Converting from RcppUpdated 13 hours ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from converting.Rmd in cpp11
cpp11 internalsUpdated 13 hours ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from internals.Rmd in cpp11
FAQUpdated 13 hours ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from FAQ.Rmd in cpp11
Get started with cpp11Updated 13 hours ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from cpp11.Rmd in cpp11
Motivations for cpp11Updated 13 hours ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from motivations.Rmd in cpp11
mirai - Minimalist Async Evaluation Framework for RUpdated 9 days ago

Charlie Gao

Rendered from mirai.Rmd in mirai
Programming on data.tableUpdated 19 days ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-programming.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Information for package authorsUpdated 24 days ago

Konrad Krämer

Rendered from InformationForPackageAuthors.Rmd in ast2ast 0.4.
Detailed DocumentationUpdated 24 days ago

Konrad Kraemer

Rendered from DetailedDocumentation.Rmd in ast2ast 0.4.
mirai - Databases and ArrowUpdated 26 days ago

Charlie Gao

Rendered from databases.Rmd in mirai
mirai - Torch IntegrationUpdated 26 days ago

Charlie Gao

Rendered from torch.Rmd in mirai
collapse and sfUpdated 1 months ago

Sebastian Krantz and Grant McDermott

Rendered from collapse_and_sf.Rmd in collapse 2.0.15.
Importing data.tableUpdated 1 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-importing.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Introduction to data.tableUpdated 1 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-intro.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Reference semanticsUpdated 1 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-reference-semantics.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
mirai - Parallel IntegrationUpdated 2 months ago

Charlie Gao

Rendered from parallel.Rmd in mirai
mirai - Plumber IntegrationUpdated 2 months ago

Charlie Gao

Rendered from plumber.Rmd in mirai
mirai - Promises IntegrationUpdated 2 months ago

Charlie Gao

Rendered from promises.Rmd in mirai
mirai - Shiny IntegrationUpdated 2 months ago

Charlie Gao

Rendered from shiny.Rmd in mirai
collapse for tidyverse UsersUpdated 2 months ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from collapse_for_tidyverse_users.Rmd in collapse 2.0.15.
Introduction to the fastverseUpdated 2 months ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from fastverse_intro.Rmd in fastverse 0.3.3.
dggridR: Discrete Global Grids for RUpdated 2 months ago

Richard Barnes

Rendered from dggridR.Rmd in dggridR 3.1.0.
igraph (interfaz R)Updated 2 months ago

Kirill Müller

Rendered from igraph_ES.rmd in igraph
igraph (R interface)Updated 2 months ago

Kirill Müller

Rendered from igraph.Rmd in igraph
collapse Documentation and ResourcesUpdated 2 months ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from collapse_documentation.Rmd in collapse 2.0.15.
collapse's Handling of R ObjectsUpdated 2 months ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from collapse_object_handling.Rmd in collapse 2.0.15.
collapse and data.tableUpdated 2 months ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from collapse_and_data.table.Rmd in collapse 2.0.15.
collapse and dplyrUpdated 2 months ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from collapse_and_dplyr.Rmd in collapse 2.0.15.
collapse and plmUpdated 2 months ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from collapse_and_plm.Rmd in collapse 2.0.15.
Introduction to collapseUpdated 2 months ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from collapse_intro.Rmd in collapse 2.0.15.
C++ APIUpdated 3 months ago

Ralf Stubner

Rendered from cpp-api.Rmd in dqrng 0.4.1.
Parallel RNG usageUpdated 3 months ago

Ralf Stubner

Rendered from parallel.Rmd in dqrng 0.4.1.
IntroductionUpdated 3 months ago

Gregory Demin

Rendered from Introduction.Rmd in maditr 0.8.4.
Efficient reshaping using data.tablesUpdated 3 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-reshape.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Frequently Asked Questions about data.tableUpdated 3 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-faq.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Keys and fast binary search based subsetUpdated 3 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-keys-fast-subset.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Using .SD for Data AnalysisUpdated 3 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-sd-usage.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Fast Pseudo Random Number Generators for RUpdated 3 months ago

Ralf Stubner

Rendered from dqrng.Rmd in dqrng 0.4.1.
PerformanceUpdated 3 months ago

Tian-Yuan Huang ([email protected])

Rendered from benchmark.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
introductionUpdated 5 months ago

Edzer Pebesma

Rendered from stars1.Rmd in stars 0.6-7.
stars data modelUpdated 5 months ago

Edzer Pebesma

Rendered from stars4.Rmd in stars 0.6-7.
Statistical modelling with stars objectsUpdated 5 months ago

Edzer Pebesma

Rendered from stars7.Rmd in stars 0.6-7.
Benchmarking data.tableUpdated 5 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-benchmarking.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Secondary indices and auto indexingUpdated 5 months ago

Tyson Barrett

Rendered from datatable-secondary-indices-and-auto-indexing.Rmd in data.table 1.15.99.
Fast Fixed-Effects Estimation: Short IntroductionUpdated 6 months ago

Laurent Berge and Grant McDermott

Rendered from fixest_walkthrough.Rmd in fixest 0.12.1.
Using Rust code in R packagesUpdated 6 months ago

Ilia Kosenkov

Rendered from package.Rmd in rextendr
Introducing MatrixExtraUpdated 6 months ago

David Cortes

Rendered from Introducing_MatrixExtra.Rmd in MatrixExtra 0.1.15.
tidyCpp MotivationUpdated 8 months ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from in tidyCpp 0.0.7.
On standard-errorsUpdated 8 months ago

Laurent Berge

Rendered from standard_errors.Rmd in fixest 0.12.1.
S3 vectorsUpdated 10 months ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from s3-vector.Rmd in vctrs
Prototypes and sizesUpdated 10 months ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from type-size.Rmd in vctrs
Get started with vroomUpdated 10 months ago

Jennifer Bryan

Rendered from vroom.Rmd in vroom
Exporting estimation tablesUpdated 11 months ago

Laurent Berge

Rendered from exporting_tables.Rmd in fixest 0.12.1.
Multiple estimationsUpdated 11 months ago

Laurent Berge

Rendered from multiple_estimations.Rmd in fixest 0.12.1.
Fast sampling methodsUpdated 11 months ago

Ralf Stubner

Rendered from sample.Rmd in dqrng 0.4.1.
geodistUpdated 11 months ago

Mark Padgham

Rendered from geodist.Rmd in geodist 0.1.0.
vector-raster conversions, reprojection, warpingUpdated 12 months ago

Edzer Pebesma

Rendered from stars5.Rmd in stars 0.6-7.
How raster functions map to stars functionsUpdated 12 months ago

Sébastien Rochette, Adriano Fantini, Edzer Pebesma

Rendered from stars6.Rmd in stars 0.6-7.
Guide to odin docsUpdated 12 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from guide.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
xts FAQUpdated 12 months ago

Joshua M. Ulrich

Rendered from xts-faq.Rnw in xts 0.14.1.
stringfishUpdated 1 years ago

Travers Ching

Rendered from vignette.rmd in stringfish 0.16.0.
odinUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from odin.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
Examples and RecipesUpdated 1 years ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from recipes.Rmd in clock
Frequently Asked QuestionsUpdated 1 years ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from faq.Rmd in clock
Using qsUpdated 1 years ago

Travers Ching

Rendered from vignette.rmd in qs 0.26.3.
Setting up a Rust build environmentUpdated 1 years ago

Claus O. Wilke

Rendered from setting_up_rust.Rmd in rextendr
debuggingUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from debugging.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
TranslationUpdated 1 years ago

Hadley Wickham

Rendered from translation.Rmd in dtplyr
Type and size stabilityUpdated 1 years ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from stability.Rmd in vctrs
NetCDF Proxy WorkflowsUpdated 2 years ago

David Blodgett

Rendered from stars8.Rmd in stars 0.6-7.
cppRoutingUpdated 2 years ago

Vincent Larmet

Rendered from cppRouting.Rmd in cppRouting 3.1.
stars tidyverse methodsUpdated 2 years ago

Edzer Pebesma

Rendered from stars3.Rmd in stars 0.6-7.
stars proxy objectsUpdated 2 years ago

Edzer Pebesma

Rendered from stars2.Rmd in stars 0.6-7.
odin discrete modelsUpdated 2 years ago

Thibaut Jombart, Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from discrete.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
odin functionsUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from functions.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
Vroom BenchmarksUpdated 2 years ago

Jennifer Bryan

Rendered from benchmarks.Rmd in vroom
Use data.table the tidy way: An ultimate tutorial of tidyfstUpdated 2 years ago

Tian-Yuan Huang

Rendered from english_tutorial.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
Using table.expressUpdated 2 years ago

Alexis Sarda-Espinosa

Rendered from in 0.4.2.
Printing vectors nicely in tibblesUpdated 2 years ago

Kirill Müller, Hadley Wickham

Rendered from pillar.Rmd in vctrs
rrapply: cheat sheetUpdated 2 years ago

Joris Chau

Rendered from rrapply_cheatsheet.Rnw in rrapply 1.2.7.
Example 1: Basic usageUpdated 2 years ago

Tian-Yuan Huang

Rendered from example1_intro.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
Example 2: Join tablesUpdated 2 years ago

Tian-Yuan Huang

Rendered from example2_join.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
Example 3: ReshapeUpdated 2 years ago

Tian-Yuan Huang

Rendered from example3_reshape.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
Example 4: NestUpdated 2 years ago

Tian-Yuan Huang

Rendered from example4_nest.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
Example 5: FstUpdated 2 years ago

Tian-Yuan Huang

Rendered from example5_fst.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
Example 6: DtUpdated 2 years ago

Tian-Yuan Huang

Rendered from example6_dt.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
parallelDist vignetteUpdated 2 years ago

Alexander Eckert

Rendered from parallelDist.Rnw in parallelDist 0.2.6.
Joining verbs for data.tableUpdated 3 years ago

Alexis Sarda-Espinosa

Rendered from joins.Rmd in 0.4.2.
Getting StartedUpdated 3 years ago

Davis Vaughan

Rendered from clock.Rmd in clock
Summarizing categorical dataUpdated 3 years ago

Daniel Baston

Rendered from vig2_categorical.Rmd in exactextractr 0.10.0.
Summarizing gridded population dataUpdated 3 years ago

Daniel Baston

Rendered from vig1_population.Rmd in exactextractr 0.10.0.
Do more with dates and times in RUpdated 4 years ago

Vitalie Spinu

Rendered from lubridate.Rmd in lubridate
Introducing magrittrUpdated 4 years ago

Stefan Milton Bache

Rendered from magrittr.Rmd in magrittr
Design tradeoffsUpdated 4 years ago

Hadley Wickham, Lionel Henry

Rendered from tradeoffs.Rmd in magrittr
Introduction to nanotimeUpdated 4 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from nanotime-introduction.Rnw in nanotime
tidyfst包实例分析Updated 4 years ago

Tian-Yuan Huang

Rendered from chinese_tutorial.Rmd in tidyfst 1.7.9.
Rcpp-librariesUpdated 4 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-libraries.Rnw in Rcpp
Function referenceUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Schumacher

Rendered from function-reference.Rmd in armacmp
Rcpp-attributesUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-attributes.Rnw in Rcpp
Rcpp-extendingUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-extending.Rnw in Rcpp
Rcpp-FAQUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-FAQ.Rnw in Rcpp
Rcpp-introductionUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-introduction.Rnw in Rcpp
Rcpp-JSS-2011Updated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-jss-2011.Rnw in Rcpp
Rcpp-modulesUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-modules.Rnw in Rcpp
Rcpp-packageUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-package.Rnw in Rcpp
Rcpp-quickrefUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-quickref.Rnw in Rcpp
Rcpp-sugarUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from Rcpp-sugar.Rnw in Rcpp
Mathematical optimizationUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Schumacher

Rendered from mathematical-optimization.Rmd in armacmp
matrixStats: Summary of functionsUpdated 5 years ago

Henrik Bengtsson

Rendered from in matrixStats 1.3.0-9004.
Introduction to anytimeUpdated 5 years ago

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Rendered from anytime-introduction.Rnw in anytime
Introducing the snakecase packageUpdated 5 years ago

Malte Grosser

Rendered from introducing-the-snakecase-package.Rmd in snakecase 0.11.1.
xts: Extensible Time SeriesUpdated 5 years ago

Joshua M. Ulrich

Rendered from xts.Rnw in xts 0.14.1.
Algorithms and Benchmarks for the coop PackageUpdated 5 years ago

Drew Schmidt

Rendered from algos.Rnw in coop 0.6-3.
Introducing coop: Fast Covariance, Correlation, and Cosine OperationsUpdated 5 years ago

Drew Schmidt

Rendered from coop.Rnw in coop 0.6-3.
Data TransferUpdated 6 years ago

John M Chambers

Rendered from dataTransfer.Rmd in XRJulia 0.9.0.
RJournal 6 111-122 (2014)Updated 6 years ago

Mark van der Loo

Rendered from RJournal_6_111-122-2014.Rnw in stringdist 0.9.12.
stringdist C/C++ APIUpdated 6 years ago

Mark van der Loo

Rendered from stringdist_C-Cpp_api.Rnw in stringdist 0.9.12.
Case convertersUpdated 6 years ago

Malte Grosser

Rendered from caseconverters.Rmd in snakecase 0.11.1.
Julia in RMarkdownUpdated 7 years ago

Changcheng Li

Rendered from Julia_in_RMarkdown.Rmd in JuliaCall 0.17.5.
JuliaCall in Jupyter R NotebookUpdated 7 years ago

Changcheng Li

Rendered from JuliaCall_in_Jupyter_R_Notebook.Rmd in JuliaCall 0.17.5.
Kevin Sahr's DGGRID ManualUpdated 8 years ago

Sebastian Krantz

Rendered from dggrid_v62_manual.pdf.asis in dggridR 3.1.0.