--- title: "Case converters" author: "Malte Grosser" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Caseconverters} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Basic examples Default case is snake case ```{r, collapse = TRUE} library(snakecase) to_any_case("veryComplicatedString") ``` Of course other cases are supported (`case`) and separators can be adjusted (`sep_out`) ```{r, collapse = TRUE} to_any_case(names(iris), sep_in = "\\.", case = "upper_camel", sep_out = " ") ``` And you might want to remove special characters along the way ```{r, collapse = TRUE} to_any_case("Doppelgänger is originally german", transliterations = "german", case = "upper_camel") ``` All of the cases like: snake, lower_camel, upper_camel, all_caps, lower_upper, upper_lower, mixed and sentence are based on parsed case ```{r, collapse = TRUE} to_any_case("THISIsHOW IAmPARSED!", case = "parsed") ``` Shortcut wrappers like `to_snake_case`, `to_lower_camel_case` etc. are available. Be aware that automatic case conversion depends on the input string and it is recommended to verify the results. So you might want to pipe these into `dput()` and hardcode name changes instead of blindly trusting `to_any_case()`'s output: ```{r, collapse = TRUE} dput(to_any_case(c("SomeBAdInput", "someGoodInput"))) ``` If you are interested in the design of this package, you can find more information on its [github page](https://github.com/Tazinho/snakecase).