing values mtc_na <- na_insert(mtcars, 0.15) # Set 15% of values missing at random fnobs(mtc_na) # See observation count missing_cases(mtc_na) # Fast equivalent to !complete.cases(mtc_na) missing_cases(mtc_na, cols = 3:4) # Missing cases on certain columns? missing_cases(mtc_na, count = TRUE) # Missing case count missing_cases(mtc_na, prop = 0.8) # Cases with 80% or more missing missing_cases(mtc_na, cols = 3:4, prop = 1) # Cases mssing columns 3 and 4 missing_cases(mtc_na, cols = 3:4, count = TRUE) # Missing case count on columns 3 and 4 na_omit(mtc_na) # 12x faster than na.omit(mtc_na) na_omit(mtc_na, prop = 0.8) # Only remove cases missing 80% or more na_omit(mtc_na, na.attr = TRUE) # Adds attribute with removed cases, like na.omit na_omit(mtc_na, cols = .c(vs, am)) # Removes only cases missing vs or am na_omit(qM(mtc_na)) # Also works for matrices na_omit(mtc_na$vs, na.attr = TRUE) # Also works with vectors na_rm(mtc_na$vs) # For vectors na_rm is faster ... rm(mtc_na) ## Efficient vectorization head(vec(EuStockMarkets)) # Atomic objects: no copy at all head(vec(mtcars)) # Lists: directly in C options(oldopts)
oldopts <- options(max.print = 70) ## Which value whichNA(wlddev$PCGDP) # Same as which(is.na(wlddev$PCGDP)) whichNA(wlddev$PCGDP, invert = TRUE) # Same as which(!is.na(wlddev$PCGDP)) whichv(wlddev$country, "Chad") # Same as which(wlddev$county == "Chad") wlddev$country %==% "Chad" # Same thing whichv(wlddev$country, "Chad", TRUE) # Same as which(wlddev$county != "Chad") wlddev$country %!=% "Chad" # Same thing lvec <- wlddev$country == "Chad" # If we already have a logical vector... whichv(lvec, FALSE) # is fastver than which(!lvec) rm(lvec) # Using the %==% operator can yield tangible performance gains fsubset(wlddev, iso3c %==% "DEU") # 3x faster than: fsubset(wlddev, iso3c == "DEU") # With multiple categories we can use %iin% fsubset(wlddev, iso3c %iin% c("DEU", "ITA", "FRA")) ## Math by reference: permissible types of operations x <- alloc(1.0, 1e5) # Vector x %+=% 1 x %+=% 1:1e5 xm <- matrix(alloc(1.0, 1e5), ncol = 100) # Matrix xm %+=% 1 xm %+=% 1:1e3 setop(xm, "+", 1:100, rowwise = TRUE) xm %+=% xm xm %+=% 1:1e5 xd <- qDF(replicate(100, alloc(1.0, 1e3), simplify = FALSE)) # Data Frame xd %+=% 1 xd %+=% 1:1e3 setop(xd, "+", 1:100, rowwise = TRUE) xd %+=% xd rm(x, xm, xd) ## setv() and copyv() x <- rnorm(100) y <- sample.int(10, 100, replace = TRUE) setv(y, 5, 0) # Faster than y[y == 5] <- 0 setv(y, 4, x) # Faster than y[y == 4] <- x[y == 4] setv(y, 20:30, y[40:50]) # Faster than y[20:30] <- y[40:50] setv(y, 20:30, x) # Faster than y[20:30] <- x[20:30] rm(x, y) # Working with data frames, here returning copies of the frame copyv(mtcars, 20:30, ss(mtcars, 10:20)) copyv(mtcars, 20:30, fscale(mtcars)) ftransform(mtcars, new = copyv(cyl, 4, vs)) # Column-wise: copyv(mtcars, 2:3, fscale(mtcars), xlist = TRUE) copyv(mtcars, 2:3, mtcars[4:5], xlist = TRUE) ## Missing values mtc_na <- na_insert(mtcars, 0.15) # Set 15% of values missing at random fnobs(mtc_na) # See observation count missing_cases(mtc_na) # Fast equivalent to !complete.cases(mtc_na) missing_cases(mtc_na, cols = 3:4) # Missing cases on certain columns? missing_cases(mtc_na, count = TRUE) # Missing case count missing_cases(mtc_na, prop = 0.8) # Cases with 80% or more missing missing_cases(mtc_na, cols = 3:4, prop = 1) # Cases mssing columns 3 and 4 missing_cases(mtc_na, cols = 3:4, count = TRUE) # Missing case count on columns 3 and 4 na_omit(mtc_na) # 12x faster than na.omit(mtc_na) na_omit(mtc_na, prop = 0.8) # Only remove cases missing 80% or more na_omit(mtc_na, na.attr = TRUE) # Adds attribute with removed cases, like na.omit na_omit(mtc_na, cols = .c(vs, am)) # Removes only cases missing vs or am na_omit(qM(mtc_na)) # Also works for matrices na_omit(mtc_na$vs, na.attr = TRUE) # Also works with vectors na_rm(mtc_na$vs) # For vectors na_rm is faster ... rm(mtc_na) ## Efficient vectorization head(vec(EuStockMarkets)) # Atomic objects: no copy at all head(vec(mtcars)) # Lists: directly in C options(oldopts)
collapse provides the following functions for fast manipulation of (mostly) data frames.
is a much faster alternative to dplyr::select
to select columns using expressions involving column names. get_vars
is a more versatile and programmer friendly function to efficiently select and replace columns by names, indices, logical vectors, regular expressions or using functions to identify columns.
The functions num_vars
, cat_vars
, char_vars
, fact_vars
, logi_vars
and date_vars
are convenience functions to efficiently select and replace columns by data type.
efficiently adds new columns at any position within a data frame (default at the end). This can be done vie replacement (i.e. add_vars(data) <- newdata
) or returning the appended data (i.e. add_vars(data, newdata1, newdata2, ...)
). Because of the latter, add_vars
is also a more efficient alternative to cbind.data.frame
efficiently combines data frames / lists row-wise. The implementation is derived from data.table::rbindlist
, it is also a fast alternative to rbind.data.frame
provides fast class-agnostic and verbose table joins.
efficiently reshapes data, supporting longer, wider and recast pivoting, as well as multi-column-pivots and taking along variable labels.
is a much faster version of subset
to efficiently subset vectors, matrices and data frames. If the non-standard evaluation offered by fsubset
is not needed, the function ss
is a much faster and also more secure alternative to [.data.frame
is a much faster version of dplyr::summarise
when used together with the Fast Statistical Functions and fgroup_by
, with whom it also supports super fast weighted aggregation.
is a much faster version of dplyr::mutate
when used together with the Fast Statistical Functions as well as fast Data Transformation Functions and fgroup_by
is a much faster version of transform
, which also supports list input and nested pipelines. settransform
does all of that by reference, i.e. it modifies the data frame in the global environment. fcompute
is similar to ftransform
but only returns modified and computed columns in a new data frame.
is a fast substitute for dplyr::arrange
, but the syntax is inspired by data.table::setorder
efficiently reorders columns in a data frame, see also data.table::setcolorder
is a fast substitute for dplyr::rename
, to efficiently rename various objects. setrename
renames objects by reference. relabel
and setrelabel
do the same thing for variable labels (see also vlabels
Function / S3 Generic | Methods | Description | ||
fselect(<-) |
No methods, for data frames | Fast select or replace columns (non-standard evaluation) | ||
get_vars(<-) , num_vars(<-) , cat_vars(<-) , char_vars(<-) , fact_vars(<-) , logi_vars(<-) , date_vars(<-) |
No methods, for data frames | Fast select or replace columns | ||
add_vars(<-) |
No methods, for data frames | Fast add columns | ||
rowbind |
No methods, for lists of lists/data frames | Fast row-binding lists | ||
join |
No methods, for data frames | Fast table joins | ||
pivot |
No methods, for data frames | Fast reshaping | ||
fsubset |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame |
Fast subset data (non-standard evaluation) | ||
ss |
No methods, for data frames | Fast subset data frames | ||
fsummarise |
No methods, for data frames | Fast data aggregation | ||
fmutate , (f/set)ftransform(<-) |
No methods, for data frames | Compute, modify or delete columns (non-standard evaluation) | ||
fcompute(v) |
No methods, for data frames | Compute or modify columns, returned in a new data frame (non-standard evaluation) | ||
roworder(v) |
No methods, for data frames incl. pdata.frame | Reorder rows and return data frame (standard and non-standard evaluation) | ||
colorder(v) |
No methods, for data frames | Reorder columns and return data frame (standard and non-standard evaluation) | ||
(f/set)rename , (set)relabel |
No methods, for all objects with 'names' attribute | Rename and return object / relabel columns in a data frame. | ||
Collapse Overview, Quick Data Conversion, Recode and Replace Values
collapse provides the following functions to efficiently group and order data:
, provides fast radix-ordering through direct access to the method order(..., method = "radix")
, as well as the possibility to return some attributes very useful for grouping data and finding unique elements. radixorderv
exists as a programmers alternative. The function roworder(v)
efficiently reorders a data frame based on an ordering computed by radixorderv
provides fast grouping in first-appearance order of rows, based on a hashing algorithm in C. Objects have class 'qG', see below.
creates collapse grouping objects of class 'GRP' based on radixorderv
or group
. 'GRP' objects form the central building block for grouped operations and programming in collapse and are very efficient inputs to all collapse functions supporting grouped operations.
provides a fast replacement for dplyr::group_by
, creating a grouped data frame (or data.table / tibble etc.) with a 'GRP' object attached. This grouped frame can be used for grouped operations using collapse's fast functions.
is a fast alternative to match
, which also supports matching of data frame rows.
is a faster version of unique
. The data frame method also allows selecting unique rows according to a subset of the columns. fnunique
efficiently calculates the number of unique values/rows. fduplicated
is a fast alternative to duplicated
. any_duplicated
is a simpler and faster alternative to anyDuplicated
computes group counts based on a subset of columns in the data, and is a fast replacement for dplyr::count
. fcountv
is a programmers version of the function.
, shorthand for 'quick-factor' implements very fast factor generation from atomic vectors using either radix ordering method = "radix"
or hashing method = "hash"
. Factors can also be used for efficient grouped programming with collapse functions, especially if they are generated using qF(x, na.exclude = FALSE)
which assigns a level to missing values and attaches a class 'na.included' ensuring that no additional missing value checks are executed by collapse functions.
, shorthand for 'quick-group', generates a kind of factor-light without the levels attribute but instead an attribute providing the number of levels. Optionally the levels / groups can be attached, but without converting them to character. Objects have a class 'qG', which is also recognized in the collapse ecosystem.
is a substantially faster replacement for droplevels
is a fast alternative to interaction
implemented as a wrapper around as_factor_GRP(GRP(...))
. It can be used to generate a factor from multiple vectors, factors or a list of vectors / factors. Unused factor levels are always dropped.
is a generalization of data.table::rleid
providing a run-length type group-id from atomic vectors. It is generalization as it also supports passing an ordering vector and skipping missing values. For example qF
and qG
with method = "radix"
are essentially implemented using groupid(x, radixorder(x))
is a specialized function which creates a group-id from sequences of integer values. For any regular panel dataset groupid(id, order(id, time))
and seqid(time, order(id, time))
provide the same id variable. seqid
is especially useful for identifying discontinuities in time-sequences.
is a specialized function to convert integer or double vectors representing time (such as 'Date', 'POSIXct' etc.) to factor or 'qG' object based on the greatest common divisor of elements (thus preserving gaps in time intervals).
Function / S3 Generic | Methods | Description | ||
radixorder(v) |
No methods, for data frames and vectors | Radix-based ordering + grouping information | ||
roworder(v) |
No methods, for data frames incl. pdata.frame | Row sorting/reordering | ||
group |
No methods, for data frames and vectors | Hash-based grouping + grouping information | ||
default, GRP, factor, qG, grouped_df, pseries, pdata.frame |
Fast grouping and a flexible grouping object | ||
fgroup_by |
No methods, for data frames | Fast grouped data frame | ||
fmatch |
No methods, for vectors and data frames | Fast matching | ||
funique , fnunique , fduplicated , any_duplicated |
default, data.frame, sf, pseries, pdata.frame, list |
Fast (number of) unique values/rows | ||
fcount(v) |
Internal generic, supports vectors, matrices, data.frames, lists, grouped_df and pdata.frame | Fast group counts | ||
qF |
No methods, for vectors | Quick factor generation | ||
qG |
No methods, for vectors | Quick grouping of vectors and a 'factor-light' class | ||
fdroplevels |
factor, data.frame, list |
Fast removal of unused factor levels | ||
finteraction |
No methods, for data frames and vectors | Fast interactions | ||
groupid |
No methods, for vectors | Run-length type group-id | ||
seqid |
No methods, for integer vectors | Run-length type integer sequence-id | ||
timeid |
No methods, for integer or double vectors | Integer-id from time/date sequences | ||
Collapse Overview, Data Frame Manipulation, Time Series and Panel Series
With fsum
, fprod
, fmean
, fmedian
, fmode
, fvar
, fsd
, fmin
, fmax
, fnth
, ffirst
, flast
, fnobs
and fndistinct
, collapse presents a coherent set of extremely fast and flexible statistical functions (S3 generics) to perform column-wise, grouped and weighted computations on vectors, matrices and data frames, with special support for grouped data frames / tibbles (dplyr) and data.table's.
## All functions (FUN) follow a common syntax in 4 methods: FUN(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: FUN(x, g = NULL, [w = NULL,] TRA = NULL, [na.rm = TRUE,] use.g.names = TRUE, [nthreads = 1L,] ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' FUN(x, g = NULL, [w = NULL,] TRA = NULL, [na.rm = TRUE,] use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, [nthreads = 1L,] ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' FUN(x, g = NULL, [w = NULL,] TRA = NULL, [na.rm = TRUE,] use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, [nthreads = 1L,] ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' FUN(x, [w = NULL,] TRA = NULL, [na.rm = TRUE,] use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, [keep.w = TRUE,] [stub = TRUE,] [nthreads = 1L,] ...)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). | |
g |
a factor, GRP object, atomic vector (internally converted to factor) or a list of vectors / factors (internally converted to a GRP object) used to group x . |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights, may contain missing values. Supported by fsum , fprod , fmean , fmedian , fnth , fvar , fsd and fmode . |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See TRA . |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in x . Defaults to TRUE in all functions and implemented at very little computational cost. Not available for fnobs . |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. | |
nthreads |
integer. The number of threads to utilize. Supported by fsum , fmean , fmedian , fnth , fmode and fndistinct . |
drop |
matrix and data.frame methods: Logical. TRUE drops dimensions and returns an atomic vector if g = NULL and TRA = NULL . |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. FALSE removes grouping variables after computation. By default grouping variables are added, even if not present in the grouped_df. |
keep.w |
grouped_df method: Logical. TRUE (default) also aggregates weights and saves them in a column, FALSE removes weighting variable after computation (if contained in grouped_df ). |
stub |
grouped_df method: Character. If keep.w = TRUE and stub = TRUE (default), the aggregated weights column is prefixed by the name of the aggregation function (mostly "sum." ). Users can specify a different prefix through this argument, or set it to FALSE to avoid prefixing. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If TRA is used, passing set = TRUE will transform data by reference and return the result invisibly (except for the grouped_df method which always returns visible output). |
Please see the documentation of individual functions.
suitably aggregated or transformed. Data frame column-attributes and overall attributes are generally preserved if the output is of the same data type.
Panel-decomposed (i.e. between and within) statistics as well as grouped and weighted skewness and kurtosis are implemented in qsu
The vector-valued functions and operators fcumsum
, fscale/STD
, fbetween/B
, fhdbetween/HDB
, fwithin/W
, fhdwithin/HDW
, flag/L/F
, fdiff/D/Dlog
and fgrowth/G
are grouped under Data Transformations and Time Series and Panel Series. These functions also support indexed data (plm).
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fsum(mpg) # Simple sum fsum(mpg, TRA = "/") # Simple transformation: divide all values by the sum fsum(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped sum fmean(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped mean fmean(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted mean, weighted by hp fmean(mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp) # Grouped mean, weighted by hp fsum(mpg, mtcars$cyl, TRA = "/") # Proportions / division by group sums fmean(mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp, # Subtract weighted group means, see also ?fwithin TRA = "-") ## data.frame method fsum(mtcars) fsum(mtcars, TRA = "%") # This computes percentages fsum(mtcars, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # Grouped column sum g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Here precomputing the groups! fsum(mtcars, g) # Faster !! fmean(mtcars, g, mtcars$hp) fmean(mtcars, g, mtcars$hp, "-") # Demeaning by weighted group means.. fmean(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am), hp, "-") # Another way of doing it.. fmode(wlddev, drop = FALSE) # Compute statistical modes of variables in this data fmode(wlddev, wlddev$income) # Grouped statistical modes .. ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fsum(m) fsum(m, g) # .. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by library(dplyr) mtcars |> group_by(cyl,vs,am) |> select(mpg,carb) |> fsum() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg,carb) |> fsum() # equivalent and faster !! mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsum(TRA = "%") mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean(hp) # weighted grouped mean, save sum of weights mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean(hp, keep.group_vars = FALSE)
## This compares fsum with data.table (2 threads) and base::rowsum # Starting with small data mtcDT <- qDT(mtcars) f <- qF(mtcars$cyl) library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(mtcDT[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = f], rowsum(mtcDT, f, reorder = FALSE), fsum(mtcDT, f, na.rm = FALSE), unit = "relative") # expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld # mtcDT[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = f] 145.436928 123.542134 88.681111 98.336378 71.880479 85.217726 100 c # rowsum(mtcDT, f, reorder = FALSE) 2.833333 2.798203 2.489064 2.937889 2.425724 2.181173 100 b # fsum(mtcDT, f, na.rm = FALSE) 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 100 a # Now larger data tdata <- qDT(replicate(100, rnorm(1e5), simplify = FALSE)) # 100 columns with 100.000 obs f <- qF(sample.int(1e4, 1e5, TRUE)) # A factor with 10.000 groups microbenchmark(tdata[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = f], rowsum(tdata, f, reorder = FALSE), fsum(tdata, f, na.rm = FALSE), unit = "relative") # expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld # tdata[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = f] 2.646992 2.975489 2.834771 3.081313 3.120070 1.2766475 100 c # rowsum(tdata, f, reorder = FALSE) 1.747567 1.753313 1.629036 1.758043 1.839348 0.2720937 100 b # fsum(tdata, f, na.rm = FALSE) 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.0000000 100 a
Collapse Overview, Data Transformations, Time Series and Panel Series
and fwithin
are S3 generics to efficiently obtain between-transformed (averaged) or (quasi-)within-transformed (demeaned) data. These operations can be performed groupwise and/or weighted. B
and W
are wrappers around fbetween
and fwithin
representing the 'between-operator' and the 'within-operator'.
/ W
provide more flexibility than fbetween
/ fwithin
when applied to data frames (i.e. column subsetting, formula input, auto-renaming and id-variable-preservation capabilities...), but are otherwise identical.)
fbetween(x, ...) fwithin(x, ...) B(x, ...) W(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fbetween(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## Default S3 method: fwithin(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: B(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## Default S3 method: W(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fbetween(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fwithin(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' B(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' W(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fbetween(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fwithin(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' B(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' W(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fbetween(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fwithin(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' B(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' W(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fbetween(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fwithin(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' B(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' W(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fbetween(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fwithin(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' B(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' W(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...)
fbetween(x, ...) fwithin(x, ...) B(x, ...) W(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fbetween(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## Default S3 method: fwithin(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: B(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## Default S3 method: W(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fbetween(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fwithin(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' B(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' W(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fbetween(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fwithin(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' B(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' W(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fbetween(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fwithin(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' B(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' W(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fbetween(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fwithin(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' B(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' W(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fbetween(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fwithin(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' B(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' W(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, theta = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') or grouped data frame ('grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
by |
B and W data.frame method: Same as g, but also allows one- or two-sided formulas i.e. |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights. |
cols |
B/W (p)data.frame methods: Select columns to scale using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. Default: All numeric columns. Note: |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
effect |
plm methods: Select which panel identifier should be used as grouping variable. 1L takes the first variable in the index, 2L the second etc. Index variables can also be called by name using a character string. If more than one variable is supplied, the corresponding index-factors are interacted. |
stub |
character. A prefix/stub to add to the names of all transformed columns. |
fill |
option to |
mean |
option to |
theta |
option to |
keep.by , keep.ids , keep.group_vars
B and W data.frame, pdata.frame and grouped_df methods: Logical. Retain grouping / panel-identifier columns in the output. For data frames this only works if grouping variables were passed in a formula. |
keep.w |
B and W data.frame, pdata.frame and grouped_df methods: Logical. Retain column containing the weights in the output. Only works if |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
Without groups, fbetween
replaces all data points in x
with their mean or weighted mean (if w
is supplied). Similarly fwithin/W
subtracts the (weighted) mean from all data points i.e. centers the data on the mean.
With groups supplied to g
, the replacement / centering performed by fbetween/B
| fwithin/W
becomes groupwise. In terms of panel data notation: If x
is a vector in such a panel dataset, xit
denotes a single data-point belonging to group i
in time-period t
need not be a time-period). Then xi.
denotes x
, averaged over t
. fbetween
now returns xi.
and fwithin
returns x - xi.
. Thus for any data x
and any grouping vector g
: B(x,g) + W(x,g) = xi. + x - xi. = x
. In terms of variance, fbetween/B
only retains the variance between group averages, while fwithin
, by subtracting out group means, only retains the variance within those groups.
The data replacement performed by fbetween
can keep (default) or overwrite missing values (option fill = TRUE
) in x
. fwithin/W
can center data simply (default), or add back a mean after centering (option mean = value
), or add the overall mean in groupwise computations (option mean = "overall.mean"
). Let x..
denote the overall mean of x
, then fwithin
with mean = "overall.mean"
returns x - xi. + x..
instead of x - xi.
. This is useful to get rid of group-differences but preserve the overall level of the data. In regression analysis, centering with mean = "overall.mean"
will only change the constant term. See Examples.
If theta != 1
, fwithin
performs quasi-demeaning x - theta * xi.
. If mean = "overall.mean"
, x - theta * xi. + theta * x..
is returned, so that the mean of the partially demeaned data is still equal to the overall data mean x..
. A numeric value passed to mean
will simply be added back to the quasi-demeaned data i.e. x - theta * xi. + mean
Now in the case of a linear panel model with
. If
(there exists individual heterogeneity), then pooled OLS is at least inefficient and inference on
is invalid. If
(mean independence of individual heterogeneity
), the variance components or 'random-effects' estimator provides an asymptotically efficient FGLS solution by estimating a transformed model
), where
. An estimate of
can be obtained from the an estimate of
(the residuals from the pooled model). If
, pooled OLS is biased and inconsistent, and taking
gives an unbiased and consistent fixed-effects estimator of
. See Examples.
returns x
with every element replaced by its (groupwise) mean (xi.
). Missing values are preserved if fill = FALSE
(the default). fwithin/W
returns x
where every element was subtracted its (groupwise) mean (x - theta * xi. + mean
or, if mean = "overall.mean"
, x - theta * xi. + theta * x..
). See Details.
Mundlak, Yair. 1978. On the Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section Data. Econometrica 46 (1): 69-85.
fhdbetween/HDB and fhdwithin/HDW
, fscale/STD
, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
## Simple centering and averaging head(fbetween(mtcars)) head(B(mtcars)) head(fwithin(mtcars)) head(W(mtcars)) all.equal(fbetween(mtcars) + fwithin(mtcars), mtcars) ## Groupwise centering and averaging head(fbetween(mtcars, mtcars$cyl)) head(fwithin(mtcars, mtcars$cyl)) all.equal(fbetween(mtcars, mtcars$cyl) + fwithin(mtcars, mtcars$cyl), mtcars) head(W(wlddev, ~ iso3c, cols = 9:13)) # Center the 5 series in this dataset by country head(cbind(get_vars(wlddev,"iso3c"), # Same thing done manually using fwithin.. add_stub(fwithin(get_vars(wlddev,9:13), wlddev$iso3c), "W."))) ## Using B() and W() for fixed-effects regressions: # Several ways of running the same regression with cyl-fixed effects lm(W(mpg,cyl) ~ W(carb,cyl), data = mtcars) # Centering each individually lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl, stub = FALSE)) # Centering the entire data lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl, stub = FALSE, # Here only the intercept changes mean = "overall.mean")) lm(mpg ~ carb + B(carb,cyl), data = mtcars) # Procedure suggested by # ..Mundlak (1978) - partialling out group averages amounts to the same as demeaning the data plm::plm(mpg ~ carb, mtcars, index = "cyl", model = "within") # "Proof".. # This takes the interaction of cyl, vs and am as fixed effects lm(W(mpg) ~ W(carb), data = iby(mtcars, id = finteraction(cyl, vs, am))) lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, stub = FALSE)) lm(mpg ~ carb + B(carb,list(cyl,vs,am)), data = mtcars) # Now with cyl fixed effects weighted by hp: lm(W(mpg,cyl,hp) ~ W(carb,cyl,hp), data = mtcars) lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl, ~ hp, stub = FALSE)) lm(mpg ~ carb + B(carb,cyl,hp), data = mtcars) # WRONG ! Gives a different coefficient!! ## Manual variance components (random-effects) estimation res <- HDW(mtcars, mpg ~ carb)[[1]] # Get residuals from pooled OLS sig2_u <- fvar(res) sig2_e <- fvar(fwithin(res, mtcars$cyl)) T <- length(res) / fndistinct(mtcars$cyl) sig2_alpha <- sig2_u - sig2_e theta <- 1 - sqrt(sig2_alpha) / sqrt(sig2_alpha + T * sig2_e) lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl, theta = theta, mean = "overall.mean", stub = FALSE)) # A slightly different method to obtain theta... plm::plm(mpg ~ carb, mtcars, index = "cyl", model = "random")
## Simple centering and averaging head(fbetween(mtcars)) head(B(mtcars)) head(fwithin(mtcars)) head(W(mtcars)) all.equal(fbetween(mtcars) + fwithin(mtcars), mtcars) ## Groupwise centering and averaging head(fbetween(mtcars, mtcars$cyl)) head(fwithin(mtcars, mtcars$cyl)) all.equal(fbetween(mtcars, mtcars$cyl) + fwithin(mtcars, mtcars$cyl), mtcars) head(W(wlddev, ~ iso3c, cols = 9:13)) # Center the 5 series in this dataset by country head(cbind(get_vars(wlddev,"iso3c"), # Same thing done manually using fwithin.. add_stub(fwithin(get_vars(wlddev,9:13), wlddev$iso3c), "W."))) ## Using B() and W() for fixed-effects regressions: # Several ways of running the same regression with cyl-fixed effects lm(W(mpg,cyl) ~ W(carb,cyl), data = mtcars) # Centering each individually lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl, stub = FALSE)) # Centering the entire data lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl, stub = FALSE, # Here only the intercept changes mean = "overall.mean")) lm(mpg ~ carb + B(carb,cyl), data = mtcars) # Procedure suggested by # ..Mundlak (1978) - partialling out group averages amounts to the same as demeaning the data plm::plm(mpg ~ carb, mtcars, index = "cyl", model = "within") # "Proof".. # This takes the interaction of cyl, vs and am as fixed effects lm(W(mpg) ~ W(carb), data = iby(mtcars, id = finteraction(cyl, vs, am))) lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, stub = FALSE)) lm(mpg ~ carb + B(carb,list(cyl,vs,am)), data = mtcars) # Now with cyl fixed effects weighted by hp: lm(W(mpg,cyl,hp) ~ W(carb,cyl,hp), data = mtcars) lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl, ~ hp, stub = FALSE)) lm(mpg ~ carb + B(carb,cyl,hp), data = mtcars) # WRONG ! Gives a different coefficient!! ## Manual variance components (random-effects) estimation res <- HDW(mtcars, mpg ~ carb)[[1]] # Get residuals from pooled OLS sig2_u <- fvar(res) sig2_e <- fvar(fwithin(res, mtcars$cyl)) T <- length(res) / fndistinct(mtcars$cyl) sig2_alpha <- sig2_u - sig2_e theta <- 1 - sqrt(sig2_alpha) / sqrt(sig2_alpha + T * sig2_e) lm(mpg ~ carb, data = W(mtcars, ~ cyl, theta = theta, mean = "overall.mean", stub = FALSE)) # A slightly different method to obtain theta... plm::plm(mpg ~ carb, mtcars, index = "cyl", model = "random")
A much faster replacement for dplyr::count
fcount(x, ..., w = NULL, name = "N", add = FALSE, sort = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE) fcountv(x, cols = NULL, w = NULL, name = "N", add = FALSE, sort = FALSE, ...)
fcount(x, ..., w = NULL, name = "N", add = FALSE, sort = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE) fcountv(x, cols = NULL, w = NULL, name = "N", add = FALSE, sort = FALSE, ...)
x |
a data frame or list-like object, including 'grouped_df' or 'indexed_frame'. Atomic vectors or matrices can also be passed, but will be sent through |
... |
for |
cols |
select columns to count cases by, using column names, indices, a logical vector or a selector function (e.g. |
w |
a numeric vector of weights, may contain missing values. In |
name |
character. The name of the column containing the count or sum of weights. |
add |
sort , decreasing
arguments passed to |
If x
is a list, an object of the same type as x
with a column (name
) added at the end giving the count. Otherwise, if x
is atomic, a data frame returned from qDF(x)
with the count column added. By default (add = FALSE
) only the unique rows of x
of the columns used for counting are returned.
, fnobs
, fndistinct
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
fcount(mtcars, cyl, vs, am) fcountv(mtcars, cols = .c(cyl, vs, am)) fcount(mtcars, cyl, vs, am, sort = TRUE) fcount(mtcars, cyl, vs, am, add = TRUE) fcount(mtcars, cyl, vs, am, add = "group_vars") ## With grouped data mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fcount() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fcount(add = TRUE) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fcount(add = "group_vars") ## With indexed data: by default counting on the first index variable wlddev |> findex_by(country, year) |> fcount() wlddev |> findex_by(country, year) |> fcount(add = TRUE) # Use fcountv to pass additional arguments to GRP.pdata.frame, # here using the effect argument to choose a different index variable wlddev |> findex_by(country, year) |> fcountv(effect = "year") wlddev |> findex_by(country, year) |> fcountv(add = "group_vars", effect = "year")
fcount(mtcars, cyl, vs, am) fcountv(mtcars, cols = .c(cyl, vs, am)) fcount(mtcars, cyl, vs, am, sort = TRUE) fcount(mtcars, cyl, vs, am, add = TRUE) fcount(mtcars, cyl, vs, am, add = "group_vars") ## With grouped data mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fcount() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fcount(add = TRUE) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fcount(add = "group_vars") ## With indexed data: by default counting on the first index variable wlddev |> findex_by(country, year) |> fcount() wlddev |> findex_by(country, year) |> fcount(add = TRUE) # Use fcountv to pass additional arguments to GRP.pdata.frame, # here using the effect argument to choose a different index variable wlddev |> findex_by(country, year) |> fcountv(effect = "year") wlddev |> findex_by(country, year) |> fcountv(add = "group_vars", effect = "year")
is a generic function that computes the (column-wise) cumulative sum of x
, (optionally) grouped by g
and/or ordered by o
. Several options to deal with missing values are provided.
fcumsum(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fcumsum(x, g = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, check.o = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fcumsum(x, g = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, check.o = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fcumsum(x, g = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, check.o = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fcumsum(x, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fcumsum(x, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, shift = "time", ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fcumsum(x, o = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, check.o = TRUE, keep.ids = TRUE, ...)
fcumsum(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fcumsum(x, g = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, check.o = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fcumsum(x, g = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, check.o = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fcumsum(x, g = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, check.o = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fcumsum(x, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fcumsum(x, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, shift = "time", ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fcumsum(x, o = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, check.o = TRUE, keep.ids = TRUE, ...)
x |
a numeric vector / time series, (time series) matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') or grouped data frame ('grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
o |
a vector or list of vectors providing the order in which the elements of |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
fill |
if |
check.o |
logical. Programmers option: |
shift |
pseries / pdata.frame methods: character. |
keep.ids |
pdata.frame / grouped_df methods: Logical. Drop all identifiers from the output (which includes all grouping variables and variables passed to |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
If na.rm = FALSE
, fcumsum
works like cumsum
and propagates missing values. The default na.rm = TRUE
skips missing values and computes the cumulative sum on the non-missing values. Missing values are kept. If fill = TRUE
, missing values are replaced with the previous value of the cumulative sum (starting from 0), computed on the non-missing values.
By default the cumulative sum is computed in the order in which elements appear in x
. If o
is provided, the cumulative sum is computed in the order given by radixorderv(o)
, without the need to first sort x
. This applies as well if groups are used (g
), in which case the cumulative sum is computed separately in each group.
The pseries and pdata.frame methods assume that the last factor in the index is the time-variable and the rest are grouping variables. The time-variable is passed to radixorderv
and used for ordered computation, so that cumulative sums are accurately computed regardless of whether the panel-data is ordered or balanced.
explicitly supports integers. Integers in R are bounded at bounded at +-2,147,483,647, and an integer overflow error will be provided if the cumulative sum (within any group) exceeds +-2,147,483,647. In that case data should be converted to double beforehand.
the cumulative sum of values in x
, (optionally) grouped by g
and/or ordered by o
. See Details and Examples.
, fgrowth
, Time Series and Panel Series, Collapse Overview
## Non-grouped fcumsum(AirPassengers) head(fcumsum(EuStockMarkets)) fcumsum(mtcars) # Non-grouped but ordered o <- order(rnorm(nrow(EuStockMarkets))) all.equal(copyAttrib(fcumsum(EuStockMarkets[o, ], o = o)[order(o), ], EuStockMarkets), fcumsum(EuStockMarkets)) ## Grouped head(with(wlddev, fcumsum(PCGDP, iso3c))) ## Grouped and ordered head(with(wlddev, fcumsum(PCGDP, iso3c, year))) head(with(wlddev, fcumsum(PCGDP, iso3c, year, fill = TRUE)))
## Non-grouped fcumsum(AirPassengers) head(fcumsum(EuStockMarkets)) fcumsum(mtcars) # Non-grouped but ordered o <- order(rnorm(nrow(EuStockMarkets))) all.equal(copyAttrib(fcumsum(EuStockMarkets[o, ], o = o)[order(o), ], EuStockMarkets), fcumsum(EuStockMarkets)) ## Grouped head(with(wlddev, fcumsum(PCGDP, iso3c))) ## Grouped and ordered head(with(wlddev, fcumsum(PCGDP, iso3c, year))) head(with(wlddev, fcumsum(PCGDP, iso3c, year, fill = TRUE)))
is a S3 generic to compute (sequences of) suitably lagged / leaded and iterated differences, quasi-differences or (quasi-)log-differences. The difference and log-difference operators D
and Dlog
also exists as parsimonious wrappers around fdiff
, providing more flexibility than fdiff
when applied to data frames.
fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## Default S3 method: Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, by = NULL, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, by = NULL, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...)
fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## Default S3 method: Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, by = NULL, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, by = NULL, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fdiff(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, log = FALSE, rho = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' D(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' Dlog(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, rho = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...)
x |
a numeric vector / time series, (time series) matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') or grouped data frame ('grouped_df'). |
n |
integer. A vector indicating the number of lags or leads. |
diff |
integer. A vector of integers > 1 indicating the order of differencing / log-differencing. |
g |
a factor, |
by |
data.frame method: Same as |
t |
a time vector or list of vectors. See |
cols |
data.frame method: Select columns to difference using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. Default: All numeric variables. Note: |
fill |
value to insert when vectors are shifted. Default is |
log |
logical. |
rho |
double. Autocorrelation parameter. Set to a value between 0 and 1 for quasi-differencing. Any numeric value can be supplied. |
stubs |
logical. |
shift |
pseries / pdata.frame methods: character. |
keep.ids |
data.frame / pdata.frame / grouped_df methods: Logical. Drop all identifiers from the output (which includes all variables passed to |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
By default, fdiff/D/Dlog
return x
with all columns differenced / log-differenced. Differences are computed as repeat(diff) x[i] - rho*x[i-n]
, and log-differences as log(x[i]) - rho*log(x[i-n])
for diff = 1
and repeat(diff-1) x[i] - rho*x[i-n]
is used to compute subsequent differences (usually diff = 1
for log-differencing). If rho < 1
, this becomes quasi- (or partial) differencing, which is a technique suggested by Cochrane and Orcutt (1949) to deal with serial correlation in regression models, where rho
is typically estimated by running a regression of the model residuals on the lagged residuals.
It is also possible to compute forward differences by passing negative n
values. n
also supports arbitrary vectors of integers (lags), and diff
supports positive sequences of integers (differences):
If more than one value is passed to n
and/or diff
, the data is expanded-wide as follows: If x
is an atomic vector or time series, a (time series) matrix is returned with columns ordered first by lag, then by difference. If x
is a matrix or data frame, each column is expanded in like manor such that the output has ncol(x)*length(n)*length(diff)
columns ordered first by column name, then by lag, then by difference.
For further computational details and efficiency considerations see the help page of flag
differenced diff
times using lags n
of itself. Quasi and log-differences are toggled by the rho
and log
arguments or the Dlog
operator. Computations can be grouped by g/by
and/or ordered by t
. See Details and Examples.
Cochrane, D.; Orcutt, G. H. (1949). Application of Least Squares Regression to Relationships Containing Auto-Correlated Error Terms. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 44 (245): 32-61.
Prais, S. J. & Winsten, C. B. (1954). Trend Estimators and Serial Correlation. Cowles Commission Discussion Paper No. 383. Chicago.
, fgrowth/G
, Time Series and Panel Series, Collapse Overview
## Simple Time Series: AirPassengers D(AirPassengers) # 1st difference, same as fdiff(AirPassengers) D(AirPassengers, -1) # Forward difference Dlog(AirPassengers) # Log-difference D(AirPassengers, 1, 2) # Second difference Dlog(AirPassengers, 1, 2) # Second log-difference D(AirPassengers, 12) # Seasonal difference (data is monthly) D(AirPassengers, # Quasi-difference, see a better example below rho = pwcor(AirPassengers, L(AirPassengers))) head(D(AirPassengers, -2:2, 1:3)) # Sequence of leaded/lagged and iterated differences # let's do some visual analysis plot(AirPassengers) # Plot the series - seasonal pattern is evident plot(stl(AirPassengers, "periodic")) # Seasonal decomposition plot(D(AirPassengers,c(1,12),1:2)) # Plotting ordinary and seasonal first and second differences plot(stl(window(D(AirPassengers,12), # Taking seasonal differences removes most seasonal variation 1950), "periodic")) ## Time Series Matrix of 4 EU Stock Market Indicators, recorded 260 days per year plot(D(EuStockMarkets, c(0, 260))) # Plot series and annual differnces mod <- lm(DAX ~., L(EuStockMarkets, c(0, 260))) # Regressing the DAX on its annual lag summary(mod) # and the levels and annual lags others r <- residuals(mod) # Obtain residuals pwcor(r, L(r)) # Residual Autocorrelation fFtest(r, L(r)) # F-test of residual autocorrelation # (better use lmtest :: bgtest) modCO <- lm(QD1.DAX ~., D(L(EuStockMarkets, c(0, 260)), # Cochrane-Orcutt (1949) estimation rho = pwcor(r, L(r)))) summary(modCO) rCO <- residuals(modCO) fFtest(rCO, L(rCO)) # No more autocorrelation ## World Development Panel Data head(fdiff(num_vars(wlddev), 1, 1, # Computes differences of numeric variables wlddev$country, wlddev$year)) # fdiff requires external inputs.. head(D(wlddev, 1, 1, ~country, ~year)) # Differences of numeric variables head(D(wlddev, 1, 1, ~country)) # Without t: Works because data is ordered head(D(wlddev, 1, 1, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country, ~year)) # Difference of GDP & Life Expectancy head(D(wlddev, 0:1, 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:10)) # Same, also retaining original series head(D(wlddev, 0:1, 1, ~ country, ~year, 9:10, # Dropping id columns keep.ids = FALSE)) ## Indexed computations: wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) # Dynamic Panel Data Models: summary(lm(D(PCGDP) ~ L(PCGDP) + D(LIFEEX), data = wldi)) # Simple case summary(lm(Dlog(PCGDP) ~ L(log(PCGDP)) + Dlog(LIFEEX), data = wldi)) # In log-differneces # Adding a lagged difference... summary(lm(D(PCGDP) ~ L(D(PCGDP, 0:1)) + L(D(LIFEEX), 0:1), data = wldi)) summary(lm(Dlog(PCGDP) ~ L(Dlog(PCGDP, 0:1)) + L(Dlog(LIFEEX), 0:1), data = wldi)) # Same thing: summary(lm(D1.PCGDP ~., data = L(D(wldi,0:1,1,9:10),0:1,keep.ids = FALSE)[,-1])) ## Grouped data library(magrittr) wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> fdiff(0:1,1:2) # Adding a first and second difference wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(year,PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> D(0:1,1:2,year) # Also using t (safer) wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> # Dropping id's fselect(year,PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> D(0:1,1:2,year, keep.ids = FALSE)
## Simple Time Series: AirPassengers D(AirPassengers) # 1st difference, same as fdiff(AirPassengers) D(AirPassengers, -1) # Forward difference Dlog(AirPassengers) # Log-difference D(AirPassengers, 1, 2) # Second difference Dlog(AirPassengers, 1, 2) # Second log-difference D(AirPassengers, 12) # Seasonal difference (data is monthly) D(AirPassengers, # Quasi-difference, see a better example below rho = pwcor(AirPassengers, L(AirPassengers))) head(D(AirPassengers, -2:2, 1:3)) # Sequence of leaded/lagged and iterated differences # let's do some visual analysis plot(AirPassengers) # Plot the series - seasonal pattern is evident plot(stl(AirPassengers, "periodic")) # Seasonal decomposition plot(D(AirPassengers,c(1,12),1:2)) # Plotting ordinary and seasonal first and second differences plot(stl(window(D(AirPassengers,12), # Taking seasonal differences removes most seasonal variation 1950), "periodic")) ## Time Series Matrix of 4 EU Stock Market Indicators, recorded 260 days per year plot(D(EuStockMarkets, c(0, 260))) # Plot series and annual differnces mod <- lm(DAX ~., L(EuStockMarkets, c(0, 260))) # Regressing the DAX on its annual lag summary(mod) # and the levels and annual lags others r <- residuals(mod) # Obtain residuals pwcor(r, L(r)) # Residual Autocorrelation fFtest(r, L(r)) # F-test of residual autocorrelation # (better use lmtest :: bgtest) modCO <- lm(QD1.DAX ~., D(L(EuStockMarkets, c(0, 260)), # Cochrane-Orcutt (1949) estimation rho = pwcor(r, L(r)))) summary(modCO) rCO <- residuals(modCO) fFtest(rCO, L(rCO)) # No more autocorrelation ## World Development Panel Data head(fdiff(num_vars(wlddev), 1, 1, # Computes differences of numeric variables wlddev$country, wlddev$year)) # fdiff requires external inputs.. head(D(wlddev, 1, 1, ~country, ~year)) # Differences of numeric variables head(D(wlddev, 1, 1, ~country)) # Without t: Works because data is ordered head(D(wlddev, 1, 1, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country, ~year)) # Difference of GDP & Life Expectancy head(D(wlddev, 0:1, 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:10)) # Same, also retaining original series head(D(wlddev, 0:1, 1, ~ country, ~year, 9:10, # Dropping id columns keep.ids = FALSE)) ## Indexed computations: wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) # Dynamic Panel Data Models: summary(lm(D(PCGDP) ~ L(PCGDP) + D(LIFEEX), data = wldi)) # Simple case summary(lm(Dlog(PCGDP) ~ L(log(PCGDP)) + Dlog(LIFEEX), data = wldi)) # In log-differneces # Adding a lagged difference... summary(lm(D(PCGDP) ~ L(D(PCGDP, 0:1)) + L(D(LIFEEX), 0:1), data = wldi)) summary(lm(Dlog(PCGDP) ~ L(Dlog(PCGDP, 0:1)) + L(Dlog(LIFEEX), 0:1), data = wldi)) # Same thing: summary(lm(D1.PCGDP ~., data = L(D(wldi,0:1,1,9:10),0:1,keep.ids = FALSE)[,-1])) ## Grouped data library(magrittr) wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> fdiff(0:1,1:2) # Adding a first and second difference wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(year,PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> D(0:1,1:2,year) # Also using t (safer) wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> # Dropping id's fselect(year,PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> D(0:1,1:2,year, keep.ids = FALSE)
A fast and flexible replacement for dist
, to compute euclidean distances.
fdist(x, v = NULL, ..., method = "euclidean", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]])
fdist(x, v = NULL, ..., method = "euclidean", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]])
x |
a numeric vector or matrix. Data frames/lists can be passed but will be converted to matrix using |
v |
an (optional) numeric (double) vector such that |
... |
not used. A placeholder for possible future arguments. |
method |
an integer or character string indicating the method of computing distances.
nthreads |
integer. The number of threads to use. If |
If v = NULL
, a full lower-triangular distance matrix between the rows of x
is computed and returned as a 'dist' object (all methods apply, see dist
). Otherwise, a numeric vector of distances of each row of x
with v
is returned. See Examples.
does not check for missing values, so NA
's will result in NA
is a suitable complimentary function to find nearest neighbors. It is very efficient and skips missing values by default.
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
# Distance matrix m = as.matrix(mtcars) str(fdist(m)) # Same as dist(m) # Distance with vector d = fdist(m, fmean(m)) kit::topn(d, 5) # Index of 5 nearest neighbours # Mahalanobis distance m_mahal = t(forwardsolve(t(chol(cov(m))), t(m))) fdist(m_mahal, fmean(m_mahal)) sqrt(unattrib(mahalanobis(m, fmean(m), cov(m)))) # Distance of two vectors x <- rnorm(1e6) y <- rnorm(1e6) microbenchmark::microbenchmark( fdist(x, y), fdist(x, y, nthreads = 2), sqrt(sum((x-y)^2)) )
# Distance matrix m = as.matrix(mtcars) str(fdist(m)) # Same as dist(m) # Distance with vector d = fdist(m, fmean(m)) kit::topn(d, 5) # Index of 5 nearest neighbours # Mahalanobis distance m_mahal = t(forwardsolve(t(chol(cov(m))), t(m))) fdist(m_mahal, fmean(m_mahal)) sqrt(unattrib(mahalanobis(m, fmean(m), cov(m)))) # Distance of two vectors x <- rnorm(1e6) y <- rnorm(1e6) microbenchmark::microbenchmark( fdist(x, y), fdist(x, y, nthreads = 2), sqrt(sum((x-y)^2)) )
A substantially faster replacement for droplevels
fdroplevels(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' fdroplevels(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fdroplevels(x, ...)
fdroplevels(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' fdroplevels(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fdroplevels(x, ...)
x |
a factor, or data frame / list containing one or more factors. |
... |
not used. |
passes a factor from which levels are to be dropped to factor
, which first calls unique
and then match
to drop unused levels. Both functions internally use a hash table, which is highly inefficient. fdroplevels
does not require mapping values at all, but uses a super fast boolean vector method to determine which levels are unused and remove those levels. In addition, if no unused levels are found, x
is simply returned. Any missing values found in x
are efficiently skipped in the process of checking and replacing levels. All other attributes of x
are preserved.
with unused factor levels removed.
If x
is malformed e.g. has too few levels, this function can cause a segmentation fault terminating the R session, thus only use with ordinary / proper factors.
, funique
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
f <- iris$Species[1:100] fdroplevels(f) identical(fdroplevels(f), droplevels(f)) fNA <- na_insert(f) fdroplevels(fNA) identical(fdroplevels(fNA), droplevels(fNA)) identical(fdroplevels(ss(iris, 1:100)), droplevels(ss(iris, 1:100)))
f <- iris$Species[1:100] fdroplevels(f) identical(fdroplevels(f), droplevels(f)) fNA <- na_insert(f) fdroplevels(fNA) identical(fdroplevels(fNA), droplevels(fNA)) identical(fdroplevels(ss(iris, 1:100)), droplevels(ss(iris, 1:100)))
and flast
are S3 generic functions that (column-wise) returns the first and last values in x
, (optionally) grouped by g
. The TRA
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (groupwise) first and last values.
ffirst(x, ...) flast(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: ffirst(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: flast(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' ffirst(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' flast(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' ffirst(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' flast(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' ffirst(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' flast(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...)
ffirst(x, ...) flast(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: ffirst(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: flast(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' ffirst(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' flast(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' ffirst(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' flast(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' ffirst(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' flast(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
returns the first value in x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its first value, grouped by g
. Similarly flast
returns the last value in x
, ...
Both functions are significantly faster if na.rm = FALSE
, particularly ffirst
which can take direct advantage of the 'group.starts' elements in GRP
Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method ffirst(airquality$Ozone) # Simple first value ffirst(airquality$Ozone, airquality$Month) # Grouped first value ffirst(airquality$Ozone, airquality$Month, na.rm = FALSE) # Grouped first, but without skipping initial NA's ## data.frame method ffirst(airquality) ffirst(airquality, airquality$Month) ffirst(airquality, airquality$Month, na.rm = FALSE) # Again first Ozone measurement in month 6 is NA ## matrix method aqm <- qM(airquality) ffirst(aqm) ffirst(aqm, airquality$Month) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by library(dplyr) airquality |> group_by(Month) |> ffirst() airquality |> group_by(Month) |> select(Ozone) |> ffirst(na.rm = FALSE) # Note: All examples generalize to flast.
## default vector method ffirst(airquality$Ozone) # Simple first value ffirst(airquality$Ozone, airquality$Month) # Grouped first value ffirst(airquality$Ozone, airquality$Month, na.rm = FALSE) # Grouped first, but without skipping initial NA's ## data.frame method ffirst(airquality) ffirst(airquality, airquality$Month) ffirst(airquality, airquality$Month, na.rm = FALSE) # Again first Ozone measurement in month 6 is NA ## matrix method aqm <- qM(airquality) ffirst(aqm) ffirst(aqm, airquality$Month) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by library(dplyr) airquality |> group_by(Month) |> ffirst() airquality |> group_by(Month) |> select(Ozone) |> ffirst(na.rm = FALSE) # Note: All examples generalize to flast.
computes an R-squared based F-test for the exclusion of the variables in exc
, where the full (unrestricted) model is defined by variables supplied to both exc
and X
. The test is efficient and designed for cases where both exc
and X
may contain multiple factors and continuous variables. There is also an efficient 2-part formula method.
fFtest(...) # Internal method dispatch: formula if is.call(..1) || is.call(..2) ## Default S3 method: fFtest(y, exc, X = NULL, w = NULL, full.df = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' fFtest(formula, data = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)
fFtest(...) # Internal method dispatch: formula if is.call(..1) || is.call(..2) ## Default S3 method: fFtest(y, exc, X = NULL, w = NULL, full.df = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' fFtest(formula, data = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)
y |
a numeric vector: the dependent variable. |
exc |
a numeric vector, factor, numeric matrix or list / data frame of numeric vectors and/or factors: variables to test / exclude. |
X |
a numeric vector, factor, numeric matrix or list / data frame of numeric vectors and/or factors: covariates to include in both the restricted (without |
w |
numeric. A vector of (frequency) weights. |
formula |
a 2-part formula: |
data |
a named list or data frame. |
weights |
a weights vector or expression that results in a vector when evaluated in the |
full.df |
logical. If |
... |
other arguments passed to |
Factors and continuous regressors are efficiently projected out using fhdwithin
, and the option full.df
regulates whether a degree of freedom is subtracted for each used factor level (equivalent to dummy-variable estimator / expanding factors), or only one degree of freedom per factor (treating factors as variables). The test automatically removes missing values and considers only the complete cases of y, exc
and X
. Unused factor levels in exc
and X
are dropped.
Note that an intercept is always added by fhdwithin
, so it is not necessary to include an intercept in data supplied to exc
/ X
A 5 x 3 numeric matrix of statistics. The columns contain statistics:
the R-squared of the model
the numerator degrees of freedom i.e. the number of variables (k) and used factor levels if full.df = TRUE
the denominator degrees of freedom: N - k - 1.
the F-statistic
the corresponding P-value
The rows show these statistics for:
the Full (unrestricted) Model (y ~ exc + X
the Restricted Model (y ~ X
the Exclusion Restriction of exc
. The R-squared shown is simply the difference of the full and restricted R-Squared's, not the R-Squared of the model y ~ exc
, only a vector of the same 5 statistics testing the model (y ~ exc
) is shown.
, fhdwithin
, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
## We could use fFtest as a simple seasonality test: fFtest(AirPassengers, qF(cycle(AirPassengers))) # Testing for level-seasonality fFtest(AirPassengers, qF(cycle(AirPassengers)), # Seasonality test around a cubic trend poly(seq_along(AirPassengers), 3)) fFtest(fdiff(AirPassengers), qF(cycle(AirPassengers))) # Seasonality in first-difference ## A more classical example with only continuous variables fFtest(mpg ~ cyl + vs | hp + carb, mtcars) fFtest(mtcars$mpg, mtcars[c("cyl","vs")], mtcars[c("hp","carb")]) ## Now encoding cyl and vs as factors fFtest(mpg ~ qF(cyl) + qF(vs) | hp + carb, mtcars) fFtest(mtcars$mpg, lapply(mtcars[c("cyl","vs")], qF), mtcars[c("hp","carb")]) ## Using iris data: A factor and a continuous variable excluded fFtest(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Species | Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, iris) fFtest(iris$Sepal.Length, iris[4:5], iris[2:3]) ## Testing the significance of country-FE in regression of GDP on life expectancy fFtest(log(PCGDP) ~ iso3c | LIFEEX, wlddev) fFtest(log(wlddev$PCGDP), wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$LIFEEX) ## Ok, country-FE are significant, what about adding time-FE fFtest(log(PCGDP) ~ qF(year) | iso3c + LIFEEX, wlddev) fFtest(log(wlddev$PCGDP), qF(wlddev$year), wlddev[c("iso3c","LIFEEX")]) # Same test done using lm: data <- na_omit(get_vars(wlddev, c("iso3c","year","PCGDP","LIFEEX"))) full <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c + qF(year), data) rest <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c, data) anova(rest, full)
## We could use fFtest as a simple seasonality test: fFtest(AirPassengers, qF(cycle(AirPassengers))) # Testing for level-seasonality fFtest(AirPassengers, qF(cycle(AirPassengers)), # Seasonality test around a cubic trend poly(seq_along(AirPassengers), 3)) fFtest(fdiff(AirPassengers), qF(cycle(AirPassengers))) # Seasonality in first-difference ## A more classical example with only continuous variables fFtest(mpg ~ cyl + vs | hp + carb, mtcars) fFtest(mtcars$mpg, mtcars[c("cyl","vs")], mtcars[c("hp","carb")]) ## Now encoding cyl and vs as factors fFtest(mpg ~ qF(cyl) + qF(vs) | hp + carb, mtcars) fFtest(mtcars$mpg, lapply(mtcars[c("cyl","vs")], qF), mtcars[c("hp","carb")]) ## Using iris data: A factor and a continuous variable excluded fFtest(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Species | Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, iris) fFtest(iris$Sepal.Length, iris[4:5], iris[2:3]) ## Testing the significance of country-FE in regression of GDP on life expectancy fFtest(log(PCGDP) ~ iso3c | LIFEEX, wlddev) fFtest(log(wlddev$PCGDP), wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$LIFEEX) ## Ok, country-FE are significant, what about adding time-FE fFtest(log(PCGDP) ~ qF(year) | iso3c + LIFEEX, wlddev) fFtest(log(wlddev$PCGDP), qF(wlddev$year), wlddev[c("iso3c","LIFEEX")]) # Same test done using lm: data <- na_omit(get_vars(wlddev, c("iso3c","year","PCGDP","LIFEEX"))) full <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c + qF(year), data) rest <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c, data) anova(rest, full)
is a S3 generic to compute (sequences of) suitably lagged / leaded, iterated and compounded growth rates, obtained with via the exact method of computation or through log differencing. By default growth rates are provided in percentage terms, but any scale factor can be applied. The growth operator G
is a parsimonious wrapper around fgrowth
, and also provides more flexibility when applied to data frames.
fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, by = NULL, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...)
fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, by = NULL, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fgrowth(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = length(n) + length(diff) > 2L, keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' G(x, n = 1, diff = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, logdiff = FALSE, scale = 100, power = 1, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...)
x |
a numeric vector / time series, (time series) matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') or grouped data frame ('grouped_df'). |
n |
integer. A vector indicating the number of lags or leads. |
diff |
integer. A vector of integers > 1 indicating the order of taking growth rates, e.g. |
g |
a factor, |
by |
data.frame method: Same as |
t |
a time vector or list of vectors. See |
cols |
data.frame method: Select columns to compute growth rates using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. Default: All numeric variables. Note: |
fill |
value to insert when vectors are shifted. Default is |
logdiff |
logical. Compute log-difference growth rates instead of exact growth rates. See Details. |
scale |
logical. Scale factor post-applied to growth rates, default is 100 which gives growth rates in percentage terms. See Details. |
power |
numeric. Apply a power to annualize or compound growth rates e.g. |
stubs |
logical. |
shift |
pseries / pdata.frame methods: character. |
keep.ids |
data.frame / pdata.frame / grouped_df methods: Logical. Drop all identifiers from the output (which includes all variables passed to |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
by default computes exact growth rates using repeat(diff) ((x[i]/x[i-n])^power - 1)*scale
, so for diff > 1
it computes growth rate of growth rates. If logdiff = TRUE
, approximate growth rates are computed using log(x[i]/x[i-n])*scale
for diff = 1
and repeat(diff-1) x[i] - x[i-n]
thereafter (usually diff = 1
for log-differencing). For further details see the help pages of fdiff
and flag
where the growth rate was taken diff
times using lags n
of itself, scaled by scale
. Computations can be grouped by g/by
and/or ordered by t
. See Details and Examples.
, fdiff/D/Dlog
, Time Series and Panel Series, Collapse Overview
## Simple Time Series: AirPassengers G(AirPassengers) # Growth rate, same as fgrowth(AirPassengers) G(AirPassengers, logdiff = TRUE) # Log-difference G(AirPassengers, 1, 2) # Growth rate of growth rate G(AirPassengers, 12) # Seasonal growth rate (data is monthly) head(G(AirPassengers, -2:2, 1:3)) # Sequence of leaded/lagged and iterated growth rates # let's do some visual analysis plot(G(AirPassengers, c(0, 1, 12))) plot(stl(window(G(AirPassengers, 12), # Taking seasonal growth rate removes most seasonal variation 1950), "periodic")) ## Time Series Matrix of 4 EU Stock Market Indicators, recorded 260 days per year plot(G(EuStockMarkets,c(0,260))) # Plot series and annual growth rates summary(lm(L260G1.DAX ~., G(EuStockMarkets,260))) # Annual growth rate of DAX regressed on the # growth rates of the other indicators ## World Development Panel Data head(fgrowth(num_vars(wlddev), 1, 1, # Computes growth rates of numeric variables wlddev$country, wlddev$year)) # fgrowth requires external inputs.. head(G(wlddev, 1, 1, ~country, ~year)) # Growth of numeric variables, id's attached head(G(wlddev, 1, 1, ~country)) # Without t: Works because data is ordered head(G(wlddev, 1, 1, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country, ~year)) # Growth of GDP per Capita & Life Expectancy head(G(wlddev, 0:1, 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:10)) # Same, also retaining original series head(G(wlddev, 0:1, 1, ~ country, ~year, 9:10, # Dropping id columns keep.ids = FALSE))
## Simple Time Series: AirPassengers G(AirPassengers) # Growth rate, same as fgrowth(AirPassengers) G(AirPassengers, logdiff = TRUE) # Log-difference G(AirPassengers, 1, 2) # Growth rate of growth rate G(AirPassengers, 12) # Seasonal growth rate (data is monthly) head(G(AirPassengers, -2:2, 1:3)) # Sequence of leaded/lagged and iterated growth rates # let's do some visual analysis plot(G(AirPassengers, c(0, 1, 12))) plot(stl(window(G(AirPassengers, 12), # Taking seasonal growth rate removes most seasonal variation 1950), "periodic")) ## Time Series Matrix of 4 EU Stock Market Indicators, recorded 260 days per year plot(G(EuStockMarkets,c(0,260))) # Plot series and annual growth rates summary(lm(L260G1.DAX ~., G(EuStockMarkets,260))) # Annual growth rate of DAX regressed on the # growth rates of the other indicators ## World Development Panel Data head(fgrowth(num_vars(wlddev), 1, 1, # Computes growth rates of numeric variables wlddev$country, wlddev$year)) # fgrowth requires external inputs.. head(G(wlddev, 1, 1, ~country, ~year)) # Growth of numeric variables, id's attached head(G(wlddev, 1, 1, ~country)) # Without t: Works because data is ordered head(G(wlddev, 1, 1, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ country, ~year)) # Growth of GDP per Capita & Life Expectancy head(G(wlddev, 0:1, 1, ~ country, ~year, cols = 9:10)) # Same, also retaining original series head(G(wlddev, 0:1, 1, ~ country, ~year, 9:10, # Dropping id columns keep.ids = FALSE))
is a generalization of fbetween
to efficiently predict with multiple factors and linear models (i.e. predict with vectors/factors, matrices, or data frames/lists where the latter may contain multiple factor variables). Similarly, fhdwithin
is a generalization of fwithin
to center on multiple factors and partial-out linear models.
The corresponding operators HDB
and HDW
additionally allow to predict / partial out full lm()
formulas with interactions between variables.
fhdbetween(x, ...) fhdwithin(x, ...) HDB(x, ...) HDW(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fhdbetween(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## Default S3 method: fhdwithin(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## Default S3 method: HDB(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## Default S3 method: HDW(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fhdbetween(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fhdwithin(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' HDB(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' HDW(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fhdbetween(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fhdwithin(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' HDB(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' HDW(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fhdbetween(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fhdwithin(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' HDB(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' HDW(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fhdbetween(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fhdwithin(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' HDB(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' HDW(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...)
fhdbetween(x, ...) fhdwithin(x, ...) HDB(x, ...) HDW(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fhdbetween(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## Default S3 method: fhdwithin(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## Default S3 method: HDB(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## Default S3 method: HDW(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fhdbetween(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fhdwithin(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' HDB(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' HDW(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fhdbetween(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fhdwithin(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' HDB(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' HDW(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fhdbetween(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fhdwithin(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' HDB(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' HDW(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fhdbetween(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fhdwithin(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' HDB(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' HDW(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries') or 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame'). |
fl |
a numeric vector, factor, matrix, data frame or list (which may or may not contain factors). In the |
w |
a vector of (non-negative) weights. |
cols |
data.frame methods: Select columns to center (partial-out) or predict using column names, indices, a logical vector or a function. Unless specified otherwise all numeric columns are selected. If |
na.rm |
remove missing values from both |
fill |
If |
variable.wise |
(p)data.frame methods: Setting |
effect |
plm methods: Select which panel identifiers should be used for centering. 1L takes the first variable in the index, 2L the second etc.. Index variables can also be called by name using a character vector. The keyword |
stub |
character. A prefix/stub to add to the names of all transformed columns. |
lm.method |
character. The linear fitting method. Supported are |
... |
further arguments passed to |
and fhdwithin/HDW
are powerful functions for high-dimensional linear prediction problems involving large factors and datasets, but can just as well handle ordinary regression problems. They are implemented as efficient wrappers around fbetween / fwithin
, flm
and some C++ code from the fixest
package that is imported for higher-order centering tasks (thus fixest
needs to be installed for problems involving more than one factor).
Intended areas of use are to efficiently obtain residuals and predicted values from data, and to prepare data for complex linear models involving multiple levels of fixed effects. Such models can now be fitted using (g)lm()
on data prepared with fhdwithin / HDW
(relying on bootstrapped SE's for inference, or implementing the appropriate corrections). See Examples.
If fl
is a vector or matrix, the result are identical to lm
i.e. fhdbetween / HDB
returns fitted(lm(x ~ fl))
and fhdwithin / HDW
residuals(lm(x ~ fl))
. If fl
is a list containing factors, all variables in x
and non-factor variables in fl
are centered on these factors using either fbetween / fwithin
for a single factor or fixest
C++ code for multiple factors. Afterwards the centered data is regressed on the centered predictors. If fl
is just a list of factors, fhdwithin/HDW
returns the centered data and fhdbetween/HDB
the corresponding means. Take as a most general example a list fl = list(fct1, fct2, ..., var1, var2, ...)
where fcti
are factors and vari
are continuous variables. The output of fhdwithin/HDW | fhdbetween/HDB
will then be identical to calling resid | fitted
on lm(x ~ fct1 + fct2 + ... + var1 + var2 + ...)
. The computations performed by fhdwithin/HDW
and fhdbetween/HDB
are however much faster and more memory efficient than lm
because factors are not passed to model.matrix
and expanded to matrices of dummies but projected out beforehand.
The formula interface to the data.frame method (only supported by the operators HDW | HDB
) provides ease of use and allows for additional modeling complexity. For example it is possible to project out formulas like HDW(data, ~ fct1*var1 + fct2:fct3 + var2:fct2:fct3 + var2:var3 + poly(var5,3)*fct5)
containing simple (:)
or full (*)
interactions of factors with continuous variables or polynomials of continuous variables, and two-or three-way interactions of factors and continuous variables. If the formula is one-sided as in the example above (the space left of (~)
is left empty), the formula is applied to all variables selected through cols
. The specification provided in cols
(default: all numeric variables not used in the formula) can be overridden by supplying one-or more dependent variables. For example HDW(data, var1 + var2 ~ fct1 + fct2)
will return a data.frame with var1
and var2
centered on fct1
and fct2
The special methods for 'indexed_series' (plm::pseries
) and 'indexed_frame's (plm::pdata.frame
) center a panel series or variables in a panel data frame on all panel-identifiers. By default in these methods fill = TRUE
and variable.wise = TRUE
, so missing values are kept. This change in the default arguments was done to ensure a coherent framework of functions and operators applied to plm panel data classes.
returns fitted values of regressing x
on fl
returns residuals. See Details and Examples.
... and fwithin/W
can center data on multiple factors and also partial out continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions while fwithin/W
only centers on one factor or the interaction of a set of factors, and does that very efficiently.
HDW(data, ~ qF(group1) + qF(group2))
simultaneously centers numeric variables in data on group1
and group2
, while W(data, ~ group1 + group2)
centers data on the interaction of group1
and group2
. The equivalent operation in HDW
would be: HDW(data, ~ qF(group1):qF(group2))
always does computations on the variable-wise complete observations (in both matrices and data frames), whereas by default HDW
removes all cases missing in either x
or fl
. In short, W(data, ~ group1 + group2)
is actually equivalent to HDW(data, ~ qF(group1):qF(group2), variable.wise = TRUE)
. HDW(data, ~ qF(group1):qF(group2))
would remove any missing cases.
and fwithin/W
have options to fill missing cases using group-averages and to add the overall mean back to group-demeaned data. These options are not available in fhdbetween/HDB
and fhdwithin/HDW
. Since HDB
and HDW
by default remove missing cases, they also don't have options to keep grouping-columns as in B
and W
fbetween, fwithin
, fscale
, flm
, fFtest
, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
HDW(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$carb) # Simple regression problems HDW(mtcars$mpg, mtcars[-1]) HDW(mtcars$mpg, qM(mtcars[-1])) head(HDW(qM(mtcars[3:4]), mtcars[1:2])) head(HDW(iris[1:2], iris[3:4])) # Partialling columns 3 and 4 out of columns 1 and 2 head(HDW(iris[1:2], iris[3:5])) # Adding the Species factor -> fixed effect head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c + qF(year))) # Partialling out 2 fixed effects head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c + qF(year), variable.wise = TRUE)) # Variable-wise head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c + qF(year) + ODA)) # Adding ODA as a continuous regressor head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c:qF(decade) + qF(year) + ODA)) # Country-decade and year FE's head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c*year)) # Country specific time trends head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c*poly(year, 3))) # Country specific cubic trends # More complex examples lm(HDW.mpg ~ HDW.hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear + wt:gear:carb)) lm(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear + wt:gear:carb, data = mtcars) lm(HDW.mpg ~ HDW.hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear)) lm(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear, data = mtcars) lm(HDW.mpg ~ HDW.hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ cyl*carb + vs + wt:gear)) lm(mpg ~ hp + cyl*carb + vs + wt:gear, data = mtcars) lm(HDW.mpg ~ HDW.hp, data = HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl*carb + factor(cyl)*poly(drat,2))) lm(mpg ~ hp + cyl*carb + factor(cyl)*poly(drat,2), data = mtcars)
HDW(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$carb) # Simple regression problems HDW(mtcars$mpg, mtcars[-1]) HDW(mtcars$mpg, qM(mtcars[-1])) head(HDW(qM(mtcars[3:4]), mtcars[1:2])) head(HDW(iris[1:2], iris[3:4])) # Partialling columns 3 and 4 out of columns 1 and 2 head(HDW(iris[1:2], iris[3:5])) # Adding the Species factor -> fixed effect head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c + qF(year))) # Partialling out 2 fixed effects head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c + qF(year), variable.wise = TRUE)) # Variable-wise head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c + qF(year) + ODA)) # Adding ODA as a continuous regressor head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c:qF(decade) + qF(year) + ODA)) # Country-decade and year FE's head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c*year)) # Country specific time trends head(HDW(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c*poly(year, 3))) # Country specific cubic trends # More complex examples lm(HDW.mpg ~ HDW.hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear + wt:gear:carb)) lm(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear + wt:gear:carb, data = mtcars) lm(HDW.mpg ~ HDW.hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear)) lm(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear, data = mtcars) lm(HDW.mpg ~ HDW.hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ cyl*carb + vs + wt:gear)) lm(mpg ~ hp + cyl*carb + vs + wt:gear, data = mtcars) lm(HDW.mpg ~ HDW.hp, data = HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl*carb + factor(cyl)*poly(drat,2))) lm(mpg ~ hp + cyl*carb + factor(cyl)*poly(drat,2), data = mtcars)
is an S3 generic to compute (sequences of) lags and leads. L
and F
are wrappers around flag
representing the lag- and lead-operators, such that L(x,-1) = F(x,1) = F(x)
and L(x,-3:3) = F(x,3:-3)
. L
and F
provide more flexibility than flag
when applied to data frames (i.e. column subsetting, formula input and id-variable-preservation capabilities...), but are otherwise identical.
Note: Since v1.9.0, F
is no longer exported, but can be accessed using collapse:::F
, or through setting options(collapse_export_F = TRUE)
before loading the package. The syntax is the same as L
flag(x, n = 1, ...) L(x, n = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: flag(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: L(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' flag(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' L(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' flag(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' L(x, n = 1, by = NULL, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' flag(x, n = 1, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' L(x, n = 1, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' flag(x, n = 1, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' L(x, n = 1, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' flag(x, n = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' L(x, n = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...)
flag(x, n = 1, ...) L(x, n = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: flag(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: L(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' flag(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' L(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' flag(x, n = 1, g = NULL, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' L(x, n = 1, by = NULL, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' flag(x, n = 1, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' L(x, n = 1, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' flag(x, n = 1, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, shift = "time", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' L(x, n = 1, cols = is.numeric, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], shift = "time", keep.ids = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' flag(x, n = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = length(n) > 1L, keep.ids = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' L(x, n = 1, t = NULL, fill = NA, stubs = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, ...)
x |
a vector / time series, (time series) matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') or grouped data frame ('grouped_df'). Data must not be numeric. |
n |
integer. A vector indicating the lags / leads to compute (passing negative integers to |
g |
a factor, |
by |
data.frame method: Same as |
t |
a time vector or list of vectors. Data frame methods also allows one-sided formula i.e. |
cols |
data.frame method: Select columns to lag using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. Default: All numeric variables. Note: |
fill |
value to insert when vectors are shifted. Default is |
stubs |
logical. |
shift |
pseries / pdata.frame methods: character. |
keep.ids |
data.frame / pdata.frame / grouped_df methods: Logical. Drop all identifiers from the output (which includes all variables passed to |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
If a single integer is passed to n
, and g/by
and t
are left empty, flag/L/F
just returns x
with all columns lagged / leaded by n
. If length(n)>1
, and x
is an atomic vector (time series), flag/L/F
returns a (time series) matrix with lags / leads computed in the same order as passed to n
. If instead x
is a matrix / data frame, a matrix / data frame with ncol(x)*length(n)
columns is returned where columns are sorted first by variable and then by lag (so all lags computed on a variable are grouped together). x
can be of any standard data type.
With groups/panel-identifiers supplied to g/by
, flag/L/F
efficiently computes a panel-lag/lead by shifting the entire vector(s) but inserting fill
elements in the right places. If t
is left empty, the data needs to be ordered such that all values belonging to a group are consecutive and in the right order. It is not necessary that the groups themselves are alphabetically ordered. If a time-variable is supplied to t
(or a list of time-variables uniquely identifying the time-dimension), the series / panel is fully identified and lags / leads can be securely computed even if the data is unordered / irregular.
Note that the t
argument is processed as follows: If is.factor(t) || (is.numeric(t) && !is.object(t))
(i.e. t
is a factor or plain numeric vector), it is assumed to represent unit timesteps (e.g. a 'year' variable in a typical dataset), and thus coerced to integer using as.integer(t)
and directly passed to C++ without further checks or transformations at the R-level. Otherwise, if is.object(t) && is.numeric(unclass(t))
(i.e. t
is a numeric time object, most likely 'Date' or 'POSIXct'), this object is passed through timeid
before going to C++. Else (e.g. t
is character), it is passed through qG
which performs ordered grouping. If t
is a list of multiple variables, it is passed through finteraction
. You can customize this behavior by calling any of these functions (including unclass/as.integer
) on your time variable beforehand.
At the C++ level, if both g/by
and t
are supplied, flag
works as follows: Use two initial passes to create an ordering through which the data are accessed. First-pass: Calculate minimum and maximum time-value for each individual. Second-pass: Generate an internal ordering vector (o
) by placing the current element index into the vector slot obtained by adding the cumulative group size and the current time-value subtracted its individual-minimum together. This method of computation is faster than any sort-based method and delivers optimal performance if the panel-id supplied to g/by
is already a factor variable, and if t
is an integer/factor variable. For irregular time/panel series, length(o) > length(x)
, and o
represents the unobserved 'complete series'. If length(o) > 1e7 && length(o) > 3*length(x)
, a warning is issued to make you aware of potential performance implications of the oversized ordering vector.
The 'indexed_series' ('pseries') and 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') methods automatically utilize the identifiers attached to these objects, which are already factors, thus lagging is quite efficient. However, the internal ordering vector still needs to be computed, thus if data are known to be ordered and regularly spaced, using shift = "row"
to toggle a simple group-lag (same as utilizing g
but not t
in other methods) can yield a significant performance gain.
lagged / leaded n
-times, grouped by g/by
, ordered by t
. See Details and Examples.
, fgrowth
, Time Series and Panel Series, Collapse Overview
## Simple Time Series: AirPassengers L(AirPassengers) # 1 lag flag(AirPassengers) # Same L(AirPassengers, -1) # 1 lead head(L(AirPassengers, -1:3)) # 1 lead and 3 lags - output as matrix ## Time Series Matrix of 4 EU Stock Market Indicators, 1991-1998 tsp(EuStockMarkets) # Data is recorded on 260 days per year freq <- frequency(EuStockMarkets) plot(stl(EuStockMarkets[,"DAX"], freq)) # There is some obvious seasonality head(L(EuStockMarkets, -1:3 * freq)) # 1 annual lead and 3 annual lags summary(lm(DAX ~., data = L(EuStockMarkets,-1:3*freq))) # DAX regressed on its own annual lead, # lags and the lead/lags of the other series ## World Development Panel Data head(flag(wlddev, 1, wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$year)) # This lags all variables, head(L(wlddev, 1, ~iso3c, ~year)) # This lags all numeric variables head(L(wlddev, 1, ~iso3c)) # Without t: Works because data is ordered head(L(wlddev, 1, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c, ~year)) # This lags GDP per Capita & Life Expectancy head(L(wlddev, 0:2, ~ iso3c, ~year, cols = 9:10)) # Same, also retaining original series head(L(wlddev, 1:2, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c, ~year, # Two lags, dropping id columns keep.ids = FALSE)) # Regressing GDP on its's lags and life-Expectancy and its lags summary(lm(PCGDP ~ ., L(wlddev, 0:2, ~iso3c, ~year, 9:10, keep.ids = FALSE))) ## Indexing the data: facilitates time-based computations wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) head(L(wldi, 0:2, cols = 9:10)) # Again 2 lags of GDP and LIFEEX head(L(wldi$PCGDP)) # Lagging an indexed series summary(lm(PCGDP ~ L(PCGDP,1:2) + L(LIFEEX,0:2), wldi)) # Running the lm again summary(lm(PCGDP ~ ., L(wldi, 0:2, 9:10, keep.ids = FALSE))) # Same thing ## Using grouped data: library(magrittr) wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> flag(0:2) wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(year,PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> flag(0:2,year) # Also using t (safer)
## Simple Time Series: AirPassengers L(AirPassengers) # 1 lag flag(AirPassengers) # Same L(AirPassengers, -1) # 1 lead head(L(AirPassengers, -1:3)) # 1 lead and 3 lags - output as matrix ## Time Series Matrix of 4 EU Stock Market Indicators, 1991-1998 tsp(EuStockMarkets) # Data is recorded on 260 days per year freq <- frequency(EuStockMarkets) plot(stl(EuStockMarkets[,"DAX"], freq)) # There is some obvious seasonality head(L(EuStockMarkets, -1:3 * freq)) # 1 annual lead and 3 annual lags summary(lm(DAX ~., data = L(EuStockMarkets,-1:3*freq))) # DAX regressed on its own annual lead, # lags and the lead/lags of the other series ## World Development Panel Data head(flag(wlddev, 1, wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$year)) # This lags all variables, head(L(wlddev, 1, ~iso3c, ~year)) # This lags all numeric variables head(L(wlddev, 1, ~iso3c)) # Without t: Works because data is ordered head(L(wlddev, 1, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c, ~year)) # This lags GDP per Capita & Life Expectancy head(L(wlddev, 0:2, ~ iso3c, ~year, cols = 9:10)) # Same, also retaining original series head(L(wlddev, 1:2, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ iso3c, ~year, # Two lags, dropping id columns keep.ids = FALSE)) # Regressing GDP on its's lags and life-Expectancy and its lags summary(lm(PCGDP ~ ., L(wlddev, 0:2, ~iso3c, ~year, 9:10, keep.ids = FALSE))) ## Indexing the data: facilitates time-based computations wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) head(L(wldi, 0:2, cols = 9:10)) # Again 2 lags of GDP and LIFEEX head(L(wldi$PCGDP)) # Lagging an indexed series summary(lm(PCGDP ~ L(PCGDP,1:2) + L(LIFEEX,0:2), wldi)) # Running the lm again summary(lm(PCGDP ~ ., L(wldi, 0:2, 9:10, keep.ids = FALSE))) # Same thing ## Using grouped data: library(magrittr) wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> flag(0:2) wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(year,PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> flag(0:2,year) # Also using t (safer)
is a fast linear model command that (by default) only returns a coefficient matrix. 6 different efficient fitting methods are implemented: 4 using base R linear algebra, and 2 utilizing the RcppArmadillo and RcppEigen packages. The function itself only has an overhead of 5-10 microseconds, and is thus well suited as a bootstrap workhorse.
flm(...) # Internal method dispatch: default if is.atomic(..1) ## Default S3 method: flm(y, X, w = NULL, add.icpt = FALSE, return.raw = FALSE, method = c("lm", "solve", "qr", "arma", "chol", "eigen"), eigen.method = 3L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' flm(formula, data = NULL, weights = NULL, add.icpt = TRUE, ...)
flm(...) # Internal method dispatch: default if is.atomic(..1) ## Default S3 method: flm(y, X, w = NULL, add.icpt = FALSE, return.raw = FALSE, method = c("lm", "solve", "qr", "arma", "chol", "eigen"), eigen.method = 3L, ...) ## S3 method for class 'formula' flm(formula, data = NULL, weights = NULL, add.icpt = TRUE, ...)
y |
a response vector or matrix. Multiple dependent variables are only supported by methods "lm", "solve", "qr" and "chol". |
X |
a matrix of regressors. |
w |
a weight vector. |
add.icpt |
logical. |
formula |
a |
data |
a named list or data frame. |
weights |
a weights vector or expression that results in a vector when evaluated in the |
return.raw |
logical. |
method |
an integer or character string specifying the method of computation:
eigen.method |
integer. Select the method of computation used by
See |
... |
further arguments passed to other methods. For the formula method further arguments passed to the default method. Additional arguments can also be passed to the default method e.g. |
If return.raw = FALSE
, a matrix of coefficients with the rows corresponding to the columns of X
, otherwise the raw results from the various methods are returned.
Method "qr" supports sparse matrices, so for an X
matrix with many dummy variables consider method "qr" passing as(X, "dgCMatrix")
instead of just X
, fFtest
, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
# Simple usage coef <- flm(mpg ~ hp + carb, mtcars, w = wt) # Same thing in programming usage flm(mtcars$mpg, qM(mtcars[c("hp","carb")]), mtcars$wt, add.icpt = TRUE) # Check this is correct lmcoef <- coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + carb, weights = wt, mtcars)) all.equal(drop(coef), lmcoef) # Multi-dependent variable (only some methods) flm(cbind(mpg, qsec) ~ hp + carb, mtcars, w = wt) # Returning raw results from solver: different for different methods flm(mpg ~ hp + carb, mtcars, return.raw = TRUE) flm(mpg ~ hp + carb, mtcars, method = "qr", return.raw = TRUE) # Test that all methods give the same result all_obj_equal(lapply(1:6, function(i) flm(mpg ~ hp + carb, mtcars, w = wt, method = i)))
# Simple usage coef <- flm(mpg ~ hp + carb, mtcars, w = wt) # Same thing in programming usage flm(mtcars$mpg, qM(mtcars[c("hp","carb")]), mtcars$wt, add.icpt = TRUE) # Check this is correct lmcoef <- coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + carb, weights = wt, mtcars)) all.equal(drop(coef), lmcoef) # Multi-dependent variable (only some methods) flm(cbind(mpg, qsec) ~ hp + carb, mtcars, w = wt) # Returning raw results from solver: different for different methods flm(mpg ~ hp + carb, mtcars, return.raw = TRUE) flm(mpg ~ hp + carb, mtcars, method = "qr", return.raw = TRUE) # Test that all methods give the same result all_obj_equal(lapply(1:6, function(i) flm(mpg ~ hp + carb, mtcars, w = wt, method = i)))
Fast matching of elements/rows in x
to elements/rows in table
This is a much faster replacement for match
that works
with atomic vectors and data frames / lists of equal-length vectors. It is the workhorse function of join
fmatch(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, count = FALSE, overid = 1L) # Check match: throws an informative error for non-matched elements # Default message reflects frequent internal use to check data frame columns ckmatch(x, table, e = "Unknown columns:", ...) # Infix operators based on fmatch(): x %!in% table # Opposite of %in% x %iin% table # = which(x %in% table), but more efficient x %!iin% table # = which(x %!in% table), but more efficient # Use set_collapse(mask = "%in%") to replace %in% with # a much faster version based on fmatch()
fmatch(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, count = FALSE, overid = 1L) # Check match: throws an informative error for non-matched elements # Default message reflects frequent internal use to check data frame columns ckmatch(x, table, e = "Unknown columns:", ...) # Infix operators based on fmatch(): x %!in% table # Opposite of %in% x %iin% table # = which(x %in% table), but more efficient x %!iin% table # = which(x %!in% table), but more efficient # Use set_collapse(mask = "%in%") to replace %in% with # a much faster version based on fmatch()
x |
a vector, list or data frame whose elements are matched against |
table |
a vector, list or data frame to match against. |
nomatch |
integer. Value to be returned in the case when no match is found. Default is |
count |
logical. Counts number of (unique) matches and attaches 4 attributes:
Note that computing these attributes requires an extra pass through the matching vector. Also note that these attributes contain no general information about whether either |
overid |
integer. If
e |
the error message thrown by |
... |
further arguments to |
With data frames / lists, fmatch
compares the rows but moves through the data on a column-by-column basis (like a vectorized hash join algorithm). With two or more columns, the first two columns are hashed simultaneously for speed. Further columns can be added to this match. It is likely that the first 2, 3, 4 etc. columns of a data frame fully identify the data. After each column fmatch()
internally checks whether the table
rows that are still eligible for matching (eliminating nomatch
rows from earlier columns) are unique. If this is the case and overid = 0
, fmatch()
terminates early without considering further columns. This is efficient but may give undesirable/wrong results if considering further columns would turn some additional elements of the result vector into nomatch
Integer vector containing the positions of first matches of x
in table
. nomatch
is returned for elements of x
that have no match in table
. If count = TRUE
, the result has additional attributes and a class "qG"
, funique
, group
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
x <- c("b", "c", "a", "e", "f", "ff") fmatch(x, letters) fmatch(x, letters, nomatch = 0) fmatch(x, letters, count = TRUE) # Table 1 df1 <- data.frame( id1 = c(1, 1, 2, 3), id2 = c("a", "b", "b", "c"), name = c("John", "Bob", "Jane", "Carl") ) head(df1) # Table 2 df2 <- data.frame( id1 = c(1, 2, 3, 3), id2 = c("a", "b", "c", "e"), name = c("John", "Janne", "Carl", "Lynne") ) head(df2) # This gives an overidentification warning: columns 1:2 identify the data if(FALSE) fmatch(df1, df2) # This just runs through without warning fmatch(df1, df2, overid = 2) # This terminates computation after first 2 columns fmatch(df1, df2, overid = 0) fmatch(df1[1:2], df2[1:2]) # Same thing! # -> note that here we get an additional match based on the unique ids, # which we didn't get before because "Jane" != "Janne"
x <- c("b", "c", "a", "e", "f", "ff") fmatch(x, letters) fmatch(x, letters, nomatch = 0) fmatch(x, letters, count = TRUE) # Table 1 df1 <- data.frame( id1 = c(1, 1, 2, 3), id2 = c("a", "b", "b", "c"), name = c("John", "Bob", "Jane", "Carl") ) head(df1) # Table 2 df2 <- data.frame( id1 = c(1, 2, 3, 3), id2 = c("a", "b", "c", "e"), name = c("John", "Janne", "Carl", "Lynne") ) head(df2) # This gives an overidentification warning: columns 1:2 identify the data if(FALSE) fmatch(df1, df2) # This just runs through without warning fmatch(df1, df2, overid = 2) # This terminates computation after first 2 columns fmatch(df1, df2, overid = 0) fmatch(df1[1:2], df2[1:2]) # Same thing! # -> note that here we get an additional match based on the unique ids, # which we didn't get before because "Jane" != "Janne"
is a generic function that computes the (column-wise) mean of x
, (optionally) grouped by g
and/or weighted by w
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (grouped, weighted) mean.
fmean(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fmean(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmean(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmean(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmean(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
fmean(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fmean(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmean(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmean(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmean(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights, may contain missing values. |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
nthreads |
integer. The number of threads to utilize. See Details of |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
keep.w |
grouped_df method: Logical. Retain summed weighting variable after computation (if contained in |
stub |
character. If |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
The weighted mean is computed as sum(x * w) / sum(w)
, using a single pass in C. If na.rm = TRUE
, missing values will be removed from both x
and w
i.e. utilizing only x[complete.cases(x,w)]
and w[complete.cases(x,w)]
For further computational details see fsum
, which works equivalently.
The (w
weighted) mean of x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its (grouped, weighted) mean.
, fmode
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fmean(mpg) # Simple mean fmean(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted mean: Weighted by hp fmean(mpg, TRA = "-") # Simple transformation: demeaning (See also ?W) fmean(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped mean fmean(mpg, mtcars[8:9]) # another grouped mean. g <- GRP(mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) fmean(mpg, g) # Pre-computing groups speeds up the computation fmean(mpg, g, mtcars$hp) # Grouped weighted mean fmean(mpg, g, TRA = "-") # Demeaning by group fmean(mpg, g, mtcars$hp, "-") # Group-demeaning using weighted group means ## data.frame method fmean(mtcars) fmean(mtcars, g) fmean(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am)) # Another way of doing it.. head(fmean(mtcars, g, TRA = "-")) # etc.. ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fmean(m) fmean(m, g) head(fmean(m, g, TRA = "-")) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean() # Ordinary mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean(hp) # Weighted mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean(hp, "-") # Weighted Transform mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg,hp) |> fmean(hp, "-") # Only mpg
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fmean(mpg) # Simple mean fmean(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted mean: Weighted by hp fmean(mpg, TRA = "-") # Simple transformation: demeaning (See also ?W) fmean(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped mean fmean(mpg, mtcars[8:9]) # another grouped mean. g <- GRP(mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) fmean(mpg, g) # Pre-computing groups speeds up the computation fmean(mpg, g, mtcars$hp) # Grouped weighted mean fmean(mpg, g, TRA = "-") # Demeaning by group fmean(mpg, g, mtcars$hp, "-") # Group-demeaning using weighted group means ## data.frame method fmean(mtcars) fmean(mtcars, g) fmean(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am)) # Another way of doing it.. head(fmean(mtcars, g, TRA = "-")) # etc.. ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fmean(m) fmean(m, g) head(fmean(m, g, TRA = "-")) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean() # Ordinary mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean(hp) # Weighted mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean(hp, "-") # Weighted Transform mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg,hp) |> fmean(hp, "-") # Only mpg
and fmin
are generic functions that compute the (column-wise) maximum and minimum value of all values in x
, (optionally) grouped by g
. The TRA
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (grouped) maximum or minimum value.
fmax(x, ...) fmin(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fmax(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: fmin(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmax(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmin(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmax(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmin(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmax(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmin(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...)
fmax(x, ...) fmin(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fmax(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: fmin(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmax(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmin(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmax(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmin(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmax(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmin(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
Missing-value removal as controlled by the na.rm
argument is done at no extra cost since in C++ any logical comparison involving NA
or NaN
evaluates to FALSE
. Large performance gains can nevertheless be achieved in the presence of missing values if na.rm = FALSE
, since then the corresponding computation is terminated once a NA
is encountered and NA
is returned (unlike max
and min
which just run through without any checks).
For further computational details see fsum
returns the maximum value of x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its (grouped) maximum value. Analogous, fmin
returns the minimum value ...
Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fmax(mpg) # Maximum value fmin(mpg) # Minimum value (all examples below use fmax but apply to fmin) fmax(mpg, TRA = "%") # Simple transformation: Take percentage of maximum value fmax(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped maximum value fmax(mpg, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Precomputing groups gives more speed ! fmax(mpg, g) fmax(mpg, g, TRA = "%") # Groupwise percentage of maximum value fmax(mpg, g, TRA = "replace") # Groupwise replace by maximum value ## data.frame method fmax(mtcars) head(fmax(mtcars, TRA = "%")) fmax(mtcars, g) fmax(mtcars, g, use.g.names = FALSE) # No row-names generated ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fmax(m) head(fmax(m, TRA = "%")) fmax(m, g) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmax() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmax("%") mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg) |> fmax()
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fmax(mpg) # Maximum value fmin(mpg) # Minimum value (all examples below use fmax but apply to fmin) fmax(mpg, TRA = "%") # Simple transformation: Take percentage of maximum value fmax(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped maximum value fmax(mpg, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Precomputing groups gives more speed ! fmax(mpg, g) fmax(mpg, g, TRA = "%") # Groupwise percentage of maximum value fmax(mpg, g, TRA = "replace") # Groupwise replace by maximum value ## data.frame method fmax(mtcars) head(fmax(mtcars, TRA = "%")) fmax(mtcars, g) fmax(mtcars, g, use.g.names = FALSE) # No row-names generated ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fmax(m) head(fmax(m, TRA = "%")) fmax(m, g) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmax() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmax("%") mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg) |> fmax()
is a generic function and returns the (column-wise) statistical mode i.e. the most frequent value of x
, (optionally) grouped by g
and/or weighted by w
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (grouped, weighted) mode. Ties between multiple possible modes can be resolved by taking the minimum, maximum, (default) first or last occurring mode.
fmode(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fmode(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ties = "first", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmode(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ties = "first", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmode(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ties = "first", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmode(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ties = "first", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
fmode(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fmode(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ties = "first", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmode(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ties = "first", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmode(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ties = "first", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmode(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ties = "first", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights, may contain missing values. |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
ties |
an integer or character string specifying the method to resolve ties between multiple possible modes i.e. multiple values with the maximum frequency or sum of weights:
Note: |
nthreads |
integer. The number of threads to utilize. Parallelism is across groups for grouped computations and at the column-level otherwise. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
keep.w |
grouped_df method: Logical. Retain |
stub |
character. If |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
implements a pretty fast C-level hashing algorithm inspired by the kit package to find the statistical mode.
If na.rm = FALSE
, NA
is not removed but treated as any other value (i.e. its frequency is counted). If all values are NA
, NA
is always returned.
The weighted mode is computed by summing up the weights for all distinct values and choosing the value with the largest sum. If na.rm = TRUE
, missing values will be removed from both x
and w
i.e. utilizing only x[complete.cases(x,w)]
and w[complete.cases(x,w)]
It is possible that multiple values have the same mode (the maximum frequency or sum of weights). Typical cases are simply when all values are either all the same or all distinct. In such cases, the default option ties = "first"
returns the first occurring value in the data reaching the maximum frequency count or sum of weights. For example in a sample x = c(1, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 7)
, the first mode is 2 as fmode
goes through the data from left to right. ties = "last"
on the other hand gives 1. It is also possible to take the minimum or maximum mode, i.e. fmode(x, ties = "min")
returns 1, and fmode(x, ties = "max")
returns 4. It should be noted that options ties = "min"
and ties = "max"
give unintuitive results for character data (no strict alphabetic sorting, similar to using <
and >
to compare character values in R). These options are also best avoided if missing values are counted (na.rm = FALSE
) since no proper logical comparison with missing values is possible: With numeric data it depends, since in C++ any comparison with NA_real_
evaluates to FALSE
, NA_real_
is chosen as the min or max mode only if it is also the first mode, and never otherwise. For integer data, NA_integer_
is stored as the smallest integer in C++, so it will always be chosen as the min mode and never as the max mode. For character data, NA_character_
is stored as the string "NA"
in C++ and thus the behavior depends on the other character content.
preserves all the attributes of the objects it is applied to (apart from names or row-names which are adjusted as necessary in grouped operations). If a data frame is passed to fmode
and drop = TRUE
(the default), unlist
will be called on the result, which might not be sensible depending on the data at hand.
The (w
weighted) statistical mode of x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its (grouped, weighed) mode.
, fmedian
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
x <- c(1, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 7, NA, NA, NA) fmode(x) # Default is ties = "first" fmode(x, ties = "last") fmode(x, ties = "min") fmode(x, ties = "max") fmode(x, na.rm = FALSE) # Here NA is the mode, regardless of ties option fmode(x[-length(x)], na.rm = FALSE) # Not anymore.. ## World Development Data attach(wlddev) ## default vector method fmode(PCGDP) # Numeric mode head(fmode(PCGDP, iso3c)) # Grouped numeric mode head(fmode(PCGDP, iso3c, LIFEEX)) # Grouped and weighted numeric mode fmode(region) # Factor mode fmode(date) # Date mode (defaults to first value since panel is balanced) fmode(country) # Character mode (also defaults to first value) fmode(OECD) # Logical mode # ..all the above can also be performed grouped and weighted ## matrix method m <- qM(airquality) fmode(m) fmode(m, na.rm = FALSE) # NA frequency is also counted fmode(m, airquality$Month) # Groupwise fmode(m, w = airquality$Day) # Weighted: Later days in the month are given more weight fmode(m>50, airquality$Month) # Groupwise logical mode # etc.. ## data.frame method fmode(wlddev) # Calling unlist -> coerce to character vector fmode(wlddev, drop = FALSE) # Gives one row head(fmode(wlddev, iso3c)) # Grouped mode head(fmode(wlddev, iso3c, LIFEEX)) # Grouped and weighted mode detach(wlddev)
x <- c(1, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 7, NA, NA, NA) fmode(x) # Default is ties = "first" fmode(x, ties = "last") fmode(x, ties = "min") fmode(x, ties = "max") fmode(x, na.rm = FALSE) # Here NA is the mode, regardless of ties option fmode(x[-length(x)], na.rm = FALSE) # Not anymore.. ## World Development Data attach(wlddev) ## default vector method fmode(PCGDP) # Numeric mode head(fmode(PCGDP, iso3c)) # Grouped numeric mode head(fmode(PCGDP, iso3c, LIFEEX)) # Grouped and weighted numeric mode fmode(region) # Factor mode fmode(date) # Date mode (defaults to first value since panel is balanced) fmode(country) # Character mode (also defaults to first value) fmode(OECD) # Logical mode # ..all the above can also be performed grouped and weighted ## matrix method m <- qM(airquality) fmode(m) fmode(m, na.rm = FALSE) # NA frequency is also counted fmode(m, airquality$Month) # Groupwise fmode(m, w = airquality$Day) # Weighted: Later days in the month are given more weight fmode(m>50, airquality$Month) # Groupwise logical mode # etc.. ## data.frame method fmode(wlddev) # Calling unlist -> coerce to character vector fmode(wlddev, drop = FALSE) # Gives one row head(fmode(wlddev, iso3c)) # Grouped mode head(fmode(wlddev, iso3c, LIFEEX)) # Grouped and weighted mode detach(wlddev)
is a generic function that (column-wise) computes the number of distinct values in x
, (optionally) grouped by g
. It is significantly faster than length(unique(x))
. The TRA
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (grouped) distinct value count.
fndistinct(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fndistinct(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fndistinct(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fndistinct(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fndistinct(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
fndistinct(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fndistinct(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fndistinct(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fndistinct(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fndistinct(x, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
nthreads |
integer. The number of threads to utilize. Parallelism is across groups for grouped computations and at the column-level otherwise. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
implements a pretty fast C-level hashing algorithm inspired by the kit package to find the number of distinct values.
If na.rm = TRUE
(the default), missing values will be skipped yielding substantial performance gains in data with many missing values. If na.rm = FALSE
, missing values will simply be treated as any other value and read into the hash-map. Thus with the former, a numeric vector c(1.25,NaN,3.56,NA)
will have a distinct value count of 2, whereas the latter will return a distinct value count of 4.
preserves all attributes of non-classed vectors / columns, and only the 'label' attribute (if available) of classed vectors / columns (i.e. dates or factors). When applied to data frames and matrices, the row-names are adjusted as necessary.
Integer. The number of distinct values in x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its distinct value count, grouped by g
, fnobs
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method fndistinct(airquality$Solar.R) # Simple distinct value count fndistinct(airquality$Solar.R, airquality$Month) # Grouped distinct value count ## data.frame method fndistinct(airquality) fndistinct(airquality, airquality$Month) fndistinct(wlddev) # Works with data of all types! head(fndistinct(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c)) ## matrix method aqm <- qM(airquality) fndistinct(aqm) # Also works for character or logical matrices fndistinct(aqm, airquality$Month) ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) |> fndistinct() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX,GINI,ODA) |> fndistinct()
## default vector method fndistinct(airquality$Solar.R) # Simple distinct value count fndistinct(airquality$Solar.R, airquality$Month) # Grouped distinct value count ## data.frame method fndistinct(airquality) fndistinct(airquality, airquality$Month) fndistinct(wlddev) # Works with data of all types! head(fndistinct(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c)) ## matrix method aqm <- qM(airquality) fndistinct(aqm) # Also works for character or logical matrices fndistinct(aqm, airquality$Month) ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) |> fndistinct() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX,GINI,ODA) |> fndistinct()
is a generic function that (column-wise) computes the number of non-missing values in x
, (optionally) grouped by g
. It is much faster than sum(!is.na(x))
. The TRA
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (grouped) observation count.
fnobs(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fnobs(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fnobs(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fnobs(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fnobs(x, TRA = NULL, use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...)
fnobs(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fnobs(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fnobs(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fnobs(x, g = NULL, TRA = NULL, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fnobs(x, TRA = NULL, use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
preserves all attributes of non-classed vectors / columns, and only the 'label' attribute (if available) of classed vectors / columns (i.e. dates or factors). When applied to data frames and matrices, the row-names are adjusted as necessary.
Integer. The number of non-missing observations in x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its number of non-missing observations, grouped by g
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method fnobs(airquality$Solar.R) # Simple Nobs fnobs(airquality$Solar.R, airquality$Month) # Grouped Nobs ## data.frame method fnobs(airquality) fnobs(airquality, airquality$Month) fnobs(wlddev) # Works with data of all types! head(fnobs(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c)) ## matrix method aqm <- qM(airquality) fnobs(aqm) # Also works for character or logical matrices fnobs(aqm, airquality$Month) ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) |> fnobs() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX,GINI,ODA) |> fnobs()
## default vector method fnobs(airquality$Solar.R) # Simple Nobs fnobs(airquality$Solar.R, airquality$Month) # Grouped Nobs ## data.frame method fnobs(airquality) fnobs(airquality, airquality$Month) fnobs(wlddev) # Works with data of all types! head(fnobs(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c)) ## matrix method aqm <- qM(airquality) fnobs(aqm) # Also works for character or logical matrices fnobs(aqm, airquality$Month) ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) |> fnobs() wlddev |> fgroup_by(country) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX,GINI,ODA) |> fnobs()
(column-wise) returns the n'th smallest element from a set of unsorted elements x
corresponding to an integer index (n
), or to a probability between 0 and 1. If n
is passed as a probability, ties can be resolved using the lower, upper, or average of the possible elements, or, since v1.9.0, continuous quantile estimation. The new default is quantile type 7 (as in quantile
). For n > 1
, the lower element is always returned (as in sort(x, partial = n)[n]
). See Details.
is a simple wrapper around fnth
, which fixes n = 0.5
and (default) ties = "mean"
i.e. it averages eligible elements. See Details.
fnth(x, n = 0.5, ...) fmedian(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fnth(x, n = 0.5, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ties = "q7", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], o = NULL, check.o = is.null(attr(o, "sorted")), ...) ## Default S3 method: fmedian(x, ..., ties = "mean") ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fnth(x, n = 0.5, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ties = "q7", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmedian(x, ..., ties = "mean") ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fnth(x, n = 0.5, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ties = "q7", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmedian(x, ..., ties = "mean") ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fnth(x, n = 0.5, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ties = "q7", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmedian(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ties = "mean", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
fnth(x, n = 0.5, ...) fmedian(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fnth(x, n = 0.5, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ties = "q7", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], o = NULL, check.o = is.null(attr(o, "sorted")), ...) ## Default S3 method: fmedian(x, ..., ties = "mean") ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fnth(x, n = 0.5, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ties = "q7", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fmedian(x, ..., ties = "mean") ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fnth(x, n = 0.5, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ties = "q7", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fmedian(x, ..., ties = "mean") ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fnth(x, n = 0.5, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ties = "q7", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fmedian(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ties = "mean", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
n |
the element to return using a single integer index such that |
g |
a factor, |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights, may contain missing values only where |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
ties |
an integer or character string specifying the method to resolve ties between adjacent qualifying elements:
nthreads |
integer. The number of threads to utilize. Parallelism is across groups for grouped computations on vectors and data frames, and at the column-level otherwise. See Details. |
o |
integer. A valid ordering of |
check.o |
logical. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
keep.w |
grouped_df method: Logical. Retain |
stub |
character. If |
... |
for |
For v1.9.0 fnth
was completely rewritten in C and offers significantly enhanced speed and functionality. It uses a combination of quickselect, quicksort, and radixsort algorithms, combined with several (weighted) quantile estimation methods and, where possible, OpenMP multithreading. This synthesis can be summarised as follows:
without weights, quickselect is used to determine a (lower) order statistic. If ties %!in% c("min", "max")
a second order statistic is found by taking the max of the upper part of the partitioned array, and the two statistics are averaged using a simple mean (ties = "mean"
), or weighted average according to a quantile
method (ties = "q5"-"q9"
). For n = 0.5
, all supported quantile methods give the sample median. With matrices, multithreading is always across columns, for vectors and data frames it is across groups unless is.null(g)
for data frames.
with weights and no groups (is.null(g)
), radixorder
is called internally (on each column of x
). The ordering is used to sum the weights in order of x
and determine weighted order statistics or quantiles. See details below. Multithreading is disabled as radixorder
cannot be called concurrently on the same memory stack.
with weights and groups (!is.null(g)
), R's quicksort algorithm is used to sort the data in each group and return an index which can be used to sum the weights in order and proceed as before. This is multithreaded across columns for matrices, and across groups otherwise.
in fnth.default
, an ordering of x
can be supplied to 'o
' e.g. fnth(x, 0.75, o = radixorder(x))
. This dramatically speeds up the estimation both with and without weights, and is useful if fnth
is to be invoked repeatedly on the same data. With groups, o
needs to also account for the grouping e.g. fnth(x, 0.75, g, o = radixorder(g, x))
. Multithreading is possible across groups. See Examples.
If n > 1
, the result is equivalent to (column-wise) sort(x, partial = n)[n]
. Internally, n
is converted to a probability using p = (n-1)/(NROW(x)-1)
, and that probability is applied to the set of non-missing elements to find the as.integer(p*(fnobs(x)-1))+1L
'th element (which corresponds to option ties = "min"
When using grouped computations with n > 1
, n
is transformed to a probability p = (n-1)/(NROW(x)/ng-1)
(where ng
contains the number of unique groups in g
If weights are used and ties = "q5"-"q9"
, weighted continuous quantile estimation is done as described in fquantile
For ties %in% c("mean", "min", "max")
, a target partial sum of weights p*sum(w)
is calculated, and the weighted n'th element is the element k such that all elements smaller than k have a sum of weights <= p*sum(w)
, and all elements larger than k have a sum of weights <= (1 - p)*sum(w)
. If the partial-sum of weights (p*sum(w)
) is reached exactly for some element k, then (summing from the lower end) both k and k+1 would qualify as the weighted n'th element. If the weight of element k+1 is zero, k, k+1 and k+2 would qualify... . If n > 1
, k is chosen (consistent with the unweighted behavior).
If 0 < n < 1
, the ties
option regulates how to resolve such conflicts, yielding lower (ties = "min"
: k), upper (ties = "max"
: k+2) or average weighted (ties = "mean"
: mean(k, k+1, k+2)) n'th elements.
Thus, in the presence of zero weights, the weighted median (default ties = "mean"
) can be an arithmetic average of >2 qualifying elements. Users may prefer a quantile based weighted median by setting ties = "q5"-"q9"
, which is a continuous function of p
and ignores elements with zero weights.
For data frames, column-attributes and overall attributes are preserved if g
is used or drop = FALSE
The (w
weighted) n'th element/quantile of x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its (grouped, weighted) n'th element/quantile.
, fmean
, fmode
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fnth(mpg) # Simple nth element: Median (same as fmedian(mpg)) fnth(mpg, 5) # 5th smallest element sort(mpg, partial = 5)[5] # Same using base R, fnth is 2x faster. fnth(mpg, 0.75) # Third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted third quartile: Weighted by hp fnth(mpg, 0.75, TRA = "-") # Simple transformation: Subtract third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Precomputing groups gives more speed ! fnth(mpg, 0.75, g) fnth(mpg, 0.75, g, mtcars$hp) # Grouped weighted third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, g, TRA = "-") # Groupwise subtract third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, g, mtcars$hp, "-") # Groupwise subtract weighted third quartile ## data.frame method fnth(mtcars, 0.75) head(fnth(mtcars, 0.75, TRA = "-")) fnth(mtcars, 0.75, g) fnth(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am), 0.75) # Another way of doing it.. fnth(mtcars, 0.75, g, use.g.names = FALSE) # No row-names generated ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fnth(m, 0.75) head(fnth(m, 0.75, TRA = "-")) fnth(m, 0.75, g) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fnth(0.75) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fnth(0.75, hp) # Weighted mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fnth(0.75, TRA = "/") # Divide by third quartile mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg, hp) |> # Faster selecting fnth(0.75, hp, "/") # Divide mpg by its third weighted group-quartile, using hp as weights # Efficient grouped estimation of multiple quantiles mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmutate(o = radixorder(GRPid(), mpg)) |> fsummarise(mpg_Q1 = fnth(mpg, 0.25, o = o), mpg_median = fmedian(mpg, o = o), mpg_Q3 = fnth(mpg, 0.75, o = o)) ## fmedian() fmedian(mpg) # Simple median value fmedian(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted median: Weighted by hp fmedian(mpg, TRA = "-") # Simple transformation: Subtract median value fmedian(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped median value fmedian(mpg, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. fmedian(mpg, g) fmedian(mpg, g, mtcars$hp) # Grouped weighted median fmedian(mpg, g, TRA = "-") # Groupwise subtract median value fmedian(mpg, g, mtcars$hp, "-") # Groupwise subtract weighted median value ## data.frame method fmedian(mtcars) head(fmedian(mtcars, TRA = "-")) fmedian(mtcars, g) fmedian(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am)) # Another way of doing it.. fmedian(mtcars, g, use.g.names = FALSE) # No row-names generated ## matrix method fmedian(m) head(fmedian(m, TRA = "-")) fmedian(m, g) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmedian() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmedian(hp) # Weighted mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmedian(TRA = "-") # De-median mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg, hp) |> # Faster selecting fmedian(hp, "-") # Weighted de-median mpg, using hp as weights
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fnth(mpg) # Simple nth element: Median (same as fmedian(mpg)) fnth(mpg, 5) # 5th smallest element sort(mpg, partial = 5)[5] # Same using base R, fnth is 2x faster. fnth(mpg, 0.75) # Third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted third quartile: Weighted by hp fnth(mpg, 0.75, TRA = "-") # Simple transformation: Subtract third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Precomputing groups gives more speed ! fnth(mpg, 0.75, g) fnth(mpg, 0.75, g, mtcars$hp) # Grouped weighted third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, g, TRA = "-") # Groupwise subtract third quartile fnth(mpg, 0.75, g, mtcars$hp, "-") # Groupwise subtract weighted third quartile ## data.frame method fnth(mtcars, 0.75) head(fnth(mtcars, 0.75, TRA = "-")) fnth(mtcars, 0.75, g) fnth(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am), 0.75) # Another way of doing it.. fnth(mtcars, 0.75, g, use.g.names = FALSE) # No row-names generated ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fnth(m, 0.75) head(fnth(m, 0.75, TRA = "-")) fnth(m, 0.75, g) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fnth(0.75) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fnth(0.75, hp) # Weighted mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fnth(0.75, TRA = "/") # Divide by third quartile mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg, hp) |> # Faster selecting fnth(0.75, hp, "/") # Divide mpg by its third weighted group-quartile, using hp as weights # Efficient grouped estimation of multiple quantiles mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmutate(o = radixorder(GRPid(), mpg)) |> fsummarise(mpg_Q1 = fnth(mpg, 0.25, o = o), mpg_median = fmedian(mpg, o = o), mpg_Q3 = fnth(mpg, 0.75, o = o)) ## fmedian() fmedian(mpg) # Simple median value fmedian(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted median: Weighted by hp fmedian(mpg, TRA = "-") # Simple transformation: Subtract median value fmedian(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped median value fmedian(mpg, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. fmedian(mpg, g) fmedian(mpg, g, mtcars$hp) # Grouped weighted median fmedian(mpg, g, TRA = "-") # Groupwise subtract median value fmedian(mpg, g, mtcars$hp, "-") # Groupwise subtract weighted median value ## data.frame method fmedian(mtcars) head(fmedian(mtcars, TRA = "-")) fmedian(mtcars, g) fmedian(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am)) # Another way of doing it.. fmedian(mtcars, g, use.g.names = FALSE) # No row-names generated ## matrix method fmedian(m) head(fmedian(m, TRA = "-")) fmedian(m, g) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmedian() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmedian(hp) # Weighted mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmedian(TRA = "-") # De-median mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg, hp) |> # Faster selecting fmedian(hp, "-") # Weighted de-median mpg, using hp as weights
is a generic function that computes the (column-wise) product of all values in x
, (optionally) grouped by g
and/or weighted by w
. The TRA
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (grouped, weighted) product.
fprod(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fprod(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fprod(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fprod(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fprod(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...)
fprod(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fprod(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fprod(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fprod(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fprod(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights, may contain missing values. |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
keep.w |
grouped_df method: Logical. Retain product of weighting variable after computation (if contained in |
stub |
character. If |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
Non-grouped product computations internally utilize long-doubles in C, for additional numeric precision.
The weighted product is computed as prod(x * w)
, using a single pass in C. If na.rm = TRUE
, missing values will be removed from both x
and w
i.e. utilizing only x[complete.cases(x,w)]
and w[complete.cases(x,w)]
For further computational details see fsum
, which works equivalently.
The (w
weighted) product of x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its (grouped, weighted) product.
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fprod(mpg) # Simple product fprod(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted product fprod(mpg, TRA = "/") # Simple transformation: Divide by product fprod(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped product fprod(mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp) # Weighted grouped product fprod(mpg, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Precomputing groups gives more speed ! fprod(mpg, g) fprod(mpg, g, TRA = "/") # Groupwise divide by product ## data.frame method fprod(mtcars) head(fprod(mtcars, TRA = "/")) fprod(mtcars, g) fprod(mtcars, g, use.g.names = FALSE) # No row-names generated ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fprod(m) head(fprod(m, TRA = "/")) fprod(m, g) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fprod() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fprod(TRA = "/") mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg) |> fprod()
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fprod(mpg) # Simple product fprod(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted product fprod(mpg, TRA = "/") # Simple transformation: Divide by product fprod(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped product fprod(mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp) # Weighted grouped product fprod(mpg, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Precomputing groups gives more speed ! fprod(mpg, g) fprod(mpg, g, TRA = "/") # Groupwise divide by product ## data.frame method fprod(mtcars) head(fprod(mtcars, TRA = "/")) fprod(mtcars, g) fprod(mtcars, g, use.g.names = FALSE) # No row-names generated ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fprod(m) head(fprod(m, TRA = "/")) fprod(m, g) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fprod() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fprod(TRA = "/") mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg) |> fprod()
A faster alternative to quantile
(written fully in C), that supports sampling weights, and can also quickly compute quantiles from an ordering vector (e.g. order(x)
). frange
provides a fast alternative to range
fquantile(x, probs = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), w = NULL, o = if(length(x) > 1e5L && length(probs) > log(length(x))) radixorder(x) else NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], type = 7L, names = TRUE, check.o = is.null(attr(o, "sorted"))) # Programmers version: no names, intelligent defaults, or checks .quantile(x, probs = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), w = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, type = 7L, names = FALSE, check.o = FALSE) # Fast range (min and max) frange(x, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], finite = FALSE) .range(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = FALSE)
fquantile(x, probs = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), w = NULL, o = if(length(x) > 1e5L && length(probs) > log(length(x))) radixorder(x) else NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], type = 7L, names = TRUE, check.o = is.null(attr(o, "sorted"))) # Programmers version: no names, intelligent defaults, or checks .quantile(x, probs = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), w = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, type = 7L, names = FALSE, check.o = FALSE) # Fast range (min and max) frange(x, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], finite = FALSE) .range(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = FALSE)
x |
a numeric or integer vector. |
probs |
numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1]. |
w |
a numeric vector of sampling weights. Missing weights are only supported if |
o |
integer. An vector giving the ordering of the elements in |
na.rm |
logical. Remove missing values, default |
finite |
logical. Omit all non-finite values. |
type |
integer. Quantile types 5-9. See |
names |
logical. Generates names of the form |
check.o |
logical. If |
is implemented using a quickselect algorithm in C, inspired by data.table's gmedian
. The algorithm is applied incrementally to different sections of the array to find individual quantiles. If many quantile probabilities are requested, sorting the whole array with the fast radixorder
algorithm is more efficient. The default threshold for this (length(x) > 1e5L && length(probs) > log(length(x))
) is conservative, given that quickselect is generally more efficient on longitudinal data with similar values repeated by groups. With random data, my investigations yield that a threshold of length(probs) > log10(length(x))
would be more appropriate.
Weighted quantile estimation, in a nutshell, is done by internally calling radixorder(x)
(unless o
is supplied), and summing the weights in order until the lowest required order statistic j
is found, which corresponds to exceeding a target sum of weights that is a function of the probability p
, the quantile method (see quantile
), the total sum of weights, and the smallest (non-zero) weight. For quantile type 7 the target sum is sumwp = (sum(w) - min(w)) * p
(resembling (n - 1) * p
in the unweighted case). Then, a continuous index h
in [0, 1] is determined as one minus the difference between the sum of weights associated with j
and the target sum, divided by the weight of element j
, that is h = 1 - (sumwj - sumwp) / w[j]
. A weighted quantile can then be computed as a weighted average of 2 order statistics, exactly as in the unweighted case: WQ[i](p) = (1 - h) x[j] + h x[j+1]
. If the order statistic j+1
has a zero weight, j+2
is taken (or j+3
if j+2
also has zero weight etc..). The Examples section provides a demonstration in R that is roughly equivalent to the algorithm just outlined.
is considerably more efficient than range
, which calls both min
and max
, and thus requires 2 full passes instead of 1 required by frange
. If only probabilities 0
and 1
are requested, fquantile
internally calls frange
A vector of quantiles. If names = TRUE
, fquantile
generates names as paste0(round(probs * 100, 1), "%")
(in C).
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
frange(mtcars$mpg) ## Checking computational equivalence to stats::quantile() w = alloc(abs(rnorm(1)), 32) o = radixorder(mtcars$mpg) for (i in 5:9) print(all_obj_equal(fquantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i), fquantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i, w = w), fquantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i, o = o), fquantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i, w = w, o = o), quantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i))) ## Demonstaration: weighted quantiles type 7 in R wquantile7R <- function(x, w, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE, names = TRUE) { if(na.rm && anyNA(x)) { # Removing missing values (only in x) cc = whichNA(x, invert = TRUE) # The C code first calls radixorder(x), which places x = x[cc]; w = w[cc] # missing values last, so removing = early termination } if(anyv(w, 0)) { # Removing zero weights nzw = whichv(w, 0, invert = TRUE) # In C, skipping zero weight order statistics is built x = x[nzw]; w = w[nzw] # into the quantile algorithm, as outlined above } o = radixorder(x) # Ordering wo = w[o] w_cs = cumsum(wo) # Cumulative sum sumwp = sum(w) # Computing sum(w) - min(w) sumwp = sumwp - min(w) sumwp = sumwp * probs # Target sums of weights for quantile type 7 res = sapply(sumwp, function(tsump) { j = which.max(w_cs > tsump) # Lower order statistic hl = (w_cs[j] - tsump) / wo[j] # Index weight of x[j] (h = 1 - hl) hl * x[o[j]] + (1 - hl) * x[o[j+1L]] # Weighted quantile }) if(names) names(res) = paste0(as.integer(probs * 100), "%") res } # Note: doesn't work for min and max. Overall the C code is significantly more rigorous. wquantile7R(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$wt) all.equal(wquantile7R(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$wt), fquantile(mtcars$mpg, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), mtcars$wt)) ## Efficient grouped quantile estimation: use .quantile for less call overhead BY(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, .quantile, names = TRUE, expand.wide = TRUE) BY(mtcars, mtcars$cyl, .quantile, names = TRUE) library(magrittr) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> BY(.quantile) ## With weights BY(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, .quantile, w = mtcars$wt, names = TRUE, expand.wide = TRUE) BY(mtcars, mtcars$cyl, .quantile, w = mtcars$wt, names = TRUE) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fselect(-wt) |> BY(.quantile, w = mtcars$wt) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(-wt, .quantile, w = wt))
frange(mtcars$mpg) ## Checking computational equivalence to stats::quantile() w = alloc(abs(rnorm(1)), 32) o = radixorder(mtcars$mpg) for (i in 5:9) print(all_obj_equal(fquantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i), fquantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i, w = w), fquantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i, o = o), fquantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i, w = w, o = o), quantile(mtcars$mpg, type = i))) ## Demonstaration: weighted quantiles type 7 in R wquantile7R <- function(x, w, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE, names = TRUE) { if(na.rm && anyNA(x)) { # Removing missing values (only in x) cc = whichNA(x, invert = TRUE) # The C code first calls radixorder(x), which places x = x[cc]; w = w[cc] # missing values last, so removing = early termination } if(anyv(w, 0)) { # Removing zero weights nzw = whichv(w, 0, invert = TRUE) # In C, skipping zero weight order statistics is built x = x[nzw]; w = w[nzw] # into the quantile algorithm, as outlined above } o = radixorder(x) # Ordering wo = w[o] w_cs = cumsum(wo) # Cumulative sum sumwp = sum(w) # Computing sum(w) - min(w) sumwp = sumwp - min(w) sumwp = sumwp * probs # Target sums of weights for quantile type 7 res = sapply(sumwp, function(tsump) { j = which.max(w_cs > tsump) # Lower order statistic hl = (w_cs[j] - tsump) / wo[j] # Index weight of x[j] (h = 1 - hl) hl * x[o[j]] + (1 - hl) * x[o[j+1L]] # Weighted quantile }) if(names) names(res) = paste0(as.integer(probs * 100), "%") res } # Note: doesn't work for min and max. Overall the C code is significantly more rigorous. wquantile7R(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$wt) all.equal(wquantile7R(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$wt), fquantile(mtcars$mpg, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), mtcars$wt)) ## Efficient grouped quantile estimation: use .quantile for less call overhead BY(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, .quantile, names = TRUE, expand.wide = TRUE) BY(mtcars, mtcars$cyl, .quantile, names = TRUE) library(magrittr) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> BY(.quantile) ## With weights BY(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, .quantile, w = mtcars$wt, names = TRUE, expand.wide = TRUE) BY(mtcars, mtcars$cyl, .quantile, w = mtcars$wt, names = TRUE) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fselect(-wt) |> BY(.quantile, w = mtcars$wt) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(-wt, .quantile, w = wt))
returns a renamed shallow-copy, setrename
renames objects by reference. These functions also work with objects other than data frames that have a 'names' attribute. relabel
and setrelabel
do that same for labels attached to data frame columns.
frename(.x, ..., cols = NULL, .nse = TRUE) rnm(.x, ..., cols = NULL, .nse = TRUE) # Shorthand for frename() setrename(.x, ..., cols = NULL, .nse = TRUE) relabel(.x, ..., cols = NULL, attrn = "label") setrelabel(.x, ..., cols = NULL, attrn = "label")
frename(.x, ..., cols = NULL, .nse = TRUE) rnm(.x, ..., cols = NULL, .nse = TRUE) # Shorthand for frename() setrename(.x, ..., cols = NULL, .nse = TRUE) relabel(.x, ..., cols = NULL, attrn = "label") setrelabel(.x, ..., cols = NULL, attrn = "label")
.x |
for |
... |
either tagged vector expressions of the form |
cols |
If |
.nse |
logical. |
attrn |
character. Name of attribute to store labels or retrieve labels from. |
renamed / relabelled. setrename
and setrelabel
return .x
Note that both relabel
and setrelabel
modify .x
by reference. This is because labels are attached to columns themselves, making it impossible to avoid permanent modification by taking a shallow copy of the encompassing list / data.frame. On the other hand frename
makes a shallow copy whereas setrename
also modifies by reference.
Data Frame Manipulation, Collapse Overview
## Using tagged expressions head(frename(iris, Sepal.Length = SL, Sepal.Width = SW, Petal.Length = PL, Petal.Width = PW)) head(frename(iris, Sepal.Length = "S L", Sepal.Width = "S W", Petal.Length = "P L", Petal.Width = "P W")) ## Since v2.0.0 this is also supported head(frename(iris, SL = Sepal.Length, SW = Sepal.Width, PL = Petal.Length, PW = Petal.Width)) ## Using a function head(frename(iris, tolower)) head(frename(iris, tolower, cols = 1:2)) head(frename(iris, tolower, cols = is.numeric)) head(frename(iris, paste, "new", sep = "_", cols = 1:2)) ## Using vectors of names and programming newname = "sepal_length" head(frename(iris, Sepal.Length = newname, .nse = FALSE)) newnames = c("sepal_length", "sepal_width") head(frename(iris, newnames, cols = 1:2)) newnames = c(Sepal.Length = "sepal_length", Sepal.Width = "sepal_width") head(frename(iris, newnames, .nse = FALSE)) # Since v2.0.0, this works as well newnames = c(sepal_length = "Sepal.Length", sepal_width = "Sepal.Width") head(frename(iris, newnames, .nse = FALSE)) ## Renaming by reference # setrename(iris, tolower) # head(iris) # rm(iris) # etc... ## Relabelling (by reference) # namlab(relabel(wlddev, PCGDP = "GDP per Capita", LIFEEX = "Life Expectancy")) # namlab(relabel(wlddev, toupper))
## Using tagged expressions head(frename(iris, Sepal.Length = SL, Sepal.Width = SW, Petal.Length = PL, Petal.Width = PW)) head(frename(iris, Sepal.Length = "S L", Sepal.Width = "S W", Petal.Length = "P L", Petal.Width = "P W")) ## Since v2.0.0 this is also supported head(frename(iris, SL = Sepal.Length, SW = Sepal.Width, PL = Petal.Length, PW = Petal.Width)) ## Using a function head(frename(iris, tolower)) head(frename(iris, tolower, cols = 1:2)) head(frename(iris, tolower, cols = is.numeric)) head(frename(iris, paste, "new", sep = "_", cols = 1:2)) ## Using vectors of names and programming newname = "sepal_length" head(frename(iris, Sepal.Length = newname, .nse = FALSE)) newnames = c("sepal_length", "sepal_width") head(frename(iris, newnames, cols = 1:2)) newnames = c(Sepal.Length = "sepal_length", Sepal.Width = "sepal_width") head(frename(iris, newnames, .nse = FALSE)) # Since v2.0.0, this works as well newnames = c(sepal_length = "Sepal.Length", sepal_width = "Sepal.Width") head(frename(iris, newnames, .nse = FALSE)) ## Renaming by reference # setrename(iris, tolower) # head(iris) # rm(iris) # etc... ## Relabelling (by reference) # namlab(relabel(wlddev, PCGDP = "GDP per Capita", LIFEEX = "Life Expectancy")) # namlab(relabel(wlddev, toupper))
is a generic function to efficiently standardize (scale and center) data. STD
is a wrapper around fscale
representing the 'standardization operator', with more options than fscale
when applied to matrices and data frames. Standardization can be simple or groupwise, ordinary or weighted. Arbitrary target means and standard deviations can be set, with special options for grouped scaling and centering. It is also possible to scale data without centering i.e. perform mean-preserving scaling.
fscale(x, ...) STD(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fscale(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: STD(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fscale(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' STD(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fscale(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' STD(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fscale(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' STD(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fscale(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' STD(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fscale(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' STD(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...)
fscale(x, ...) STD(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fscale(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## Default S3 method: STD(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fscale(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' STD(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fscale(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' STD(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.by = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fscale(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' STD(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fscale(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' STD(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.ids = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fscale(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' STD(x, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], mean = 0, sd = 1, stub = .op[["stub"]], keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') or grouped data frame ('grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
by |
STD data.frame method: Same as |
cols |
STD (p)data.frame method: Select columns to scale using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. Default: All numeric columns. Note: |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights. |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
effect |
plm methods: Select which panel identifier should be used as group-id. 1L takes the first variable in the index, 2L the second etc.. Index variables can also be called by name using a character string. More than one variable can be supplied. |
stub |
character. A prefix/stub to add to the names of all transformed columns. |
mean |
the mean to center on (default is 0). If |
sd |
the standard deviation to scale the data to (default is 1). A numeric value different from 0 (i.e. |
keep.by , keep.ids , keep.group_vars
data.frame, pdata.frame and grouped_df methods: Logical. Retain grouping / panel-identifier columns in the output. For |
keep.w |
data.frame, pdata.frame and grouped_df methods: Logical. Retain column containing the weights in the output. Only works if |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
If g = NULL
, fscale
by default (column-wise) subtracts the mean or weighted mean (if w
is supplied) from all data points in x
, and then divides this difference by the standard deviation or frequency-weighted standard deviation. The result is that all columns in x
will have a (weighted) mean 0 and (weighted) standard deviation 1. Alternatively, data can be scaled to have a mean of mean
and a standard deviation of sd
. If mean = FALSE
the data is only scaled (not centered) such that the mean of the data is preserved.
Means and standard deviations are computed using Welford's numerically stable online algorithm.
With groups supplied to g
, this standardizing becomes groupwise, so that in each group (in each column) the data points will have mean mean
and standard deviation sd
. Naturally if mean = FALSE
then each group is just scaled and the mean is preserved. For centering without scaling see fwithin
If na.rm = FALSE
and a NA
or NaN
is encountered, the mean and sd for that group will be NA
, and all data points belonging to that group will also be NA
in the output.
If na.rm = TRUE
, means and sd's are computed (column-wise) on the available data points, and also the weight vector can have missing values. In that case, the weighted mean an sd are computed on (column-wise) complete.cases(x, w)
, and x
is scaled using these statistics. Note that fscale
will not insert a missing value in x
if the weight for that value is missing, rather, that value will be scaled using a weighted mean and standard-deviated computed without itself! (The intention here is that a few (randomly) missing weights shouldn't break the computation when na.rm = TRUE
, but it is not meant for weight vectors with many missing values. If you don't like this behavior, you should prepare your data using x[is.na(w), ] <- NA
, or impute your weight vector for non-missing x
Special options for grouped scaling are mean = "overall.mean"
and sd = "within.sd"
. The former group-centers vectors on the overall mean of the data (see fwithin
for more details) and the latter scales the data in each group to have the within-group standard deviation (= the standard deviation of the group-centered data). Thus scaling a grouped vector with options mean = "overall.mean"
and sd = "within.sd"
amounts to removing all differences in the mean and standard deviations between these groups. In weighted computations, mean = "overall.mean"
will subtract weighted group-means from the data and add the overall weighted mean of the data, whereas sd = "within.sd"
will compute the weighted within- standard deviation and apply it to each group.
standardized (mean = mean, standard deviation = sd), grouped by g/by
, weighted with w
. See Details.
For centering without scaling see fwithin/W
. For simple not mean-preserving scaling use fsd(..., TRA = "/")
. To sweep pre-computed means and scale-factors out of data see TRA
, fsd
, Fast Statistical Functions, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
## Simple Scaling & Centering / Standardizing head(fscale(mtcars)) # Doesn't rename columns head(STD(mtcars)) # By default adds a prefix qsu(STD(mtcars)) # See that is works qsu(STD(mtcars, mean = 5, sd = 3)) # Assigning a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 3 qsu(STD(mtcars, mean = FALSE)) # No centering: Scaling is mean-preserving ## Panel Data head(fscale(get_vars(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c)) # Standardizing 4 series within each country head(STD(wlddev, ~iso3c, cols = 9:12)) # Same thing using STD, id's added pwcor(fscale(get_vars(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c)) # Correlaing panel series after standardizing fmean(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12)) # This calculates the overall means fsd(fwithin(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12), wlddev$iso3c)) # This calculates the within standard deviations head(qsu(fscale(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12), # This group-centers on the overall mean and wlddev$iso3c, # group-scales to the within standard deviation mean = "overall.mean", sd = "within.sd"), # -> data harmonized in the first 2 moments by = wlddev$iso3c)) ## Indexed data wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) head(STD(wldi)) # Standardizing all numeric variables by country head(STD(wldi, effect = 2L)) # Standardizing all numeric variables by year ## Weighted Standardizing weights = abs(rnorm(nrow(wlddev))) head(fscale(get_vars(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c, weights)) head(STD(wlddev, ~iso3c, weights, 9:12)) # Grouped data wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> STD() wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> STD(weights) # weighted standardizing wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX,POP) |> STD(POP) # weighting by POP -> # ..keeps the weight column unless keep.w = FALSE
## Simple Scaling & Centering / Standardizing head(fscale(mtcars)) # Doesn't rename columns head(STD(mtcars)) # By default adds a prefix qsu(STD(mtcars)) # See that is works qsu(STD(mtcars, mean = 5, sd = 3)) # Assigning a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 3 qsu(STD(mtcars, mean = FALSE)) # No centering: Scaling is mean-preserving ## Panel Data head(fscale(get_vars(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c)) # Standardizing 4 series within each country head(STD(wlddev, ~iso3c, cols = 9:12)) # Same thing using STD, id's added pwcor(fscale(get_vars(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c)) # Correlaing panel series after standardizing fmean(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12)) # This calculates the overall means fsd(fwithin(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12), wlddev$iso3c)) # This calculates the within standard deviations head(qsu(fscale(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12), # This group-centers on the overall mean and wlddev$iso3c, # group-scales to the within standard deviation mean = "overall.mean", sd = "within.sd"), # -> data harmonized in the first 2 moments by = wlddev$iso3c)) ## Indexed data wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) head(STD(wldi)) # Standardizing all numeric variables by country head(STD(wldi, effect = 2L)) # Standardizing all numeric variables by year ## Weighted Standardizing weights = abs(rnorm(nrow(wlddev))) head(fscale(get_vars(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c, weights)) head(STD(wlddev, ~iso3c, weights, 9:12)) # Grouped data wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> STD() wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX) |> STD(weights) # weighted standardizing wlddev |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> fselect(PCGDP,LIFEEX,POP) |> STD(POP) # weighting by POP -> # ..keeps the weight column unless keep.w = FALSE
Efficiently select and replace (or add) a subset of columns from (to) a data frame. This can be done by data type, or using expressions, column names, indices, logical vectors, selector functions or regular expressions matching column names.
## Select and replace variables, analgous to dplyr::select but significantly faster fselect(.x, ..., return = "data") fselect(x, ...) <- value slt(.x, ..., return = "data") # Shorthand for fselect slt(x, ...) <- value # Shorthand for fselect<- ## Select and replace columns by names, indices, logical vectors, ## regular expressions or using functions to identify columns get_vars(x, vars, return = "data", regex = FALSE, rename = FALSE, ...) gv(x, vars, return = "data", ...) # Shorthand for get_vars gvr(x, vars, return = "data", ...) # Shorthand for get_vars(..., regex = TRUE) get_vars(x, vars, regex = FALSE, ...) <- value gv(x, vars, ...) <- value # Shorthand for get_vars<- gvr(x, vars, ...) <- value # Shorthand for get_vars<-(..., regex = TRUE) ## Add columns at any position within a data.frame add_vars(x, ..., pos = "end") add_vars(x, pos = "end") <- value av(x, ..., pos = "end") # Shorthand for add_vars av(x, pos = "end") <- value # Shorthand for add_vars<- ## Select and replace columns by data type num_vars(x, return = "data") num_vars(x) <- value nv(x, return = "data") # Shorthand for num_vars nv(x) <- value # Shorthand for num_vars<- cat_vars(x, return = "data") # Categorical variables, see is_categorical cat_vars(x) <- value char_vars(x, return = "data") char_vars(x) <- value fact_vars(x, return = "data") fact_vars(x) <- value logi_vars(x, return = "data") logi_vars(x) <- value date_vars(x, return = "data") # See is_date date_vars(x) <- value
## Select and replace variables, analgous to dplyr::select but significantly faster fselect(.x, ..., return = "data") fselect(x, ...) <- value slt(.x, ..., return = "data") # Shorthand for fselect slt(x, ...) <- value # Shorthand for fselect<- ## Select and replace columns by names, indices, logical vectors, ## regular expressions or using functions to identify columns get_vars(x, vars, return = "data", regex = FALSE, rename = FALSE, ...) gv(x, vars, return = "data", ...) # Shorthand for get_vars gvr(x, vars, return = "data", ...) # Shorthand for get_vars(..., regex = TRUE) get_vars(x, vars, regex = FALSE, ...) <- value gv(x, vars, ...) <- value # Shorthand for get_vars<- gvr(x, vars, ...) <- value # Shorthand for get_vars<-(..., regex = TRUE) ## Add columns at any position within a data.frame add_vars(x, ..., pos = "end") add_vars(x, pos = "end") <- value av(x, ..., pos = "end") # Shorthand for add_vars av(x, pos = "end") <- value # Shorthand for add_vars<- ## Select and replace columns by data type num_vars(x, return = "data") num_vars(x) <- value nv(x, return = "data") # Shorthand for num_vars nv(x) <- value # Shorthand for num_vars<- cat_vars(x, return = "data") # Categorical variables, see is_categorical cat_vars(x) <- value char_vars(x, return = "data") char_vars(x) <- value fact_vars(x, return = "data") fact_vars(x) <- value logi_vars(x, return = "data") logi_vars(x) <- value date_vars(x, return = "data") # See is_date date_vars(x) <- value
x , .x
a data frame or list. |
value |
a data frame or list of columns whose dimensions exactly match those of the extracted subset of |
vars |
a vector of column names, indices (can be negative), a suitable logical vector, or a vector of regular expressions matching column names (if |
return |
an integer or string specifying what the selector function should return. The options are:
Note: replacement functions only replace data, however column names are replaced together with the data (if available). |
regex |
logical. |
rename |
logical. If |
pos |
the position where columns are added in the data frame. |
... |
for |
is around 2x faster than `[.data.frame`
and 8x faster than `[<-.data.frame`
, so the common operation data[cols] <- someFUN(data[cols])
can be made 10x more efficient (abstracting from computations performed by someFUN
) using get_vars(data, cols) <- someFUN(get_vars(data, cols))
or the shorthand gv(data, cols) <- someFUN(gv(data, cols))
Similarly type-wise operations like data[sapply(data, is.numeric)]
or data[sapply(data, is.numeric)] <- value
are facilitated and more efficient using num_vars(data)
and num_vars(data) <- value
or the shortcuts nv
and nv<-
provides an efficient alternative to dplyr::select
, allowing the selection of variables based on expressions evaluated within the data frame, see Examples. It is about 100x faster than dplyr::select
but also more simple as it does not provide special methods (except for 'sf' and 'data.table' which are handled internally) .
Finally, add_vars(data1, data2, data3, ...)
is a lot faster than cbind(data1, data2, data3, ...)
, and preserves the attributes of data1
(i.e. it is like adding columns to data1
). The replacement function add_vars(data) <- someFUN(get_vars(data, cols))
efficiently appends data
with computed columns. The pos
argument allows adding columns at positions other than the end (right) of the data frame, see Examples. Note that add_vars
does not check duplicated column names or NULL
columns, and does not evaluate expressions in a data environment, or replicate length 1 inputs like cbind
. All of this is provided by ftransform
All functions introduced here perform their operations class-independent. They all basically work like this: (1) save the attributes of x
, (2) unclass x
, (3) subset, replace or append x
as a list, (4) modify the "names" component of the attributes of x
accordingly and (5) efficiently attach the attributes again to the result from step (3).
Thus they can freely be applied to data.table's, grouped tibbles, panel data frames and other classes and will return an object of exactly the same class and the same attributes.
In many cases functions here only check the length of the first column, which is one of the reasons why they are so fast. When lists of unequal-length columns are offered as replacements this yields a malformed data frame (which will also print a warning in the console i.e. you will notice that).
, ftransform
, rowbind
, Data Frame Manipulation, Collapse Overview
## Wold Development Data head(fselect(wlddev, Country = country, Year = year, ODA)) # Fast dplyr-like selecting head(fselect(wlddev, -country, -year, -PCGDP)) head(fselect(wlddev, country, year, PCGDP:ODA)) head(fselect(wlddev, -(PCGDP:ODA))) fselect(wlddev, country, year, PCGDP:ODA) <- NULL # Efficient deleting head(wlddev) rm(wlddev) head(num_vars(wlddev)) # Select numeric variables head(cat_vars(wlddev)) # Select categorical (non-numeric) vars head(get_vars(wlddev, is_categorical)) # Same thing num_vars(wlddev) <- num_vars(wlddev) # Replace Numeric Variables by themselves get_vars(wlddev,is.numeric) <- get_vars(wlddev,is.numeric) # Same thing head(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12)) # Select columns 9 through 12, 2x faster head(get_vars(wlddev, -(9:12))) # All except columns 9 through 12 head(get_vars(wlddev, c("PCGDP","LIFEEX","GINI","ODA"))) # Select using column names head(get_vars(wlddev, "[[:upper:]]", regex = TRUE)) # Same thing: match upper-case var. names head(gvr(wlddev, "[[:upper:]]")) # Same thing get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) <- get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) # 9x faster wlddev[9:12] <- wlddev[9:12] add_vars(wlddev) <- STD(gv(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c) # Add Standardized columns 9 through 12 head(wlddev) # gv and av are shortcuts get_vars(wlddev, 14:17) <- NULL # Efficient Deleting added columns again av(wlddev, "front") <- STD(gv(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c) # Again adding in Front head(wlddev) get_vars(wlddev, 1:4) <- NULL # Deleting av(wlddev,c(10,12,14,16)) <- W(wlddev,~iso3c, cols = 9:12, # Adding next to original variables keep.by = FALSE) head(wlddev) get_vars(wlddev, c(10,12,14,16)) <- NULL # Deleting head(add_vars(wlddev, new = STD(wlddev$PCGDP))) # Can also add columns like this head(add_vars(wlddev, STD(nv(wlddev)), new = W(wlddev$PCGDP))) # etc... head(add_vars(mtcars, mtcars, mpg = mtcars$mpg, mtcars), 2) # add_vars does not check names!
## Wold Development Data head(fselect(wlddev, Country = country, Year = year, ODA)) # Fast dplyr-like selecting head(fselect(wlddev, -country, -year, -PCGDP)) head(fselect(wlddev, country, year, PCGDP:ODA)) head(fselect(wlddev, -(PCGDP:ODA))) fselect(wlddev, country, year, PCGDP:ODA) <- NULL # Efficient deleting head(wlddev) rm(wlddev) head(num_vars(wlddev)) # Select numeric variables head(cat_vars(wlddev)) # Select categorical (non-numeric) vars head(get_vars(wlddev, is_categorical)) # Same thing num_vars(wlddev) <- num_vars(wlddev) # Replace Numeric Variables by themselves get_vars(wlddev,is.numeric) <- get_vars(wlddev,is.numeric) # Same thing head(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12)) # Select columns 9 through 12, 2x faster head(get_vars(wlddev, -(9:12))) # All except columns 9 through 12 head(get_vars(wlddev, c("PCGDP","LIFEEX","GINI","ODA"))) # Select using column names head(get_vars(wlddev, "[[:upper:]]", regex = TRUE)) # Same thing: match upper-case var. names head(gvr(wlddev, "[[:upper:]]")) # Same thing get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) <- get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) # 9x faster wlddev[9:12] <- wlddev[9:12] add_vars(wlddev) <- STD(gv(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c) # Add Standardized columns 9 through 12 head(wlddev) # gv and av are shortcuts get_vars(wlddev, 14:17) <- NULL # Efficient Deleting added columns again av(wlddev, "front") <- STD(gv(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c) # Again adding in Front head(wlddev) get_vars(wlddev, 1:4) <- NULL # Deleting av(wlddev,c(10,12,14,16)) <- W(wlddev,~iso3c, cols = 9:12, # Adding next to original variables keep.by = FALSE) head(wlddev) get_vars(wlddev, c(10,12,14,16)) <- NULL # Deleting head(add_vars(wlddev, new = STD(wlddev$PCGDP))) # Can also add columns like this head(add_vars(wlddev, STD(nv(wlddev)), new = W(wlddev$PCGDP))) # etc... head(add_vars(mtcars, mtcars, mpg = mtcars$mpg, mtcars), 2) # add_vars does not check names!
returns subsets of vectors, matrices or data frames which meet conditions. It is programmed very efficiently and uses C source code from the data.table package.
The methods also provide enhanced functionality compared to subset
. The function ss
provides an (internal generic) programmers alternative to [
that does not drop dimensions and is significantly faster than [
for data frames.
fsubset(.x, ...) sbt(.x, ...) # Shorthand for fsubset ## Default S3 method: fsubset(.x, subset, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fsubset(.x, subset, ..., drop = FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fsubset(.x, subset, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fsubset(.x, subset, ..., drop.index.levels = "id") ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fsubset(.x, subset, ..., drop.index.levels = "id") # Fast subsetting (replaces `[` with drop = FALSE, programmers choice) ss(x, i, j, check = TRUE)
fsubset(.x, ...) sbt(.x, ...) # Shorthand for fsubset ## Default S3 method: fsubset(.x, subset, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fsubset(.x, subset, ..., drop = FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fsubset(.x, subset, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' fsubset(.x, subset, ..., drop.index.levels = "id") ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' fsubset(.x, subset, ..., drop.index.levels = "id") # Fast subsetting (replaces `[` with drop = FALSE, programmers choice) ss(x, i, j, check = TRUE)
.x |
object to be subsetted according to different methods. |
x |
a data frame / list, matrix or vector/array (only |
subset |
logical expression indicating elements or rows to keep:
missing values are taken as |
... |
For the matrix or data frame method: multiple comma-separated expressions indicating columns to select. Otherwise: further arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
drop |
passed on to |
i |
positive or negative row-indices or a logical vector to subset the rows of |
j |
a vector of column names, positive or negative indices or a suitable logical vector to subset the columns of |
check |
logical. |
drop.index.levels |
character. Either |
is a generic function, with methods supplied for vectors, matrices, and data
frames (including lists). It represents an improvement over subset
in terms of both speed and functionality. The function ss
is an improvement of [
to subset (vectors) matrices and data frames without dropping dimensions. It is significantly faster than [.data.frame
For ordinary vectors, subset
can be integer or logical, subsetting is done in C and more efficient than [
for large vectors.
For matrices the implementation is all base-R but slightly more efficient and more versatile than subset.matrix
. Thus it is possible to subset
matrix rows using logical or integer vectors, or character vectors matching rownames. The drop
argument is passed on to the [
method for matrices.
For both matrices and data frames, the ...
argument can be used to subset columns, and is evaluated in a non-standard way. Thus it can support vectors of column names, indices or logical vectors, but also multiple comma separated column names passed without quotes, each of which may also be replaced by a sequence of columns i.e. col1:coln
, and new column names may be assigned e.g. fsubset(data, col1 > 20, newname = col2, col3:col6)
(see examples).
For data frames, the subset
argument is also evaluated in a non-standard way. Thus next to vector of row-indices or logical vectors, it supports logical expressions of the form col2 > 5 & col2 < col3
etc. (see examples). The data frame method is implemented in C, hence it is significantly faster than subset.data.frame
. If fast data frame subsetting is required but no non-standard evaluation, the function ss
is slightly simpler and faster.
Factors may have empty levels after subsetting; unused levels are not automatically removed. See fdroplevels
to drop all unused levels from a data frame.
An object similar to .x/x
containing just the selected elements (for
a vector), rows and columns (for a matrix or data frame).
offers no support for indexed data. Use fsubset
with indices instead.
No replacement method fsubset<-
or ss<-
is offered in collapse. For efficient subset replacement (without copying) use data.table::set
, which can also be used with data frames and tibbles. To search and replace certain elements without copying, and to efficiently copy elements / rows from an equally sized vector / data frame, see setv
For subsetting columns alone, please also see selecting and replacing columns.
Note that the use of %==%
can yield significant performance gains on large data.
Data Frame Manipulation, Collapse Overview
fsubset(airquality, Temp > 90, Ozone, Temp) fsubset(airquality, Temp > 90, OZ = Ozone, Temp) # With renaming fsubset(airquality, Day == 1, -Temp) fsubset(airquality, Day == 1, -(Day:Temp)) fsubset(airquality, Day == 1, Ozone:Wind) fsubset(airquality, Day == 1 & !is.na(Ozone), Ozone:Wind, Month) fsubset(airquality, Day %==% 1, -Temp) # Faster for big data, as %==% directly returns indices ss(airquality, 1:10, 2:3) # Significantly faster than airquality[1:10, 2:3] fsubset(airquality, 1:10, 2:3) # This is possible but not advised
fsubset(airquality, Temp > 90, Ozone, Temp) fsubset(airquality, Temp > 90, OZ = Ozone, Temp) # With renaming fsubset(airquality, Day == 1, -Temp) fsubset(airquality, Day == 1, -(Day:Temp)) fsubset(airquality, Day == 1, Ozone:Wind) fsubset(airquality, Day == 1 & !is.na(Ozone), Ozone:Wind, Month) fsubset(airquality, Day %==% 1, -Temp) # Faster for big data, as %==% directly returns indices ss(airquality, 1:10, 2:3) # Significantly faster than airquality[1:10, 2:3] fsubset(airquality, 1:10, 2:3) # This is possible but not advised
is a generic function that computes the (column-wise) sum of all values in x
, (optionally) grouped by g
and/or weighted by w
(e.g. to calculate survey totals). The TRA
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (grouped, weighted) sum.
fsum(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fsum(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, fill = FALSE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fsum(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, fill = FALSE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fsum(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, fill = FALSE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fsum(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], fill = FALSE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
fsum(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fsum(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, fill = FALSE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fsum(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, fill = FALSE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fsum(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, fill = FALSE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fsum(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], fill = FALSE, nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights, may contain missing values. |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
fill |
logical. Initialize result with |
nthreads |
integer. The number of threads to utilize. See Details. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
keep.w |
grouped_df method: Logical. Retain summed weighting variable after computation (if contained in |
stub |
character. If |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
The weighted sum (e.g. survey total) is computed as sum(x * w)
, but in one pass and about twice as efficient. If na.rm = TRUE
, missing values will be removed from both x
and w
i.e. utilizing only x[complete.cases(x,w)]
and w[complete.cases(x,w)]
This all seamlessly generalizes to grouped computations, which are performed in a single pass (without splitting the data) and are therefore extremely fast. See Benchmark and Examples below.
When applied to data frames with groups or drop = FALSE
, fsum
preserves all column attributes. The attributes of the data frame itself are also preserved.
Since v1.6.0 fsum
explicitly supports integers. Integers are summed using the long long type in C which is bounded at +-9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (so ~4.3 billion times greater than the minimum/maximum R integer bounded at +-2,147,483,647). If the value of the sum is outside +-2,147,483,647, a double containing the result is returned, otherwise an integer is returned. With groups, an integer results vector is initialized, and an integer overflow error is provided if the sum in any group is outside +-2,147,483,647. Data needs to be coerced to double beforehand in such cases.
Multithreading, added in v1.8.0, applies at the column-level unless g = NULL
and nthreads > NCOL(x)
. Parallelism over groups is not available because sums are computed simultaneously within each group. nthreads = 1L
uses a serial version of the code, not parallel code running on one thread. This serial code is always used with less than 100,000 obs (length(x) < 100000
for vectors and matrices), because parallel execution itself has some overhead.
The (w
weighted) sum of x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its (grouped, weighted) sum.
, fmean
, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fsum(mpg) # Simple sum fsum(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted sum (total): Weighted by hp fsum(mpg, TRA = "%") # Simple transformation: obtain percentages of mpg fsum(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped sum fsum(mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp) # Weighted grouped sum (total) fsum(mpg, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Precomputing groups gives more speed ! fsum(mpg, g) fmean(mpg, g) == fsum(mpg, g) / fnobs(mpg, g) fsum(mpg, g, TRA = "%") # Percentages by group ## data.frame method fsum(mtcars) fsum(mtcars, TRA = "%") fsum(mtcars, g) fsum(mtcars, g, TRA = "%") ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fsum(m) fsum(m, TRA = "%") fsum(m, g) fsum(m, g, TRA = "%") ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsum(hp) # Weighted grouped sum (total) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsum(TRA = "%") mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg) |> fsum() ## This compares fsum with data.table and base::rowsum # Starting with small data library(data.table) opts <- set_collapse(nthreads = getDTthreads()) mtcDT <- qDT(mtcars) f <- qF(mtcars$cyl) library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(mtcDT[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = f], rowsum(mtcDT, f, reorder = FALSE), fsum(mtcDT, f, na.rm = FALSE), unit = "relative") # Now larger data tdata <- qDT(replicate(100, rnorm(1e5), simplify = FALSE)) # 100 columns with 100.000 obs f <- qF(sample.int(1e4, 1e5, TRUE)) # A factor with 10.000 groups microbenchmark(tdata[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = f], rowsum(tdata, f, reorder = FALSE), fsum(tdata, f, na.rm = FALSE), unit = "relative") # Reset options set_collapse(opts)
## default vector method mpg <- mtcars$mpg fsum(mpg) # Simple sum fsum(mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted sum (total): Weighted by hp fsum(mpg, TRA = "%") # Simple transformation: obtain percentages of mpg fsum(mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped sum fsum(mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp) # Weighted grouped sum (total) fsum(mpg, mtcars[c(2,8:9)]) # More groups.. g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Precomputing groups gives more speed ! fsum(mpg, g) fmean(mpg, g) == fsum(mpg, g) / fnobs(mpg, g) fsum(mpg, g, TRA = "%") # Percentages by group ## data.frame method fsum(mtcars) fsum(mtcars, TRA = "%") fsum(mtcars, g) fsum(mtcars, g, TRA = "%") ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fsum(m) fsum(m, TRA = "%") fsum(m, g) fsum(m, g, TRA = "%") ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsum(hp) # Weighted grouped sum (total) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsum(TRA = "%") mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fselect(mpg) |> fsum() ## This compares fsum with data.table and base::rowsum # Starting with small data library(data.table) opts <- set_collapse(nthreads = getDTthreads()) mtcDT <- qDT(mtcars) f <- qF(mtcars$cyl) library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(mtcDT[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = f], rowsum(mtcDT, f, reorder = FALSE), fsum(mtcDT, f, na.rm = FALSE), unit = "relative") # Now larger data tdata <- qDT(replicate(100, rnorm(1e5), simplify = FALSE)) # 100 columns with 100.000 obs f <- qF(sample.int(1e4, 1e5, TRUE)) # A factor with 10.000 groups microbenchmark(tdata[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = f], rowsum(tdata, f, reorder = FALSE), fsum(tdata, f, na.rm = FALSE), unit = "relative") # Reset options set_collapse(opts)
is a much faster version of dplyr::summarise
, when used together with the Fast Statistical Functions.
and fsummarise
are synonyms.
fsummarise(.data, ..., keep.group_vars = TRUE, .cols = NULL) fsummarize(.data, ..., keep.group_vars = TRUE, .cols = NULL) smr(.data, ..., keep.group_vars = TRUE, .cols = NULL) # Shorthand
fsummarise(.data, ..., keep.group_vars = TRUE, .cols = NULL) fsummarize(.data, ..., keep.group_vars = TRUE, .cols = NULL) smr(.data, ..., keep.group_vars = TRUE, .cols = NULL) # Shorthand
.data |
a (grouped) data frame or named list of columns. Grouped data can be created with |
... |
name-value pairs of summary functions, |
keep.group_vars |
logical. |
.cols |
for expressions involving |
If .data
is grouped by fgroup_by
or dplyr::group_by
, the result is a data frame of the same class and attributes with rows reduced to the number of groups. If .data
is not grouped, the result is a data frame of the same class and attributes with 1 row.
Since v1.7, fsummarise
is fully featured, allowing expressions using functions and columns of the data as well as external scalar values (just like dplyr::summarise
). NOTE however that once a Fast Statistical Function is used, the execution will be vectorized instead of split-apply-combine computing over groups. Please see the first Example.
, collap
, Data Frame Manipulation, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## Since v1.7, fsummarise supports arbitrary expressions, and expressions ## containing fast statistical functions receive vectorized execution: # (a) This is an expression using base R functions which is executed by groups mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(res = mean(mpg) + min(qsec)) # (b) Here, the use of fmean causes the whole expression to be executed # in a vectorized way i.e. the expression is translated to something like # fmean(mpg, g = cyl) + min(mpg) and executed, thus the result is different # from (a), because the minimum is calculated over the entire sample mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mpg = fmean(mpg) + min(qsec)) # (c) For fully vectorized execution, use fmin. This yields the same as (a) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mpg = fmean(mpg) + fmin(qsec)) # More advanced use: vectorized grouped regression slopes: mpg ~ carb mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fmutate(dm_carb = fwithin(carb)) |> fsummarise(beta = fsum(mpg, dm_carb) %/=% fsum(dm_carb^2)) # In across() statements it is fine to mix different functions, each will # be executed on its own terms (i.e. vectorized for fmean and standard for sum) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(mpg:hp, list(fmean, sum))) # Note that this still detects fmean as a fast function, the names of the list # are irrelevant, but the function name must be typed or passed as a character vector, # Otherwise functions will be executed by groups e.g. function(x) fmean(x) won't vectorize mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(mpg:hp, list(mu = fmean, sum = sum))) # We can force none-vectorized execution by setting .apply = TRUE mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(mpg:hp, list(mu = fmean, sum = sum), .apply = TRUE)) # Another argument of across(): Order the result first by function, then by column mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(mpg:hp, list(mu = fmean, sum = sum), .transpose = FALSE)) # Since v1.9.0, can also evaluate arbitrary expressions mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fsummarise(mctl(cor(cbind(mpg, wt, carb)), names = TRUE)) # This can also be achieved using across(): corfun <- function(x) mctl(cor(x), names = TRUE) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fsummarise(across(c(mpg, wt, carb), corfun, .apply = FALSE)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Examples that also work for pre 1.7 versions # Simple use fsummarise(mtcars, mean_mpg = fmean(mpg), sd_mpg = fsd(mpg)) # Using base functions (not a big difference without groups) fsummarise(mtcars, mean_mpg = mean(mpg), sd_mpg = sd(mpg)) # Grouped use mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mean_mpg = fmean(mpg), sd_mpg = fsd(mpg)) # This is still efficient but quite a bit slower on large data (many groups) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mean_mpg = mean(mpg), sd_mpg = sd(mpg)) # Weighted aggregation mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(w_mean_mpg = fmean(mpg, wt), w_sd_mpg = fsd(mpg, wt)) ## Can also group with dplyr::group_by, but at a conversion cost, see ?GRP library(dplyr) mtcars |> group_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mean_mpg = fmean(mpg), sd_mpg = fsd(mpg)) # Again less efficient... mtcars |> group_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mean_mpg = mean(mpg), sd_mpg = sd(mpg))
## Since v1.7, fsummarise supports arbitrary expressions, and expressions ## containing fast statistical functions receive vectorized execution: # (a) This is an expression using base R functions which is executed by groups mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(res = mean(mpg) + min(qsec)) # (b) Here, the use of fmean causes the whole expression to be executed # in a vectorized way i.e. the expression is translated to something like # fmean(mpg, g = cyl) + min(mpg) and executed, thus the result is different # from (a), because the minimum is calculated over the entire sample mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mpg = fmean(mpg) + min(qsec)) # (c) For fully vectorized execution, use fmin. This yields the same as (a) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mpg = fmean(mpg) + fmin(qsec)) # More advanced use: vectorized grouped regression slopes: mpg ~ carb mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fmutate(dm_carb = fwithin(carb)) |> fsummarise(beta = fsum(mpg, dm_carb) %/=% fsum(dm_carb^2)) # In across() statements it is fine to mix different functions, each will # be executed on its own terms (i.e. vectorized for fmean and standard for sum) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(mpg:hp, list(fmean, sum))) # Note that this still detects fmean as a fast function, the names of the list # are irrelevant, but the function name must be typed or passed as a character vector, # Otherwise functions will be executed by groups e.g. function(x) fmean(x) won't vectorize mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(mpg:hp, list(mu = fmean, sum = sum))) # We can force none-vectorized execution by setting .apply = TRUE mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(mpg:hp, list(mu = fmean, sum = sum), .apply = TRUE)) # Another argument of across(): Order the result first by function, then by column mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(across(mpg:hp, list(mu = fmean, sum = sum), .transpose = FALSE)) # Since v1.9.0, can also evaluate arbitrary expressions mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fsummarise(mctl(cor(cbind(mpg, wt, carb)), names = TRUE)) # This can also be achieved using across(): corfun <- function(x) mctl(cor(x), names = TRUE) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fsummarise(across(c(mpg, wt, carb), corfun, .apply = FALSE)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Examples that also work for pre 1.7 versions # Simple use fsummarise(mtcars, mean_mpg = fmean(mpg), sd_mpg = fsd(mpg)) # Using base functions (not a big difference without groups) fsummarise(mtcars, mean_mpg = mean(mpg), sd_mpg = sd(mpg)) # Grouped use mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mean_mpg = fmean(mpg), sd_mpg = fsd(mpg)) # This is still efficient but quite a bit slower on large data (many groups) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mean_mpg = mean(mpg), sd_mpg = sd(mpg)) # Weighted aggregation mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(w_mean_mpg = fmean(mpg, wt), w_sd_mpg = fsd(mpg, wt)) ## Can also group with dplyr::group_by, but at a conversion cost, see ?GRP library(dplyr) mtcars |> group_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mean_mpg = fmean(mpg), sd_mpg = fsd(mpg)) # Again less efficient... mtcars |> group_by(cyl) |> fsummarise(mean_mpg = mean(mpg), sd_mpg = sd(mpg))
is a much faster version of transform
for data frames. It returns the data frame with new columns computed and/or existing columns modified or deleted. settransform
does all of that by reference. fcompute
computes and returns new columns. These functions evaluate all arguments simultaneously, allow list-input (nested pipelines) and disregard grouped data.
Catering to the tidyverse user, v1.7.0 introduced fmutate
, providing familiar functionality i.e. arguments are evaluated sequentially, computation on grouped data is done by groups, and functions can be applied to multiple columns using across
. See also the Details.
# dplyr-style mutate (sequential evaluation + across() feature) fmutate(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .cols = NULL) mtt(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .cols = NULL) # Shorthand for fmutate # Modify and return data frame ftransform(.data, ...) ftransformv(.data, vars, FUN, ..., apply = TRUE) tfm(.data, ...) # Shorthand for ftransform tfmv(.data, vars, FUN, ..., apply = TRUE) # Modify data frame by reference settransform(.data, ...) settransformv(.data, ...) # Same arguments as ftransformv settfm(.data, ...) # Shorthand for settransform settfmv(.data, ...) # Replace/add modified columns in/to a data frame ftransform(.data) <- value tfm(.data) <- value # Shorthand for ftransform<- # Compute columns, returned as a new data frame fcompute(.data, ..., keep = NULL) fcomputev(.data, vars, FUN, ..., apply = TRUE, keep = NULL)
# dplyr-style mutate (sequential evaluation + across() feature) fmutate(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .cols = NULL) mtt(.data, ..., .keep = "all", .cols = NULL) # Shorthand for fmutate # Modify and return data frame ftransform(.data, ...) ftransformv(.data, vars, FUN, ..., apply = TRUE) tfm(.data, ...) # Shorthand for ftransform tfmv(.data, vars, FUN, ..., apply = TRUE) # Modify data frame by reference settransform(.data, ...) settransformv(.data, ...) # Same arguments as ftransformv settfm(.data, ...) # Shorthand for settransform settfmv(.data, ...) # Replace/add modified columns in/to a data frame ftransform(.data) <- value tfm(.data) <- value # Shorthand for ftransform<- # Compute columns, returned as a new data frame fcompute(.data, ..., keep = NULL) fcomputev(.data, vars, FUN, ..., apply = TRUE, keep = NULL)
.data |
a data frame or named list of columns. |
... |
further arguments of the form |
vars |
variables to be transformed by applying |
a single function yielding a result of length |
apply |
logical. |
value |
a named list of replacements, it will be treated like an evaluated list of |
keep |
select columns to preserve using column names, indices or a function (e.g. |
.keep |
either one of |
.cols |
for expressions involving |
The ...
arguments to ftransform
are tagged
vector expressions, which are evaluated in the data frame
. The tags are matched against names(.data)
, and for
those that match, the values replace the corresponding variable in
, whereas the others are appended to .data
. It is also possible to delete columns by assigning NULL
to them, i.e. ftransform(data, colk = NULL)
removes colk
from the data. Note that names(.data)
and the names of the ...
arguments are checked for uniqueness beforehand, yielding an error if this is not the case.
Since collapse v1.3.0, is is also possible to pass a single named list to ...
, i.e. ftransform(data, newdata)
. This list will be treated like a list of tagged vector expressions. Note the different behavior: ftransform(data, list(newcol = col1))
is the same as ftransform(data, newcol = col1)
, whereas ftransform(data, newcol = as.list(col1))
creates a list column. Something like ftransform(data, as.list(col1))
gives an error because the list is not named. See Examples.
The function ftransformv
added in v1.3.2 provides a fast replacement for the functions dplyr::mutate_at
and dplyr::mutate_if
(without the grouping feature) facilitating mutations of groups of columns (dplyr::mutate_all
is already accounted for by dapply
). See Examples.
The function settransform
does all of that by reference, but uses base-R's copy-on modify semantics, which is equivalent to replacing the data with <-
(thus it is still memory efficient but the data will have a different memory address afterwards).
The function fcompute(v)
works just like ftransform(v)
, but returns only the changed / computed columns without modifying or appending the data in .data
. See Examples.
The function fmutate
added in v1.7.0, provides functionality familiar from dplyr 1.0.0 and higher. It evaluates tagged vector expressions sequentially and does operations by groups on a grouped frame (thus it is slower than ftransform
if you have many tagged expressions or a grouped data frame). Note however that collapse does not depend on rlang, so things like lambda expressions are not available. Note also that fmutate
operates differently on grouped data whether you use .FAST_FUN
or base R functions / functions from other packages. With .FAST_FUN
(including .OPERATOR_FUN
, excluding fhdbetween
/ fhdwithin
), fmutate
performs an efficient vectorized execution, i.e. the grouping object from the grouped data frame is passed to the g
argument of these functions, and for .FAST_STAT_FUN
also TRA = "replace_fill"
is set (if not overwritten by the user), yielding internal grouped computation by these functions without the need for splitting the data by groups. For base R and other functions, fmutate
performs classical split-apply combine computing i.e. the relevant columns of the data are selected and split into groups, the expression is evaluated for each group, and the result is recombined and suitably expanded to match the original data frame. Note that it is not possible to mix vectorized and standard execution in the same expression!! Vectorized execution is performed if any .FAST_FUN
is part of the expression, thus a code like mtcars |> gby(cyl) |> fmutate(new = fmin(mpg) / min(mpg))
will be expanded to something like mtcars |> gby(cyl) |> ftransform(new = fmin(mpg, g = GRP(.), TRA = "replace_fill") / min(mpg))
and then executed, i.e. fmin(mpg)
will be executed in a vectorized way, and min(mpg)
will not be executed by groups at all.
The modified data frame .data
, or, for fcompute
, a new data frame with the columns computed on .data
. All attributes of .data
are preserved.
ignores grouped data. This is on purpose as it allows non-grouped transformation inside a pipeline on grouped data, and affords greater flexibility and performance in programming with the .FAST_FUN
. In particular, you can run a nested pipeline inside ftransform
, and decide which expressions should be grouped, and you can use the ad-hoc grouping functionality of the .FAST_FUN
, allowing operations where different groupings are applied simultaneously in an expression. See Examples or the answer provided here.
on the other hand supports grouped operations just like dplyr::mutate
, but works in two different ways depending on whether you use .FAST_FUN
in an expression or other functions. See the Examples.
, fsummarise
, Data Frame Manipulation, Collapse Overview
## fmutate() examples --------------------------------------------------------------- # Please note that expressions are vectorized whenever they contain 'ANY' fast function mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fmutate(mean_mpg = fmean(mpg), # Vectorized mean_mpg_base = mean(mpg), # Non-vectorized mpg_cumpr = fcumsum(mpg) / fsum(mpg), # Vectorized mpg_cumpr_base = cumsum(mpg) / sum(mpg), # Non-vectorized mpg_cumpr_mixed = fcumsum(mpg) / sum(mpg)) # Vectorized: division by overall sum # Using across: here fmean() gets vectorized across both groups and columns (requiring a single # call to fmean.data.frame which goes to C), whereas weighted.mean needs to be called many times. mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fmutate(across(disp:qsec, list(mu = fmean, mu2 = weighted.mean), w = wt, .names = "flip")) # Can do more complex things... mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fmutate(res = resid(lm(mpg ~ carb + hp, weights = wt))) # Since v1.9.0: supports arbitrary expressions returning suitable lists ## Not run: mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fmutate(broom::augment(lm(mpg ~ carb + hp, weights = wt))) # Same thing using across() (supported before 1.9.0) modelfun <- function(data) broom::augment(lm(mpg ~ carb + hp, data, weights = wt)) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fmutate(across(c(mpg, carb, hp, wt), modelfun, .apply = FALSE)) ## End(Not run) ## ftransform() / fcompute() examples: ---------------------------------------------- ## ftransform modifies and returns a data.frame head(ftransform(airquality, Ozone = -Ozone)) head(ftransform(airquality, new = -Ozone, Temp = (Temp-32)/1.8)) head(ftransform(airquality, new = -Ozone, new2 = 1, Temp = NULL)) # Deleting Temp head(ftransform(airquality, Ozone = NULL, Temp = NULL)) # Deleting columns # With collapse's grouped and weighted functions, complex operations are done on the fly head(ftransform(airquality, # Grouped operations by month: Ozone_Month_median = fmedian(Ozone, Month, TRA = "fill"), Ozone_Month_sd = fsd(Ozone, Month, TRA = "replace"), Ozone_Month_centered = fwithin(Ozone, Month))) # Grouping by month and above/below average temperature in each month head(ftransform(airquality, Ozone_Month_high_median = fmedian(Ozone, list(Month, Temp > fbetween(Temp, Month)), TRA = "fill"))) ## ftransformv can be used to modify multiple columns using a function head(ftransformv(airquality, 1:3, log)) head(`[<-`(airquality, 1:3, value = lapply(airquality[1:3], log))) # Same thing in base R head(ftransformv(airquality, 1:3, log, apply = FALSE)) head(`[<-`(airquality, 1:3, value = log(airquality[1:3]))) # Same thing in base R # Using apply = FALSE yields meaningful performance gains with collapse functions # This calls fwithin.default, and repeates the grouping by month 3 times: head(ftransformv(airquality, 1:3, fwithin, Month)) # This calls fwithin.data.frame, and only groups one time -> 5x faster! head(ftransformv(airquality, 1:3, fwithin, Month, apply = FALSE)) # This also works for grouped and panel data frames (calling fwithin.grouped_df) airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) |> ftransformv(1:3, fwithin, apply = FALSE) |> head() # But this gives the WRONG result (calling fwithin.default). Need option apply = FALSE!! airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) |> ftransformv(1:3, fwithin) |> head() # For grouped modification of single columns in a grouped dataset, we can use GRP(): library(magrittr) airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) %>% ftransform(W_Ozone = fwithin(Ozone, GRP(.)), # Grouped centering sd_Ozone_m = fsd(Ozone, GRP(.), TRA = "replace"), # In-Month standard deviation sd_Ozone = fsd(Ozone, TRA = "replace"), # Overall standard deviation sd_Ozone2 = fsd(Ozone, TRA = "fill"), # Same, overwriting NA's sd_Ozone3 = fsd(Ozone)) |> head() # Same thing (calling alloc()) ## For more complex mutations we can use ftransform with compound pipes airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) %>% ftransform(get_vars(., 1:3) |> fwithin() |> flag(0:2)) |> head() airquality %>% ftransform(STD(., cols = 1:3) |> replace_na(0)) |> head() # The list argument feature also allows flexible operations creating multiple new columns airquality |> # The variance of Wind and Ozone, by month, weighted by temperature: ftransform(fvar(list(Wind_var = Wind, Ozone_var = Ozone), Month, Temp, "replace")) |> head() # Same as above using a grouped data frame (a bit more complex) airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) %>% ftransform(fselect(., Wind, Ozone) |> fvar(Temp, "replace") |> add_stub("_var", FALSE)) |> fungroup() |> head() # This performs 2 different multi-column grouped operations (need c() to make it one list) ftransform(airquality, c(fmedian(list(Wind_Day_median = Wind, Ozone_Day_median = Ozone), Day, TRA = "replace"), fsd(list(Wind_Month_sd = Wind, Ozone_Month_sd = Ozone), Month, TRA = "replace"))) |> head() ## settransform(v) works like ftransform(v) but modifies a data frame in the global environment.. settransform(airquality, Ratio = Ozone / Temp, Ozone = NULL, Temp = NULL) head(airquality) rm(airquality) # Grouped and weighted centering settransformv(airquality, 1:3, fwithin, Month, Temp, apply = FALSE) head(airquality) rm(airquality) # Suitably lagged first-differences settransform(airquality, get_vars(airquality, 1:3) |> fdiff() |> flag(0:2)) head(airquality) rm(airquality) # Same as above using magrittr::`%<>%` airquality %<>% ftransform(get_vars(., 1:3) |> fdiff() |> flag(0:2)) head(airquality) rm(airquality) # It is also possible to achieve the same thing via a replacement method (if needed) ftransform(airquality) <- get_vars(airquality, 1:3) |> fdiff() |> flag(0:2) head(airquality) rm(airquality) ## fcompute only returns the modified / computed columns head(fcompute(airquality, Ozone = -Ozone)) head(fcompute(airquality, new = -Ozone, Temp = (Temp-32)/1.8)) head(fcompute(airquality, new = -Ozone, new2 = 1)) # Can preserve existing columns, computed ones are added to the right if names are different head(fcompute(airquality, new = -Ozone, new2 = 1, keep = 1:3)) # If given same name as preserved columns, preserved columns are replaced in order... head(fcompute(airquality, Ozone = -Ozone, new = 1, keep = 1:3)) # Same holds for fcomputev head(fcomputev(iris, is.numeric, log)) # Same as: iris |> get_vars(is.numeric) |> dapply(log) |> head() head(fcomputev(iris, is.numeric, log, keep = "Species")) # Adds in front head(fcomputev(iris, is.numeric, log, keep = names(iris))) # Preserve order # Keep a subset of the data, add standardized columns head(fcomputev(iris, 3:4, STD, apply = FALSE, keep = names(iris)[3:5]))
## fmutate() examples --------------------------------------------------------------- # Please note that expressions are vectorized whenever they contain 'ANY' fast function mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fmutate(mean_mpg = fmean(mpg), # Vectorized mean_mpg_base = mean(mpg), # Non-vectorized mpg_cumpr = fcumsum(mpg) / fsum(mpg), # Vectorized mpg_cumpr_base = cumsum(mpg) / sum(mpg), # Non-vectorized mpg_cumpr_mixed = fcumsum(mpg) / sum(mpg)) # Vectorized: division by overall sum # Using across: here fmean() gets vectorized across both groups and columns (requiring a single # call to fmean.data.frame which goes to C), whereas weighted.mean needs to be called many times. mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl, vs, am) |> fmutate(across(disp:qsec, list(mu = fmean, mu2 = weighted.mean), w = wt, .names = "flip")) # Can do more complex things... mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fmutate(res = resid(lm(mpg ~ carb + hp, weights = wt))) # Since v1.9.0: supports arbitrary expressions returning suitable lists ## Not run: mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fmutate(broom::augment(lm(mpg ~ carb + hp, weights = wt))) # Same thing using across() (supported before 1.9.0) modelfun <- function(data) broom::augment(lm(mpg ~ carb + hp, data, weights = wt)) mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl) |> fmutate(across(c(mpg, carb, hp, wt), modelfun, .apply = FALSE)) ## End(Not run) ## ftransform() / fcompute() examples: ---------------------------------------------- ## ftransform modifies and returns a data.frame head(ftransform(airquality, Ozone = -Ozone)) head(ftransform(airquality, new = -Ozone, Temp = (Temp-32)/1.8)) head(ftransform(airquality, new = -Ozone, new2 = 1, Temp = NULL)) # Deleting Temp head(ftransform(airquality, Ozone = NULL, Temp = NULL)) # Deleting columns # With collapse's grouped and weighted functions, complex operations are done on the fly head(ftransform(airquality, # Grouped operations by month: Ozone_Month_median = fmedian(Ozone, Month, TRA = "fill"), Ozone_Month_sd = fsd(Ozone, Month, TRA = "replace"), Ozone_Month_centered = fwithin(Ozone, Month))) # Grouping by month and above/below average temperature in each month head(ftransform(airquality, Ozone_Month_high_median = fmedian(Ozone, list(Month, Temp > fbetween(Temp, Month)), TRA = "fill"))) ## ftransformv can be used to modify multiple columns using a function head(ftransformv(airquality, 1:3, log)) head(`[<-`(airquality, 1:3, value = lapply(airquality[1:3], log))) # Same thing in base R head(ftransformv(airquality, 1:3, log, apply = FALSE)) head(`[<-`(airquality, 1:3, value = log(airquality[1:3]))) # Same thing in base R # Using apply = FALSE yields meaningful performance gains with collapse functions # This calls fwithin.default, and repeates the grouping by month 3 times: head(ftransformv(airquality, 1:3, fwithin, Month)) # This calls fwithin.data.frame, and only groups one time -> 5x faster! head(ftransformv(airquality, 1:3, fwithin, Month, apply = FALSE)) # This also works for grouped and panel data frames (calling fwithin.grouped_df) airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) |> ftransformv(1:3, fwithin, apply = FALSE) |> head() # But this gives the WRONG result (calling fwithin.default). Need option apply = FALSE!! airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) |> ftransformv(1:3, fwithin) |> head() # For grouped modification of single columns in a grouped dataset, we can use GRP(): library(magrittr) airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) %>% ftransform(W_Ozone = fwithin(Ozone, GRP(.)), # Grouped centering sd_Ozone_m = fsd(Ozone, GRP(.), TRA = "replace"), # In-Month standard deviation sd_Ozone = fsd(Ozone, TRA = "replace"), # Overall standard deviation sd_Ozone2 = fsd(Ozone, TRA = "fill"), # Same, overwriting NA's sd_Ozone3 = fsd(Ozone)) |> head() # Same thing (calling alloc()) ## For more complex mutations we can use ftransform with compound pipes airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) %>% ftransform(get_vars(., 1:3) |> fwithin() |> flag(0:2)) |> head() airquality %>% ftransform(STD(., cols = 1:3) |> replace_na(0)) |> head() # The list argument feature also allows flexible operations creating multiple new columns airquality |> # The variance of Wind and Ozone, by month, weighted by temperature: ftransform(fvar(list(Wind_var = Wind, Ozone_var = Ozone), Month, Temp, "replace")) |> head() # Same as above using a grouped data frame (a bit more complex) airquality |> fgroup_by(Month) %>% ftransform(fselect(., Wind, Ozone) |> fvar(Temp, "replace") |> add_stub("_var", FALSE)) |> fungroup() |> head() # This performs 2 different multi-column grouped operations (need c() to make it one list) ftransform(airquality, c(fmedian(list(Wind_Day_median = Wind, Ozone_Day_median = Ozone), Day, TRA = "replace"), fsd(list(Wind_Month_sd = Wind, Ozone_Month_sd = Ozone), Month, TRA = "replace"))) |> head() ## settransform(v) works like ftransform(v) but modifies a data frame in the global environment.. settransform(airquality, Ratio = Ozone / Temp, Ozone = NULL, Temp = NULL) head(airquality) rm(airquality) # Grouped and weighted centering settransformv(airquality, 1:3, fwithin, Month, Temp, apply = FALSE) head(airquality) rm(airquality) # Suitably lagged first-differences settransform(airquality, get_vars(airquality, 1:3) |> fdiff() |> flag(0:2)) head(airquality) rm(airquality) # Same as above using magrittr::`%<>%` airquality %<>% ftransform(get_vars(., 1:3) |> fdiff() |> flag(0:2)) head(airquality) rm(airquality) # It is also possible to achieve the same thing via a replacement method (if needed) ftransform(airquality) <- get_vars(airquality, 1:3) |> fdiff() |> flag(0:2) head(airquality) rm(airquality) ## fcompute only returns the modified / computed columns head(fcompute(airquality, Ozone = -Ozone)) head(fcompute(airquality, new = -Ozone, Temp = (Temp-32)/1.8)) head(fcompute(airquality, new = -Ozone, new2 = 1)) # Can preserve existing columns, computed ones are added to the right if names are different head(fcompute(airquality, new = -Ozone, new2 = 1, keep = 1:3)) # If given same name as preserved columns, preserved columns are replaced in order... head(fcompute(airquality, Ozone = -Ozone, new = 1, keep = 1:3)) # Same holds for fcomputev head(fcomputev(iris, is.numeric, log)) # Same as: iris |> get_vars(is.numeric) |> dapply(log) |> head() head(fcomputev(iris, is.numeric, log, keep = "Species")) # Adds in front head(fcomputev(iris, is.numeric, log, keep = names(iris))) # Preserve order # Keep a subset of the data, add standardized columns head(fcomputev(iris, 3:4, STD, apply = FALSE, keep = names(iris)[3:5]))
is an efficient alternative to unique
(or unique.data.table, kit::funique, dplyr::distinct
is an alternative to NROW(unique(x))
(or data.table::uniqueN, kit::uniqLen, dplyr::n_distinct
is an alternative to duplicated
(or duplicated.data.table
, kit::fduplicated
The collapse versions are versatile and highly competitive.
is faster than any(fduplicated(x))
. Note that for atomic vectors, anyDuplicated
is currently more efficient if there are duplicates at the beginning of the vector.
funique(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: funique(x, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' funique(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) ## S3 method for class 'sf' funique(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' funique(x, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", drop.index.levels = "id", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' funique(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", drop.index.levels = "id", ...) fnunique(x) # Fast NROW(unique(x)), for vectors and lists fduplicated(x, all = FALSE) # Fast duplicated(x), for vectors and lists any_duplicated(x) # Simple logical TRUE|FALSE duplicates check
funique(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: funique(x, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' funique(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) ## S3 method for class 'sf' funique(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' funique(x, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", drop.index.levels = "id", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' funique(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", drop.index.levels = "id", ...) fnunique(x) # Fast NROW(unique(x)), for vectors and lists fduplicated(x, all = FALSE) # Fast duplicated(x), for vectors and lists any_duplicated(x) # Simple logical TRUE|FALSE duplicates check
x |
a atomic vector or data frame / list of equal-length columns. |
sort |
logical. |
method |
an integer or character string specifying the method of computation:
cols |
compute unique rows according to a subset of columns. Columns can be selected using column names, indices, a logical vector or a selector function (e.g. |
... |
arguments passed to |
drop.index.levels |
character. Either |
all |
logical. |
If all values/rows are already unique, then x
is returned. Otherwise a copy of x
with duplicate rows removed is returned. See group
for some additional computational details.
The sf method simply ignores the geometry column when determining unique values.
Methods for indexed data also subset the index accordingly.
is currently simply implemented as fnunique(x) < NROW(x)
, which means it does not have facilities to terminate early, and users are advised to use anyDuplicated
with atomic vectors if chances are high that there are duplicates at the beginning of the vector. With no duplicate values or data frames, any_duplicated
is considerably faster than anyDuplicated
returns x
with duplicate elements/rows removed, fnunique
returns an integer giving the number of unique values/rows, fduplicated
gives a logical vector with TRUE
indicating duplicated elements/rows.
These functions treat lists like data frames, unlike unique
which has a list method to determine uniqueness of (non-atomic/heterogeneous) elements in a list.
No matrix method is provided. Please use the alternatives provided in package kit with matrices.
, group
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview.
funique(mtcars$cyl) funique(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9))) funique(mtcars, cols = c(2,8,9)) fnunique(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9))) fduplicated(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9))) fduplicated(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9)), all = TRUE) any_duplicated(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9))) any_duplicated(mtcars)
funique(mtcars$cyl) funique(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9))) funique(mtcars, cols = c(2,8,9)) fnunique(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9))) fduplicated(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9))) fduplicated(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9)), all = TRUE) any_duplicated(gv(mtcars, c(2,8,9))) any_duplicated(mtcars)
and fsd
are generic functions that compute the (column-wise) variance and standard deviation of x
, (optionally) grouped by g
and/or frequency-weighted by w
. The TRA
argument can further be used to transform x
using its (grouped, weighted) variance/sd.
fvar(x, ...) fsd(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fvar(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## Default S3 method: fsd(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fvar(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fsd(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fvar(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fsd(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fvar(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fsd(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...)
fvar(x, ...) fsd(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: fvar(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## Default S3 method: fsd(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fvar(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fsd(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fvar(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fsd(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fvar(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' fsd(x, w = NULL, TRA = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], use.g.names = FALSE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, keep.w = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...)
x |
a numeric vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
g |
a factor, |
w |
a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights, may contain missing values. |
an integer or quoted operator indicating the transformation to perform:
0 - "na" | 1 - "fill" | 2 - "replace" | 3 - "-" | 4 - "-+" | 5 - "/" | 6 - "%" | 7 - "+" | 8 - "*" | 9 - "%%" | 10 - "-%%". See |
na.rm |
logical. Skip missing values in |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame method: Logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
keep.w |
grouped_df method: Logical. Retain summed weighting variable after computation (if contained in |
stub |
character. If |
stable.algo |
logical. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. If |
Welford's online algorithm used by default to compute the variance is well described here (the section Weighted incremental algorithm also shows how the weighted variance is obtained by this algorithm).
If stable.algo = FALSE
, the variance is computed in one-pass as (sum(x^2)-n*mean(x)^2)/(n-1)
, where sum(x^2)
is the sum of squares from which the expected sum of squares n*mean(x)^2
is subtracted, normalized by n-1
(Bessel's correction). This is numerically unstable if sum(x^2)
and n*mean(x)^2
are large numbers very close together, which will be the case for large n
, large x
-values and small variances (catastrophic cancellation occurs, leading to a loss of numeric precision). Numeric precision is however still maximized through the internal use of long doubles in C++, and the fast algorithm can be up to 4-times faster compared to Welford's method.
The weighted variance is computed with frequency weights as (sum(x^2*w)-sum(w)*weighted.mean(x,w)^2)/(sum(w)-1)
. If na.rm = TRUE
, missing values will be removed from both x
and w
i.e. utilizing only x[complete.cases(x,w)]
and w[complete.cases(x,w)]
For further computational detail see fsum
returns the (w
weighted) variance of x
, grouped by g
, or (if TRA
is used) x
transformed by its (grouped, weighted) variance. fsd
computes the standard deviation of x
in like manor.
Welford, B. P. (1962). Note on a method for calculating corrected sums of squares and products. Technometrics. 4 (3): 419-420. doi:10.2307/1266577.
Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## default vector method fvar(mtcars$mpg) # Simple variance (all examples also hold for fvar!) fsd(mtcars$mpg) # Simple standard deviation fsd(mtcars$mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted sd: Weighted by hp fsd(mtcars$mpg, TRA = "/") # Simple transformation: scaling (See also ?fscale) fsd(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped sd fsd(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp) # Grouped weighted sd fsd(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, TRA = "/") # Scaling by group fsd(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp, "/") # Group-scaling using weighted group sds ## data.frame method fsd(iris) # This works, although 'Species' is a factor variable fsd(mtcars, drop = FALSE) # This works, all columns are numeric variables fsd(iris[-5], iris[5]) # By Species: iris[5] is still a list, and thus passed to GRP() fsd(iris[-5], iris[[5]]) # Same thing much faster: fsd recognizes 'Species' is a factor head(fsd(iris[-5], iris[[5]], TRA = "/")) # Data scaled by species (see also fscale) ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fsd(m) fsd(m, mtcars$cyl) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsd() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsd(keep.group_vars = FALSE) # Remove grouping columns mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsd(hp) # Weighted by hp mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsd(hp, "/") # Weighted scaling transformation
## default vector method fvar(mtcars$mpg) # Simple variance (all examples also hold for fvar!) fsd(mtcars$mpg) # Simple standard deviation fsd(mtcars$mpg, w = mtcars$hp) # Weighted sd: Weighted by hp fsd(mtcars$mpg, TRA = "/") # Simple transformation: scaling (See also ?fscale) fsd(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl) # Grouped sd fsd(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp) # Grouped weighted sd fsd(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, TRA = "/") # Scaling by group fsd(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, mtcars$hp, "/") # Group-scaling using weighted group sds ## data.frame method fsd(iris) # This works, although 'Species' is a factor variable fsd(mtcars, drop = FALSE) # This works, all columns are numeric variables fsd(iris[-5], iris[5]) # By Species: iris[5] is still a list, and thus passed to GRP() fsd(iris[-5], iris[[5]]) # Same thing much faster: fsd recognizes 'Species' is a factor head(fsd(iris[-5], iris[[5]], TRA = "/")) # Data scaled by species (see also fscale) ## matrix method m <- qM(mtcars) fsd(m) fsd(m, mtcars$cyl) # etc.. ## method for grouped data frames - created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsd() mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsd(keep.group_vars = FALSE) # Remove grouping columns mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsd(hp) # Weighted by hp mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsd(hp, "/") # Weighted scaling transformation
A suite of functions to subset or extract from (potentially complex) lists and list-like structures. Subsetting may occur according to certain data types, using identifier functions, element names or regular expressions to search the list for certain objects.
and list_elem
are non-recursive functions to extract and replace the atomic and sub-list elements at the top-level of the list tree.
is the recursive equivalent of atomic_elem
and returns the 'regular' part of the list - with atomic elements in the final nodes. irreg_elem
returns all the non-regular elements (i.e. call and terms objects, formulas, etc...). See Examples.
returns the part of the list responding to either an identifier function, regular expression, exact element names or indices applied to all final objects. has_elem
checks for the existence of an element and returns TRUE
if a match is found. See Examples.
## Non-recursive (top-level) subsetting and replacing atomic_elem(l, return = "sublist", keep.class = FALSE) atomic_elem(l) <- value list_elem(l, return = "sublist", keep.class = FALSE) list_elem(l) <- value ## Recursive separation of regular (atomic) and irregular (non-atomic) parts reg_elem(l, recursive = TRUE, keep.tree = FALSE, keep.class = FALSE) irreg_elem(l, recursive = TRUE, keep.tree = FALSE, keep.class = FALSE) ## Extract elements / subset list tree get_elem(l, elem, recursive = TRUE, DF.as.list = FALSE, keep.tree = FALSE, keep.class = FALSE, regex = FALSE, invert = FALSE, ...) ## Check for the existence of elements has_elem(l, elem, recursive = TRUE, DF.as.list = FALSE, regex = FALSE, ...)
## Non-recursive (top-level) subsetting and replacing atomic_elem(l, return = "sublist", keep.class = FALSE) atomic_elem(l) <- value list_elem(l, return = "sublist", keep.class = FALSE) list_elem(l) <- value ## Recursive separation of regular (atomic) and irregular (non-atomic) parts reg_elem(l, recursive = TRUE, keep.tree = FALSE, keep.class = FALSE) irreg_elem(l, recursive = TRUE, keep.tree = FALSE, keep.class = FALSE) ## Extract elements / subset list tree get_elem(l, elem, recursive = TRUE, DF.as.list = FALSE, keep.tree = FALSE, keep.class = FALSE, regex = FALSE, invert = FALSE, ...) ## Check for the existence of elements has_elem(l, elem, recursive = TRUE, DF.as.list = FALSE, regex = FALSE, ...)
l |
a list. |
value |
a list of the same length as the extracted subset of |
elem |
a function returning |
return |
an integer or string specifying what the selector function should return. The options are:
Note: replacement functions only replace data, names are replaced together with the data. |
recursive |
logical. Should the list search be recursive (i.e. go though all the elements), or just at the top-level? |
DF.as.list |
logical. |
keep.tree |
logical. |
keep.class |
logical. For list-based objects: should the class be retained? This only works if these objects have a |
regex |
logical. Should regular expression search be used on the list names, or only exact matches? |
invert |
logical. Invert search i.e. exclude matched elements from the list? |
... |
further arguments to |
For a lack of better terminology, collapse defines 'regular' R objects as objects that are either atomic or a list. reg_elem
with recursive = TRUE
extracts the subset of the list tree leading up to atomic elements in the final nodes. This part of the list tree is unlistable - calling is_unlistable(reg_elem(l))
will be TRUE
for all lists l
. Conversely, all elements left behind by reg_elem
will be picked up be irreg_elem
. Thus is_unlistable(irreg_elem(l))
is always FALSE
for lists with irregular elements (otherwise irreg_elem
returns an empty list).
If keep.tree = TRUE
, reg_elem
, irreg_elem
and get_elem
always return the entire list tree, but cut off all of the branches not leading to the desired result. If keep.tree = FALSE
, top-level parts of the tree are omitted as far as possible. For example in a nested list with three levels and one data-matrix in one of the final branches, get_elem(l, is.matrix, keep.tree = TRUE)
will return a list (lres
) of depth 3, from which the matrix can be accessed as lres[[1]][[1]][[1]]
. This however does not make much sense. get_elem(l, is.matrix, keep.tree = FALSE)
will therefore figgure out that it can drop the entire tree and return just the matrix. keep.tree = FALSE
makes additional optimizations if matching elements are at far-apart corners in a nested structure, by only preserving the hierarchy if elements are above each other on the same branch. Thus for a list l <- list(list(2,list("a",1)),list(1,list("b",2)))
calling get_elem(l, is.character)
will just return list("a","b")
List Processing, Collapse Overview
m <- qM(mtcars) get_elem(list(list(list(m))), is.matrix) get_elem(list(list(list(m))), is.matrix, keep.tree = TRUE) l <- list(list(2,list("a",1)),list(1,list("b",2))) has_elem(l, is.logical) has_elem(l, is.numeric) get_elem(l, is.character) get_elem(l, is.character, keep.tree = TRUE) l <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + vs, data = mtcars) str(reg_elem(l)) str(irreg_elem(l)) get_elem(l, is.matrix) get_elem(l, "residuals") get_elem(l, "fit", regex = TRUE) has_elem(l, "tol") get_elem(l, "tol")
m <- qM(mtcars) get_elem(list(list(list(m))), is.matrix) get_elem(list(list(list(m))), is.matrix, keep.tree = TRUE) l <- list(list(2,list("a",1)),list(1,list("b",2))) has_elem(l, is.logical) has_elem(l, is.numeric) get_elem(l, is.character) get_elem(l, is.character, keep.tree = TRUE) l <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + vs, data = mtcars) str(reg_elem(l)) str(irreg_elem(l)) get_elem(l, is.matrix) get_elem(l, "residuals") get_elem(l, "fit", regex = TRUE) has_elem(l, "tol") get_elem(l, "tol")
The GGDC 10-Sector Database provides a long-run internationally comparable dataset on sectoral productivity performance in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Variables covered in the data set are annual series of value added (in local currency), and persons employed for 10 broad sectors.
A data frame with 5027 observations on the following 16 variables.
char: Country (43 countries)
char: ISO3 Region code
char: Region (6 World Regions)
char: Variable (Value Added or Employment)
num: Year (67 Years, 1947-2013)
num: Agriculture
num: Mining
num: Manufacturing
num: Utilities
num: Construction
num: Trade, restaurants and hotels
num: Transport, storage and communication
num: Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
num: Government services
num: Community, social and personal services
num: Summation of sector GDP
Timmer, M. P., de Vries, G. J., & de Vries, K. (2015). "Patterns of Structural Change in Developing Countries." . In J. Weiss, & M. Tribe (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Industry and Development. (pp. 65-83). Routledge.
namlab(GGDC10S, class = TRUE) # aperm(qsu(GGDC10S, ~ Variable, ~ Variable + Country, vlabels = TRUE)) library(ggplot2) ## World Regions Structural Change Plot GGDC10S |> fmutate(across(AGR:OTH, `*`, 1 / SUM), Variable = ifelse(Variable == "VA","Value Added Share", "Employment Share")) |> replace_outliers(0, NA, "min") |> collap( ~ Variable + Region + Year, cols = 6:15) |> qDT() |> pivot(1:3, names = list(variable = "Sector"), na.rm = TRUE) |> ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = value, fill = Sector)) + geom_area(position = "fill", alpha = 0.9) + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme_linedraw(base_size = 14) + facet_grid(Variable ~ Region, scales = "free_x") + scale_fill_manual(values = sub("#00FF66", "#00CC66", rainbow(10))) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 7), expand = c(0, 0))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10), expand = c(0, 0), labels = scales::percent) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 315, hjust = 0, margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0)), strip.background = element_rect(colour = "grey30", fill = "grey30")) # A function to plot the structural change of an arbitrary country plotGGDC <- function(ctry) { GGDC10S |> fsubset(Country == ctry, Variable, Year, AGR:SUM) |> fmutate(across(AGR:OTH, `*`, 1 / SUM), SUM = NULL, Variable = ifelse(Variable == "VA","Value Added Share", "Employment Share")) |> replace_outliers(0, NA, "min") |> qDT() |> pivot(1:2, names = list(variable = "Sector"), na.rm = TRUE) |> ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = value, fill = Sector)) + geom_area(position = "fill", alpha = 0.9) + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme_linedraw(base_size = 14) + facet_wrap( ~ Variable) + scale_fill_manual(values = sub("#00FF66", "#00CC66", rainbow(10))) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 7), expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10), expand = c(0, 0), labels = scales::percent) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 315, hjust = 0, margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0)), strip.background = element_rect(colour = "grey20", fill = "grey20"), strip.text = element_text(face = "bold")) } plotGGDC("BWA")
namlab(GGDC10S, class = TRUE) # aperm(qsu(GGDC10S, ~ Variable, ~ Variable + Country, vlabels = TRUE)) library(ggplot2) ## World Regions Structural Change Plot GGDC10S |> fmutate(across(AGR:OTH, `*`, 1 / SUM), Variable = ifelse(Variable == "VA","Value Added Share", "Employment Share")) |> replace_outliers(0, NA, "min") |> collap( ~ Variable + Region + Year, cols = 6:15) |> qDT() |> pivot(1:3, names = list(variable = "Sector"), na.rm = TRUE) |> ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = value, fill = Sector)) + geom_area(position = "fill", alpha = 0.9) + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme_linedraw(base_size = 14) + facet_grid(Variable ~ Region, scales = "free_x") + scale_fill_manual(values = sub("#00FF66", "#00CC66", rainbow(10))) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 7), expand = c(0, 0))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10), expand = c(0, 0), labels = scales::percent) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 315, hjust = 0, margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0)), strip.background = element_rect(colour = "grey30", fill = "grey30")) # A function to plot the structural change of an arbitrary country plotGGDC <- function(ctry) { GGDC10S |> fsubset(Country == ctry, Variable, Year, AGR:SUM) |> fmutate(across(AGR:OTH, `*`, 1 / SUM), SUM = NULL, Variable = ifelse(Variable == "VA","Value Added Share", "Employment Share")) |> replace_outliers(0, NA, "min") |> qDT() |> pivot(1:2, names = list(variable = "Sector"), na.rm = TRUE) |> ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = value, fill = Sector)) + geom_area(position = "fill", alpha = 0.9) + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme_linedraw(base_size = 14) + facet_wrap( ~ Variable) + scale_fill_manual(values = sub("#00FF66", "#00CC66", rainbow(10))) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 7), expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10), expand = c(0, 0), labels = scales::percent) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 315, hjust = 0, margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0)), strip.background = element_rect(colour = "grey20", fill = "grey20"), strip.text = element_text(face = "bold")) } plotGGDC("BWA")
scans the rows of a data frame (or atomic vector / list of atomic vectors), assigning to each unique row an integer id - starting with 1 and proceeding in first-appearance order of the rows. The function is written in C and optimized for R's data structures. It is the workhorse behind functions like GRP
/ fgroup_by
, collap
, qF
, qG
, finteraction
and funique
, when called with argument sort = FALSE
group(x, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE)
group(x, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE)
x |
an atomic vector or data frame / list of equal-length atomic vectors. |
starts |
logical. If |
group.sizes |
logical. If |
A data frame is grouped on a column-by-column basis, starting from the leftmost column. For each new column the grouping vector obtained after the previous column is also fed back into the hash function so that unique values are determined on a running basis. The algorithm terminates as soon as the number of unique rows reaches the size of the data frame. Missing values are also grouped just like any other values. Invoking arguments starts
and/or group.sizes
requires an additional pass through the final grouping vector.
An object is of class 'qG' see qG
The Hash Function and inspiration was taken from the excellent kit package by Morgan Jacob, the algorithm was developed by Sebastian Krantz.
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
# Let's replicate what funique does g <- group(wlddev, starts = TRUE) if(attr(g, "N.groups") == fnrow(wlddev)) wlddev else ss(wlddev, attr(g, "starts"))
# Let's replicate what funique does g <- group(wlddev, starts = TRUE) if(attr(g, "N.groups") == fnrow(wlddev)) wlddev else ss(wlddev, attr(g, "starts"))
is an enhanced version of data.table::rleid
for atomic vectors. It generates a run-length type group-id where consecutive identical values are assigned the same integer. It is a generalization as it can be applied to unordered vectors, generate group id's starting from an arbitrary value, and skip missing values.
groupid(x, o = NULL, start = 1L, na.skip = FALSE, check.o = TRUE)
groupid(x, o = NULL, start = 1L, na.skip = FALSE, check.o = TRUE)
x |
an atomic vector of any type. Attributes are not considered. |
o |
an (optional) integer ordering vector specifying the order by which to pass through |
start |
integer. The starting value of the resulting group-id. Default is starting from 1. |
na.skip |
logical. Skip missing values i.e. if |
check.o |
logical. Programmers option: |
An integer vector of class 'qG'. See qG
, timeid
, qG
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
groupid(airquality$Month) groupid(airquality$Month, start = 0) groupid(wlddev$country)[1:100] ## Same thing since country is alphabetically ordered: (groupid is faster..) all.equal(groupid(wlddev$country), qG(wlddev$country, na.exclude = FALSE)) ## When data is unordered, group-id can be generated through an ordering.. uo <- order(rnorm(fnrow(airquality))) monthuo <- airquality$Month[uo] o <- order(monthuo) groupid(monthuo, o) identical(groupid(monthuo, o)[o], unattrib(groupid(airquality$Month)))
groupid(airquality$Month) groupid(airquality$Month, start = 0) groupid(wlddev$country)[1:100] ## Same thing since country is alphabetically ordered: (groupid is faster..) all.equal(groupid(wlddev$country), qG(wlddev$country, na.exclude = FALSE)) ## When data is unordered, group-id can be generated through an ordering.. uo <- order(rnorm(fnrow(airquality))) monthuo <- airquality$Month[uo] o <- order(monthuo) groupid(monthuo, o) identical(groupid(monthuo, o)[o], unattrib(groupid(airquality$Month)))
performs fast, ordered and unordered, groupings of vectors and data frames (or lists of vectors) using radixorderv
or group
. The output is a list-like object of class 'GRP' which can be printed, plotted and used as an efficient input to all of collapse's fast statistical and transformation functions and operators (see macros .FAST_FUN
), as well as to collap
, BY
and TRA
is similar to dplyr::group_by
but faster and class-agnostic. It creates a grouped data frame with a 'GRP' object attached - for fast dplyr-like programming with collapse's fast functions.
There are also several conversion methods to and from 'GRP' objects. Notable among these is GRP.grouped_df
, which returns a 'GRP' object from a grouped data frame created with dplyr::group_by
or fgroup_by
, and the duo GRP.factor
and as_factor_GRP
efficiently splits a vector based on a 'GRP' object, and greorder
helps to recombine the results. These are the workhorses behind functions like BY
, and collap
, fsummarise
and fmutate
when evaluated with base R and user-defined functions.
GRP(X, ...) ## Default S3 method: GRP(X, by = NULL, sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto", call = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' GRP(X, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, drop = FALSE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'qG' GRP(X, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' GRP(X, effect = 1L, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' GRP(X, effect = 1L, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' GRP(X, ..., return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) # Identify 'GRP' objects is_GRP(x) ## S3 method for class 'GRP' length(x) # Length of data being grouped GRPN(x, expand = TRUE, ...) # Group sizes (default: expanded to match data length) GRPid(x, sort = FALSE, ...) # Group id (data length, same as GRP(.)$group.id) GRPnames(x, force.char = TRUE, sep = ".") # Group names as_factor_GRP(x, ordered = FALSE, sep = ".") # 'GRP'-object to (ordered) factor conversion # Efficiently split a vector using a 'GRP' object gsplit(x, g, use.g.names = FALSE, ...) # Efficiently reorder y = unlist(gsplit(x, g)) such that identical(greorder(y, g), x) greorder(x, g, ...) # Fast, class-agnostic pendant to dplyr::group_by for use with fast functions, see details fgroup_by(.X, ..., sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto") # Standard-evaluation analogue (slim wrapper around GRP.default(), for programming) group_by_vars(X, by = NULL, ...) # Shorthand for fgroup_by gby(.X, ..., sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto") # Get grouping columns from a grouped data frame created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by fgroup_vars(X, return = "data") # Ungroup grouped data frame created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by fungroup(X, ...) ## S3 method for class 'GRP' print(x, n = 6, ...) ## S3 method for class 'GRP' plot(x, breaks = "auto", type = "l", horizontal = FALSE, ...)
GRP(X, ...) ## Default S3 method: GRP(X, by = NULL, sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto", call = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' GRP(X, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, drop = FALSE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'qG' GRP(X, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' GRP(X, effect = 1L, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' GRP(X, effect = 1L, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' GRP(X, ..., return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) # Identify 'GRP' objects is_GRP(x) ## S3 method for class 'GRP' length(x) # Length of data being grouped GRPN(x, expand = TRUE, ...) # Group sizes (default: expanded to match data length) GRPid(x, sort = FALSE, ...) # Group id (data length, same as GRP(.)$group.id) GRPnames(x, force.char = TRUE, sep = ".") # Group names as_factor_GRP(x, ordered = FALSE, sep = ".") # 'GRP'-object to (ordered) factor conversion # Efficiently split a vector using a 'GRP' object gsplit(x, g, use.g.names = FALSE, ...) # Efficiently reorder y = unlist(gsplit(x, g)) such that identical(greorder(y, g), x) greorder(x, g, ...) # Fast, class-agnostic pendant to dplyr::group_by for use with fast functions, see details fgroup_by(.X, ..., sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto") # Standard-evaluation analogue (slim wrapper around GRP.default(), for programming) group_by_vars(X, by = NULL, ...) # Shorthand for fgroup_by gby(.X, ..., sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto") # Get grouping columns from a grouped data frame created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by fgroup_vars(X, return = "data") # Ungroup grouped data frame created with dplyr::group_by or fgroup_by fungroup(X, ...) ## S3 method for class 'GRP' print(x, n = 6, ...) ## S3 method for class 'GRP' plot(x, breaks = "auto", type = "l", horizontal = FALSE, ...)
X |
a vector, list of columns or data frame (default method), or a suitable object (conversion / extractor methods). |
.X |
a data frame or list. |
x , g
a 'GRP' object. For |
by |
if |
sort |
logical. If |
ordered |
logical. |
decreasing |
logical. Should the sort order be increasing or decreasing? Can be a vector of length equal to the number of arguments in |
na.last |
logical. If missing values are encountered in grouping vector/columns, assign them to the last group (argument passed to |
return.groups |
logical. Include the unique groups in the created GRP object. |
return.order |
logical. If |
method |
character. The algorithm to use for grouping: either |
group.sizes |
logical. |
drop |
logical. |
call |
logical. |
expand |
logical. |
force.char |
logical. Always output group names as character vector, even if a single numeric vector was passed to |
sep |
character. The separator passed to |
effect |
plm / indexed data methods: Select which panel identifier should be used as grouping variable. 1L takes the first variable in the index, 2L the second etc., identifiers can also be passed as a character string. More than one variable can be supplied. |
return |
an integer or string specifying what
use.g.names |
logical. |
n |
integer. Number of groups to print out. |
breaks |
integer. Number of breaks in the histogram of group-sizes. |
type |
linetype for plot. |
horizontal |
logical. |
... |
for |
is a central function in the collapse package because it provides, in the form of integer vectors, some key pieces of information to efficiently perform grouped operations at the C/C++
Most statistical function require information about (1) the number of groups (2) an integer group-id indicating which values / rows belong to which group and (3) information about the size of each group. Provided with these, collapse's Fast Statistical Functions pre-allocate intermediate and result vectors of the right sizes and (in most cases) perform grouped statistical computations in a single pass through the data.
The sorting functionality of GRP.default
lets groups receive different integer-id's depending on whether the groups are sorted sort = TRUE
gives first-appearance order), and in which order (argument decreasing
). This affects the order of values/rows in the output whenever an aggregation is performed.
Other elements in the object provide information about whether the data was sorted by the variables defining the grouping (6) and the ordering vector (7). These also feed into optimizations in gsplit/greorder
that benefit the execution of base R functions across groups.
Complimentary to GRP
, the function fgroup_by
is a significantly faster and class-agnostic alternative to dplyr::group_by
for programming with collapse. It creates a grouped data frame with a 'GRP' object attached in a "groups"
attribute. This data frame has classes 'GRP_df', ..., 'grouped_df' and 'data.frame', where ... stands for any other classes the input frame inherits such as 'data.table', 'sf', 'tbl_df', 'indexed_frame' etc.. collapse functions with a 'grouped_df' method respond to 'grouped_df' objects created with either fgroup_by
or dplyr::group_by
. The method GRP.grouped_df
takes the "groups"
attribute from a 'grouped_df' and converts it to a 'GRP' object if created with dplyr::group_by
The 'GRP_df' class in front responds to print.GRP_df
which first calls print(fungroup(x), ...)
and prints one line below the object indicating the grouping variables, followed, in square brackets, by some statistics on the group sizes: [N | Mean (SD) Min-Max]
. The mean is rounded to a full number and the standard deviation (SD) to one digit. Minimum and maximum are only displayed if the SD is non-zero. There also exist a method [.GRP_df
which calls NextMethod
but makes sure that the grouping information is preserved or dropped depending on the dimensions of the result (subsetting rows or aggregation with data.table drops the grouping object).
supports vector and list input and will also return 'GRP' objects if passed. There is also a hidden method GRP.GRP
which simply returns grouping objects (no re-grouping functionality is offered).
Apart from GRP.grouped_df
there are several further conversion methods:
The conversion of factors to 'GRP' objects by GRP.factor
involves obtaining the number of groups calling ng <- fnlevels(f)
and then computing the count of each level using tabulate(f, ng)
. The integer group-id (2) is already given by the factor itself after removing the levels and class attributes and replacing any missing values with ng + 1L
. The levels are put in a list and moved to position (4) in the 'GRP' object, which is reserved for the unique groups. Finally, a sortedness check !is.unsorted(id)
is run on the group-id to check if the data represented by the factor was sorted (6). GRP.qG
works similarly (see also qG
), and the 'pseries' and 'pdata.frame' methods simply group one or more factors in the index (selected using the effect
argument) .
Creating a factor from a 'GRP' object using as_factor_GRP
does not involve any computations, but may involve interacting multiple grouping columns using the paste
function to produce unique factor levels.
A list-like object of class ‘GRP’ containing information about the number of groups, the observations (rows) belonging to each group, the size of each group, the unique group names / definitions, whether the groups are ordered and data grouped is sorted or not, the ordering vector used to perform the ordering and the group start positions. The object is structured as follows:
List-index | Element-name | Content type | Content description | |||
[[1]] | N.groups | integer(1) |
Number of Groups | |||
[[2]] | group.id | integer(NROW(X)) |
An integer group-identifier | |||
[[3]] | group.sizes | integer(N.groups) |
Vector of group sizes | |||
[[4]] | groups | unique(X) or NULL |
Unique groups (same format as input, except for fgroup_by which uses a plain list, sorted if sort = TRUE ), or NULL if return.groups = FALSE |
[[5]] | group.vars | character |
The names of the grouping variables | |||
[[6]] | ordered | logical(2) |
[1] Whether the groups are ordered: equal to the sort argument in the default method, or TRUE if converted objects inherit a class "ordered" and NA otherwise, [2] Whether the data (X ) is already sorted: the result of !is.unsorted(group.id) . If sort = FALSE (default method) the second entry is NA . |
[[7]] | order | integer(NROW(X)) or NULL |
Ordering vector from radixorderv (with "starts" attribute), or NULL if return.order = FALSE |
[[8]] | group.starts | integer(N.groups) or NULL |
The first-occurrence positions/rows of the groups. Useful e.g. with ffirst(x, g, na.rm = FALSE) . NULL if return.groups = FALSE . |
[[9]] | call | match.call() or NULL |
The GRP() call, obtained from match.call() , or NULL if call = FALSE
, group
, qF
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
## default method GRP(mtcars$cyl) GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Or GRP(mtcars, c("cyl","vs","am")) or GRP(mtcars, c(2,8:9)) g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Saving the object print(g) # Printing it plot(g) # Plotting it GRPnames(g) # Retain group names GRPid(g) # Retain group id (same as g$group.id), useful inside fmutate() fsum(mtcars, g) # Compute the sum of mtcars, grouped by variables cyl, vs and am gsplit(mtcars$mpg, g) # Use the object to split a vector gsplit(NULL, g) # The indices of the groups identical(mtcars$mpg, # greorder and unlist undo the effect of gsplit greorder(unlist(gsplit(mtcars$mpg, g)), g)) ## Convert factor to GRP object and vice-versa GRP(iris$Species) as_factor_GRP(g) ## dplyr integration library(dplyr) mtcars |> group_by(cyl,vs,am) |> GRP() # Get GRP object from a dplyr grouped tibble mtcars |> group_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean() # Grouped mean using dplyr grouping mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean() # Faster alternative with collapse grouping mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) # Print method for grouped data frame ## Adding a column of group sizes. mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsummarise(Sizes = GRPN()) # Note: can also set_collapse(mask = "n") to use n() instead, see help("collapse-options") # Other usage modes: mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmutate(Sizes = GRPN()) mtcars |> fmutate(Sizes = GRPN(list(cyl,vs,am))) # Same thing, slightly more efficient ## Various options for programming and interactive use fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Decade = floor(Year / 10) * 10) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, 1:3, 5) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, c("Variable", "Country")) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, is.character) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Country:Variable, Year) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Country:Region, Var = Variable, Year) |> head(3) ## Note that you can create a grouped data frame without materializing the unique grouping columns fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Country, return.groups = FALSE) |> fmutate(across(AGR:SUM, fscale)) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Country, return.groups = FALSE) |> fselect(AGR:SUM) |> fmean() ## Note also that setting sort = FALSE on unsorted data can be much faster... if not required... library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(gby(GGDC10S, Variable, Country), gby(GGDC10S, Variable, Country, sort = FALSE))
## default method GRP(mtcars$cyl) GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Or GRP(mtcars, c("cyl","vs","am")) or GRP(mtcars, c(2,8:9)) g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) # Saving the object print(g) # Printing it plot(g) # Plotting it GRPnames(g) # Retain group names GRPid(g) # Retain group id (same as g$group.id), useful inside fmutate() fsum(mtcars, g) # Compute the sum of mtcars, grouped by variables cyl, vs and am gsplit(mtcars$mpg, g) # Use the object to split a vector gsplit(NULL, g) # The indices of the groups identical(mtcars$mpg, # greorder and unlist undo the effect of gsplit greorder(unlist(gsplit(mtcars$mpg, g)), g)) ## Convert factor to GRP object and vice-versa GRP(iris$Species) as_factor_GRP(g) ## dplyr integration library(dplyr) mtcars |> group_by(cyl,vs,am) |> GRP() # Get GRP object from a dplyr grouped tibble mtcars |> group_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean() # Grouped mean using dplyr grouping mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmean() # Faster alternative with collapse grouping mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) # Print method for grouped data frame ## Adding a column of group sizes. mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fsummarise(Sizes = GRPN()) # Note: can also set_collapse(mask = "n") to use n() instead, see help("collapse-options") # Other usage modes: mtcars |> fgroup_by(cyl,vs,am) |> fmutate(Sizes = GRPN()) mtcars |> fmutate(Sizes = GRPN(list(cyl,vs,am))) # Same thing, slightly more efficient ## Various options for programming and interactive use fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Decade = floor(Year / 10) * 10) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, 1:3, 5) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, c("Variable", "Country")) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, is.character) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Country:Variable, Year) |> head(3) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Country:Region, Var = Variable, Year) |> head(3) ## Note that you can create a grouped data frame without materializing the unique grouping columns fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Country, return.groups = FALSE) |> fmutate(across(AGR:SUM, fscale)) fgroup_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Country, return.groups = FALSE) |> fselect(AGR:SUM) |> fmean() ## Note also that setting sort = FALSE on unsorted data can be much faster... if not required... library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(gby(GGDC10S, Variable, Country), gby(GGDC10S, Variable, Country, sort = FALSE))
A fast and flexible indexed time series and panel data class that inherits from plm's 'pseries' and 'pdata.frame', but is more rigorous, natively handles irregularity, can be superimposed on any data.frame/list, matrix or vector, and supports ad-hoc computations inside data masking functions and model formulas.
## Create an 'indexed_frame' containing 'indexed_series' findex_by(.X, ..., single = "auto", interact.ids = TRUE) iby(.X, ..., single = "auto", interact.ids = TRUE) # Shorthand ## Retrieve the index ('index_df') from an 'indexed_frame' or 'indexed_series' findex(x) ix(x) # Shorthand ## Remove index from 'indexed_frame' or 'indexed_series' (i.e. get .X back) unindex(x) ## Reindex 'indexed_frame' or 'indexed_series' (or index vectors / matrices) reindex(x, index = findex(x), single = "auto") ## Check if 'indexed_frame', 'indexed_series', index or time vector is irregular is_irregular(x, any_id = TRUE) ## Convert 'indexed_frame'/'indexed_series' to normal 'pdata.frame'/'pseries' to_plm(x, row.names = FALSE) # Subsetting & replacement methods: [(<-) methods call NextMethod(). # Also methods for fsubset, funique and roworder(v), na_omit (internal). ## S3 method for class 'indexed_series' x[i, ..., drop.index.levels = "id"] ## S3 method for class 'indexed_frame' x[i, ..., drop.index.levels = "id"] ## S3 replacement method for class 'indexed_frame' x[i, j] <- value ## S3 method for class 'indexed_frame' x$name ## S3 replacement method for class 'indexed_frame' x$name <- value ## S3 method for class 'indexed_frame' x[[i, ...]] ## S3 replacement method for class 'indexed_frame' x[[i]] <- value # Index subsetting and printing: optimized using ss() ## S3 method for class 'index_df' x[i, j, drop = FALSE, drop.index.levels = "id"] ## S3 method for class 'index_df' print(x, topn = 5, ...)
## Create an 'indexed_frame' containing 'indexed_series' findex_by(.X, ..., single = "auto", interact.ids = TRUE) iby(.X, ..., single = "auto", interact.ids = TRUE) # Shorthand ## Retrieve the index ('index_df') from an 'indexed_frame' or 'indexed_series' findex(x) ix(x) # Shorthand ## Remove index from 'indexed_frame' or 'indexed_series' (i.e. get .X back) unindex(x) ## Reindex 'indexed_frame' or 'indexed_series' (or index vectors / matrices) reindex(x, index = findex(x), single = "auto") ## Check if 'indexed_frame', 'indexed_series', index or time vector is irregular is_irregular(x, any_id = TRUE) ## Convert 'indexed_frame'/'indexed_series' to normal 'pdata.frame'/'pseries' to_plm(x, row.names = FALSE) # Subsetting & replacement methods: [(<-) methods call NextMethod(). # Also methods for fsubset, funique and roworder(v), na_omit (internal). ## S3 method for class 'indexed_series' x[i, ..., drop.index.levels = "id"] ## S3 method for class 'indexed_frame' x[i, ..., drop.index.levels = "id"] ## S3 replacement method for class 'indexed_frame' x[i, j] <- value ## S3 method for class 'indexed_frame' x$name ## S3 replacement method for class 'indexed_frame' x$name <- value ## S3 method for class 'indexed_frame' x[[i, ...]] ## S3 replacement method for class 'indexed_frame' x[[i]] <- value # Index subsetting and printing: optimized using ss() ## S3 method for class 'index_df' x[i, j, drop = FALSE, drop.index.levels = "id"] ## S3 method for class 'index_df' print(x, topn = 5, ...)
.X |
a data frame or list-like object of equal-length columns. |
x |
an 'indexed_frame' or 'indexed_series'. |
... |
for |
single |
character. If only one indexing variable is supplied, this can be declared as |
interact.ids |
logical. If |
index |
and index (inherits 'pindex'), or an atomic vector or list of factors matching the data dimensions. Atomic vectors or lists with 1 factor will must be declared, see |
drop.index.levels |
character. Subset methods also subset the index (= a data.frame of factors), and this argument regulates which factor levels should be dropped: either |
any_id |
logical. For panel series: |
row.names |
logical. |
topn |
integer. The number of first and last rows to print. |
i , j , name , drop , value
Arguments passed to |
The first thing to note about these new 'indexed_frame', 'indexed_series' and 'index_df' classes is that they inherit plm's 'pdata.frame', 'pseries' and 'pindex' classes, respectively. They add, improve, and, in some cases, remove functionality offered by plm, with the aim of striking an optimal balance of flexibility and performance. The inheritance means that all 'pseries' and 'pdata.frame' methods in collapse, and also some methods in plm, apply to them. Where compatibility or performance considerations allow for it, collapse will continue to create methods for plm's classes instead of the new classes.
The use of these classes does not require much knowledge of plm, but as a basic background: A 'pdata.frame' is a data.frame with an index attribute: a data.frame of 2 factors identifying the individual and time-dimension of the data. When pulling a variable out of the pdata.frame using a method like $.pdata.frame
or [[.pdata.frame
(defined in plm), a 'pseries' is created by transferring the index attribute to the vector. Methods defined for functions like lag
/ flag
etc. use the index for correct computations on this panel data, also inside plm's estimation commands.
Main Features and Enhancements
The 'indexed_frame' and 'indexed_series' classes extend and enhance 'pdata.frame' and 'pseries' in a number of critical dimensions. Most notably they:
Support both time series and panel data, by allowing indexation of data with one, two or more variables.
Are class-agnostic: any data.frame/list (such as data.table, tibble, tsibble, sf etc.) can become an 'indexed_frame' and continue to function as usual for most use cases. Similarly, any vector or matrix (such as ts, mts, xts) can become an 'indexed_series'. This also allows for transient workflows e.g. some_df |> findex_by(...) |> 'do something using collapse functions' |> unindex() |> 'continue working with some_df'
Have a comprehensive and efficient set of methods for subsetting and manipulation, including methods for fsubset
, funique
, roworder(v)
(internal) and na_omit
(internal, na.omit
also works but is slower). It is also possible to group indexed data with fgroup_by
for transformations e.g. using fmutate
, but aggregation requires unindex()
Natively handle irregularity: time objects (such as 'Date', 'POSIXct' etc.) are passed to timeid
, which efficiently determines the temporal structure by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD), and creates a time-factor with levels corresponding to a complete time-sequence. The latter is also done with plain numeric vectors, which are assumed to represent unit time steps (GDC = 1) and coerced to integer (but can also be passed through timeid
if non-unitary). Character time variables are converted to factor, which might also capture irregular gaps in panel series. Using this time-factor in the index, collapse's functions efficiently perform correct computations on irregular sequences and panels without the need to 'expand' the data / fill gaps. is_irregular
can be used to check for irregularity in the entire sequence / panel or separately for each individual in panel data.
Support computations inside data-masking functions and formulas, by virtue of "deep indexation": Each variable inside an 'indexed_frame' is an 'indexed_series' which contains in its 'index_df' attribute an external pointer to the 'index_df' attribute of the frame. Functions operating on 'indexed_series' stored inside the frame (such as with(data, flag(column))
) can fetch the index from this pointer. This allows worry-free application inside arbitrary data masking environments (with
, %$%
, attach
, etc..) and estimation commands (glm
, feols
, lmrob
etc..) without duplication of the index in memory. A limitation is that external pointers are only valid during the present R session, thus when saving an 'indexed_frame' and loading it again, you need to call data = reindex(data)
before computing on it.
Indexed series also have simple Math and Ops methods, which apply the operation to the unindexed series and shallow copy the attributes of the original object to the result, unless the result it is a logical vector (from operations like !
, ==
etc.). For Ops methods, if the LHS object is an 'indexed_series' its attributes are taken, otherwise the attributes of the RHS object are taken.
Limits to plm Compatibility
In contrast to 'pseries' and 'pdata.frame's, 'indexed_series' and 'indexed_frames' do not have descriptive "names" or "row.names" attributes attached to them, mainly for efficiency reasons.
Furthermore, the index is stored in an attribute named 'index_df' (same as the class name), not 'index' as in plm, mainly to make these classes work with data.table, tsibble and xts, which also utilize 'index' attributes. This for the most part poses no problem to plm compatibility because plm source code fetches the index using attr(x, "index")
, and attr
by default performs partial matching.
A much greater obstacle in working with plm is that some internal plm code is hinged on there being no [.pseries
method, and the existence of [.indexed_series
limits the use of these classes in most plm estimation commands. Therefore the to_plm
function is provided to efficiently coerce the classes to ordinary plm objects before estimation. See Examples.
Overall these classes don't really benefit plm, especially given that collapse's plm methods also support native plm objects. However, they work very well inside other models and software, including stats models, fixest / lfe, and a whole bunch of time series and ML models. See Examples.
Performance Considerations
When indexing long time-series or panels with a single variable, setting single = "id" or "time"
avoids a potentially expensive call to anyDuplicated
. Note also that when panel-data are regular and sorted, omitting the time variable in the index can bring >= 2x performance improvements in operations like lagging and differencing (alternatively use shift = "row"
argument to flag
, fdiff
etc.) .
When dealing with long Date or POSIXct time sequences, it may also be that the internal processing by timeid
is slow simply because calling strftime
on these sequences to create factor levels is slow. In this case you may choose to generate an index factor with integer levels by passing timeid(t)
to findex_by
or reindex
(which by default generates a 'qG' object which is internally converted to factor using as_factor_qG
. The lazy evaluation of expressions like as.character(seq_len(nlev))
in modern R makes this extremely efficient).
With multiple id variables e.g. findex_by(data, id1, id2, id3, time)
, the default call to finteraction()
can be expensive because of pasting the levels together. In this case, users may gain performance by manually invoking finteraction()
(or its shorthand itn()
) with argument factor = FALSE
e.g. findex_by(data, ids = itn(id1, id2, id3, factor = FALSE), time)
. This will generate a factor with integer levels instead.
Print Method
The print methods for 'indexed_frame' and 'indexed_series' first call print(unindex(x), ...)
, followed by the index variables with the number of categories (index factor levels) in square brackets. If the time factor contains unused levels (= irregularity in the sequence), the square brackets indicate the number of used levels (periods), followed by the total number of levels (periods in the sequence) in parentheses.
Time Series and Panel Series, Collapse Overview
oldopts <- options(max.print = 70) # Indexing panel data ---------------------------------------------------------- wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) wldi wldi[1:100,1] # Works like a data frame POP <- wldi$POP # indexed_series qsu(POP) # Summary statistics G(POP) # Population growth STD(G(POP, c(1, 10))) # Within-standardized 1 and 10-year growth rates psmat(POP) # Panel-Series Matrix plot(psmat(log10(POP))) POP[30:5000] # Subsetting indexed_series Dlog(POP[30:5000]) # Log-difference of subset psacf(identity(POP[30:5000])) # ACF of subset L(Dlog(POP[30:5000], c(1, 10)), -1:1) # Multiple computations on subset # Fast Statistical Functions don't have dedicated methods # Thus for aggregation we need to unindex beforehand ... fmean(unindex(POP)) wldi |> unindex() |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> num_vars() |> fmean() library(magrittr) # ... or unindex after taking group identifiers from the index fmean(unindex(fgrowth(POP)), ix(POP)$iso3c) wldi |> num_vars() %>% fgroup_by(iso3c = ix(.)$iso3c) |> unindex() |> fmean() # With matrix methods it is easier as most attributes are dropped upon aggregation. G(POP, c(1, 10)) %>% fmean(ix(.)$iso3c) # Example of index with multiple ids GGDC10S |> findex_by(Variable, Country, Year) |> head() # default is interact.ids = TRUE GGDCi <- GGDC10S |> findex_by(Variable, Country, Year, interact.ids = FALSE) head(GGDCi) findex(GGDCi) # The benefit is increased flexibility for summary statistics and data transformation qsu(GGDCi, effect = "Country") STD(GGDCi$SUM, effect = "Variable") # Standardizing by variable STD(GGDCi$SUM, effect = c("Variable", "Year")) # ... by variable and year # But time-based operations are a bit more expensive because of the necessary interactions D(GGDCi$SUM) # Panel-Data modelling --------------------------------------------------------- # Linear model of 5-year annualized growth rates of GDP on Life Expactancy + 5y lag lm(G(PCGDP, 5, p = 1/5) ~ L(G(LIFEEX, 5, p = 1/5), c(0, 5)), wldi) # p abbreviates "power" # Same, adding time fixed effects via plm package: need to utilize to_plm function plm::plm(G(PCGDP, 5, p = 1/5) ~ L(G(LIFEEX, 5, p = 1/5), c(0, 5)), to_plm(wldi), effect = "time") # With country and time fixed effects via fixest fixest::feols(G(PCGDP, 5, p=1/5) ~ L(G(LIFEEX, 5, p=1/5), c(0, 5)), wldi, fixef = .c(iso3c, year)) ## Not run: # Running a robust MM regression without fixed effects robustbase::lmrob(G(PCGDP, 5, p = 1/5) ~ L(G(LIFEEX, 5, p = 1/5), c(0, 5)), wldi) # Running a robust MM regression with country and time fixed effects wldi |> fselect(PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> fgrowth(5, power = 1/5) |> ftransform(LIFEEX_L5 = L(LIFEEX, 5)) |> # drop abbreviates drop.index.levels (not strictly needed here but more consistent) na_omit(drop = "all") |> fhdwithin(na.rm = FALSE) |> # For TFE use fwithin(effect = "year") unindex() |> robustbase::lmrob(formula = PCGDP ~.) # using lm() gives same result as fixest # Using a random forest model without fixed effects # ranger does not support these kinds of formulas, thus we need some preprocessing... wldi |> fselect(PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> fgrowth(5, power = 1/5) |> ftransform(LIFEEX_L5 = L(LIFEEX, 5)) |> unindex() |> na_omit() |> ranger::ranger(formula = PCGDP ~.) ## End(Not run) # Indexing other data frame based classes -------------------------------------- library(tibble) wlditbl <- qTBL(wlddev) |> findex_by(iso3c, year) wlditbl[,2] # Works like a tibble... wlditbl[[2]] wlditbl[1:1000, 10] head(wlditbl) library(data.table) wldidt <- qDT(wlddev) |> findex_by(iso3c, year) wldidt[1:1000] # Works like a data.table... wldidt[year > 2000] wldidt[, .(sum_PCGDP = sum(PCGDP, na.rm = TRUE)), by = country] # Aggregation unindexes the result wldidt[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = country, .SDcols = .c(PCGDP, LIFEEX)] # This also works but is a bit inefficient since the index is subset and then dropped # -> better unindex beforehand wldidt[year > 2000, .(sum_PCGDP = sum(PCGDP, na.rm = TRUE)), by = country] wldidt[, PCGDP_gr_5Y := G(PCGDP, 5, power = 1/5)] # Can add Variables by reference # Note that .SD is a data.table of indexed_series, not an indexed_frame, so this is WRONG! wldidt[, .c(PCGDP_gr_5Y, LIFEEX_gr_5Y) := G(slt(.SD, PCGDP, LIFEEX), 5, power = 1/5)] # This gives the correct outcome wldidt[, .c(PCGDP_gr_5Y, LIFEEX_gr_5Y) := lapply(slt(.SD, PCGDP, LIFEEX), G, 5, power = 1/5)] ## Not run: library(sf) nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE) nci <- findex_by(nc, SID74) nci[1:10, "AREA"] st_centroid(nci) # The geometry column is never indexed, thus sf computations work normally st_coordinates(nci) fmean(st_area(nci)) library(tsibble) pedi <- findex_by(pedestrian, Sensor, Date_Time) pedi[1:5, ] findex(pedi) # Time factor with 17k levels from POSIXct # Now here is a case where integer levels in the index can really speed things up ix(iby(pedestrian, Sensor, timeid(Date_Time))) library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(descriptive_levels = findex_by(pedestrian, Sensor, Date_Time), integer_levels = findex_by(pedestrian, Sensor, timeid(Date_Time))) # Data has irregularity is_irregular(pedi) is_irregular(pedi, any_id = FALSE) # irregularity in all sequences # Manipulation such as lagging with tsibble/dplyr requires expanding rows and grouping # Collapse can just compute correct lag on indexed series or frames library(dplyr) microbenchmark( dplyr = fill_gaps(pedestrian) |> group_by_key() |> mutate(Lag_Count = lag(Count)), collapse = fmutate(pedi, Lag_Count = flag(Count)), times = 10) ## End(Not run) # Indexing Atomic objects --------------------------------------------------------- ## ts print(AirPassengers) AirPassengers[-(20:30)] # Ts class does not support irregularity, subsetting drops class G(AirPassengers[-(20:30)], 12) # Annual Growth Rate: Wrong! # Now indexing AirPassengers (identity() is a trick so that the index is named time(AirPassengers)) iAP <- reindex(AirPassengers, identity(time(AirPassengers))) iAP findex(iAP) # See the index iAP[-(20:30)] # Subsetting G(iAP[-(20:30)], 12) # Annual Growth Rate: Correct! L(G(iAP[-(20:30)], c(0,1,12)), 0:1) # Lagged level, period and annual growth rates... ## xts library(xts) library(zoo) # Needed for as.yearmon() and index() functions X <- wlddev |> fsubset(iso3c == "DEU", date, PCGDP:POP) %>% { xts(num_vars(.), order.by = as.yearmon(.$date)) } |> ss(-(30:40)) %>% reindex(identity(index(.))) # Introducing a gap # plot(G(unindex(X))) diff(unindex(X)) # diff.xts gixes wrong result fdiff(X) # fdiff gives right result # But xts range-based subsets do not work... ## Not run: X["1980/"] ## End(Not run) # Thus a better way is not to index and perform ad-hoc omputations on the xts index X <- unindex(X) X["1980/"] %>% fdiff(t = index(.)) # xts index is internally processed by timeid() ## Of course you can also index plain vectors / matrices... options(oldopts)
oldopts <- options(max.print = 70) # Indexing panel data ---------------------------------------------------------- wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) wldi wldi[1:100,1] # Works like a data frame POP <- wldi$POP # indexed_series qsu(POP) # Summary statistics G(POP) # Population growth STD(G(POP, c(1, 10))) # Within-standardized 1 and 10-year growth rates psmat(POP) # Panel-Series Matrix plot(psmat(log10(POP))) POP[30:5000] # Subsetting indexed_series Dlog(POP[30:5000]) # Log-difference of subset psacf(identity(POP[30:5000])) # ACF of subset L(Dlog(POP[30:5000], c(1, 10)), -1:1) # Multiple computations on subset # Fast Statistical Functions don't have dedicated methods # Thus for aggregation we need to unindex beforehand ... fmean(unindex(POP)) wldi |> unindex() |> fgroup_by(iso3c) |> num_vars() |> fmean() library(magrittr) # ... or unindex after taking group identifiers from the index fmean(unindex(fgrowth(POP)), ix(POP)$iso3c) wldi |> num_vars() %>% fgroup_by(iso3c = ix(.)$iso3c) |> unindex() |> fmean() # With matrix methods it is easier as most attributes are dropped upon aggregation. G(POP, c(1, 10)) %>% fmean(ix(.)$iso3c) # Example of index with multiple ids GGDC10S |> findex_by(Variable, Country, Year) |> head() # default is interact.ids = TRUE GGDCi <- GGDC10S |> findex_by(Variable, Country, Year, interact.ids = FALSE) head(GGDCi) findex(GGDCi) # The benefit is increased flexibility for summary statistics and data transformation qsu(GGDCi, effect = "Country") STD(GGDCi$SUM, effect = "Variable") # Standardizing by variable STD(GGDCi$SUM, effect = c("Variable", "Year")) # ... by variable and year # But time-based operations are a bit more expensive because of the necessary interactions D(GGDCi$SUM) # Panel-Data modelling --------------------------------------------------------- # Linear model of 5-year annualized growth rates of GDP on Life Expactancy + 5y lag lm(G(PCGDP, 5, p = 1/5) ~ L(G(LIFEEX, 5, p = 1/5), c(0, 5)), wldi) # p abbreviates "power" # Same, adding time fixed effects via plm package: need to utilize to_plm function plm::plm(G(PCGDP, 5, p = 1/5) ~ L(G(LIFEEX, 5, p = 1/5), c(0, 5)), to_plm(wldi), effect = "time") # With country and time fixed effects via fixest fixest::feols(G(PCGDP, 5, p=1/5) ~ L(G(LIFEEX, 5, p=1/5), c(0, 5)), wldi, fixef = .c(iso3c, year)) ## Not run: # Running a robust MM regression without fixed effects robustbase::lmrob(G(PCGDP, 5, p = 1/5) ~ L(G(LIFEEX, 5, p = 1/5), c(0, 5)), wldi) # Running a robust MM regression with country and time fixed effects wldi |> fselect(PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> fgrowth(5, power = 1/5) |> ftransform(LIFEEX_L5 = L(LIFEEX, 5)) |> # drop abbreviates drop.index.levels (not strictly needed here but more consistent) na_omit(drop = "all") |> fhdwithin(na.rm = FALSE) |> # For TFE use fwithin(effect = "year") unindex() |> robustbase::lmrob(formula = PCGDP ~.) # using lm() gives same result as fixest # Using a random forest model without fixed effects # ranger does not support these kinds of formulas, thus we need some preprocessing... wldi |> fselect(PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> fgrowth(5, power = 1/5) |> ftransform(LIFEEX_L5 = L(LIFEEX, 5)) |> unindex() |> na_omit() |> ranger::ranger(formula = PCGDP ~.) ## End(Not run) # Indexing other data frame based classes -------------------------------------- library(tibble) wlditbl <- qTBL(wlddev) |> findex_by(iso3c, year) wlditbl[,2] # Works like a tibble... wlditbl[[2]] wlditbl[1:1000, 10] head(wlditbl) library(data.table) wldidt <- qDT(wlddev) |> findex_by(iso3c, year) wldidt[1:1000] # Works like a data.table... wldidt[year > 2000] wldidt[, .(sum_PCGDP = sum(PCGDP, na.rm = TRUE)), by = country] # Aggregation unindexes the result wldidt[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = country, .SDcols = .c(PCGDP, LIFEEX)] # This also works but is a bit inefficient since the index is subset and then dropped # -> better unindex beforehand wldidt[year > 2000, .(sum_PCGDP = sum(PCGDP, na.rm = TRUE)), by = country] wldidt[, PCGDP_gr_5Y := G(PCGDP, 5, power = 1/5)] # Can add Variables by reference # Note that .SD is a data.table of indexed_series, not an indexed_frame, so this is WRONG! wldidt[, .c(PCGDP_gr_5Y, LIFEEX_gr_5Y) := G(slt(.SD, PCGDP, LIFEEX), 5, power = 1/5)] # This gives the correct outcome wldidt[, .c(PCGDP_gr_5Y, LIFEEX_gr_5Y) := lapply(slt(.SD, PCGDP, LIFEEX), G, 5, power = 1/5)] ## Not run: library(sf) nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE) nci <- findex_by(nc, SID74) nci[1:10, "AREA"] st_centroid(nci) # The geometry column is never indexed, thus sf computations work normally st_coordinates(nci) fmean(st_area(nci)) library(tsibble) pedi <- findex_by(pedestrian, Sensor, Date_Time) pedi[1:5, ] findex(pedi) # Time factor with 17k levels from POSIXct # Now here is a case where integer levels in the index can really speed things up ix(iby(pedestrian, Sensor, timeid(Date_Time))) library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(descriptive_levels = findex_by(pedestrian, Sensor, Date_Time), integer_levels = findex_by(pedestrian, Sensor, timeid(Date_Time))) # Data has irregularity is_irregular(pedi) is_irregular(pedi, any_id = FALSE) # irregularity in all sequences # Manipulation such as lagging with tsibble/dplyr requires expanding rows and grouping # Collapse can just compute correct lag on indexed series or frames library(dplyr) microbenchmark( dplyr = fill_gaps(pedestrian) |> group_by_key() |> mutate(Lag_Count = lag(Count)), collapse = fmutate(pedi, Lag_Count = flag(Count)), times = 10) ## End(Not run) # Indexing Atomic objects --------------------------------------------------------- ## ts print(AirPassengers) AirPassengers[-(20:30)] # Ts class does not support irregularity, subsetting drops class G(AirPassengers[-(20:30)], 12) # Annual Growth Rate: Wrong! # Now indexing AirPassengers (identity() is a trick so that the index is named time(AirPassengers)) iAP <- reindex(AirPassengers, identity(time(AirPassengers))) iAP findex(iAP) # See the index iAP[-(20:30)] # Subsetting G(iAP[-(20:30)], 12) # Annual Growth Rate: Correct! L(G(iAP[-(20:30)], c(0,1,12)), 0:1) # Lagged level, period and annual growth rates... ## xts library(xts) library(zoo) # Needed for as.yearmon() and index() functions X <- wlddev |> fsubset(iso3c == "DEU", date, PCGDP:POP) %>% { xts(num_vars(.), order.by = as.yearmon(.$date)) } |> ss(-(30:40)) %>% reindex(identity(index(.))) # Introducing a gap # plot(G(unindex(X))) diff(unindex(X)) # diff.xts gixes wrong result fdiff(X) # fdiff gives right result # But xts range-based subsets do not work... ## Not run: X["1980/"] ## End(Not run) # Thus a better way is not to index and perform ad-hoc omputations on the xts index X <- unindex(X) X["1980/"] %>% fdiff(t = index(.)) # xts index is internally processed by timeid() ## Of course you can also index plain vectors / matrices... options(oldopts)
A (nested) list with atomic objects in all final nodes of the list-tree is unlistable - checked with is_unlistable
is_unlistable(l, DF.as.list = FALSE)
is_unlistable(l, DF.as.list = FALSE)
l |
a list. |
DF.as.list |
logical. |
with DF.as.list = TRUE
is defined as all(rapply(l, is.atomic))
, whereas DF.as.list = FALSE
yields checking using all(unlist(rapply2d(l, function(x) is.atomic(x) || is.list(x)), use.names = FALSE))
, assuming that data frames are lists composed of atomic elements. If l
contains data frames, the latter can be a lot faster than applying is.atomic
to every data frame column.
, has_elem
, List Processing, Collapse Overview
l <- list(1, 2, list(3, 4, "b", FALSE)) is_unlistable(l) l <- list(1, 2, list(3, 4, "b", FALSE, e ~ b)) is_unlistable(l)
l <- list(1, 2, list(3, 4, "b", FALSE)) is_unlistable(l) l <- list(1, 2, list(3, 4, "b", FALSE, e ~ b)) is_unlistable(l)
Join two data frame like objects x
and y
columns. Inspired by polars and by default uses a vectorized hash join algorithm (workhorse function fmatch
), with several verbose options.
join(x, y, on = NULL, how = "left", suffix = NULL, validate = "m:m", multiple = FALSE, sort = FALSE, keep.col.order = TRUE, drop.dup.cols = FALSE, verbose = .op[["verbose"]], require = NULL, column = NULL, attr = NULL, ... )
join(x, y, on = NULL, how = "left", suffix = NULL, validate = "m:m", multiple = FALSE, sort = FALSE, keep.col.order = TRUE, drop.dup.cols = FALSE, verbose = .op[["verbose"]], require = NULL, column = NULL, attr = NULL, ... )
x |
a data frame-like object. The result will inherit the attributes of this object. |
y |
a data frame-like object to join with |
on |
character. vector of columns to join on. |
how |
character. Join type: |
suffix |
character(1 or 2). Suffix to add to duplicate column names. |
validate |
character. (Optional) check if join is of specified type. One of |
multiple |
logical. Handling of rows in |
sort |
logical. |
keep.col.order |
logical. Keep order of columns in |
drop.dup.cols |
instead of renaming duplicate columns in |
verbose |
integer. Prints information about the join. One of 0 (off), 1 (default, see Details) or 2 (additionally prints the classes of the |
require |
(optional) named list of the form |
column |
(optional) name for an extra column to generate in the output indicating which dataset a record came from. |
attr |
(optional) name for attribute providing information about the join performed (including the output of |
... |
further arguments to |
If verbose > 0
, join
prints a compact summary of the join operation using cat
. If the names of x
and y
can be extracted (if as.character(substitute(x))
yields a single string) they will be displayed (otherwise 'x' and 'y' are used) followed by the respective join keys in brackets. This is followed by a summary of the records used from each table. If multiple = FALSE
, only the first matches from y
are used and counted here (or the first matches of x
if how = "right"
). Note that if how = "full"
any further matches are simply appended to the results table, thus it may make more sense to use multiple = TRUE
with the full join when suspecting multiple matches.
If multiple = TRUE
, join
performs a full cartesian product matching every key in x
to every matching key in y
. This can considerably increase the size of the resulting table. No memory checks are performed (your system will simply run out of memory; usually this should not terminate R).
In both cases, join
will also determine the average order of the join as the number of records used from each table divided by the number of unique matches and display it between the two tables at up to 2 digits. For example "<4:1.5>"
means that on average 4 records from x
match 1.5 records from y
, implying on average 4*1.5 = 6
records generated per unique match. If multiple = FALSE
will be displayed for the using table (y
unless how = "right"
), indicating that there could be multiple matches but only the first is retained. Note that an order of '1' on either table must not imply that the key is unique as this value is generated from round(v, 2)
. To be sure about a keys uniqueness employ the validate
A data frame-like object of the same type and attributes as x
. "row.names"
of x
are only preserved in left-join operations.
, pivot
, Data Frame Manipulation, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
df1 <- data.frame( id1 = c(1, 1, 2, 3), id2 = c("a", "b", "b", "c"), name = c("John", "Jane", "Bob", "Carl"), age = c(35, 28, 42, 50) ) df2 <- data.frame( id1 = c(1, 2, 3, 3), id2 = c("a", "b", "c", "e"), salary = c(60000, 55000, 70000, 80000), dept = c("IT", "Marketing", "Sales", "IT") ) # Different types of joins for(i in c("l","i","r","f","s","a")) join(df1, df2, how = i) |> print() # With multiple matches for(i in c("l","i","r","f","s","a")) join(df1, df2, on = "id2", how = i, multiple = TRUE) |> print() # Adding join column: useful esp. for full join join(df1, df2, how = "f", column = TRUE) # Custom column + rearranging join(df1, df2, how = "f", column = list("join", c("x", "y", "x_y")), keep = FALSE) # Attaching match attribute str(join(df1, df2, attr = TRUE))
df1 <- data.frame( id1 = c(1, 1, 2, 3), id2 = c("a", "b", "b", "c"), name = c("John", "Jane", "Bob", "Carl"), age = c(35, 28, 42, 50) ) df2 <- data.frame( id1 = c(1, 2, 3, 3), id2 = c("a", "b", "c", "e"), salary = c(60000, 55000, 70000, 80000), dept = c("IT", "Marketing", "Sales", "IT") ) # Different types of joins for(i in c("l","i","r","f","s","a")) join(df1, df2, how = i) |> print() # With multiple matches for(i in c("l","i","r","f","s","a")) join(df1, df2, on = "id2", how = i, multiple = TRUE) |> print() # Adding join column: useful esp. for full join join(df1, df2, how = "f", column = TRUE) # Custom column + rearranging join(df1, df2, how = "f", column = list("join", c("x", "y", "x_y")), keep = FALSE) # Attaching match attribute str(join(df1, df2, attr = TRUE))
provides the depth of a list or list-like structure.
ldepth(l, DF.as.list = FALSE)
ldepth(l, DF.as.list = FALSE)
l |
a list. |
DF.as.list |
logical. |
The depth or level or nesting of a list or list-like structure (e.g. a model object) is found by recursing down to the bottom of the list and adding an integer count of 1 for each level passed. For example the depth of a data frame is 1. If a data frame has list-columns, the depth is 2. However for reasons of efficiency, if l
is not a data frame and DF.as.list = FALSE
, data frames found inside l
will not be checked for list column's but assumed to have a depth of 1.
A single integer indicating the depth of the list.
, has_elem
, List Processing, Collapse Overview
l <- list(1, 2) ldepth(l) l <- list(1, 2, mtcars) ldepth(l) ldepth(l, DF.as.list = FALSE) l <- list(1, 2, list(4, 5, list(6, mtcars))) ldepth(l) ldepth(l, DF.as.list = FALSE)
l <- list(1, 2) ldepth(l) l <- list(1, 2, mtcars) ldepth(l) ldepth(l, DF.as.list = FALSE) l <- list(1, 2, list(4, 5, list(6, mtcars))) ldepth(l) ldepth(l, DF.as.list = FALSE)
collapse provides the following set of functions to efficiently work with lists of R objects:
Search and Identification
checks whether a (nested) list is composed of atomic objects in all final nodes, and thus unlistable to an atomic vector using unlist
determines the level of nesting of the list (i.e. the maximum number of nodes of the list-tree).
searches elements in a list using element names, regular expressions applied to element names, or a function applied to the elements, and returns TRUE
if any matches were found.
examines the top-level of a list and returns a sublist with the atomic elements. Conversely list_elem
returns the sublist of elements which are themselves lists or list-like objects.
and irreg_elem
are recursive versions of the former. reg_elem
extracts the 'regular' part of the list-tree leading to atomic elements in the final nodes, while irreg_elem
extracts the 'irregular' part of the list tree leading to non-atomic elements in the final nodes. (Tip: try calling both on an lm
object). Naturally for all lists l
, is_unlistable(reg_elem(l))
evaluates to TRUE
extracts elements from a list using element names, regular expressions applied to element names, a function applied to the elements, or element-indices used to subset the lowest-level sub-lists. by default the result is presented as a simplified list containing all matching elements. With the keep.tree
option however get_elem
can also be used to subset lists i.e. maintain the full tree but cut off non-matching branches.
Splitting and Transposition
recursively splits a vector or data frame into subsets according to combinations of (multiple) vectors / factors - by default returning a (nested) list. If flatten = TRUE
, the list is flattened yielding the same result as split
. rsplit
is also faster than split
, particularly for data frames.
efficiently transposes nested lists of lists, such as those obtained from splitting a data frame by multiple variables using rsplit
Apply Functions
Unlisting / Row-Binding
efficiently unlists unlistable lists in 2-dimensions and creates a data frame (or data.table) representation of the list. This is done by recursively flattening and row-binding R objects in the list while creating identifier columns for each level of the list-tree and (optionally) saving the row-names of the objects in a separate column. unlist2d
can thus also be understood as a recursive generalization of do.call(rbind, l)
, for lists of vectors, data frames, arrays or heterogeneous objects. A simpler version for non-recursive row-binding lists of lists / data.frames, is also available by rowbind
Function | Description | |
is_unlistable |
Checks if list is unlistable | |
ldepth |
Level of nesting / maximum depth of list-tree | |
has_elem |
Checks if list contains a certain element | |
get_elem |
Subset list / extract certain elements | |
atomic_elem |
Top-level subset atomic elements | |
list_elem |
Top-level subset list/list-like elements | |
reg_elem |
Recursive version of atomic_elem : Subset / extract 'regular' part of list |
irreg_elem |
Subset / extract non-regular part of list | |
rsplit |
Recursively split vectors or data frames / lists | |
t_list |
Transpose lists of lists | |
rapply2d |
Recursively apply functions to lists of data objects | |
unlist2d |
Recursively unlist/row-bind lists of data objects in 2D, to data frame or data.table | |
rowbind |
Non-recursive binding of lists of lists / data.frames. | |
The pad
function inserts elements / rows filled with value
into a vector matrix or data frame X
at positions given by i
. It is particularly useful to expand objects returned by statistical procedures which remove missing values to the original data dimensions.
pad(X, i, value = NA, method = c("auto", "xpos", "vpos"))
pad(X, i, value = NA, method = c("auto", "xpos", "vpos"))
X |
a vector, matrix, data frame or list of equal-length columns. |
i |
either an integer (positive or negative) or logical vector giving positions / rows of |
value |
a scalar value to be replicated and inserted into |
method |
an integer or string specifying the use of
with elements / rows filled with value
inserted at positions given by i
, Recode and Replace Values, Small (Helper) Functions, Collapse Overview
v <- 1:3 pad(v, 1:2) # Automatic selection of method "vpos" pad(v, -(1:2)) # Same thing pad(v, c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) # Same thing pad(v, c(1, 3:4)) # Automatic selection of method "xpos" pad(v, c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) # Same thing head(pad(wlddev, 1:3)) # Insert 3 missing rows at the beginning of the data head(pad(wlddev, 2:4)) # ... at rows positions 2-4 # pad() is mostly useful for statistical models which only use the complete cases: mod <- lm(LIFEEX ~ PCGDP, wlddev) # Generating a residual column in the original data (automatic selection of method "vpos") settfm(wlddev, resid = pad(resid(mod), mod$na.action)) # Another way to do it: r <- resid(mod) i <- as.integer(names(r)) resid2 <- pad(r, i) # automatic selection of method "xpos" # here we need to add some elements as flast(i) < nrow(wlddev) resid2 <- c(resid2, rep(NA, nrow(wlddev)-length(resid2))) # See that these are identical: identical(unattrib(wlddev$resid), resid2) # Can also easily get a model matrix at the dimensions of the original data mm <- pad(model.matrix(mod), mod$na.action)
v <- 1:3 pad(v, 1:2) # Automatic selection of method "vpos" pad(v, -(1:2)) # Same thing pad(v, c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) # Same thing pad(v, c(1, 3:4)) # Automatic selection of method "xpos" pad(v, c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) # Same thing head(pad(wlddev, 1:3)) # Insert 3 missing rows at the beginning of the data head(pad(wlddev, 2:4)) # ... at rows positions 2-4 # pad() is mostly useful for statistical models which only use the complete cases: mod <- lm(LIFEEX ~ PCGDP, wlddev) # Generating a residual column in the original data (automatic selection of method "vpos") settfm(wlddev, resid = pad(resid(mod), mod$na.action)) # Another way to do it: r <- resid(mod) i <- as.integer(names(r)) resid2 <- pad(r, i) # automatic selection of method "xpos" # here we need to add some elements as flast(i) < nrow(wlddev) resid2 <- c(resid2, rep(NA, nrow(wlddev)-length(resid2))) # See that these are identical: identical(unattrib(wlddev$resid), resid2) # Can also easily get a model matrix at the dimensions of the original data mm <- pad(model.matrix(mod), mod$na.action)
is collapse's data reshaping command. It combines longer-, wider-, and recast-pivoting functionality in a single parsimonious API. Notably, it can also accommodate variable labels.
pivot(data, # Summary of Documentation: ids = NULL, # identifier cols to preserve values = NULL, # cols containing the data names = NULL, # name(s) of new col(s) | col(s) containing names labels = NULL, # name of new labels col | col(s) containing labels how = "longer", # method: "longer"/"l", "wider"/"w" or "recast"/"r" na.rm = FALSE, # remove rows missing 'values' in reshaped data factor = c("names", "labels"), # create new id col(s) as factor variable(s)? check.dups = FALSE, # detect duplicate 'ids'+'names' combinations # Only apply if how = "wider" or "recast" FUN = "last", # aggregation function (internal or external) FUN.args = NULL, # list of arguments passed to aggregation function nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], # minor gains as grouping remains serial fill = NULL, # value to insert for unbalanced data (default NA/NULL) drop = TRUE, # drop unused levels (=columns) if 'names' is factor sort = FALSE, # "ids": sort 'ids' and/or "names": alphabetic casting # Only applies if how = "wider" with multiple long columns ('values') transpose = FALSE # "columns": applies t_list() before flattening, and/or ) # "names": sets names nami_colj. default: colj_nami
pivot(data, # Summary of Documentation: ids = NULL, # identifier cols to preserve values = NULL, # cols containing the data names = NULL, # name(s) of new col(s) | col(s) containing names labels = NULL, # name of new labels col | col(s) containing labels how = "longer", # method: "longer"/"l", "wider"/"w" or "recast"/"r" na.rm = FALSE, # remove rows missing 'values' in reshaped data factor = c("names", "labels"), # create new id col(s) as factor variable(s)? check.dups = FALSE, # detect duplicate 'ids'+'names' combinations # Only apply if how = "wider" or "recast" FUN = "last", # aggregation function (internal or external) FUN.args = NULL, # list of arguments passed to aggregation function nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]], # minor gains as grouping remains serial fill = NULL, # value to insert for unbalanced data (default NA/NULL) drop = TRUE, # drop unused levels (=columns) if 'names' is factor sort = FALSE, # "ids": sort 'ids' and/or "names": alphabetic casting # Only applies if how = "wider" with multiple long columns ('values') transpose = FALSE # "columns": applies t_list() before flattening, and/or ) # "names": sets names nami_colj. default: colj_nami
data |
data frame-like object (list of equal-length columns). |
ids |
identifier columns to keep. Specified using column names, indices, a logical vector or an identifier function e.g. |
values |
columns containing the data to be reshaped. Specified like |
names |
names of columns to generate, or retrieve variable names from:
labels |
names of columns to generate, or retrieve variable labels from:
how |
character. The pivoting method: one of |
na.rm |
logical. |
factor |
character. Whether to generate new 'names' and/or 'labels' columns as factor variables. This is generally recommended as factors are more memory efficient than character vectors and also faster in subsequent filtering and grouping. Internally, this argument is evaluated as |
check.dups |
logical. |
function to aggregate values. At present, only a single function is allowed. Fast Statistical Functions receive vectorized execution. For maximum efficiency, a small set of internal functions is provided: |
FUN.args |
(optional) list of arguments passed to |
nthreads |
integer. if |
fill |
if |
drop |
logical. if |
sort |
if |
transpose |
if |
Pivot wider essentially works as follows: compute g_rows = group(ids)
and also g_cols = group(names)
(using group
if sort = FALSE
). g_rows
gives the row-numbers of the wider data frame and g_cols
the column numbers.
Then, a C function generates a wide data frame and runs through each long column ('values'), assigning each value to the corresponding row and column in the wide frame. In this process FUN
is always applied. The default, "last"
, does nothing at all, i.e., if there are duplicates, some values are overwritten. "first"
works similarly just that the C-loop is executed the other way around. The other hard-coded options count, sum, average, or compare observations on the fly. Missing values are internally skipped for statistical functions as there is no way to distinguish an incoming NA
from an initial NA
- apart from counting occurrences using an internal structure of the same size as the result data frame which is costly and thus not implemented.
When passing an R-function to FUN
, the data is grouped using g_full = group(list(g_rows, g_cols))
, aggregated by groups, and expanded again to full length using TRA
before entering the reshaping algorithm. Thus, this is significantly more expensive than the optimized internal functions. With Fast Statistical Functions the aggregation is vectorized across groups, other functions are applied using BY
- by far the slowest option.
If check.dups = TRUE
, a check of the form fnunique(list(g_rows, g_cols)) < fnrow(data)
is run, and an informative warning is issued if duplicates are found.
Recast pivoting works similarly. In long pivots FUN
is ignored and the check simply amounts to fnunique(ids) < fnrow(data)
A reshaped data frame with the same class and attributes (except for 'names'/'row-names') as the input frame.
Leaving either 'ids' or 'values' empty will assign all other columns (except for "variable"
if how = "wider"|"recast"
) to the non-specified argument. It is also possible to leave both empty, e.g. for complete melting if how = "wider"
or data transposition if how = "recast"
(similar to data.table::transpose
but supporting multiple names columns and variable labels). See Examples.
currently does not support concurrently melting/pivoting longer to multiple columns. See data.table::melt
or pivot_longer
from tidyr or tidytable for an efficient alternative with this feature. It is also possible to achieve this with just a little bit of programming. An example is provided below.
, vec
, rowbind
, unlist2d
, Data Frame Manipulation, Collapse Overview
# -------------------------------- PIVOT LONGER --------------------------------- # Simple Melting (Reshaping Long) pivot(mtcars) |> head() pivot(iris, "Species") |> head() pivot(iris, values = 1:4) |> head() # Same thing # Using collapse's datasets head(wlddev) pivot(wlddev, 1:8, na.rm = TRUE) |> head() pivot(wlddev, c("iso3c", "year"), c("PCGDP", "LIFEEX"), na.rm = TRUE) |> head() head(GGDC10S) pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, names = list("Sectorcode", "Value"), na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Can also set by name: variable and/or value. Note that 'value' here remains lowercase pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, names = list(variable = "Sectorcode"), na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Melting including saving labels pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, labels = TRUE) |> head() pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, labels = "description") |> head() # Also assigning new labels pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, labels = list("description", c("Sector Code", "Sector Description", "Value"))) |> namlab() # Can leave out value column by providing named vector of labels pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, labels = list("description", c(variable = "Sector Code", description = "Sector Description"))) |> namlab() # Now here is a nice example that is explicit and respects the dataset naming conventions pivot(GGDC10S, ids = 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, names = list(variable = "Sectorcode", value = "Value"), labels = list(name = "Sector", new = c(Sectorcode = "GGDC10S Sector Code", Sector = "Long Sector Description", Value = "Employment or Value Added"))) |> namlab(N = TRUE, Nd = TRUE, class = TRUE) # Note that pivot() currently does not support melting to multiple columns # But you can tackle the issue with a bit of programming: wide <- pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "wider", na.rm = TRUE) head(wide) library(magrittr) wide %>% {av(pivot(., 1:2, grep("_VA", names(.))), pivot(gvr(., "_EMP")))} |> head() wide %>% {av(av(gv(., 1:2), rm_stub(gvr(., "_VA"), "_VA", pre = FALSE)) |> pivot(1:2, names = list("Sectorcode", "VA"), labels = "Sector"), EMP = vec(gvr(., "_EMP")))} |> head() rm(wide) # -------------------------------- PIVOT WIDER --------------------------------- iris_long <- pivot(iris, "Species") # Getting a long frame head(iris_long) # If 'names'/'values' not supplied, searches for 'variable' and 'value' columns pivot(iris_long, how = "wider") # But here the records are not identified by 'Species': thus aggregation with last value: pivot(iris_long, how = "wider", check = TRUE) # issues a warning rm(iris_long) # This works better, these two are inverse operations wlddev |> pivot(1:8) |> pivot(how = "w") |> head() # ...but not perfect, we loose labels namlab(wlddev) wlddev |> pivot(1:8) |> pivot(how = "w") |> namlab() # But pivot() supports labels: these are perfect inverse operations wlddev |> pivot(1:8, labels = "label") |> print(max = 50) |> # Notice the "label" column pivot(how = "w", labels = "label") |> namlab() # If the data does not have 'variable'/'value' cols: need to specify 'names'/'values' # Using a single column: pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), "SUM", "Variable", how = "w") |> head() SUM_wide <- pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), "SUM", "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE) head(SUM_wide) # na.rm = TRUE here removes all new rows completely missing data tail(SUM_wide) # But there may still be NA's, notice the NA in the final row # We could use fill to set another value pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), "SUM", "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE, fill = -9999) |> tail() # This will keep the label of "SUM", unless we supply a column with new labels namlab(SUM_wide) # Such a column is not available here, but we could use "Variable" twice pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), "SUM", "Variable", "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE) |> namlab() # Alternatively, can of course relabel ex-post SUM_wide |> relabel(VA = "Value Added", EMP = "Employment") |> namlab() rm(SUM_wide) # Multiple-column pivots pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Here we may prefer a transposed column order pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE, transpose = "columns") |> head() # Can also flip the order of names (independently of columns) pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE, transpose = "names") |> head() # Can also enable both (complete transposition) pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE, transpose = TRUE) |> head() # or tranpose = c("columns", "names") # Finally, here is a nice, simple way to reshape the entire dataset. pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = "Variable", na.rm = TRUE, how = "w") |> namlab(N = TRUE, Nd = TRUE, class = TRUE) # -------------------------------- PIVOT RECAST --------------------------------- # Look at the data again head(GGDC10S) # Let's stack the sectors and instead create variable columns pivot(GGDC10S, .c(Country, Regioncode, Region, Year), names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), how = "r") |> head() # Same thing (a bit easier) pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), how = "r") |> head() # Removing missing values pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), how = "r", na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Saving Labels pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), labels = list(to = "Sector"), how = "r", na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Supplying new labels for generated columns: as complete as it gets pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), labels = list(to = "Sector", new = c(Sectorcode = "GGDC10S Sector Code", Sector = "Long Sector Description", VA = "Value Added", EMP = "Employment")), how = "r", na.rm = TRUE) |> namlab(N = TRUE, Nd = TRUE, class = TRUE) # Now another (slightly unconventional) use case here is data transposition # Let's get the data for Botswana BWA <- GGDC10S |> fsubset(Country == "BWA", Variable, Year, AGR:SUM) head(BWA) # By supplying no ids or values, we are simply requesting a transpose operation pivot(BWA, names = list(from = c("Variable", "Year"), to = "Sectorcode"), how = "r") # Same with labels pivot(BWA, names = list(from = c("Variable", "Year"), to = "Sectorcode"), labels = list(to = "Sector"), how = "r") # For simple cases, data.table::transpose() will be more efficient, but with multiple # columns to generate names and/or variable labels to be saved/assigned, pivot() is handy rm(BWA)
# -------------------------------- PIVOT LONGER --------------------------------- # Simple Melting (Reshaping Long) pivot(mtcars) |> head() pivot(iris, "Species") |> head() pivot(iris, values = 1:4) |> head() # Same thing # Using collapse's datasets head(wlddev) pivot(wlddev, 1:8, na.rm = TRUE) |> head() pivot(wlddev, c("iso3c", "year"), c("PCGDP", "LIFEEX"), na.rm = TRUE) |> head() head(GGDC10S) pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, names = list("Sectorcode", "Value"), na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Can also set by name: variable and/or value. Note that 'value' here remains lowercase pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, names = list(variable = "Sectorcode"), na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Melting including saving labels pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, labels = TRUE) |> head() pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, labels = "description") |> head() # Also assigning new labels pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, labels = list("description", c("Sector Code", "Sector Description", "Value"))) |> namlab() # Can leave out value column by providing named vector of labels pivot(GGDC10S, 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, labels = list("description", c(variable = "Sector Code", description = "Sector Description"))) |> namlab() # Now here is a nice example that is explicit and respects the dataset naming conventions pivot(GGDC10S, ids = 1:5, na.rm = TRUE, names = list(variable = "Sectorcode", value = "Value"), labels = list(name = "Sector", new = c(Sectorcode = "GGDC10S Sector Code", Sector = "Long Sector Description", Value = "Employment or Value Added"))) |> namlab(N = TRUE, Nd = TRUE, class = TRUE) # Note that pivot() currently does not support melting to multiple columns # But you can tackle the issue with a bit of programming: wide <- pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "wider", na.rm = TRUE) head(wide) library(magrittr) wide %>% {av(pivot(., 1:2, grep("_VA", names(.))), pivot(gvr(., "_EMP")))} |> head() wide %>% {av(av(gv(., 1:2), rm_stub(gvr(., "_VA"), "_VA", pre = FALSE)) |> pivot(1:2, names = list("Sectorcode", "VA"), labels = "Sector"), EMP = vec(gvr(., "_EMP")))} |> head() rm(wide) # -------------------------------- PIVOT WIDER --------------------------------- iris_long <- pivot(iris, "Species") # Getting a long frame head(iris_long) # If 'names'/'values' not supplied, searches for 'variable' and 'value' columns pivot(iris_long, how = "wider") # But here the records are not identified by 'Species': thus aggregation with last value: pivot(iris_long, how = "wider", check = TRUE) # issues a warning rm(iris_long) # This works better, these two are inverse operations wlddev |> pivot(1:8) |> pivot(how = "w") |> head() # ...but not perfect, we loose labels namlab(wlddev) wlddev |> pivot(1:8) |> pivot(how = "w") |> namlab() # But pivot() supports labels: these are perfect inverse operations wlddev |> pivot(1:8, labels = "label") |> print(max = 50) |> # Notice the "label" column pivot(how = "w", labels = "label") |> namlab() # If the data does not have 'variable'/'value' cols: need to specify 'names'/'values' # Using a single column: pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), "SUM", "Variable", how = "w") |> head() SUM_wide <- pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), "SUM", "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE) head(SUM_wide) # na.rm = TRUE here removes all new rows completely missing data tail(SUM_wide) # But there may still be NA's, notice the NA in the final row # We could use fill to set another value pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), "SUM", "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE, fill = -9999) |> tail() # This will keep the label of "SUM", unless we supply a column with new labels namlab(SUM_wide) # Such a column is not available here, but we could use "Variable" twice pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), "SUM", "Variable", "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE) |> namlab() # Alternatively, can of course relabel ex-post SUM_wide |> relabel(VA = "Value Added", EMP = "Employment") |> namlab() rm(SUM_wide) # Multiple-column pivots pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Here we may prefer a transposed column order pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE, transpose = "columns") |> head() # Can also flip the order of names (independently of columns) pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE, transpose = "names") |> head() # Can also enable both (complete transposition) pivot(GGDC10S, c("Country", "Year"), c("AGR", "MAN", "SUM"), "Variable", how = "w", na.rm = TRUE, transpose = TRUE) |> head() # or tranpose = c("columns", "names") # Finally, here is a nice, simple way to reshape the entire dataset. pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = "Variable", na.rm = TRUE, how = "w") |> namlab(N = TRUE, Nd = TRUE, class = TRUE) # -------------------------------- PIVOT RECAST --------------------------------- # Look at the data again head(GGDC10S) # Let's stack the sectors and instead create variable columns pivot(GGDC10S, .c(Country, Regioncode, Region, Year), names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), how = "r") |> head() # Same thing (a bit easier) pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), how = "r") |> head() # Removing missing values pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), how = "r", na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Saving Labels pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), labels = list(to = "Sector"), how = "r", na.rm = TRUE) |> head() # Supplying new labels for generated columns: as complete as it gets pivot(GGDC10S, values = 6:16, names = list("Variable", "Sectorcode"), labels = list(to = "Sector", new = c(Sectorcode = "GGDC10S Sector Code", Sector = "Long Sector Description", VA = "Value Added", EMP = "Employment")), how = "r", na.rm = TRUE) |> namlab(N = TRUE, Nd = TRUE, class = TRUE) # Now another (slightly unconventional) use case here is data transposition # Let's get the data for Botswana BWA <- GGDC10S |> fsubset(Country == "BWA", Variable, Year, AGR:SUM) head(BWA) # By supplying no ids or values, we are simply requesting a transpose operation pivot(BWA, names = list(from = c("Variable", "Year"), to = "Sectorcode"), how = "r") # Same with labels pivot(BWA, names = list(from = c("Variable", "Year"), to = "Sectorcode"), labels = list(to = "Sector"), how = "r") # For simple cases, data.table::transpose() will be more efficient, but with multiple # columns to generate names and/or variable labels to be saved/assigned, pivot() is handy rm(BWA)
, pspacf
and psccf
compute (and by default plot) estimates of the auto-, partial auto- and cross- correlation or covariance functions for panel series. They are analogues to acf
, pacf
and ccf
psacf(x, ...) pspacf(x, ...) psccf(x, y, ...) ## Default S3 method: psacf(x, g, t = NULL, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance","partial"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: pspacf(x, g, t = NULL, lag.max = NULL, plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: psccf(x, y, g, t = NULL, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' psacf(x, by, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance","partial"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' pspacf(x, by, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, lag.max = NULL, plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' psacf(x, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance","partial"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' pspacf(x, lag.max = NULL, plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' psccf(x, y, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' psacf(x, cols = is.numeric, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance","partial"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' pspacf(x, cols = is.numeric, lag.max = NULL, plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...)
psacf(x, ...) pspacf(x, ...) psccf(x, y, ...) ## Default S3 method: psacf(x, g, t = NULL, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance","partial"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: pspacf(x, g, t = NULL, lag.max = NULL, plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## Default S3 method: psccf(x, y, g, t = NULL, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' psacf(x, by, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance","partial"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' pspacf(x, by, t = NULL, cols = is.numeric, lag.max = NULL, plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' psacf(x, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance","partial"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' pspacf(x, lag.max = NULL, plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pseries' psccf(x, y, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' psacf(x, cols = is.numeric, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance","partial"), plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' pspacf(x, cols = is.numeric, lag.max = NULL, plot = TRUE, gscale = TRUE, ...)
x , y
a numeric vector, 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), data frame or 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame'). |
g |
a factor, |
by |
data.frame method: Same input as |
t |
a time vector or list of vectors. See |
cols |
data.frame method: Select columns using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. Note: |
lag.max |
integer. Maximum lag at which to calculate the acf. Default is |
type |
character. String giving the type of acf to be computed. Allowed values are "correlation" (the default), "covariance" or "partial". |
plot |
logical. If |
gscale |
logical. Do a groupwise scaling / standardization of |
... |
further arguments to be passed to |
If gscale = TRUE
data are standardized within each group (using fscale
) such that the group-mean is 0 and the group-standard deviation is 1. This is strongly recommended for most panels to get rid of individual-specific heterogeneity which would corrupt the ACF computations.
After scaling, psacf
, pspacf
and psccf
compute the ACF/CCF by creating a matrix of panel-lags of the series using flag
and then computing the covariance of this matrix with the series (x, y
) using cov
and pairwise-complete observations, and dividing by the variance (of x, y
). Creating the lag matrix may require a lot of memory on large data, but passing a sequence of lags to flag
and thus calling flag
and cov
one time is generally much faster than calling them lag.max
times. The partial ACF is computed from the ACF using a Yule-Walker decomposition, in the same way as in pacf
An object of class 'acf', see acf
. The result is returned invisibly if plot = TRUE
Time Series and Panel Series, Collapse Overview
## World Development Panel Data head(wlddev) # See also help(wlddev) psacf(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$country, wlddev$year) # ACF of GDP per Capita psacf(wlddev, PCGDP ~ country, ~year) # Same using data.frame method psacf(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$country) # The Data is sorted, can omit t pspacf(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$country) # Partial ACF psccf(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$LIFEEX, wlddev$country) # CCF with Life-Expectancy at Birth psacf(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX + ODA ~ country, ~year) # ACF and CCF of GDP, LIFEEX and ODA psacf(wlddev, ~ country, ~year, c(9:10,12)) # Same, using cols argument pspacf(wlddev, ~ country, ~year, c(9:10,12)) # Partial ACF ## Using indexed data: wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) # Creating a indexed frame PCGDP <- wldi$PCGDP # Indexed Series of GDP per Capita LIFEEX <- wldi$LIFEEX # Indexed Series of Life Expectancy psacf(PCGDP) # Same as above, more parsimonious pspacf(PCGDP) psccf(PCGDP, LIFEEX) psacf(wldi[c(9:10,12)]) pspacf(wldi[c(9:10,12)])
## World Development Panel Data head(wlddev) # See also help(wlddev) psacf(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$country, wlddev$year) # ACF of GDP per Capita psacf(wlddev, PCGDP ~ country, ~year) # Same using data.frame method psacf(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$country) # The Data is sorted, can omit t pspacf(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$country) # Partial ACF psccf(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$LIFEEX, wlddev$country) # CCF with Life-Expectancy at Birth psacf(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX + ODA ~ country, ~year) # ACF and CCF of GDP, LIFEEX and ODA psacf(wlddev, ~ country, ~year, c(9:10,12)) # Same, using cols argument pspacf(wlddev, ~ country, ~year, c(9:10,12)) # Partial ACF ## Using indexed data: wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) # Creating a indexed frame PCGDP <- wldi$PCGDP # Indexed Series of GDP per Capita LIFEEX <- wldi$LIFEEX # Indexed Series of Life Expectancy psacf(PCGDP) # Same as above, more parsimonious pspacf(PCGDP) psccf(PCGDP, LIFEEX) psacf(wldi[c(9:10,12)]) pspacf(wldi[c(9:10,12)])
efficiently expands a panel-vector or 'indexed_series' ('pseries') into a matrix. If a data frame or 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') is passed, psmat
returns a 3D array or a list of matrices.
psmat(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: psmat(x, g, t = NULL, transpose = FALSE, fill = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' psmat(x, by, t = NULL, cols = NULL, transpose = FALSE, fill = NULL, array = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' psmat(x, transpose = FALSE, fill = NULL, drop.index.levels = "none", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' psmat(x, cols = NULL, transpose = FALSE, fill = NULL, array = TRUE, drop.index.levels = "none", ...) ## S3 method for class 'psmat' plot(x, legend = FALSE, colours = legend, labs = NULL, grid = FALSE, ...)
psmat(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: psmat(x, g, t = NULL, transpose = FALSE, fill = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' psmat(x, by, t = NULL, cols = NULL, transpose = FALSE, fill = NULL, array = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' psmat(x, transpose = FALSE, fill = NULL, drop.index.levels = "none", ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' psmat(x, cols = NULL, transpose = FALSE, fill = NULL, array = TRUE, drop.index.levels = "none", ...) ## S3 method for class 'psmat' plot(x, legend = FALSE, colours = legend, labs = NULL, grid = FALSE, ...)
x |
a vector, indexed series 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), data frame or 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame'). |
g |
a factor, |
by |
data.frame method: Same input as |
t |
same inputs as |
cols |
data.frame method: Select columns using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. Note: |
transpose |
logical. |
fill |
element to fill empty slots of matrix / array if panel is unbalanced. |
array |
data.frame / pdata.frame methods: logical. |
drop.index.levels |
character. Either |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods, or for the plot method additional arguments passed to |
legend |
logical. Automatically create a legend of panel-groups. |
colours |
either |
labs |
character. Provide a character-vector of variable labels / series titles when plotting an array. |
grid |
logical. Calls |
If n > 2 index variables are attached to an indexed series or frame, the first n-1 variables in the index are interacted.
A matrix or 3D array containing the data in x
, where by default the rows constitute the groups-ids (g/by
) and the columns the time variable or individual ids (t
). 3D arrays contain the variables in the 3rd dimension. The objects have a class 'psmat', and also a 'transpose' attribute indicating whether transpose = TRUE
The pdata.frame
method only works for properly subsetted objects of class 'pdata.frame'. A list of 'pseries' won't work. There also exist simple aperm
and [
(subset) methods for 'psmat' objects. These differ from the default methods only by keeping the class and the 'transpose' attribute.
Time Series and Panel Series, Collapse Overview
## World Development Panel Data head(wlddev) # View data qsu(wlddev, pid = ~ iso3c, cols = 9:12, vlabels = TRUE) # Sumarizing data str(psmat(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$year)) # Generating matrix of GDP r <- psmat(wlddev, PCGDP ~ iso3c, ~ year) # Same thing using data.frame method plot(r, main = vlabels(wlddev)[9], xlab = "Year") # Plot the matrix str(r) # See srructure str(psmat(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$iso3c)) # The Data is sorted, could omit t str(psmat(wlddev$PCGDP, 216)) # This panel is also balanced, so # ..indicating the number of groups would be sufficient to obtain a matrix ar <- psmat(wlddev, ~ iso3c, ~ year, 9:12) # Get array of transposed matrices str(ar) plot(ar) plot(ar, legend = TRUE) plot(psmat(collap(wlddev, ~region+year, cols = 9:12), # More legible and fancy plot ~region, ~year), legend = TRUE, labs = vlabels(wlddev)[9:12]) psml <- psmat(wlddev, ~ iso3c, ~ year, 9:12, array = FALSE) # This gives list of ps-matrices head(unlist2d(psml, "Variable", "Country", id.factor = TRUE),2) # Using unlist2d, can generate DF ## Indexing simplifies things wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) # Creating an indexed frame PCGDP <- wldi$PCGDP # An indexed_series of GDP per Capita head(psmat(PCGDP), 2) # Same as above, more parsimonious plot(psmat(PCGDP)) plot(psmat(wldi[9:12])) plot(psmat(G(wldi[9:12]))) # Here plotting panel-growth rates
## World Development Panel Data head(wlddev) # View data qsu(wlddev, pid = ~ iso3c, cols = 9:12, vlabels = TRUE) # Sumarizing data str(psmat(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$year)) # Generating matrix of GDP r <- psmat(wlddev, PCGDP ~ iso3c, ~ year) # Same thing using data.frame method plot(r, main = vlabels(wlddev)[9], xlab = "Year") # Plot the matrix str(r) # See srructure str(psmat(wlddev$PCGDP, wlddev$iso3c)) # The Data is sorted, could omit t str(psmat(wlddev$PCGDP, 216)) # This panel is also balanced, so # ..indicating the number of groups would be sufficient to obtain a matrix ar <- psmat(wlddev, ~ iso3c, ~ year, 9:12) # Get array of transposed matrices str(ar) plot(ar) plot(ar, legend = TRUE) plot(psmat(collap(wlddev, ~region+year, cols = 9:12), # More legible and fancy plot ~region, ~year), legend = TRUE, labs = vlabels(wlddev)[9:12]) psml <- psmat(wlddev, ~ iso3c, ~ year, 9:12, array = FALSE) # This gives list of ps-matrices head(unlist2d(psml, "Variable", "Country", id.factor = TRUE),2) # Using unlist2d, can generate DF ## Indexing simplifies things wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) # Creating an indexed frame PCGDP <- wldi$PCGDP # An indexed_series of GDP per Capita head(psmat(PCGDP), 2) # Same as above, more parsimonious plot(psmat(PCGDP)) plot(psmat(wldi[9:12])) plot(psmat(G(wldi[9:12]))) # Here plotting panel-growth rates
Computes (pairwise, weighted) Pearson's correlations, covariances and observation counts. Pairwise correlations and covariances can be computed together with observation counts and p-values, and output as 3D array (default) or list of matrices. pwcor
and pwcov
offer an elaborate print method.
pwcor(X, ..., w = NULL, N = FALSE, P = FALSE, array = TRUE, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") pwcov(X, ..., w = NULL, N = FALSE, P = FALSE, array = TRUE, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") pwnobs(X) ## S3 method for class 'pwcor' print(x, digits = .op[["digits"]], sig.level = 0.05, show = c("all","lower.tri","upper.tri"), spacing = 1L, return = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pwcov' print(x, digits = .op[["digits"]], sig.level = 0.05, show = c("all","lower.tri","upper.tri"), spacing = 1L, return = FALSE, ...)
pwcor(X, ..., w = NULL, N = FALSE, P = FALSE, array = TRUE, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") pwcov(X, ..., w = NULL, N = FALSE, P = FALSE, array = TRUE, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") pwnobs(X) ## S3 method for class 'pwcor' print(x, digits = .op[["digits"]], sig.level = 0.05, show = c("all","lower.tri","upper.tri"), spacing = 1L, return = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pwcov' print(x, digits = .op[["digits"]], sig.level = 0.05, show = c("all","lower.tri","upper.tri"), spacing = 1L, return = FALSE, ...)
X |
a matrix or data.frame, for |
x |
an object of class 'pwcor' / 'pwcov'. |
w |
numeric. A vector of (frequency) weights. |
N |
logical. |
P |
logical. |
array |
logical. If |
use |
argument passed to |
digits |
integer. The number of digits to round to in print. |
sig.level |
numeric. P-value threshold below which a |
show |
character. The part of the correlation / covariance matrix to display. |
spacing |
integer. Controls the spacing between different reported quantities in the printout of the matrix: 0 - compressed, 1 - single space, 2 - double space. |
return |
logical. |
... |
other arguments passed to |
a numeric matrix, 3D array or list of matrices with the computed statistics. For pwcor
and pwcov
the object has a class 'pwcor' and 'pwcov', respectively.
is imported for weighted pairwise correlations (written in C for speed). For weighted correlations with bootstrap SE's see weights::wtd.cor
(bootstrap can be slow). Weighted correlations for complex surveys are implemented in jtools::svycor
. An equivalent and faster implementation of pwcor
(without weights) is provided in Hmisc::rcorr
(written in Fortran).
, Summary Statistics, Collapse Overview
mna <- na_insert(mtcars) pwcor(mna) pwcov(mna) pwnobs(mna) pwcor(mna, N = TRUE) pwcor(mna, P = TRUE) pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE) aperm(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE)) print(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE), digits = 3, sig.level = 0.01, show = "lower.tri") pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE, array = FALSE) print(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE, array = FALSE), show = "lower.tri")
mna <- na_insert(mtcars) pwcor(mna) pwcov(mna) pwnobs(mna) pwcor(mna, N = TRUE) pwcor(mna, P = TRUE) pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE) aperm(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE)) print(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE), digits = 3, sig.level = 0.01, show = "lower.tri") pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE, array = FALSE) print(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE, array = FALSE), show = "lower.tri")
, shorthand for 'quick-factor' implements very fast factor generation from atomic vectors using either radix ordering or index hashing followed by sorting.
, shorthand for 'quick-group', generates a kind of factor-light without the levels attribute but instead an attribute providing the number of levels. Optionally the levels / groups can be attached, but without converting them to character (which can have large performance implications). Objects have a class 'qG'.
generates a factor or 'qG' object by interacting multiple vectors or factors. In that process missing values are always replaced with a level and unused levels/combinations are always dropped.
collapse internally makes optimal use of factors and 'qG' objects when passed as grouping vectors to statistical functions (g/by
, or t
arguments) i.e. typically no further grouping or ordering is performed and objects are used directly by statistical C/C++ code.
qF(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], drop = FALSE, keep.attr = TRUE, method = "auto") qG(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], return.groups = FALSE, method = "auto") is_qG(x) as_factor_qG(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE) finteraction(..., factor = TRUE, ordered = FALSE, sort = factor && .op[["sort"]], method = "auto", sep = ".") itn(...) # Shorthand for finteraction
qF(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], drop = FALSE, keep.attr = TRUE, method = "auto") qG(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], return.groups = FALSE, method = "auto") is_qG(x) as_factor_qG(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE) finteraction(..., factor = TRUE, ordered = FALSE, sort = factor && .op[["sort"]], method = "auto", sep = ".") itn(...) # Shorthand for finteraction
x |
a atomic vector, factor or quick-group. |
ordered |
logical. Adds a class 'ordered'. |
na.exclude |
logical. |
sort |
logical. |
drop |
logical. If |
keep.attr |
logical. If |
method |
an integer or character string specifying the method of computation:
Note that for |
return.groups |
logical. |
factor |
logical. |
sep |
character. The separator passed to |
... |
multiple atomic vectors or factors, or a single list of equal-length vectors or factors. See Details. |
Whenever a vector is passed to a Fast Statistical Function such as fmean(mtcars, mtcars$cyl)
, is is grouped using qF
, or qG
if use.g.names = FALSE
is a combination of as.factor
and factor
. Applying it to a vector i.e. qF(x)
gives the same result as as.factor(x)
. qF(x, ordered = TRUE)
generates an ordered factor (same as factor(x, ordered = TRUE)
), and qF(x, na.exclude = FALSE)
generates a level for missing values (same as factor(x, exclude = NULL)
). An important addition is that qF(x, na.exclude = FALSE)
also adds a class 'na.included'. This prevents collapse functions from checking missing values in the factor, and is thus computationally more efficient. Therefore factors used in grouped operations should preferably be generated using qF(x, na.exclude = FALSE)
. Setting sort = FALSE
gathers the levels in first-appearance order (unless method = "radix"
and x
is numeric, in which case the levels are always sorted). This often gives a noticeable speed improvement.
There are 3 internal methods of computation: radix ordering, hashing, and Rcpp sugar hashing. Radix ordering is done by combining the functions radixorder
and groupid
. It is generally faster than hashing for large numeric data and pre-sorted data (although there are exceptions). Hashing uses group
, followed by radixorder
on the unique elements if sort = TRUE
. It is generally fastest for character data. Rcpp hashing uses Rcpp::sugar::sort_unique
and Rcpp::sugar::match
. This is often less efficient than the former on large data, but the sorting properties (relying on std::sort
) may be superior in borderline cases where radixorder
fails to deliver exact lexicographic ordering of factor levels.
Regarding speed: In general qF
is around 5x faster than as.factor
on character data and about 30x faster on numeric data. Automatic method dispatch typically does a good job delivering optimal performance.
is in the first place a programmers function. It generates a factor-'light' class 'qG' consisting of only an integer grouping vector and an attribute providing the number of groups. It is slightly faster and more memory efficient than GRP
for grouping atomic vectors, and also convenient as it can be stored in a data frame column, which are the main reasons for its existence.
is simply a wrapper around as_factor_GRP(GRP.default(X))
, where X is replaced by the arguments in '...' combined in a list (so its not really an interaction function but just a multivariate grouping converted to factor, see GRP
for computational details). In general: All vectors, factors, or lists of vectors / factors passed can be interacted. Interactions always create a level for missing values and always drop unused levels.
returns an (ordered) factor. qG
returns an object of class 'qG': an integer grouping vector with an attribute "N.groups"
indicating the number of groups, and, if return.groups = TRUE
, an attribute "groups"
containing the vector of unique groups / elements in x
corresponding to the integer-id. finteraction
can return either.
An efficient alternative for character vectors with multithreading support is provided by kit::charToFact
qG(x, sort = FALSE, na.exclude = FALSE, method = "hash")
internally calls group(x)
which can also be used directly and also supports multivariate groupings where x
can be a list of vectors.
Neither qF
nor qG
reorder groups / factor levels. An exception was added in v1.7, when calling qF(f, sort = FALSE)
on a factor f
, the levels are recast in first appearance order. These objects can however be converted into one another using qF/qG
or the direct method as_factor_qG
(called inside qF
). It is also possible to add a class 'ordered' (ordered = TRUE
) and to create am extra level / integer for missing values (na.exclude = FALSE
) if factors or 'qG' objects are passed to qF
or qG
, groupid
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
cylF <- qF(mtcars$cyl) # Factor from atomic vector cylG <- qG(mtcars$cyl) # Quick-group from atomic vector cylG # See the simple structure of this object cf <- qF(wlddev$country) # Bigger data cf2 <- qF(wlddev$country, na.exclude = FALSE) # With na.included class dat <- num_vars(wlddev) # cf2 is faster in grouped operations because no missing value check is performed library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(fmax(dat, cf), fmax(dat, cf2)) finteraction(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs) # Interacting two variables (can be factors) head(finteraction(mtcars)) # A more crude example.. finteraction(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, factor = FALSE) # Returns 'qG', by default unsorted group(mtcars[c("cyl", "vs")]) # Same thing. Use whatever syntax is more convenient
cylF <- qF(mtcars$cyl) # Factor from atomic vector cylG <- qG(mtcars$cyl) # Quick-group from atomic vector cylG # See the simple structure of this object cf <- qF(wlddev$country) # Bigger data cf2 <- qF(wlddev$country, na.exclude = FALSE) # With na.included class dat <- num_vars(wlddev) # cf2 is faster in grouped operations because no missing value check is performed library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(fmax(dat, cf), fmax(dat, cf2)) finteraction(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs) # Interacting two variables (can be factors) head(finteraction(mtcars)) # A more crude example.. finteraction(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, factor = FALSE) # Returns 'qG', by default unsorted group(mtcars[c("cyl", "vs")]) # Same thing. Use whatever syntax is more convenient
, shorthand for quick-summary, is an extremely fast summary command inspired by the (xt)summarize command in the STATA statistical software.
It computes a set of 7 statistics (nobs, mean, sd, min, max, skewness and kurtosis) using a numerically stable one-pass method generalized from Welford's Algorithm. Statistics can be computed weighted, by groups, and also within-and between entities (for panel data, see Details).
qsu(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: qsu(x, g = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' qsu(x, g = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' qsu(x, by = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' qsu(x, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' qsu(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, effect = 1L, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' qsu(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, effect = 1L, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) # Methods for compatibility with sf: ## S3 method for class 'sf' qsu(x, by = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'qsu' as.data.frame(x, ..., gid = "Group", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'qsu' print(x, digits = .op[["digits"]] + 2L, nonsci.digits = 9, na.print = "-", return = FALSE, print.gap = 2, ...)
qsu(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: qsu(x, g = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' qsu(x, g = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' qsu(x, by = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' qsu(x, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' qsu(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, effect = 1L, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' qsu(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, effect = 1L, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) # Methods for compatibility with sf: ## S3 method for class 'sf' qsu(x, by = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) ## S3 method for class 'qsu' as.data.frame(x, ..., gid = "Group", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'qsu' print(x, digits = .op[["digits"]] + 2L, nonsci.digits = 9, na.print = "-", return = FALSE, print.gap = 2, ...)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries') or 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame'). |
g |
a factor, |
by |
(p)data.frame method: Same as |
pid |
same input as |
w |
a vector of (non-negative) weights. Adding weights will compute the weighted mean, sd, skewness and kurtosis, and transform the data using weighted individual means if |
cols |
select columns to summarize using column names, indices, a logical vector or a function (e.g. |
higher |
logical. Add higher moments (skewness and kurtosis). |
array |
logical. If computations have more than 2 dimensions (up to a maximum of 4D: variables, statistics, groups and panel-decomposition) |
stable.algo |
logical. |
labels |
logical |
effect |
plm methods: Select which panel identifier should be used for between and within transformations of the data. 1L takes the first variable in the index, 2L the second etc.. Index variables can also be called by name using a character string. More than one variable can be supplied. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
gid |
character. Name assigned to the group-id column, when summarising variables by groups. |
stringsAsFactors |
logical. Make factors from dimension names of 'qsu' array. Same as option to |
digits |
the number of digits to print after the comma/dot. |
nonsci.digits |
the number of digits to print before resorting to scientific notation (default is to print out numbers with up to 9 digits and print larger numbers scientifically). |
na.print |
character string to substitute for missing values. |
return |
logical. Don't print but instead return the formatted object. |
print.gap |
integer. Spacing between printed columns. Passed to |
The algorithm used to compute statistics is well described here [see sections Welford's online algorithm, Weighted incremental algorithm and Higher-order statistics. Skewness and kurtosis are calculated as described in Higher-order statistics and are mathematically identical to those implemented in the moments package. Just note that qsu
computes the kurtosis (like momens::kurtosis
), not the excess-kurtosis (= kurtosis - 3) defined in Higher-order statistics. The Weighted incremental algorithm described can easily be generalized to higher-order statistics].
Grouped computations specified with g/by
are carried out extremely efficiently as in fsum
(in a single pass, without splitting the data).
If pid
is used, qsu
performs a panel-decomposition of each variable and computes 3 sets of statistics: Statistics computed on the 'Overall' (raw) data, statistics computed on the 'Between' - transformed (pid - averaged) data, and statistics computed on the 'Within' - transformed (pid - demeaned) data.
More formally, let x
(bold) be a panel vector of data for N
individuals indexed by i
, recorded for T
periods, indexed by t
. xit
then denotes a single data-point belonging to individual i
in time-period t
must not represent time). Then xi.
denotes the average of all values for individual i
(averaged over t
), and by extension xN.
is the vector (length N
) of such averages for all individuals. If no groups are supplied to g/by
, the 'Between' statistics are computed on xN.
, the vector of individual averages. (This means that for a non-balanced panel or in the presence of missing values, the 'Overall' mean computed on x
can be slightly different than the 'Between' mean computed on xN.
, and the variance decomposition is not exact). If groups are supplied to g/by
, xN.
is expanded to the vector xi.
(length N x T
) by replacing each value xit
in x
with xi.
, while preserving missing values in x
. Grouped Between-statistics are then computed on xi.
, with the only difference that the number of observations ('Between-N') reported for each group is the number of distinct non-missing values of xi.
in each group (not the total number of non-missing values of xi.
in each group, which is already reported in 'Overall-N'). See Examples.
'Within' statistics are always computed on the vector x - xi. + x..
, where x..
is simply the 'Overall' mean computed from x
, which is added back to preserve the level of the data. The 'Within' mean computed on this data will always be identical to the 'Overall' mean. In the summary output, qsu
reports not 'N', which would be identical to the 'Overall-N', but 'T', the average number of time-periods of data available for each individual obtained as 'T' = 'Overall-N / 'Between-N'. When using weights (w
) with panel data (pid
), the 'Between' sum of weights is also simply the number of groups, and the 'Within' sum of weights is the 'Overall' sum of weights divided by the number of groups. See Examples.
Apart from 'N/T' and the extrema, the standard-deviations ('SD') computed on between- and within- transformed data are extremely valuable because they indicate how much of the variation in a panel-variable is between-individuals and how much of the variation is within-individuals (over time). At the extremes, variables that have common values across individuals (such as the time-variable(s) 't' in a balanced panel), can readily be identified as individual-invariant because the 'Between-SD' on this variable is 0 and the 'Within-SD' is equal to the 'Overall-SD'. Analogous, time-invariant individual characteristics (such as the individual-id 'i') have a 0 'Within-SD' and a 'Between-SD' equal to the 'Overall-SD'. See Examples.
For data frame methods, if labels = TRUE
, qsu
uses function(x) paste(names(x), setv(vlabels(x), NA, ""), sep = ": ")
to combine variable names and labels for display. Alternatively, the user can pass a custom function which will be applied to the data frame, e.g. using labels = vlabels
just displays the labels. See also vlabels
comes with its own print method which by default writes out up to 9 digits at 4 decimal places. Larger numbers are printed in scientific format. for numbers between 7 and 9 digits, an apostrophe (') is placed after the 6th digit to designate the millions. Missing values are printed using '-'.
The sf method simply ignores the geometry column.
A vector, matrix, array or list of matrices of summary statistics. All matrices and arrays have a class 'qsu' and a class 'table' attached.
In weighted summaries, observations with missing or zero weights are skipped, and thus do not affect any of the calculated statistics, including the observation count. This also implies that a logical vector passed to w
can be used to efficiently summarize a subset of the data.
If weights w
are used together with pid
, transformed data is computed using weighted individual means i.e. weighted xi.
and weighted x..
. Weighted statistics are subsequently computed on this weighted-transformed data.
Welford, B. P. (1962). Note on a method for calculating corrected sums of squares and products. Technometrics. 4 (3): 419-420. doi:10.2307/1266577.
, Summary Statistics, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## World Development Panel Data # Simple Summaries ------------------------- qsu(wlddev) # Simple summary qsu(wlddev, labels = TRUE) # Display variable labels qsu(wlddev, higher = TRUE) # Add skewness and kurtosis # Grouped Summaries ------------------------ qsu(wlddev, ~ region, labels = TRUE) # Statistics by World Bank Region qsu(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ income) # Summarize GDP per Capita and Life Expectancy by stats <- qsu(wlddev, ~ region + income, # World Bank Income Level cols = 9:10, higher = TRUE) # Same variables, by both region and income aperm(stats) # A different perspective on the same stats # Grouped summary wlddev |> fgroup_by(region) |> fselect(PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> qsu() # Panel Data Summaries --------------------- qsu(wlddev, pid = ~ iso3c, labels = TRUE) # Adding between and within countries statistics # -> They show amongst other things that year and decade are individual-invariant, # that we have GINI-data on only 161 countries, with only 8.42 observations per country on average, # and that GDP, LIFEEX and GINI vary more between-countries, but ODA received varies more within # countries over time. # Let's do this manually for PCGDP: x <- wlddev$PCGDP g <- wlddev$iso3c # This is the exact variance decomposion all.equal(fvar(x), fvar(B(x, g)) + fvar(W(x, g))) # What qsu does is calculate r <- rbind(Overall = qsu(x), Between = qsu(fmean(x, g)), # Aggregation instead of between-transform Within = qsu(fwithin(x, g, mean = "overall.mean"))) # Same as qsu(W(x, g) + fmean(x)) r[3, 1] <- r[1, 1] / r[2, 1] print.qsu(r) # Proof: qsu(x, pid = g) # Using indexed data: wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) # Creating a Indexed Data Frame frame from this data qsu(wldi) # Summary for pdata.frame -> qsu(wlddev, pid = ~ iso3c) qsu(wldi$PCGDP) # Default summary for Panel Series qsu(G(wldi$PCGDP)) # Summarizing GDP growth, see also ?G # Grouped Panel Data Summaries ------------- qsu(wlddev, ~ region, ~ iso3c, cols = 9:12) # Panel-Statistics by region psr <- qsu(wldi, ~ region, cols = 9:12) # Same on indexed data psr # -> Gives a 4D array psr[,"N/T",,] # Checking out the number of observations: # In North america we only have 3 countries, for the GINI we only have 3.91 observations on average # for 45 Sub-Saharan-African countries, etc.. psr[,"SD",,] # Considering only standard deviations # -> In all regions variations in inequality (GINI) between countries are greater than variations # in inequality within countries. The opposite is true for Life-Expectancy in all regions apart # from Europe, etc.. # Again let's do this manually for PDGCP: d <- cbind(Overall = x, Between = fbetween(x, g), Within = fwithin(x, g, mean = "overall.mean")) r <- qsu(d, g = wlddev$region) r[,"N","Between"] <- fndistinct(g[!is.na(x)], wlddev$region[!is.na(x)]) r[,"N","Within"] <- r[,"N","Overall"] / r[,"N","Between"] r # Proof: qsu(wlddev, PCGDP ~ region, ~ iso3c) # Weighted Summaries ----------------------- n <- nrow(wlddev) weights <- abs(rnorm(n)) # Generate random weights qsu(wlddev, w = weights, higher = TRUE) # Computed weighted mean, SD, skewness and kurtosis weightsNA <- weights # Weights may contain missing values.. inserting 1000 weightsNA[sample.int(n, 1000)] <- NA qsu(wlddev, w = weightsNA, higher = TRUE) # But now these values are removed from all variables # Grouped and panel-summaries can also be weighted in the same manner # Alternative Output Formats --------------- # Simple case as.data.frame(qsu(mtcars)) # For matrices can also use qDF/qDT/qTBL to assign custom name and get a character-id qDF(qsu(mtcars), "car") # DF from 3D array: do not combine with aperm(), might introduce wrong column labels as.data.frame(stats, gid = "Region_Income") # DF from 4D array: also no aperm() as.data.frame(qsu(wlddev, ~ income, ~ iso3c, cols = 9:10), gid = "Region") # Output as nested list psrl <- qsu(wlddev, ~ income, ~ iso3c, cols = 9:10, array = FALSE) psrl # We can now use unlist2d to create a tidy data frame unlist2d(psrl, c("Variable", "Trans"), row.names = "Income")
## World Development Panel Data # Simple Summaries ------------------------- qsu(wlddev) # Simple summary qsu(wlddev, labels = TRUE) # Display variable labels qsu(wlddev, higher = TRUE) # Add skewness and kurtosis # Grouped Summaries ------------------------ qsu(wlddev, ~ region, labels = TRUE) # Statistics by World Bank Region qsu(wlddev, PCGDP + LIFEEX ~ income) # Summarize GDP per Capita and Life Expectancy by stats <- qsu(wlddev, ~ region + income, # World Bank Income Level cols = 9:10, higher = TRUE) # Same variables, by both region and income aperm(stats) # A different perspective on the same stats # Grouped summary wlddev |> fgroup_by(region) |> fselect(PCGDP, LIFEEX) |> qsu() # Panel Data Summaries --------------------- qsu(wlddev, pid = ~ iso3c, labels = TRUE) # Adding between and within countries statistics # -> They show amongst other things that year and decade are individual-invariant, # that we have GINI-data on only 161 countries, with only 8.42 observations per country on average, # and that GDP, LIFEEX and GINI vary more between-countries, but ODA received varies more within # countries over time. # Let's do this manually for PCGDP: x <- wlddev$PCGDP g <- wlddev$iso3c # This is the exact variance decomposion all.equal(fvar(x), fvar(B(x, g)) + fvar(W(x, g))) # What qsu does is calculate r <- rbind(Overall = qsu(x), Between = qsu(fmean(x, g)), # Aggregation instead of between-transform Within = qsu(fwithin(x, g, mean = "overall.mean"))) # Same as qsu(W(x, g) + fmean(x)) r[3, 1] <- r[1, 1] / r[2, 1] print.qsu(r) # Proof: qsu(x, pid = g) # Using indexed data: wldi <- findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) # Creating a Indexed Data Frame frame from this data qsu(wldi) # Summary for pdata.frame -> qsu(wlddev, pid = ~ iso3c) qsu(wldi$PCGDP) # Default summary for Panel Series qsu(G(wldi$PCGDP)) # Summarizing GDP growth, see also ?G # Grouped Panel Data Summaries ------------- qsu(wlddev, ~ region, ~ iso3c, cols = 9:12) # Panel-Statistics by region psr <- qsu(wldi, ~ region, cols = 9:12) # Same on indexed data psr # -> Gives a 4D array psr[,"N/T",,] # Checking out the number of observations: # In North america we only have 3 countries, for the GINI we only have 3.91 observations on average # for 45 Sub-Saharan-African countries, etc.. psr[,"SD",,] # Considering only standard deviations # -> In all regions variations in inequality (GINI) between countries are greater than variations # in inequality within countries. The opposite is true for Life-Expectancy in all regions apart # from Europe, etc.. # Again let's do this manually for PDGCP: d <- cbind(Overall = x, Between = fbetween(x, g), Within = fwithin(x, g, mean = "overall.mean")) r <- qsu(d, g = wlddev$region) r[,"N","Between"] <- fndistinct(g[!is.na(x)], wlddev$region[!is.na(x)]) r[,"N","Within"] <- r[,"N","Overall"] / r[,"N","Between"] r # Proof: qsu(wlddev, PCGDP ~ region, ~ iso3c) # Weighted Summaries ----------------------- n <- nrow(wlddev) weights <- abs(rnorm(n)) # Generate random weights qsu(wlddev, w = weights, higher = TRUE) # Computed weighted mean, SD, skewness and kurtosis weightsNA <- weights # Weights may contain missing values.. inserting 1000 weightsNA[sample.int(n, 1000)] <- NA qsu(wlddev, w = weightsNA, higher = TRUE) # But now these values are removed from all variables # Grouped and panel-summaries can also be weighted in the same manner # Alternative Output Formats --------------- # Simple case as.data.frame(qsu(mtcars)) # For matrices can also use qDF/qDT/qTBL to assign custom name and get a character-id qDF(qsu(mtcars), "car") # DF from 3D array: do not combine with aperm(), might introduce wrong column labels as.data.frame(stats, gid = "Region_Income") # DF from 4D array: also no aperm() as.data.frame(qsu(wlddev, ~ income, ~ iso3c, cols = 9:10), gid = "Region") # Output as nested list psrl <- qsu(wlddev, ~ income, ~ iso3c, cols = 9:10, array = FALSE) psrl # We can now use unlist2d to create a tidy data frame unlist2d(psrl, c("Variable", "Trans"), row.names = "Income")
A versatile and computationally more efficient replacement for table
. Notably, it also supports tabulations with frequency weights, and computation of a statistic over combinations of variables.
qtab(..., w = NULL, wFUN = NULL, wFUN.args = NULL, dnn = "auto", sort = .op[["sort"]], na.exclude = TRUE, drop = FALSE, method = "auto") qtable(...) # Long-form. Use set_collapse(mask = "table") to replace table()
qtab(..., w = NULL, wFUN = NULL, wFUN.args = NULL, dnn = "auto", sort = .op[["sort"]], na.exclude = TRUE, drop = FALSE, method = "auto") qtable(...) # Long-form. Use set_collapse(mask = "table") to replace table()
... |
atomic vectors or factors spanning the table dimensions, (optionally) with tags for the dimension names, or a data frame / list of these. See Examples. |
w |
a single vector to aggregate over the table dimensions e.g. a vector of frequency weights. |
wFUN |
a function used to aggregate |
wFUN.args |
a list of (optional) further arguments passed to |
dnn |
the names of the table dimensions. Either passed directly as a character vector or list (internally
sort , na.exclude , drop , method
arguments passed down to
An array of class 'qtab' that inherits from 'table'. Thus all 'table' methods apply to it.
, Summary Statistics, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview
## Basic use qtab(iris$Species) with(mtcars, qtab(vs, am)) qtab(mtcars[.c(vs, am)]) library(magrittr) iris %$% qtab(Sepal.Length > mean(Sepal.Length), Species) iris %$% qtab(AMSL = Sepal.Length > mean(Sepal.Length), Species) ## World after 2015 wlda15 <- wlddev |> fsubset(year >= 2015) |> collap(~ iso3c) # Regions and income levels (country frequency) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, dnn = vlabels) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, dnn = "namlab") # Population (millions) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = POP) |> divide_by(1e6) # Life expectancy (years) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = LIFEEX, wFUN = fmean) # Life expectancy (years), weighted by population wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = LIFEEX, wFUN = fmean, wFUN.args = list(w = POP)) # GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$): median wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = PCGDP, wFUN = fmedian, wFUN.args = list(na.rm = TRUE)) # GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$): median, weighted by population wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = PCGDP, wFUN = fmedian, wFUN.args = list(w = POP)) # Including OECD membership tab <- wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, OECD) tab # Various 'table' methods tab |> addmargins() tab |> marginSums(margin = c("region", "income")) tab |> proportions() tab |> proportions(margin = "income") as.data.frame(tab) |> head(10) ftable(tab, row.vars = c("region", "OECD")) # Other options tab |> fsum(TRA = "%") # Percentage table (on a matrix use fsum.default) tab %/=% (sum(tab)/100) # Another way (division by reference, preserves integers) tab rm(tab, wlda15)
## Basic use qtab(iris$Species) with(mtcars, qtab(vs, am)) qtab(mtcars[.c(vs, am)]) library(magrittr) iris %$% qtab(Sepal.Length > mean(Sepal.Length), Species) iris %$% qtab(AMSL = Sepal.Length > mean(Sepal.Length), Species) ## World after 2015 wlda15 <- wlddev |> fsubset(year >= 2015) |> collap(~ iso3c) # Regions and income levels (country frequency) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, dnn = vlabels) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, dnn = "namlab") # Population (millions) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = POP) |> divide_by(1e6) # Life expectancy (years) wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = LIFEEX, wFUN = fmean) # Life expectancy (years), weighted by population wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = LIFEEX, wFUN = fmean, wFUN.args = list(w = POP)) # GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$): median wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = PCGDP, wFUN = fmedian, wFUN.args = list(na.rm = TRUE)) # GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$): median, weighted by population wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, w = PCGDP, wFUN = fmedian, wFUN.args = list(w = POP)) # Including OECD membership tab <- wlda15 %$% qtab(region, income, OECD) tab # Various 'table' methods tab |> addmargins() tab |> marginSums(margin = c("region", "income")) tab |> proportions() tab |> proportions(margin = "income") as.data.frame(tab) |> head(10) ftable(tab, row.vars = c("region", "OECD")) # Other options tab |> fsum(TRA = "%") # Percentage table (on a matrix use fsum.default) tab %/=% (sum(tab)/100) # Another way (division by reference, preserves integers) tab rm(tab, wlda15)
Fast, flexible and precise conversion of common data objects, without method dispatch and extensive checks:
, qDT
and qTBL
convert vectors, matrices, higher-dimensional arrays and suitable lists to data frame, data.table and tibble, respectively.
converts vectors, higher-dimensional arrays, data frames and suitable lists to matrix.
and mrtl
column- or row-wise convert a matrix to list, data frame or data.table. They are used internally by qDF/qDT/qTBL
, dapply
, BY
, etc...
converts atomic vectors to factor (documented on a separate page).
, as_integer_factor
, and as_character_factor
convert factors, or all factor columns in a data frame / list, to character or numeric (by converting the levels).
# Converting between matrices, data frames / tables / tibbles qDF(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = "data.frame") qDT(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = c("data.table", "data.frame")) qTBL(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = c("tbl_df","tbl","data.frame")) qM(X, row.names.col = NULL , keep.attr = FALSE, class = NULL, sep = ".") # Programmer functions: matrix rows or columns to list / DF / DT - fully in C++ mctl(X, names = FALSE, return = "list") mrtl(X, names = FALSE, return = "list") # Converting factors or factor columns as_numeric_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE) as_integer_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE) as_character_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE)
# Converting between matrices, data frames / tables / tibbles qDF(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = "data.frame") qDT(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = c("data.table", "data.frame")) qTBL(X, row.names.col = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE, class = c("tbl_df","tbl","data.frame")) qM(X, row.names.col = NULL , keep.attr = FALSE, class = NULL, sep = ".") # Programmer functions: matrix rows or columns to list / DF / DT - fully in C++ mctl(X, names = FALSE, return = "list") mrtl(X, names = FALSE, return = "list") # Converting factors or factor columns as_numeric_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE) as_integer_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE) as_character_factor(X, keep.attr = TRUE)
X |
a vector, factor, matrix, higher-dimensional array, data frame or list. |
row.names.col |
can be used to add an column saving names or row.names when converting objects to data frame using |
keep.attr |
logical. |
class |
if a vector of classes is passed here, the converted object will be assigned these classes. If |
sep |
character. Separator used for interacting multiple variables selected through |
names |
logical. Should the list be named using row/column names from the matrix? |
return |
an integer or string specifying what to return. The options are:
Object conversions using these functions are maximally efficient and involve 3 consecutive steps: (1) Converting the storage mode / dimensions / data of the object, (2) converting / modifying the attributes and (3) modifying the class of the object:
(1) is determined by the choice of function and the optional row.names.col
argument. Higher-dimensional arrays are converted by expanding the second dimension (adding columns, same as as.matrix, as.data.frame, as.data.table
(2) is determined by the keep.attr
argument: keep.attr = TRUE
seeks to preserve the attributes of the object. Its effect is like copying attributes(converted) <- attributes(original)
, and then modifying the "dim", "dimnames", "names", "row.names"
and "levels"
attributes as necessitated by the conversion task. keep.attr = FALSE
only converts / assigns / removes these attributes and drops all others.
(3) is determined by the class
argument: Setting class = "myclass"
will yield a converted object of class "myclass"
, with any other / prior classes being removed by this replacement. Setting class = NULL
does NOT mean that a class NULL
is assigned (which would remove the class attribute), but rather that the default classes are assigned: qM
assigns no class, qDF
a class "data.frame"
, and qDT
a class c("data.table", "data.frame")
. At this point there is an interaction with keep.attr
: If keep.attr = TRUE
and class = NULL
and the object converted already inherits the respective default classes, then any other inherited classes will also be preserved (with qM(x, keep.attr = TRUE, class = NULL)
any class will be preserved if is.matrix(x)
evaluates to TRUE
The default keep.attr = FALSE
ensures hard conversions so that all unnecessary attributes are dropped. Furthermore in qDF/qDT/qTBL
the default classes were explicitly assigned. This is to ensure that the default methods apply, even if the user chooses to preserve further attributes. For qM
a more lenient default setup was chosen to enable the full preservation of time series matrices with keep.attr = TRUE
. If the user wants to keep attributes attached to a matrix but make sure that all default methods work properly, either one of qM(x, keep.attr = TRUE, class = "matrix")
or unclass(qM(x, keep.attr = TRUE))
should be employed.
- returns a data.frameqDT
- returns a data.tableqTBL
- returns a tibbleqM
- returns a matrixmctl
, mrtl
- return a list, data frame or data.table qF
- returns a factoras_numeric_factor
- returns X with factors converted to numeric (double) variablesas_integer_factor
- returns X with factors converted to integer variablesas_character_factor
- returns X with factors converted to character variables
## Basic Examples mtcarsM <- qM(mtcars) # Matrix from data.frame mtcarsDT <- qDT(mtcarsM) # data.table from matrix columns mtcarsTBL <- qTBL(mtcarsM) # tibble from matrix columns head(mrtl(mtcarsM, TRUE, "data.frame")) # data.frame from matrix rows, etc.. head(qDF(mtcarsM, "cars")) # Adding a row.names column when converting from matrix head(qDT(mtcars, "cars")) # Saving row.names when converting data frame to data.table head(qM(iris, "Species")) # Examples converting data to matrix, saving information head(qM(GGDC10S, is.character)) # as rownames head(qM(gv(GGDC10S, -(2:3)), 1:3, sep = "-")) # plm-style rownames qDF(fmean(mtcars), c("cars", "mean")) # Data frame from named vector, with names # mrtl() and mctl() are very useful for iteration over matrices # Think of a coordninates matrix e.g. from sf::st_coordinates() coord <- matrix(rnorm(10), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("X", "Y"))) # Then we can for (d in mrtl(coord)) { cat("lon =", d[1], ", lat =", d[2], fill = TRUE) # do something complicated ... } rm(coord) ## Factors cylF <- qF(mtcars$cyl) # Factor from atomic vector cylF # Factor to numeric conversions identical(mtcars, as_numeric_factor(dapply(mtcars, qF)))
## Basic Examples mtcarsM <- qM(mtcars) # Matrix from data.frame mtcarsDT <- qDT(mtcarsM) # data.table from matrix columns mtcarsTBL <- qTBL(mtcarsM) # tibble from matrix columns head(mrtl(mtcarsM, TRUE, "data.frame")) # data.frame from matrix rows, etc.. head(qDF(mtcarsM, "cars")) # Adding a row.names column when converting from matrix head(qDT(mtcars, "cars")) # Saving row.names when converting data frame to data.table head(qM(iris, "Species")) # Examples converting data to matrix, saving information head(qM(GGDC10S, is.character)) # as rownames head(qM(gv(GGDC10S, -(2:3)), 1:3, sep = "-")) # plm-style rownames qDF(fmean(mtcars), c("cars", "mean")) # Data frame from named vector, with names # mrtl() and mctl() are very useful for iteration over matrices # Think of a coordninates matrix e.g. from sf::st_coordinates() coord <- matrix(rnorm(10), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("X", "Y"))) # Then we can for (d in mrtl(coord)) { cat("lon =", d[1], ", lat =", d[2], fill = TRUE) # do something complicated ... } rm(coord) ## Factors cylF <- qF(mtcars$cyl) # Factor from atomic vector cylF # Factor to numeric conversions identical(mtcars, as_numeric_factor(dapply(mtcars, qF)))
A slight modification of order(..., method = "radix")
that is more programmer friendly and, importantly, provides features for ordered grouping of data (similar to data.table:::forderv
which has more or less the same source code). radixorderv
is a programmers version directly supporting vector and list input.
radixorder(..., na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE, sort = TRUE) radixorderv(x, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE, sort = TRUE)
radixorder(..., na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE, sort = TRUE) radixorderv(x, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE, sort = TRUE)
... |
comma-separated atomic vectors to order. |
x |
an atomic vector or list of atomic vectors such as a data frame. |
na.last |
logical. for controlling the treatment of |
decreasing |
logical. Should the sort order be increasing or decreasing? Can be a vector of length equal to the number of arguments in |
starts |
logical. |
group.sizes |
logical. |
sort |
logical. This argument only affects character vectors / columns passed. If |
An integer ordering vector with attributes: Unless na.last = NA
an attribute "sorted"
indicating whether the input data was already sorted is attached. If starts = TRUE
, "starts"
giving a vector of group starts in the ordered data, and if group.sizes = TRUE
, "group.sizes"
giving the vector of group sizes are attached. In either case an attribute "maxgrpn"
providing the size of the largest group is also attached.
The C code was taken - with slight modifications - from base R source code, and is originally due to data.table authors Matt Dowle and Arun Srinivasan.
Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
radixorder(mtcars$mpg) head(mtcars[radixorder(mtcars$mpg), ]) radixorder(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs) o <- radixorder(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, starts = TRUE) st <- attr(o, "starts") head(mtcars[o, ]) mtcars[o[st], c("cyl", "vs")] # Unique groups # Note that if attr(o, "sorted") == TRUE, then all(o[st] == st) radixorder(rep(1:3, each = 3), starts = TRUE) # Group sizes radixorder(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, group.sizes = TRUE) # Both radixorder(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE)
radixorder(mtcars$mpg) head(mtcars[radixorder(mtcars$mpg), ]) radixorder(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs) o <- radixorder(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, starts = TRUE) st <- attr(o, "starts") head(mtcars[o, ]) mtcars[o[st], c("cyl", "vs")] # Unique groups # Note that if attr(o, "sorted") == TRUE, then all(o[st] == st) radixorder(rep(1:3, each = 3), starts = TRUE) # Group sizes radixorder(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, group.sizes = TRUE) # Both radixorder(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE)
is a recursive version of lapply
with three differences to rapply
data frames (or other list-based objects specified in classes
) are considered as atomic, not as (sub-)lists
is applied to all 'atomic' objects in the nested list
the result is not simplified / unlisted.
rapply2d(l, FUN, ..., classes = "data.frame")
rapply2d(l, FUN, ..., classes = "data.frame")
l |
a list. |
a function that can be applied to all 'atomic' elements in l. |
... |
additional elements passed to FUN. |
classes |
character. Classes of list-based objects inside |
A list of the same structure as l
, where FUN
was applied to all atomic elements and list-based objects of a class included in classes
The main reason rapply2d
exists is to have a recursive function that out-of-the-box applies a function to a nested list of data frames.
For most other purposes rapply
, or by extension the excellent rrapply function / package, provide more advanced functionality and greater performance.
, unlist2d
, List Processing, Collapse Overview
l <- list(mtcars, list(mtcars, as.matrix(mtcars))) rapply2d(l, fmean) unlist2d(rapply2d(l, fmean))
l <- list(mtcars, list(mtcars, as.matrix(mtcars))) rapply2d(l, fmean) unlist2d(rapply2d(l, fmean))
A small suite of functions to efficiently perform common recoding and replacing tasks in matrix-like objects.
recode_num(X, ..., default = NULL, missing = NULL, set = FALSE) recode_char(X, ..., default = NULL, missing = NULL, regex = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, set = FALSE) replace_na(X, value = 0, cols = NULL, set = FALSE, type = "const") replace_inf(X, value = NA, replace.nan = FALSE, set = FALSE) replace_outliers(X, limits, value = NA, single.limit = c("sd", "mad", "min", "max"), ignore.groups = FALSE, set = FALSE)
recode_num(X, ..., default = NULL, missing = NULL, set = FALSE) recode_char(X, ..., default = NULL, missing = NULL, regex = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, set = FALSE) replace_na(X, value = 0, cols = NULL, set = FALSE, type = "const") replace_inf(X, value = NA, replace.nan = FALSE, set = FALSE) replace_outliers(X, limits, value = NA, single.limit = c("sd", "mad", "min", "max"), ignore.groups = FALSE, set = FALSE)
X |
a vector, matrix, array, data frame or list of atomic objects. |
... |
comma-separated recode arguments of the form: |
default |
optional argument to specify a scalar value to replace non-matched elements with. |
missing |
optional argument to specify a scalar value to replace missing elements with. Note that to increase efficiency this is done before the rest of the recoding i.e. the recoding is performed on data where missing values are filled! |
set |
logical. |
type |
character. One of |
regex |
logical. If |
value |
a single (scalar) value to replace matching elements with. In |
cols |
select columns to replace missing values in using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. |
replace.nan |
logical. |
limits |
either a vector of two-numeric values |
single.limit |
character, controls the behavior if
ignore.groups |
logical. If |
ignore.case , fixed
logical. Passed to |
and recode_char
can be used to efficiently recode multiple numeric or character values, respectively. The syntax is inspired by dplyr::recode
, but the functionality is enhanced in the following respects: (1) when passed a data frame / list, all appropriately typed columns will be recoded. (2) They preserve the attributes of the data object and of columns in a data frame / list, and (3) recode_char
also supports regular expression matching using grepl
efficiently replaces NA/NaN
with a value (default is 0
). data can be multi-typed, in which case appropriate columns can be selected through the cols
argument. For numeric data a more versatile alternative is provided by data.table::nafill
and data.table::setnafill
replaces Inf/-Inf
(or optionally NaN/Inf/-Inf
) with a value (default is NA
). It skips non-numeric columns in a data frame.
replaces values falling outside a 1- or 2-sided numeric threshold or outside a certain number of standard deviations or median absolute deviation with a value (default is NA
). It skips non-numeric columns in a data frame.
These functions are not generic and do not offer support for factors or date(-time) objects. see dplyr::recode_factor
, forcats and other appropriate packages for dealing with these classes.
Simple replacing tasks on a vector can also effectively be handled by, setv
/ copyv
. Fast vectorized switches are offered by package kit (functions iif
, nif
, vswitch
, nswitch
) as well as data.table::fcase
and data.table::fifelse
. Using switches is more efficient than recode_*
, as recode_*
creates an internal copy of the object to enable cross-replacing.
Function TRA
, and the associated TRA
('transform') argument to Fast Statistical Functions also has option "replace_na"
, to replace missing values with a statistic computed on the non-missing observations, e.g. fmedian(airquality, TRA = "replace_na")
does median imputation.
, Efficient Programming, Collapse Overview
recode_char(c("a","b","c"), a = "b", b = "c") recode_char(month.name, ber = NA, regex = TRUE) mtcr <- recode_num(mtcars, `0` = 2, `4` = Inf, `1` = NaN) replace_inf(mtcr) replace_inf(mtcr, replace.nan = TRUE) replace_outliers(mtcars, c(2, 100)) # Replace all values below 2 and above 100 w. NA replace_outliers(mtcars, c(2, 100), value = "clip") # Clipping outliers to the thresholds replace_outliers(mtcars, 2, single.limit = "min") # Replace all value smaller than 2 with NA replace_outliers(mtcars, 100, single.limit = "max") # Replace all value larger than 100 with NA replace_outliers(mtcars, 2) # Replace all values above or below 2 column- # standard-deviations from the column-mean w. NA replace_outliers(fgroup_by(iris, Species), 2) # Passing a grouped_df, pseries or pdata.frame # allows to remove outliers according to # in-group standard-deviation. see ?fscale
recode_char(c("a","b","c"), a = "b", b = "c") recode_char(month.name, ber = NA, regex = TRUE) mtcr <- recode_num(mtcars, `0` = 2, `4` = Inf, `1` = NaN) replace_inf(mtcr) replace_inf(mtcr, replace.nan = TRUE) replace_outliers(mtcars, c(2, 100)) # Replace all values below 2 and above 100 w. NA replace_outliers(mtcars, c(2, 100), value = "clip") # Clipping outliers to the thresholds replace_outliers(mtcars, 2, single.limit = "min") # Replace all value smaller than 2 with NA replace_outliers(mtcars, 100, single.limit = "max") # Replace all value larger than 100 with NA replace_outliers(mtcars, 2) # Replace all values above or below 2 column- # standard-deviations from the column-mean w. NA replace_outliers(fgroup_by(iris, Species), 2) # Passing a grouped_df, pseries or pdata.frame # allows to remove outliers according to # in-group standard-deviation. see ?fscale
collapse's version of data.table::rbindlist
and rbind.data.frame
. The core code is copied from data.table, which deserves all credit for the implementation. rowbind
only binds lists/data.frame's. For a more flexible recursive version see unlist2d
. To combine lists column-wise see add_vars
or ftransform
(with replacement).
rowbind(..., idcol = NULL, row.names = FALSE, use.names = TRUE, fill = FALSE, id.factor = "auto", return = c("as.first", "data.frame", "data.table", "tibble", "list"))
rowbind(..., idcol = NULL, row.names = FALSE, use.names = TRUE, fill = FALSE, id.factor = "auto", return = c("as.first", "data.frame", "data.table", "tibble", "list"))
... |
a single list of list-like objects (data.frames) or comma separated objects (internally assembled using |
idcol |
character. The name of an id-column to be generated identifying the source of rows in the final object. Using |
row.names |
use.names |
logical. |
fill |
logical. |
id.factor |
if |
return |
an integer or string specifying what to return. |
a long list or data frame-like object formed by combining the rows / elements of the input objects. The return
argument controls the exact format of the output.
, add_vars
, ftransform
, Data Frame Manipulation, Collapse Overview
# These are the same rowbind(mtcars, mtcars) rowbind(list(mtcars, mtcars)) # With id column rowbind(mtcars, mtcars, idcol = "id") rowbind(a = mtcars, b = mtcars, idcol = "id") # With saving row-names rowbind(mtcars, mtcars, row.names = "cars") rowbind(a = mtcars, b = mtcars, idcol = "id", row.names = "cars") # Filling up columns rowbind(mtcars, mtcars[2:8], fill = TRUE)
# These are the same rowbind(mtcars, mtcars) rowbind(list(mtcars, mtcars)) # With id column rowbind(mtcars, mtcars, idcol = "id") rowbind(a = mtcars, b = mtcars, idcol = "id") # With saving row-names rowbind(mtcars, mtcars, row.names = "cars") rowbind(a = mtcars, b = mtcars, idcol = "id", row.names = "cars") # Filling up columns rowbind(mtcars, mtcars[2:8], fill = TRUE)
A fast substitute for dplyr::arrange
, based on radixorder(v)
and inspired by data.table::setorder(v)
. It returns a sorted copy of the data frame, unless the data is already sorted in which case no copy is made. In addition, rows can be manually re-ordered. roworderv
is a programmers version that takes vectors/variables as input.
Use data.table::setorder(v)
to sort a data frame without creating a copy.
roworder(X, ..., na.last = TRUE, verbose = .op[["verbose"]]) roworderv(X, cols = NULL, neworder = NULL, decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, pos = "front", verbose = .op[["verbose"]])
roworder(X, ..., na.last = TRUE, verbose = .op[["verbose"]]) roworderv(X, cols = NULL, neworder = NULL, decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, pos = "front", verbose = .op[["verbose"]])
X |
a data frame or list of equal-length columns. |
... |
comma-separated columns of |
cols |
select columns to sort by using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. The default |
na.last |
logical. If |
decreasing |
logical. Should the sort order be increasing or decreasing? Can also be a vector of length equal to the number of arguments in |
neworder |
an ordering vector, can be |
pos |
integer or character. Different arrangement options if
verbose |
logical. |
A copy of X
with rows reordered. If X
is already sorted, X
is simply returned.
If you don't require a copy of the data, use data.table::setorder
(you can also use it in a piped call as it invisibly returns the data).
has internal facilities to deal with grouped and indexed data. This is however inefficient (since in most cases data could be reordered before grouping/indexing), and therefore issues a message if verbose > 0L
, Data Frame Manipulation, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
head(roworder(airquality, Month, -Ozone)) head(roworder(airquality, Month, -Ozone, na.last = NA)) # Removes the missing values in Ozone ## Same in standard evaluation head(roworderv(airquality, c("Month", "Ozone"), decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE))) head(roworderv(airquality, c("Month", "Ozone"), decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE), na.last = NA)) ## Custom reordering head(roworderv(mtcars, neworder = 3:4)) # Bring rows 3 and 4 to the front head(roworderv(mtcars, neworder = 3:4, pos = "end")) # Bring them to the end head(roworderv(mtcars, neworder = mtcars$vs == 1)) # Bring rows with vs == 1 to the top
head(roworder(airquality, Month, -Ozone)) head(roworder(airquality, Month, -Ozone, na.last = NA)) # Removes the missing values in Ozone ## Same in standard evaluation head(roworderv(airquality, c("Month", "Ozone"), decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE))) head(roworderv(airquality, c("Month", "Ozone"), decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE), na.last = NA)) ## Custom reordering head(roworderv(mtcars, neworder = 3:4)) # Bring rows 3 and 4 to the front head(roworderv(mtcars, neworder = 3:4, pos = "end")) # Bring them to the end head(roworderv(mtcars, neworder = mtcars$vs == 1)) # Bring rows with vs == 1 to the top
(recursively) splits a vector, matrix or data frame into subsets according to combinations of (multiple) vectors / factors and returns a (nested) list. If flatten = TRUE
, the list is flattened yielding the same result as split
. rsplit
is implemented as a wrapper around gsplit
, and significantly faster than split
rsplit(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: rsplit(x, fl, drop = TRUE, flatten = FALSE, use.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' rsplit(x, fl, drop = TRUE, flatten = FALSE, use.names = TRUE, drop.dim = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' rsplit(x, by, drop = TRUE, flatten = FALSE, cols = NULL, keep.by = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, use.names = TRUE, ...)
rsplit(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: rsplit(x, fl, drop = TRUE, flatten = FALSE, use.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' rsplit(x, fl, drop = TRUE, flatten = FALSE, use.names = TRUE, drop.dim = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' rsplit(x, by, drop = TRUE, flatten = FALSE, cols = NULL, keep.by = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, use.names = TRUE, ...)
x |
a vector, matrix, data.frame or list like object. |
fl |
a |
by |
data.frame method: Same as |
drop |
logical. |
flatten |
logical. If |
use.names |
logical. |
drop.dim |
logical. |
cols |
data.frame method: Select columns to split using a function, column names, indices or a logical vector. Note: |
keep.by |
logical. If a formula is passed to |
simplify |
data.frame method: Logical. |
... |
further arguments passed to |
a (nested) list containing the subsets of x
, rapply2d
, unlist2d
, List Processing, Collapse Overview
rsplit(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl) rsplit(mtcars, mtcars$cyl) rsplit(mtcars, mtcars[.c(cyl, vs, am)]) rsplit(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, keep.by = TRUE) # Same thing rsplit(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) rsplit(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, flatten = TRUE) rsplit(mtcars, mpg ~ cyl) rsplit(mtcars, mpg ~ cyl, simplify = FALSE) rsplit(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl + vs + am) rsplit(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl + vs + am, keep.by = TRUE) # Split this sectoral data, first by Variable (Emloyment and Value Added), then by Country GGDCspl <- rsplit(GGDC10S, ~ Variable + Country, cols = 6:16) str(GGDCspl) # The nested list can be reassembled using unlist2d() head(unlist2d(GGDCspl, idcols = .c(Variable, Country))) rm(GGDCspl) # Another example with mtcars (not as clean because of row.names) nl <- rsplit(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl + vs + am) str(nl) unlist2d(nl, idcols = .c(cyl, vs, am), row.names = "car") rm(nl)
rsplit(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl) rsplit(mtcars, mtcars$cyl) rsplit(mtcars, mtcars[.c(cyl, vs, am)]) rsplit(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, keep.by = TRUE) # Same thing rsplit(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) rsplit(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, flatten = TRUE) rsplit(mtcars, mpg ~ cyl) rsplit(mtcars, mpg ~ cyl, simplify = FALSE) rsplit(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl + vs + am) rsplit(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl + vs + am, keep.by = TRUE) # Split this sectoral data, first by Variable (Emloyment and Value Added), then by Country GGDCspl <- rsplit(GGDC10S, ~ Variable + Country, cols = 6:16) str(GGDCspl) # The nested list can be reassembled using unlist2d() head(unlist2d(GGDCspl, idcols = .c(Variable, Country))) rm(GGDCspl) # Another example with mtcars (not as clean because of row.names) nl <- rsplit(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl + vs + am) str(nl) unlist2d(nl, idcols = .c(cyl, vs, am), row.names = "car") rm(nl)
can be used to group sequences of integers in a vector, e.g. seqid(c(1:3, 5:7))
becomes c(rep(1,3), rep(2,3))
. It also supports increments > 1
, unordered sequences, and missing values in the sequence.
Some applications are to facilitate identification of, and grouped operations on, (irregular) time series and panels.
seqid(x, o = NULL, del = 1L, start = 1L, na.skip = FALSE, skip.seq = FALSE, check.o = TRUE)
seqid(x, o = NULL, del = 1L, start = 1L, na.skip = FALSE, skip.seq = FALSE, check.o = TRUE)
x |
a factor or integer vector. Numeric vectors will be converted to integer i.e. rounded downwards. |
o |
an (optional) integer ordering vector specifying the order by which to pass through |
del |
integer. The integer deliminating two consecutive points in a sequence. |
start |
integer. The starting value of the resulting sequence id. Default is starting from 1. |
na.skip |
logical. |
skip.seq |
logical. If |
check.o |
logical. Programmers option: |
was created primarily as a workaround to deal with problems of computing lagged values, differences and growth rates on irregularly spaced time series and panels before collapse version 1.5.0 (#26). Now flag
, fdiff
and fgrowth
natively support irregular data so this workaround is superfluous, except for iterated differencing which is not yet supported with irregular data.
The theory of the workaround was to express an irregular time series or panel series as a regular panel series with a group-id created such that the time-periods within each group are consecutive. seqid
makes this very easy: For an irregular panel with some gaps or repeated values in the time variable, an appropriate id variable can be generated using settransform(data, newid = seqid(time, radixorder(id, time)))
. Lags can then be computed using L(data, 1, ~newid, ~time)
In general, for any regularly spaced panel the identity given by identical(groupid(id, order(id, time)), seqid(time, order(id, time)))
should hold.
For the opposite operation of creating a new time-variable that is consecutive in each group, see data.table::rowid
An integer vector of class 'qG'. See qG
, groupid
, qG
, Fast Grouping and Ordering, Collapse Overview
## This creates an irregularly spaced panel, with a gap in time for id = 2 data <- data.frame(id = rep(1:3, each = 4), time = c(1:4, 1:2, 4:5, 1:4), value = rnorm(12)) data ## This gave a gaps in time error previous to collapse 1.5.0 L(data, 1, value ~ id, ~time) ## Generating new id variable (here seqid(time) would suffice as data is sorted) settransform(data, newid = seqid(time, order(id, time))) data ## Lag the panel this way L(data, 1, value ~ newid, ~time) ## A different possibility: Creating a consecutive time variable settransform(data, newtime = data.table::rowid(id)) data L(data, 1, value ~ id, ~newtime) ## With sorted data, the time variable can also just be omitted.. L(data, 1, value ~ id)
## This creates an irregularly spaced panel, with a gap in time for id = 2 data <- data.frame(id = rep(1:3, each = 4), time = c(1:4, 1:2, 4:5, 1:4), value = rnorm(12)) data ## This gave a gaps in time error previous to collapse 1.5.0 L(data, 1, value ~ id, ~time) ## Generating new id variable (here seqid(time) would suffice as data is sorted) settransform(data, newid = seqid(time, order(id, time))) data ## Lag the panel this way L(data, 1, value ~ newid, ~time) ## A different possibility: Creating a consecutive time variable settransform(data, newtime = data.table::rowid(id)) data L(data, 1, value ~ id, ~newtime) ## With sorted data, the time variable can also just be omitted.. L(data, 1, value ~ id)
Convenience functions in the collapse package that help to deal with object attributes such as variable names and labels, object checking, metaprogramming, and that improve the workflow.
.c(...) # Non-standard concatenation i.e. .c(a, b) == c("a", "b") nam %=% values # Multiple-assignment e.g. .c(x, y) %=% c(1, 2), massign(nam, values, # can also assign to different environment. envir = parent.frame()) vlabels(X, attrn = "label", # Get labels of variables in X, in attr(X[[i]], attrn) use.names = TRUE) vlabels(X, attrn = "label") <- value # Set labels of variables in X (by reference) setLabels(X, value = NULL, # Set labels of variables in X (by reference) and return X attrn = "label", cols = NULL) vclasses(X, use.names = TRUE) # Get classes of variables in X namlab(X, class = FALSE, # Return data frame of names and labels, attrn = "label", N = FALSE, # and (optionally) classes, number of observations Ndistinct = FALSE) # and number of non-missing distinct values add_stub(X, stub, pre = TRUE, # Add a stub (i.e. prefix or postfix) to column names cols = NULL) rm_stub(X, stub, pre = TRUE, # Remove stub from column names, also supports general regex = FALSE, # regex matching and removing of characters cols = NULL, ...) all_identical(...) # Check exact equality of multiple objects or list-elements all_obj_equal(...) # Check near equality of multiple objects or list-elements all_funs(expr) # Find all functions called in an R language expression setRownames(object, # Set rownames of object and return object nm = if(is.atomic(object)) seq_row(object) else NULL) setColnames(object, nm) # Set colnames of object and return object setDimnames(object, dn, # Set dimension names of object and return object which = NULL) unattrib(object) # Remove all attributes from object setAttrib(object, a) # Replace all attributes with list of attributes 'a' setattrib(object, a) # Same thing by reference, returning object invisibly copyAttrib(to, from) # Copy all attributes from object 'from' to object 'to' copyMostAttrib(to, from) # Copy most attributes from object 'from' to object 'to' is_categorical(x) # The opposite of is.numeric is_date(x) # Check if object is of class "Date", "POSIXlt" or "POSIXct"
.c(...) # Non-standard concatenation i.e. .c(a, b) == c("a", "b") nam %=% values # Multiple-assignment e.g. .c(x, y) %=% c(1, 2), massign(nam, values, # can also assign to different environment. envir = parent.frame()) vlabels(X, attrn = "label", # Get labels of variables in X, in attr(X[[i]], attrn) use.names = TRUE) vlabels(X, attrn = "label") <- value # Set labels of variables in X (by reference) setLabels(X, value = NULL, # Set labels of variables in X (by reference) and return X attrn = "label", cols = NULL) vclasses(X, use.names = TRUE) # Get classes of variables in X namlab(X, class = FALSE, # Return data frame of names and labels, attrn = "label", N = FALSE, # and (optionally) classes, number of observations Ndistinct = FALSE) # and number of non-missing distinct values add_stub(X, stub, pre = TRUE, # Add a stub (i.e. prefix or postfix) to column names cols = NULL) rm_stub(X, stub, pre = TRUE, # Remove stub from column names, also supports general regex = FALSE, # regex matching and removing of characters cols = NULL, ...) all_identical(...) # Check exact equality of multiple objects or list-elements all_obj_equal(...) # Check near equality of multiple objects or list-elements all_funs(expr) # Find all functions called in an R language expression setRownames(object, # Set rownames of object and return object nm = if(is.atomic(object)) seq_row(object) else NULL) setColnames(object, nm) # Set colnames of object and return object setDimnames(object, dn, # Set dimension names of object and return object which = NULL) unattrib(object) # Remove all attributes from object setAttrib(object, a) # Replace all attributes with list of attributes 'a' setattrib(object, a) # Same thing by reference, returning object invisibly copyAttrib(to, from) # Copy all attributes from object 'from' to object 'to' copyMostAttrib(to, from) # Copy most attributes from object 'from' to object 'to' is_categorical(x) # The opposite of is.numeric is_date(x) # Check if object is of class "Date", "POSIXlt" or "POSIXct"
X |
a matrix or data frame (some functions also support vectors and arrays although that is less common). |
x |
a (atomic) vector. |
expr |
an expression of type "language" e.g. |
object , to , from
a suitable R object. |
a |
a suitable list of attributes. |
attrn |
character. Name of attribute to store labels or retrieve labels from. |
N , Ndistinct
logical. Options to display the number of observations or number of distinct non-missing values. |
value |
for |
use.names |
logical. Preserve names if |
cols |
integer. (optional) indices of columns to apply the operation to. Note that for these small functions this needs to be integer, whereas for other functions in the package this argument is more flexible. |
class |
logical. Also show the classes of variables in X in a column? |
stub |
a single character stub, i.e. "log.", which by default will be pre-applied to all variables or column names in X. |
pre |
logical. |
regex |
logical. Match pattern anywhere in names using a regular expression and remove it with |
nm |
a suitable vector of row- or column-names. |
dn |
a suitable vector or list of names for dimension(s). |
which |
integer. If |
nam |
character. A vector of object names. |
values |
a matching atomic vector or list of objects. |
envir |
the environment to assign into. |
... |
for |
is the opposite of all.vars
, to return the functions called rather than the variables in an expression. See Examples.
and copyMostAttrib
take a shallow copy of the attribute list, i.e. they don't duplicate in memory the attributes themselves. They also, along with setAttrib
, take a shallow copy of lists passed to the to
argument, so that lists are not modified by reference. Atomic to
arguments are however modified by reference. The function setattrib
, added in v1.8.9, modifies the object
by reference i.e. no shallow copies are taken.
copies all attributes except for "names"
, "dim"
and "dimnames"
(like the corresponding C-API function), and further only copies the "row.names"
attribute of data frames if known to be valid. Thus it is a suitable choice if objects should be of the same type but are not of equal dimensions.
Efficient Programming, Collapse Overview
## Non-standard concatenation .c(a, b, "c d", e == f) ## Multiple assignment .c(a, b) %=% list(1, 2) .c(T, N) %=% dim(EuStockMarkets) names(iris) %=% iris list2env(iris) # Same thing rm(list = c("a", "b", "T", "N", names(iris))) ## Variable labels namlab(wlddev) namlab(wlddev, class = TRUE, N = TRUE, Ndistinct = TRUE) vlabels(wlddev) vlabels(wlddev) <- vlabels(wlddev) ## Stub-renaming log_mtc <- add_stub(log(mtcars), "log.") head(log_mtc) head(rm_stub(log_mtc, "log.")) rm(log_mtc) ## Setting dimension names of an object head(setRownames(mtcars)) ar <- array(1:9, c(3,3,3)) setRownames(ar) setColnames(ar, c("a","b","c")) setDimnames(ar, c("a","b","c"), which = 3) setDimnames(ar, list(c("d","e","f"), c("a","b","c")), which = 2:3) setDimnames(ar, list(c("g","h","i"), c("d","e","f"), c("a","b","c"))) ## Checking exact equality of multiple objects all_identical(iris, iris, iris, iris) l <- replicate(100, fmean(num_vars(iris), iris$Species), simplify = FALSE) all_identical(l) rm(l) ## Function names from expressions ex = quote(sum(x) + mean(y) / z) all.names(ex) all.vars(ex) all_funs(ex) rm(ex)
## Non-standard concatenation .c(a, b, "c d", e == f) ## Multiple assignment .c(a, b) %=% list(1, 2) .c(T, N) %=% dim(EuStockMarkets) names(iris) %=% iris list2env(iris) # Same thing rm(list = c("a", "b", "T", "N", names(iris))) ## Variable labels namlab(wlddev) namlab(wlddev, class = TRUE, N = TRUE, Ndistinct = TRUE) vlabels(wlddev) vlabels(wlddev) <- vlabels(wlddev) ## Stub-renaming log_mtc <- add_stub(log(mtcars), "log.") head(log_mtc) head(rm_stub(log_mtc, "log.")) rm(log_mtc) ## Setting dimension names of an object head(setRownames(mtcars)) ar <- array(1:9, c(3,3,3)) setRownames(ar) setColnames(ar, c("a","b","c")) setDimnames(ar, c("a","b","c"), which = 3) setDimnames(ar, list(c("d","e","f"), c("a","b","c")), which = 2:3) setDimnames(ar, list(c("g","h","i"), c("d","e","f"), c("a","b","c"))) ## Checking exact equality of multiple objects all_identical(iris, iris, iris, iris) l <- replicate(100, fmean(num_vars(iris), iris$Species), simplify = FALSE) all_identical(l) rm(l) ## Function names from expressions ex = quote(sum(x) + mean(y) / z) all.names(ex) all.vars(ex) all_funs(ex) rm(ex)
collapse provides the following functions to efficiently summarize and examine data:
, shorthand for quick-summary, is an extremely fast summary command inspired by the (xt)summarize command in the STATA statistical software. It computes a set of 7 statistics (nobs, mean, sd, min, max, skewness and kurtosis) using a numerically stable one-pass method. Statistics can be computed weighted, by groups, and also within-and between entities (for multilevel / panel data).
, shorthand for quick-table, is a faster and more versatile alternative to table
. Notably, it also supports tabulations with frequency weights, as well as computing a statistic over combinations of variables. 'qtab's inherit the 'table' class, allowing for seamless application of 'table' methods.
computes a concise and detailed description of a data frame, including (sorted) frequency tables for categorical variables and various statistics and quantiles for numeric variables. It is inspired by Hmisc::describe
, but about 10x faster.
, pwcov
and pwnobs
compute (weighted) pairwise correlations, covariances and observation counts on matrices and data frames. Pairwise correlations and covariances can be computed together with observation counts and p-values. The elaborate print method displays all of these statistics in a single correlation table.
very efficiently checks for the presence of any variation in data (optionally) within groups (such as panel-identifiers). A variable is variant if it has at least 2 distinct non-missing data points.
Function / S3 Generic | Methods | Description | ||
qsu |
default, matrix, data.frame, grouped_df, pseries, pdata.frame, sf |
Fast (grouped, weighted, panel-decomposed) summary statistics | ||
qtab |
No methods, for data frames or vectors | Fast (weighted) cross tabulation | ||
descr |
default, grouped_df (default method handles most objects) |
Detailed statistical description of data frame | ||
pwcor |
No methods, for matrices or data frames | Pairwise (weighted) correlations | ||
pwcov |
No methods, for matrices or data frames | Pairwise (weighted) covariances | ||
pwnobs |
No methods, for matrices or data frames | Pairwise observation counts | ||
varying |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
Fast variation check | ||
Collapse Overview, Fast Statistical Functions
turns a list of lists inside-out. The performance is quite efficient regardless of the size of the list.
l |
a list of lists. Elements inside the sublists can be heterogeneous, including further lists. |
transposed such that the second layer of the list becomes the top layer and the top layer the second layer. See Examples.
To transpose a data frame / list of atomic vectors see data.table::transpose()
, List Processing, Collapse Overview
# Homogenous list of lists l <- list(a = list(c = 1, d = 2), b = list(c = 3, d = 4)) str(l) str(t_list(l)) # Heterogenous case l2 <- list(a = list(c = 1, d = letters), b = list(c = 3:10, d = list(4, e = 5))) attr(l2, "bla") <- "abc" # Attributes other than names are preserved str(l2) str(t_list(l2)) rm(l, l2)
# Homogenous list of lists l <- list(a = list(c = 1, d = 2), b = list(c = 3, d = 4)) str(l) str(t_list(l)) # Heterogenous case l2 <- list(a = list(c = 1, d = letters), b = list(c = 3:10, d = list(4, e = 5))) attr(l2, "bla") <- "abc" # Attributes other than names are preserved str(l2) str(t_list(l2)) rm(l, l2)
collapse provides a flexible and powerful set of functions and classes to work with time-dependent data:
creates an 'indexed_frame': a flexible structure that can be imposed upon any data-frame like object and facilitates indexed (time-aware) computations on time series and panel data. Indexed frames are composed of 'indexed_series', which can also be created from vector and matrix-based objects using the reindex
function. Further functions findex/ix
, unindex
, is_irregular
and to_plm
help operate these classes, check for irregularity, and ensure plm compatibility. Methods are defined for various time series, data transformation and data manipulation functions in collapse.
efficiently converts numeric time sequences, such as 'Date' or 'POSIXct' vectors, to a time-factor / integer id, where a unit-step represents the greatest common divisor of the underlying sequence.
, and the lag- and lead- operators L
and F
are S3 generics to efficiently compute sequences of lags and leads on regular or irregular / unbalanced time series and panel data.
Similarly, fdiff
, fgrowth
, and the operators D
, Dlog
and G
are S3 generics to efficiently compute sequences of suitably lagged / leaded and iterated differences, log-differences and growth rates. fdiff/D/Dlog
can also compute quasi-differences of the form .
is an S3 generic to efficiently compute cumulative sums on time series and panel data. In contrast to cumsum
, it can handle missing values and supports both grouped and indexed / ordered computations.
is an S3 generic to efficiently convert panel-vectors / 'indexed_series' and data frames / 'indexed_frame's to panel series matrices and 3D arrays, respectively (where time, individuals and variables receive different dimensions, allowing for fast indexation, visualization, and computations).
, pspacf
and psccf
are S3 generics to compute estimates of the auto-, partial auto- and cross- correlation or covariance functions for panel-vectors / 'indexed_series', and multivariate versions for data frames / 'indexed_frame's.
S3 Generic | Methods | Description | ||
findex_by/iby , findex/ix , reindex , unindex , is_irregular , to_plm |
For vectors, matrices and data frames / lists. | Fast and flexible time series and panel data classes 'indexed_series' and 'indexed_frame'. | ||
timeid |
For time sequences represented by integer or double vectors / objects. | Generate integer time-id/factor | ||
flag/L/F |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
Compute (sequences of) lags and leads | ||
fdiff/D/Dlog |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
Compute (sequences of lagged / leaded and iterated) (quasi-)differences or log-differences | ||
fgrowth/G |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
Compute (sequences of lagged / leaded and iterated) growth rates (exact, via log-differencing, or compounded) | ||
fcumsum |
default, matrix, data.frame, pseries, pdata.frame, grouped_df |
Compute cumulative sums | ||
psmat |
default, pseries, data.frame, pdata.frame |
Convert panel data to matrix / array | ||
psacf |
default, pseries, data.frame, pdata.frame |
Compute ACF on panel data | ||
pspacf |
default, pseries, data.frame, pdata.frame |
Compute PACF on panel data | ||
psccf |
default, pseries, data.frame, pdata.frame |
Compute CCF on panel data |
Collapse Overview, Data Transformations
groups time vectors in a way that preserves the temporal structure. It generate an integer id where unit steps represent the greatest common divisor in the original sequence e.g c(4, 6, 10) -> c(1, 2, 4)
or c(0.25, 0.75, 1) -> c(1, 3, 4)
timeid(x, factor = FALSE, ordered = factor, extra = FALSE)
timeid(x, factor = FALSE, ordered = factor, extra = FALSE)
x |
a numeric time object such as a |
factor |
logical. |
ordered |
logical. |
extra |
Note that returning these attributes does not incur additional computations. |
Let range_x
and step_x
be the like-named attributes returned when extra = TRUE
, then, if factor = TRUE
, a complete sequence of levels is generated as seq(range_x[1], range_x[2], by = step_x) |> copyMostAttrib(x) |> as.character()
. If factor = FALSE
, the number of timesteps recorded in the "N.groups"
attribute is computed as (range_x[2]-range_x[1])/step_x + 1
, which is equal to the number of factor levels. In both cases the underlying integer id is the same and preserves gaps in time. Large gaps (strong irregularity) can result in many unused factor levels, the generation of which can become expensive. Using factor = FALSE
(the default) is thus more efficient.
A factor or 'qG
' object, optionally with additional attributes attached.
, Indexing, Time Series and Panel Series, Collapse Overview
oldopts <- options(max.print = 30) # A normal use case timeid(wlddev$decade) timeid(wlddev$decade, factor = TRUE) timeid(wlddev$decade, extra = TRUE) # Here a large number of levels is generated, which is expensive timeid(wlddev$date, factor = TRUE) tid <- timeid(wlddev$date, extra = TRUE) # Much faster str(tid) # The reason for step = 1 are leap years with 366 days every 4 years diff(attr(tid, "unique")) # So in this case simple factor generation gives a better result qF(wlddev$date, ordered = TRUE, na.exclude = FALSE) # The best way to deal with this data would be to convert it # to zoo::yearmon and then use timeid: timeid(zoo::as.yearmon(wlddev$date), factor = TRUE, extra = TRUE) options(oldopts) rm(oldopts, tid)
oldopts <- options(max.print = 30) # A normal use case timeid(wlddev$decade) timeid(wlddev$decade, factor = TRUE) timeid(wlddev$decade, extra = TRUE) # Here a large number of levels is generated, which is expensive timeid(wlddev$date, factor = TRUE) tid <- timeid(wlddev$date, extra = TRUE) # Much faster str(tid) # The reason for step = 1 are leap years with 366 days every 4 years diff(attr(tid, "unique")) # So in this case simple factor generation gives a better result qF(wlddev$date, ordered = TRUE, na.exclude = FALSE) # The best way to deal with this data would be to convert it # to zoo::yearmon and then use timeid: timeid(zoo::as.yearmon(wlddev$date), factor = TRUE, extra = TRUE) options(oldopts) rm(oldopts, tid)
is an S3 generic that efficiently transforms data by either (column-wise) replacing data values with supplied statistics or sweeping the statistics out of the data. TRA
supports grouped operations and data transformation by reference, and is thus a generalization of sweep
TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", ...) setTRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", ...) # Shorthand for invisible(TRA(..., set = TRUE)) ## Default S3 method: TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", g = NULL, set = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", g = NULL, set = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", g = NULL, set = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", keep.group_vars = TRUE, set = FALSE, ...)
TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", ...) setTRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", ...) # Shorthand for invisible(TRA(..., set = TRUE)) ## Default S3 method: TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", g = NULL, set = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", g = NULL, set = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", g = NULL, set = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' TRA(x, STATS, FUN = "-", keep.group_vars = TRUE, set = FALSE, ...)
x |
a atomic vector, matrix, data frame or grouped data frame (class 'grouped_df'). |
a matching set of summary statistics. See Details and Examples. |
an integer or character string indicating the operation to perform. There are 11 supported operations:
g |
a factor, |
set |
logical. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
Without groups (g = NULL
), TRA
is little more than a column based version of sweep
, albeit many times more efficient. In this case all methods support an atomic vector of statistics of length NCOL(x)
passed to STATS
. The matrix and data frame methods also support a 1-row matrix or 1-row data frame / list, respectively. TRA
always preserves all attributes of x
With groups passed to g
needs to be of the same type as x
and of appropriate dimensions [such that NCOL(x) == NCOL(STATS)
equals the number of groups (i.e. the number of levels if g
is a factor)]. If this condition is satisfied, TRA
will assume that the first row of STATS
is the set of statistics computed on the first group/level of g
, the second row on the second group/level etc. and do groupwise replacing or sweeping out accordingly.
For example Let x = c(1.2, 4.6, 2.5, 9.1, 8.7, 3.3)
, g is an integer vector in 3 groups g = c(1,3,3,2,1,2)
and STATS = fmean(x,g) = c(4.95, 6.20, 3.55)
. Then out = TRA(x,STATS,"-",g) = c(-3.75, 1.05, -1.05, 2.90, 3.75, -2.90)
[same as fmean(x, g, TRA = "-")
] does the equivalent of the following for-loop: for(i in 1:6) out[i] = x[i] - STATS[g[i]]
Correct computation requires that g
as used in fmean
and g
passed to TRA
are exactly the same vector. Using g = c(1,3,3,2,1,2)
for fmean
and g = c(3,1,1,2,3,2)
for TRA
will not give the right result. The safest way of programming with TRA
is thus to repeatedly employ the same factor or GRP
object for all grouped computations. Atomic vectors passed to g
will be converted to factors (see qF
) and lists will be converted to GRP
objects. This is also done by all Fast Statistical Functions and BY
, thus together with these functions, TRA
can also safely be used with atomic- or list-groups (as long as all functions apply sorted grouping, which is the default in collapse).
If x
is a grouped data frame ('grouped_df'), TRA
matches the columns of x
and also checks for grouping columns in x
. TRA.grouped_df
will then only transform those columns in x
for which matching counterparts were found in STATS
(exempting grouping columns) and return x
again (with columns in the same order). If keep.group_vars = FALSE
, the grouping columns are dropped after computation, however the "groups" attribute is not dropped (it can be removed using fungroup()
or dplyr::ungroup()
with columns replaced or swept out using STATS
, (optionally) grouped by g
In most cases there is no need to call the TRA()
function, because of the TRA-argument to all Fast Statistical Functions (ensuring that the exact same grouping vector is used for computing statistics and subsequent transformation). In addition the functions fbetween/B
and fwithin/W
and fscale/STD
provide optimized solutions for frequent scaling, centering and averaging tasks.
, Fast Statistical Functions, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
v <- iris$Sepal.Length # A numeric vector f <- iris$Species # A factor dat <- num_vars(iris) # Numeric columns m <- qM(dat) # Matrix of numeric data head(TRA(v, fmean(v))) # Simple centering [same as fmean(v, TRA = "-") or W(v)] head(TRA(m, fmean(m))) # [same as sweep(m, 2, fmean(m)), fmean(m, TRA = "-") or W(m)] head(TRA(dat, fmean(dat))) # [same as fmean(dat, TRA = "-") or W(dat)] head(TRA(v, fmean(v), "replace")) # Simple replacing [same as fmean(v, TRA = "replace") or B(v)] head(TRA(m, fmean(m), "replace")) # [same as sweep(m, 2, fmean(m)), fmean(m, TRA = 1L) or B(m)] head(TRA(dat, fmean(dat), "replace")) # [same as fmean(dat, TRA = "replace") or B(dat)] head(TRA(m, fsd(m), "/")) # Simple scaling... [same as fsd(m, TRA = "/")]... # Note: All grouped examples also apply for v and dat... head(TRA(m, fmean(m, f), "-", f)) # Centering [same as fmean(m, f, TRA = "-") or W(m, f)] head(TRA(m, fmean(m, f), "replace", f)) # Replacing [same fmean(m, f, TRA = "replace") or B(m, f)] head(TRA(m, fsd(m, f), "/", f)) # Scaling [same as fsd(m, f, TRA = "/")] head(TRA(m, fmean(m, f), "-+", f)) # Centering on the overall mean ... # [same as fmean(m, f, TRA = "-+") or # W(m, f, mean = "overall.mean")] head(TRA(TRA(m, fmean(m, f), "-", f), # Also the same thing done manually !! fmean(m), "+")) # Grouped data method library(magrittr) iris %>% fgroup_by(Species) %>% TRA(fmean(.)) iris %>% fgroup_by(Species) %>% fmean(TRA = "-") # Same thing iris %>% fgroup_by(Species) %>% TRA(fmean(.)[c(2,4)]) # Only transforming 2 columns iris %>% fgroup_by(Species) %>% TRA(fmean(.)[c(2,4)], # Dropping species column keep.group_vars = FALSE)
v <- iris$Sepal.Length # A numeric vector f <- iris$Species # A factor dat <- num_vars(iris) # Numeric columns m <- qM(dat) # Matrix of numeric data head(TRA(v, fmean(v))) # Simple centering [same as fmean(v, TRA = "-") or W(v)] head(TRA(m, fmean(m))) # [same as sweep(m, 2, fmean(m)), fmean(m, TRA = "-") or W(m)] head(TRA(dat, fmean(dat))) # [same as fmean(dat, TRA = "-") or W(dat)] head(TRA(v, fmean(v), "replace")) # Simple replacing [same as fmean(v, TRA = "replace") or B(v)] head(TRA(m, fmean(m), "replace")) # [same as sweep(m, 2, fmean(m)), fmean(m, TRA = 1L) or B(m)] head(TRA(dat, fmean(dat), "replace")) # [same as fmean(dat, TRA = "replace") or B(dat)] head(TRA(m, fsd(m), "/")) # Simple scaling... [same as fsd(m, TRA = "/")]... # Note: All grouped examples also apply for v and dat... head(TRA(m, fmean(m, f), "-", f)) # Centering [same as fmean(m, f, TRA = "-") or W(m, f)] head(TRA(m, fmean(m, f), "replace", f)) # Replacing [same fmean(m, f, TRA = "replace") or B(m, f)] head(TRA(m, fsd(m, f), "/", f)) # Scaling [same as fsd(m, f, TRA = "/")] head(TRA(m, fmean(m, f), "-+", f)) # Centering on the overall mean ... # [same as fmean(m, f, TRA = "-+") or # W(m, f, mean = "overall.mean")] head(TRA(TRA(m, fmean(m, f), "-", f), # Also the same thing done manually !! fmean(m), "+")) # Grouped data method library(magrittr) iris %>% fgroup_by(Species) %>% TRA(fmean(.)) iris %>% fgroup_by(Species) %>% fmean(TRA = "-") # Same thing iris %>% fgroup_by(Species) %>% TRA(fmean(.)[c(2,4)]) # Only transforming 2 columns iris %>% fgroup_by(Species) %>% TRA(fmean(.)[c(2,4)], # Dropping species column keep.group_vars = FALSE)
efficiently unlists lists of regular R objects (objects built up from atomic elements) and creates a data frame representation of the list through recursive flattening and intelligent row-binding operations. It is a full 2-dimensional generalization of unlist
, and best understood as a recursive generalization of do.call(rbind, ...)
It is a powerful tool to create a tidy data frame representation from (nested) lists of vectors, data frames, matrices, arrays or heterogeneous objects. For simple row-wise combining lists/data.frame's use the non-recursive rowbind
unlist2d(l, idcols = ".id", row.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, id.factor = FALSE, DT = FALSE)
unlist2d(l, idcols = ".id", row.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, id.factor = FALSE, DT = FALSE)
l |
a unlistable list (with atomic elements in all final nodes, see |
idcols |
a character stub or a vector of names for id-columns automatically added - one for each level of nesting in |
row.names |
recursive |
logical. if |
id.factor |
if |
DT |
logical. |
The data frame representation created by unlist2d
is built as follows:
Recurse down to the lowest level of the list-tree, data frames are exempted and treated as a final (atomic) elements.
Identify the objects, if they are vectors, matrices or arrays convert them to data frame (in the case of atomic vectors each element becomes a column).
Row-bind these data frames using data.table's rbindlist
function. Columns are matched by name. If the number of columns differ, fill empty spaces with NA
's. If !isFALSE(idcols)
, create id-columns on the left, filled with the object names or indices (if the (sub-)list is unnamed). If !isFALSE(row.names)
, store rownames of the objects (if available) in a separate column.
Move up to the next higher level of the list-tree and repeat: Convert atomic objects to data frame and row-bind while matching all columns and filling unmatched ones with NA
's. Create another id-column for each level of nesting passed through. If the list-tree is asymmetric, fill empty spaces in lower-level id columns with NA
The result of this iterative procedure is a single data frame containing on the left side id-columns for each level of nesting (from higher to lower level), followed by a column containing all the rownames of the objects (if !isFALSE(row.names)
), followed by the data columns, matched at each level of recursion. Optimal results are obtained with symmetric lists of arrays, matrices or data frames, which unlist2d
efficiently binds into a beautiful data frame ready for plotting or further analysis. See examples below.
A data frame or (if DT = TRUE
) a data.table.
For lists of data frames unlist2d
works just like data.table::rbindlist(l, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE, idcol = ".id")
however for lists of lists unlist2d
does not produce the same output as data.table::rbindlist
because unlist2d
is a recursive function. You can use rowbind
as a faithful alternative to data.table::rbindlist
The function rrapply::rrapply(l, how = "melt"|"bind")
is a fast alternative (written fully in C) for nested lists of atomic elements.
, rsplit
, rapply2d
, List Processing, Collapse Overview
## Basic Examples: l <- list(mtcars, list(mtcars, mtcars)) tail(unlist2d(l)) unlist2d(rapply2d(l, fmean)) l = list(a = qM(mtcars[1:8]), b = list(c = mtcars[4:11], d = list(e = mtcars[2:10], f = mtcars))) tail(unlist2d(l, row.names = TRUE)) unlist2d(rapply2d(l, fmean)) unlist2d(rapply2d(l, fmean), recursive = FALSE) ## Groningen Growth and Development Center 10-Sector Database head(GGDC10S) # See ?GGDC10S namlab(GGDC10S, class = TRUE) # Panel-Summarize this data by Variable (Emloyment and Value Added) l <- qsu(GGDC10S, by = ~ Variable, # Output as list (instead of 4D array) pid = ~ Variable + Country, cols = 6:16, array = FALSE) str(l, give.attr = FALSE) # A list of 2-levels with matrices of statistics head(unlist2d(l)) # Default output, missing the variables (row-names) head(unlist2d(l, row.names = TRUE)) # Here we go, but this is still not very nice head(unlist2d(l, idcols = c("Sector","Trans"), # Now this is looking pretty good row.names = "Variable")) dat <- unlist2d(l, c("Sector","Trans"), # Id-columns can also be generated as factors "Variable", id.factor = TRUE) str(dat) # Split this sectoral data, first by Variable (Emloyment and Value Added), then by Country sdat <- rsplit(GGDC10S, ~ Variable + Country, cols = 6:16) # Compute pairwise correlations between sectors and recombine: dat <- unlist2d(rapply2d(sdat, pwcor), idcols = c("Variable","Country"), row.names = "Sector") head(dat) plot(hclust(as.dist(1-pwcor(dat[-(1:3)])))) # Using corrs. as distance metric to cluster sectors # List of panel-series matrices psml <- psmat(fsubset(GGDC10S, Variable == "VA"), ~Country, ~Year, cols = 6:16, array = FALSE) # Recombining with unlist2d() (effectively like reshapig the data) head(unlist2d(psml, idcols = "Sector", row.names = "Country")) rm(l, dat, sdat, psml)
## Basic Examples: l <- list(mtcars, list(mtcars, mtcars)) tail(unlist2d(l)) unlist2d(rapply2d(l, fmean)) l = list(a = qM(mtcars[1:8]), b = list(c = mtcars[4:11], d = list(e = mtcars[2:10], f = mtcars))) tail(unlist2d(l, row.names = TRUE)) unlist2d(rapply2d(l, fmean)) unlist2d(rapply2d(l, fmean), recursive = FALSE) ## Groningen Growth and Development Center 10-Sector Database head(GGDC10S) # See ?GGDC10S namlab(GGDC10S, class = TRUE) # Panel-Summarize this data by Variable (Emloyment and Value Added) l <- qsu(GGDC10S, by = ~ Variable, # Output as list (instead of 4D array) pid = ~ Variable + Country, cols = 6:16, array = FALSE) str(l, give.attr = FALSE) # A list of 2-levels with matrices of statistics head(unlist2d(l)) # Default output, missing the variables (row-names) head(unlist2d(l, row.names = TRUE)) # Here we go, but this is still not very nice head(unlist2d(l, idcols = c("Sector","Trans"), # Now this is looking pretty good row.names = "Variable")) dat <- unlist2d(l, c("Sector","Trans"), # Id-columns can also be generated as factors "Variable", id.factor = TRUE) str(dat) # Split this sectoral data, first by Variable (Emloyment and Value Added), then by Country sdat <- rsplit(GGDC10S, ~ Variable + Country, cols = 6:16) # Compute pairwise correlations between sectors and recombine: dat <- unlist2d(rapply2d(sdat, pwcor), idcols = c("Variable","Country"), row.names = "Sector") head(dat) plot(hclust(as.dist(1-pwcor(dat[-(1:3)])))) # Using corrs. as distance metric to cluster sectors # List of panel-series matrices psml <- psmat(fsubset(GGDC10S, Variable == "VA"), ~Country, ~Year, cols = 6:16, array = FALSE) # Recombining with unlist2d() (effectively like reshapig the data) head(unlist2d(psml, idcols = "Sector", row.names = "Country")) rm(l, dat, sdat, psml)
is a generic function that (column-wise) checks for variation in the values of x
, (optionally) within the groups g
(e.g. a panel-identifier).
varying(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: varying(x, g = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' varying(x, g = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' varying(x, by = NULL, cols = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' varying(x, effect = 1L, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' varying(x, effect = 1L, cols = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' varying(x, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = FALSE, drop = TRUE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with sf: ## S3 method for class 'sf' varying(x, by = NULL, cols = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...)
varying(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: varying(x, g = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' varying(x, g = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' varying(x, by = NULL, cols = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) # Methods for indexed data / compatibility with plm: ## S3 method for class 'pseries' varying(x, effect = 1L, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pdata.frame' varying(x, effect = 1L, cols = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with dplyr: ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' varying(x, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = FALSE, drop = TRUE, keep.group_vars = TRUE, ...) # Methods for grouped data frame / compatibility with sf: ## S3 method for class 'sf' varying(x, by = NULL, cols = NULL, any_group = TRUE, use.g.names = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame, 'indexed_series' ('pseries'), 'indexed_frame' ('pdata.frame') or grouped data frame ('grouped_df'). Data must not be numeric. |
g |
a factor, |
by |
same as |
any_group |
logical. If |
cols |
select columns using column names, indices or a function (e.g. |
use.g.names |
logical. Make group-names and add to the result as names (default method) or row-names (matrix and data frame methods). No row-names are generated for data.table's. |
drop |
matrix and data.frame methods: Logical. |
effect |
plm methods: Select the panel identifier by which variation in the data should be examined. 1L takes the first variable in the index, 2L the second etc.. Index variables can also be called by name. More than one index variable can be supplied, which will be interacted. |
keep.group_vars |
grouped_df method: Logical. |
... |
arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
Without groups passed to g
, varying
simply checks if there is any variation in the columns of x
and returns TRUE
for each column where this is the case and FALSE
otherwise. A set of data points is defined as varying if it contains at least 2 distinct non-missing values (such that a non-0 standard deviation can be computed on numeric data). varying
checks for variation in both numeric and non-numeric data.
If groups are supplied to g
(or alternatively a grouped_df to x
), varying
can operate in one of 2 modes:
If any_group = TRUE
(the default), varying
checks each column for variation in any of the groups defined by g
, and returns TRUE
if such within-variation was detected and FALSE
otherwise. Thus only one logical value is returned for each column and the computation on each column is terminated as soon as any variation within any group was found.
If any_group = FALSE
, varying
runs through the entire data checking each group for variation and returns, for each column in x
, a logical vector reporting the variation check for all groups. If a group contains only missing values, a NA
is returned for that group.
The sf method simply ignores the geometry column.
A logical vector or (if !is.null(g)
and any_group = FALSE
), a matrix or data frame of logical vectors indicating whether the data vary (over the dimension supplied by g
Summary Statistics, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview
## Checks overall variation in all columns varying(wlddev) ## Checks whether data are time-variant i.e. vary within country varying(wlddev, ~ country) ## Same as above but done for each country individually, countries without data are coded NA head(varying(wlddev, ~ country, any_group = FALSE))
## Checks overall variation in all columns varying(wlddev) ## Checks whether data are time-variant i.e. vary within country varying(wlddev, ~ country) ## Same as above but done for each country individually, countries without data are coded NA head(varying(wlddev, ~ country, any_group = FALSE))
This dataset contains 5 indicators from the World Bank's World Development Indicators (WDI) database: (1) GDP per capita, (2) Life expectancy at birth, (3) GINI index, (4) Net ODA and official aid received and (5) Population. The panel data is balanced and covers 216 present and historic countries from 1960-2020 (World Bank aggregates and regional entities are excluded).
Apart from the indicators the data contains a number of identifiers (character country name, factor ISO3 country code, World Bank region and income level, numeric year and decade) and 2 generated variables: A logical variable indicating whether the country is an OECD member, and a fictitious variable stating the date the data was recorded. These variables were added so that all common data-types are represented in this dataset, making it an ideal test-dataset for certain collapse functions.
A data frame with 13176 observations on the following 13 variables. All variables are labeled e.g. have a 'label' attribute.
chr Country Name
fct Country Code
date Date Recorded (Fictitious)
int Year
int Decade
fct World Bank Region
fct World Bank Income Level
log Is OECD Member Country?
num GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$)
num Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
num GINI index (World Bank estimate)
num Net official development assistance and official aid received (constant 2018 US$)
num Population, total
https://data.worldbank.org/, accessed via the WDI
package. The codes for the series are c("NY.GDP.PCAP.KD", "SP.DYN.LE00.IN", "SI.POV.GINI", "DT.ODA.ALLD.KD", "SP.POP.TOTL")
data(wlddev) # Panel-summarizing the 5 series qsu(wlddev, pid = ~iso3c, cols = 9:13, vlabels = TRUE) # By Region qsu(wlddev, by = ~region, cols = 9:13, vlabels = TRUE) # Panel-summary by region qsu(wlddev, by = ~region, pid = ~iso3c, cols = 9:13, vlabels = TRUE) # Pairwise correlations: Ovarall print(pwcor(get_vars(wlddev, 9:13), N = TRUE, P = TRUE), show = "lower.tri") # Pairwise correlations: Between Countries print(pwcor(fmean(get_vars(wlddev, 9:13), wlddev$iso3c), N = TRUE, P = TRUE), show = "lower.tri") # Pairwise correlations: Within Countries print(pwcor(fwithin(get_vars(wlddev, 9:13), wlddev$iso3c), N = TRUE, P = TRUE), show = "lower.tri")
data(wlddev) # Panel-summarizing the 5 series qsu(wlddev, pid = ~iso3c, cols = 9:13, vlabels = TRUE) # By Region qsu(wlddev, by = ~region, cols = 9:13, vlabels = TRUE) # Panel-summary by region qsu(wlddev, by = ~region, pid = ~iso3c, cols = 9:13, vlabels = TRUE) # Pairwise correlations: Ovarall print(pwcor(get_vars(wlddev, 9:13), N = TRUE, P = TRUE), show = "lower.tri") # Pairwise correlations: Between Countries print(pwcor(fmean(get_vars(wlddev, 9:13), wlddev$iso3c), N = TRUE, P = TRUE), show = "lower.tri") # Pairwise correlations: Within Countries print(pwcor(fwithin(get_vars(wlddev, 9:13), wlddev$iso3c), N = TRUE, P = TRUE), show = "lower.tri")