In this vignette you will learn
how to perform any join operation using resources available in the
It assumes familiarity with the data.table
syntax. If
that is not the case, please read the following vignettes:
vignette("datatable-intro", package="data.table")
vignette("datatable-reference-semantics", package="data.table")
vignette("datatable-keys-fast-subset", package="data.table")
To illustrate how to use the method available with real life examples, let’s simulate a normalized database from a little supermarket by performing the following steps:
where each product is represented
by a row with some qualities, but leaving one product without
to show how the framework deals with missing
values.Products = data.table(
id = c(1:4,
name = c("banana",
price = c(0.63,
unit = c("unit",
type = c(rep("natural", 2L),
rep("processed", 3L))
# id name price unit type
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char>
# 1: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 2: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 3: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed
# 4: 4 soda 1.49 ounce processed
# 5: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed
showing the proportion of taxes
to be applied for processed products based on their units.NewTax = data.table(
unit = c("unit","ounce"),
type = "processed",
tax_prop = c(0.65, 0.20)
# unit type tax_prop
# <char> <char> <num>
# 1: unit processed 0.65
# 2: ounce processed 0.20
simulating the products received
every Monday with a product_id
that is not present in the
ProductReceived = data.table(
id = 1:10,
date = seq(from = as.IDate("2024-01-08"), length.out = 10L, by = "week"),
product_id = sample(c(NA_integer_, 1:3, 6L), size = 10L, replace = TRUE),
count = sample(c(50L, 100L, 150L), size = 10L, replace = TRUE)
# id date product_id count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int>
# 1: 1 2024-01-08 NA 150
# 2: 2 2024-01-15 1 100
# 3: 3 2024-01-22 6 100
# 4: 4 2024-01-29 1 150
# 5: 5 2024-02-05 2 50
# 6: 6 2024-02-12 1 150
# 7: 7 2024-02-19 2 150
# 8: 8 2024-02-26 2 100
# 9: 9 2024-03-04 1 100
# 10: 10 2024-03-11 3 150
to show some sales that can take
place on weekdays with another product_id
that is not
present in the Products
table.sample_date = function(from, to, size, ...){
all_days = seq(from = from, to = to, by = "day")
weekdays = all_days[wday(all_days) %in% 2:6]
days_sample = sample(weekdays, size, ...)
days_sample_desc = sort(days_sample)
ProductSales = data.table(
id = 1:10,
date = ProductReceived[, sample_date(min(date), max(date), 10L)],
product_id = sample(c(1:3, 7L), size = 10L, replace = TRUE),
count = sample(c(50L, 100L, 150L), size = 10L, replace = TRUE)
# id date product_id count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int>
# 1: 1 2024-01-08 7 50
# 2: 2 2024-01-11 2 150
# 3: 3 2024-01-18 1 50
# 4: 4 2024-01-25 1 100
# 5: 5 2024-01-26 3 100
# 6: 6 2024-02-02 3 150
# 7: 7 2024-02-06 2 150
# 8: 8 2024-02-15 7 150
# 9: 9 2024-02-27 1 150
# 10: 10 2024-03-08 1 50
joining syntaxBefore taking advantage of the data.table
syntax to
perform join operations we need to know which arguments can help us to
perform successful joins.
The next diagram shows a description for each basic argument. In the following sections we will show how to use each of them and add more complexity little by little.
x[i, on, nomatch]
| | | |
| | | \__ If NULL only returns rows linked in x and i tables
| | \____ a character vector or list defining match logic
| \_____ primary data.table, list or data.frame
\____ secondary data.table
Please keep in mind that the standard argument order in
isdt[i, j, by]
. For join operations, it is recommended to pass theon
arguments by name to avoid usingj
when they are not needed.
This the most common and simple case as we can find common elements between tables to combine.
The relationship between tables can be:
In most of the following examples we will perform one to many matches, but we are also going to take the time to explain the resources available to perform many to many matches.
Use this method if you need to combine columns from 2 tables based on one or more references but keeping all rows present in the table located on the right (in the the square brackets).
In our supermarket context, we can perform a right join to see more
details about the products received as this is relation one to
many by passing a vector to the on
on = c(id = "product_id")]
# id name price unit type date count
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed 1 2024-01-08 150
# 2: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 2 2024-01-15 100
# 3: 6 <NA> NA <NA> <NA> 3 2024-01-22 100
# 4: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 4 2024-01-29 150
# 5: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 5 2024-02-05 50
# 6: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 6 2024-02-12 150
# 7: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 7 2024-02-19 150
# 8: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 8 2024-02-26 100
# 9: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 9 2024-03-04 100
# 10: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed 10 2024-03-11 150
As many things have changed, let’s explain the new characteristics in the following groups:
comes from the x
comes from the i
is added to column
names from the right-hand table (table on
present on the
table in row 1 was successfully matched
with missing id
of the Products
table, so
values are treated as any other
table were kept including:
product_id = 6
times.If you are following the vignette, you might have found out that we
used a vector to define the relations between tables in the
argument, that is really useful if you are
creating your own functions, but another alternative is
to use a list to define the columns to match.
To use this capacity, we have 2 equivalent alternatives:
alias .
argumentIn all the prior example we have pass the column names we want to
match to the on
argument but data.table
have alternatives to that syntax.
table from id
and use the keyword .NATURAL
.ProductsChangedName = setnames(copy(Products), "id", "product_id")
# product_id name price unit type
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char>
# 1: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 2: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 3: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed
# 4: 4 soda 1.49 ounce processed
# 5: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed
ProductsChangedName[ProductReceived, on = .NATURAL]
# product_id name price unit type id date count
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed 1 2024-01-08 150
# 2: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 2 2024-01-15 100
# 3: 6 <NA> NA <NA> <NA> 3 2024-01-22 100
# 4: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 4 2024-01-29 150
# 5: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 5 2024-02-05 50
# 6: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 6 2024-02-12 150
# 7: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 7 2024-02-19 150
# 8: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 8 2024-02-26 100
# 9: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 9 2024-03-04 100
# 10: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed 10 2024-03-11 150
ProductsKeyed = setkey(copy(Products), id)
# [1] "id"
ProductReceivedKeyed = setkey(copy(ProductReceived), product_id)
# [1] "product_id"
# Key: <id>
# id name price unit type date count
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed 1 2024-01-08 150
# 2: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 2 2024-01-15 100
# 3: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 4 2024-01-29 150
# 4: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 6 2024-02-12 150
# 5: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 9 2024-03-04 100
# 6: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 5 2024-02-05 50
# 7: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 7 2024-02-19 150
# 8: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 8 2024-02-26 100
# 9: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed 10 2024-03-11 150
# 10: 6 <NA> NA <NA> <NA> 3 2024-01-22 100
Most of the time after a join is complete we need to make some additional transformations. To make so we have the following alternatives:
argument.Our recommendation is to use the second alternative if possible, as it is faster and uses less memory than the first one.
in data.table
We can also use this alternative to return aggregated results based
columns present in the x
For example, we might interested in how much money we expend buying products each date regardless the products.
So far we have just joined data.table
base on 1 column,
but it’s important to know that the package can join tables matching
several columns.
To illustrate this, let’s assume that we want to add the
from NewTax
update the Products
NewTax[Products, on = c("unit", "type")]
# unit type tax_prop id name price
# <char> <char> <num> <int> <char> <num>
# 1: unit natural NA 1 banana 0.63
# 2: lb natural NA 2 carrots 0.89
# 3: unit processed 0.65 3 popcorn 2.99
# 4: ounce processed 0.20 4 soda 1.49
# 5: unit processed 0.65 NA toothpaste 2.99
Use this method if you need to combine columns from 2 tables based on one or more references but keeping only rows matched in both tables.
To perform this operation we just need to add
nomatch = NULL
or nomatch = 0
to any of the
prior join operations to return the same results.
# First Table
on = c("id" = "product_id"),
nomatch = NULL]
# id name price unit type date count
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed 1 2024-01-08 150
# 2: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 2 2024-01-15 100
# 3: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 4 2024-01-29 150
# 4: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 5 2024-02-05 50
# 5: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 6 2024-02-12 150
# 6: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 7 2024-02-19 150
# 7: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 8 2024-02-26 100
# 8: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 9 2024-03-04 100
# 9: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed 10 2024-03-11 150
# Second Table
on = .(product_id = id),
nomatch = NULL]
# id date product_id count name price unit type
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <char> <num> <char> <char>
# 1: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 2: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 3: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 4: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 5: 5 2024-02-05 2 50 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 6: 7 2024-02-19 2 150 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 7: 8 2024-02-26 2 100 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 8: 10 2024-03-11 3 150 popcorn 2.99 unit processed
# 9: 1 2024-01-08 NA 150 toothpaste 2.99 unit processed
Despite both tables having the same information, there are some relevant differences:
column in the first table has the same
information as the product_id
in the second
column in the first table has the same
information as the id
in the second table.This method keeps only the rows that don’t match with any row of a second table.
To apply this technique we can negate (!
) the table
located on the i
on = c("id" = "product_id")]
# id name price unit type
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char>
# 1: 4 soda 1.49 ounce processed
As you can see, the result only has ‘soda’, as it was the only
product that is not present in the ProductReceived
on = c("product_id" = "id")]
# id date product_id count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int>
# 1: 3 2024-01-22 6 100
In this case, the operation returns the row with
product_id = 6,
as it is not present on the
This method extracts only the rows that match any row in a second table, without combining the columns of the tables.
It’s very similar to subset as join, but as in this time we are
passing a complete table to the i
we need to ensure
Any row in the x
table is duplicated due row
duplication in the table passed to the i
All the renaming rows from x
should keep the
original row order.
To make this, you can apply the following steps:
which = TRUE
to save the row numbers related to each matching row of the
table.SubSetRows = Products[
on = .(id = product_id),
nomatch = NULL,
which = TRUE
# [1] 5 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3
rows to keep.Use this method if you need to combine columns from 2 tables based on one or more references but keeping all rows present in the table located on the left.
To perform this operation, we just need to exchange the order
between both tables and the columns names in the
on = list(product_id = id)]
# id date product_id count name price unit type
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <char> <num> <char> <char>
# 1: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 2: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 3: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 4: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 5: 5 2024-02-05 2 50 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 6: 7 2024-02-19 2 150 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 7: 8 2024-02-26 2 100 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 8: 10 2024-03-11 3 150 popcorn 2.99 unit processed
# 9: NA <NA> 4 NA soda 1.49 ounce processed
# 10: 1 2024-01-08 NA 150 toothpaste 2.99 unit processed
Here some important considerations:
table as it is the x
table as it is the i
to any column.i
table were kept: the soda entry
from Products
that was not matched by any row in
is still part of the results.product_id = 6
is not part of the
results any more as it is not present in the Products
table.One of the key features of data.table
is that we can
apply several operations before saving our final results by chaining
So far, if after applying all that operations we want to join new columns without removing any row, we would need to stop the chaining process, save a temporary table and later apply the join operation.
To avoid that situation, we can use special symbols .SD
to apply a right join based on the changed table.
on = c("unit", "type")
][, ProductReceived[.SD,
on = list(product_id = id)],
.SDcols = !c("unit", "type")]
# id date product_id count tax_prop name price
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <num> <char> <num>
# 1: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 NA banana 0.63
# 2: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 NA banana 0.63
# 3: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 NA banana 0.63
# 4: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 NA banana 0.63
# 5: 5 2024-02-05 2 50 NA carrots 0.89
# 6: 7 2024-02-19 2 150 NA carrots 0.89
# 7: 8 2024-02-26 2 100 NA carrots 0.89
# 8: 10 2024-03-11 3 150 0.65 popcorn 2.99
# 9: NA <NA> 4 NA 0.20 soda 1.49
# 10: 1 2024-01-08 NA 150 0.65 toothpaste 2.99
Sometimes we want to join tables based on columns with
duplicated id
values to later perform some
transformations later.
To illustrate this situation let’s take as an example the
product_id == 1L
, which have 4 rows in our
ProductReceived[product_id == 1L]
# id date product_id count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int>
# 1: 2 2024-01-15 1 100
# 2: 4 2024-01-29 1 150
# 3: 6 2024-02-12 1 150
# 4: 9 2024-03-04 1 100
And 4 rows in our ProductSales
ProductSales[product_id == 1L]
# id date product_id count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int>
# 1: 3 2024-01-18 1 50
# 2: 4 2024-01-25 1 100
# 3: 9 2024-02-27 1 150
# 4: 10 2024-03-08 1 50
To perform this join we just need to filter
product_id == 1L
in the i
table to limit the
join just to that product and set the argument
allow.cartesian = TRUE
to allow combining each row from one
table with every row from the other table.
on = "product_id",
nomatch = NULL],
on = "product_id",
allow.cartesian = TRUE]
# id date product_id count i.count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 3 2024-01-18 50
# 2: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 3 2024-01-18 50
# 3: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 3 2024-01-18 50
# 4: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 3 2024-01-18 50
# 5: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 4 2024-01-25 100
# 6: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 4 2024-01-25 100
# 7: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 4 2024-01-25 100
# 8: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 4 2024-01-25 100
# 9: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 9 2024-02-27 150
# 10: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 9 2024-02-27 150
# 11: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 9 2024-02-27 150
# 12: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 9 2024-02-27 150
# 13: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 10 2024-03-08 50
# 14: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 10 2024-03-08 50
# 15: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 10 2024-03-08 50
# 16: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 10 2024-03-08 50
Once we understand the result, we can apply the same process for all products.
on = "product_id",
allow.cartesian = TRUE]
# id date product_id count i.count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: NA <NA> 7 NA 1 2024-01-08 50
# 2: 5 2024-02-05 2 50 2 2024-01-11 150
# 3: 7 2024-02-19 2 150 2 2024-01-11 150
# 4: 8 2024-02-26 2 100 2 2024-01-11 150
# 5: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 3 2024-01-18 50
# 6: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 3 2024-01-18 50
# 7: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 3 2024-01-18 50
# 8: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 3 2024-01-18 50
# 9: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 4 2024-01-25 100
# 10: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 4 2024-01-25 100
# 11: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 4 2024-01-25 100
# 12: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 4 2024-01-25 100
# 13: 10 2024-03-11 3 150 5 2024-01-26 100
# 14: 10 2024-03-11 3 150 6 2024-02-02 150
# 15: 5 2024-02-05 2 50 7 2024-02-06 150
# 16: 7 2024-02-19 2 150 7 2024-02-06 150
# 17: 8 2024-02-26 2 100 7 2024-02-06 150
# 18: NA <NA> 7 NA 8 2024-02-15 150
# 19: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 9 2024-02-27 150
# 20: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 9 2024-02-27 150
# 21: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 9 2024-02-27 150
# 22: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 9 2024-02-27 150
# 23: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 10 2024-03-08 50
# 24: 4 2024-01-29 1 150 10 2024-03-08 50
# 25: 6 2024-02-12 1 150 10 2024-03-08 50
# 26: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 10 2024-03-08 50
# id date product_id count i.count
is defaulted to FALSE as this is seldom what the user wants, and such a cross join can lead to a very large number of rows in the result. For example, if Table A has 100 rows and Table B has 50 rows, their Cartesian product would result in 5000 rows (100 * 50). This can quickly become memory-intensive for large datasets.
After joining the table we might find out that we just need to return a single join to extract the information we need. In this case we have 2 alternatives:
id = 2
.ProductReceived[ProductSales[product_id == 1L],
on = .(product_id),
allow.cartesian = TRUE,
mult = "first"]
# id date product_id count i.count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 3 2024-01-18 50
# 2: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 4 2024-01-25 100
# 3: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 9 2024-02-27 150
# 4: 2 2024-01-15 1 100 10 2024-03-08 50
id = 9
.ProductReceived[ProductSales[product_id == 1L],
on = .(product_id),
allow.cartesian = TRUE,
mult = "last"]
# id date product_id count i.count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 3 2024-01-18 50
# 2: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 4 2024-01-25 100
# 3: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 9 2024-02-27 150
# 4: 9 2024-03-04 1 100 10 2024-03-08 50
If you want to get all possible row combinations regardless of any particular id column we can follow the next process:
AllProductsMix =
on = "temp_id",
allow.cartesian = TRUE]
AllProductsMix[, temp_id := NULL]
# Removing type to make easier to see the result when printing the table
AllProductsMix[, !c("type", "i.type")]
# id name price unit i.price i.unit
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <int> <char> <num> <char>
# 1: 1 banana 0.63 unit 1 banana 0.63 unit
# 2: 2 carrots 0.89 lb 1 banana 0.63 unit
# 3: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit 1 banana 0.63 unit
# 4: 4 soda 1.49 ounce 1 banana 0.63 unit
# 5: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit 1 banana 0.63 unit
# 6: 1 banana 0.63 unit 2 carrots 0.89 lb
# 7: 2 carrots 0.89 lb 2 carrots 0.89 lb
# 8: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit 2 carrots 0.89 lb
# 9: 4 soda 1.49 ounce 2 carrots 0.89 lb
# 10: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit 2 carrots 0.89 lb
# 11: 1 banana 0.63 unit 3 popcorn 2.99 unit
# 12: 2 carrots 0.89 lb 3 popcorn 2.99 unit
# 13: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit 3 popcorn 2.99 unit
# 14: 4 soda 1.49 ounce 3 popcorn 2.99 unit
# 15: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit 3 popcorn 2.99 unit
# 16: 1 banana 0.63 unit 4 soda 1.49 ounce
# 17: 2 carrots 0.89 lb 4 soda 1.49 ounce
# 18: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit 4 soda 1.49 ounce
# 19: 4 soda 1.49 ounce 4 soda 1.49 ounce
# 20: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit 4 soda 1.49 ounce
# 21: 1 banana 0.63 unit NA toothpaste 2.99 unit
# 22: 2 carrots 0.89 lb NA toothpaste 2.99 unit
# 23: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit NA toothpaste 2.99 unit
# 24: 4 soda 1.49 ounce NA toothpaste 2.99 unit
# 25: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit NA toothpaste 2.99 unit
# id name price unit i.price i.unit
Use this method if you need to combine columns from 2 tables based on one or more references without removing any row.
As we saw in the previous section, any of the prior operations can
keep the missing product_id = 6
and the
soda (product_id = 4
) as part of the
To save this problem, we can use the merge
function even
though it is lower than using the native data.table
joining syntax.
merge(x = Products,
y = ProductReceived,
by.x = "id",
by.y = "product_id",
all = TRUE,
sort = FALSE)
# id name price unit type id.y date count
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 2 2024-01-15 100
# 2: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 4 2024-01-29 150
# 3: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 6 2024-02-12 150
# 4: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural 9 2024-03-04 100
# 5: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 5 2024-02-05 50
# 6: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 7 2024-02-19 150
# 7: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural 8 2024-02-26 100
# 8: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed 10 2024-03-11 150
# 9: 4 soda 1.49 ounce processed NA <NA> NA
# 10: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed 1 2024-01-08 150
# 11: 6 <NA> NA <NA> <NA> 3 2024-01-22 100
A non-equi join is a type of join where the condition for matching
rows is based on comparison operators other than equality, such as
, >
, <=
, or
. This allows for more flexible joining
criteria. In data.table
, non-equi joins are
particularly useful for operations like:
It is a great alternative when, after applying a right or inner join, you:
) in the final result.To illustrate how this works, let’s focus on the sales and receives for product 2.
ProductSalesProd2 = ProductSales[product_id == 2L]
ProductReceivedProd2 = ProductReceived[product_id == 2L]
If want to know, for example, you can find any receive that took place before a sales date, we can apply the following.
on = "product_id",
allow.cartesian = TRUE
][date <]
# id date product_id count i.count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <int> <IDat> <int>
# 1: 5 2024-02-05 2 50 7 2024-02-06 150
What does happen if we just apply the same logic on the list passed
to on
As this operation is still a right join, it returns all rows from
the i
table, but only shows the values for id
and count
when the rules are met.
The date related ProductReceivedProd2
was omitted
from this new table.
on = list(product_id, date < date)]
# id date product_id count i.count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <int> <int>
# 1: NA 2024-01-11 2 NA 2 150
# 2: 5 2024-02-06 2 50 7 150
Now, after applying the join, we can limit the results only showing the cases that meet all joining criteria.
on = list(product_id, date < date),
nomatch = NULL]
# id date product_id count i.count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int> <int> <int>
# 1: 5 2024-02-06 2 50 7 150
When performing non-equi joins (<
, >
, >=
), column names are assigned as
column) determines the column name
in the result.i
column) contributes values but
does not retain its original
does not retain the
column used in the join condition unless explicitly
requested.In non-equi joins, the left side of the operator (e.g.,
in x_int >= i_int
) must be a column
from x
, while the right side (e.g., i_int
must be a column from i
Non-equi joins do not currently support arbitrary expressions (but
see #1639).
For example, on = .(x_int >= i_int)
is valid, but
on = .(x_int >= i_int + 1L)
is not. To perform such a
non-equi join, first add the expression as a new column,
e.g. i[, i_int_plus_one := i_int + 1L]
, then do
.on(x_int >= i_int_plus_one)
x <- data.table(x_int = 2:4, lower = letters[1:3])
i <- data.table(i_int = c(2L, 4L, 5L), UPPER = LETTERS[1:3])
x[i, on = .(x_int >= i_int)]
# x_int lower UPPER
# <int> <char> <char>
# 1: 2 a A
# 2: 2 b A
# 3: 2 c A
# 4: 4 c B
# 5: 5 <NA> C
Key Takeaways: - The name of the output column (x_int
comes from x
, but the values come from i_int
in i
. - The last row contains NA
because no
rows in x
match the last row in i
(UPPER == "C"
). - Multiple rows in x
returned to match the first row in i
UPPER == "A"
If you want to keep the i_int
column from
, you need to explicitly select it in the result:
x[i, on = .(x_int >= i_int), .(i_int = i.i_int, x_int = x.x_int, lower, UPPER)]
# i_int x_int lower UPPER
# <int> <int> <char> <char>
# 1: 2 2 a A
# 2: 2 3 b A
# 3: 2 4 c A
# 4: 4 4 c B
# 5: 5 NA <NA> C
Using prefixes (x.
and i.
) is not strictly
necessary in this case since the names are unambiguous, but using them
ensures the output clearly distinguishes i_int
) and x_int
(from x
If you want to exclude unmatched rows (an inner join), use
nomatch = NULL
Rolling joins are particularly useful in time-series data analysis. They allow you to match rows based on the nearest value in a sorted column, typically a date or time column.
This is valuable when you need to align data from different sources that may not have exact matching timestamps, or when you want to carry forward the most recent value.
For example, in financial data, you might use a rolling join to assign the most recent stock price to each transaction, even if the price updates and transactions don’t occur at the exact same times.
In our supermarket example, we can use a rolling join to match sales with the most recent product information.
Let’s assume that the price for Bananas and Carrots changes at the first date of each month.
ProductPriceHistory = data.table(
product_id = rep(1:2, each = 3),
date = rep(as.IDate(c("2024-01-01", "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01")), 2),
price = c(0.59, 0.63, 0.65, # Banana prices
0.79, 0.89, 0.99) # Carrot prices
# product_id date price
# <int> <IDat> <num>
# 1: 1 2024-01-01 0.59
# 2: 1 2024-02-01 0.63
# 3: 1 2024-03-01 0.65
# 4: 2 2024-01-01 0.79
# 5: 2 2024-02-01 0.89
# 6: 2 2024-03-01 0.99
Now, we can perform a right join giving a different price for each product based on the sale date.
on = .(product_id, date),
roll = TRUE,
j = .(product_id, date, count, price)]
# product_id date count price
# <int> <IDat> <int> <num>
# 1: 7 2024-01-08 50 NA
# 2: 2 2024-01-11 150 0.79
# 3: 1 2024-01-18 50 0.59
# 4: 1 2024-01-25 100 0.59
# 5: 3 2024-01-26 100 NA
# 6: 3 2024-02-02 150 NA
# 7: 2 2024-02-06 150 0.89
# 8: 7 2024-02-15 150 NA
# 9: 1 2024-02-27 150 0.63
# 10: 1 2024-03-08 50 0.65
If we just want to see the matching cases we just need to add the
argument nomatch = NULL
to perform an inner rolling
on = .(product_id, date),
roll = TRUE,
nomatch = NULL,
j = .(product_id, date, count, price)]
# product_id date count price
# <int> <IDat> <int> <num>
# 1: 2 2024-01-11 150 0.79
# 2: 1 2024-01-18 50 0.59
# 3: 1 2024-01-25 100 0.59
# 4: 2 2024-02-06 150 0.89
# 5: 1 2024-02-27 150 0.63
# 6: 1 2024-03-08 50 0.65
As we just saw in the prior section the x
table gets
filtered by the values available in the i
table. This
process is faster than passing a Boolean expression to the
To filter the x
table at speed we don’t need to pass a
complete data.table
, we can pass a list()
vectors with the values that we want to keep or omit from the original
For example, to filter dates where the market received 100 units of
bananas (product_id = 1
) or popcorn
(product_id = 3
) we can use the following:
ProductReceived[list(c(1L, 3L), 100L),
on = c("product_id", "count")]
# id date product_id count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int>
# 1: 2 2024-01-15 1 100
# 2: 9 2024-03-04 1 100
# 3: NA <NA> 3 100
As at the end, we are filtering based on a join operation the code
returned a row that was not present in original table.
To avoid that behavior, it is recommended to always add the argument
nomatch = NULL
ProductReceived[list(c(1L, 3L), 100L),
on = c("product_id", "count"),
nomatch = NULL]
# id date product_id count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int>
# 1: 2 2024-01-15 1 100
# 2: 9 2024-03-04 1 100
We can also use this technique to filter out any combination of
values by prefixing them with !
to negate the expression in
the i
argument and keeping the nomatch
its default value. For example, we can filter out the 2 rows we filtered
ProductReceived[!list(c(1L, 3L), 100L),
on = c("product_id", "count")]
# id date product_id count
# <int> <IDat> <int> <int>
# 1: 1 2024-01-08 NA 150
# 2: 3 2024-01-22 6 100
# 3: 4 2024-01-29 1 150
# 4: 5 2024-02-05 2 50
# 5: 6 2024-02-12 1 150
# 6: 7 2024-02-19 2 150
# 7: 8 2024-02-26 2 100
# 8: 10 2024-03-11 3 150
If you just want to filter a value for a single character
column, you can omit calling the list()
and pass the value to be filtered in the i
on = "name",
nomatch = NULL]
# id name price unit type
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char>
# 1: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 2: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed
on = "name"]
# id name price unit type
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char>
# 1: 1 banana 0.63 unit natural
# 2: 2 carrots 0.89 lb natural
# 3: 4 soda 1.49 ounce processed
# 4: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed
The :=
operator in data.table
is used for
updating or adding columns by reference. This means it modifies the
original data.table
without creating a copy, which is very
memory-efficient, especially for large datasets. When used inside a
, :=
allows you to add new
columns or modify existing ones as part of
your query.
Let’s update our Products
table with the latest price
from ProductPriceHistory
on = .(id = product_id),
j = `:=`(price = tail(i.price, 1),
last_updated = tail(, 1)),
by = .EACHI][]
# id name price unit type last_updated
# <int> <char> <num> <char> <char> <IDat>
# 1: 1 banana 0.65 unit natural 2024-03-01
# 2: 2 carrots 0.99 lb natural 2024-03-01
# 3: 3 popcorn 2.99 unit processed <NA>
# 4: 4 soda 1.49 ounce processed <NA>
# 5: NA toothpaste 2.99 unit processed <NA>
In this operation:
table, preventing modifications made by
from changing the original table by reference.Products
with ProductPriceHistory
based on id
and product_id
column with the latest price from
column to track when the
price was last = .EACHI
ensures that the tail
function is applied for each product in
.Understanding data.table Rolling Joins:
Semi-join with data.table:
Cross join with data.table:
How does one do a full join using data.table?:
Enhanced data.frame: